Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B45B. Cold bull. 33.-.36.

A bull or cow is the epitome of cold, the reason why winter is cold.

Kazakhs, Altaians, Tuvans, Mongols, Tundra and Forest Nenets, all (?) Yakuts.

Turkestan. The Kazakhs [Urkör (Pleiades) consisted of 12 stars, it was eternal winter; the animals decided to catch W., chased; the horse caught four stars, trampled; the camel - two; six fell under the hooves cows, but because of their duality, they slipped out and escaped; therefore, six months in winter; to angry animals, the cow replied that it is better to walk in the freezing cold than in the heat; cows are not afraid of frost]: Potanin 1972:54-55; (cf. Dähnhardt 1910 [at first, the Kazakhs had only bulls; their horns and tails were decorated with owl feathers; people asked God to make horses out of the wind; people let the cow and horse race; both tired; calling the marmot smelly, the cow asked him where the water was; he showed her rotten water; the horse turned politely, the marmot showed it clean water; because the horse had drunk clean water, it runs faster than a cow]: 512).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians [Mechin consisted of 12 stars, it descended to the ground in summer; if in a swampy place, summer was rainy, if it was dry, everything burned out from the heat; the Cow and the Horse noticed Mechin, the Cow crushed the stars with its hoof, but 6 got out, returned to heaven; if all 12 stars had been crushed, winter would not be so cold]: Katash 1978:18-19; Tuvans [constellation Ugar used to be on earth ; The Horse and the Cow were arguing about who to crush him; The cow came first, W. went to heaven through a split hoof]: Potanin 1883, No. 37v: 203; Khalkha Mongols (Dunsurun) [two brothers want to destroy the third, hard-working; he leaves; consistently meets and comrades 1) listening to the conversation of sinners in hell; 2) easily catching up with an antelope; 3) knocking down a star from the sky with an arrow; 4) a thief, unnoticed stealing eggs from under a female crow; 5) piling mountains on top of each other; 6) drinking and belching the sea; the hero returns to his brothers, who became khans; the thief replaces kegs with good and poisoned with wine (one khan survives); the strongman wins the fight; the rest learn about an attempt to blow them up in the palace, prevent it; becomes the seven stars of the Ursa Major; it was cold, it was 7 in Mechin (Pleiades) stars; twin brothers steal one, it gets warmer; the stolen star is visible from the second bucket star]: Benningsen 1912:55-57; the Mongols (central Mongolia) [Michigan (Pleiades) was underground/in the ground (? ) ; there were 8 suns on earth; a Mongolian cow was thirsty, stepped on the star Michigan with its hoof, which rose to heaven, it became cold; since then it is said that the Mongols made the earth cold; this the star only happens in winter]: The Mongolian expedition of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Western August 23, 2007; the Mongols [(according to a Mongolian publication); the old man of Cold and the old man of Heat began to measure their strength; The cold froze everything for 9 days; He put the giant Ox as his protector; the heat melted everything in 8 days, but snow remained under the Ox's hooves; The heat hit him furiously on his hooves, so the hooves of cattle were split; I had to admit that the forces of Cold and Heat are equal, they divided the year in half]: Taube 2004, No. 5:19; the Oirats (durbuts) [when the Mechin (Pleiades) was on earth, it was eternal warmth; Camel and Cow they thought to crush him; Camel has a wide leg, but the Cow came first; M. slipped through her split hoof, went to heaven; when it rises (i.e. in winter) it was cold], 37b [Mechin let snow, hunger, pestilence on cattle; hid in ash; The cow came before Camel; M. divided into 6 stars, went to heaven; that's why it's cold; the camel still falls into ash, thinks to crush M.]: Potanin 1883, No. 37a: 203.

Western Siberia. Nenets: Lekhtisalo 1998:16 [the sorcerer Vyrir rose to heaven alive and now travels with thunderstorm spirits; he said that thunderstorm spirits have one arm, one leg and one eye; during a thunderstorm they oppose the Nordic Ox, but cannot kill him, and their arrows hiss into the water; the Ox fights them with water; when the spirits of the thunderstorm are hit, the north wind drives them with rain in the form of rare clouds to a warm country; if the Ox is defeated, the spirits of the thunderstorm allow the stuffy air to rise; then there is a bad year and many diseases], 22 [The bull of the northern country has the appearance of a person or wild deer, lives on the northern edge of the sky; forest yuraks say that when they shake off their backs to allow their hair to sleep, it snows; breathes cold; sometimes they also talk about the Warm Ox on the southern edge of the sky; it sends warmth, southern wind, rain and snow during a thaw].

Eastern Siberia. Yakuts (probably all groups): Seroshevsky 1896 ["Frost is like a bull and two horns; one breaks on the first Athanasius (March 5), the other horn on the second Athanasius (April 24), and on the third Athanasia (May 14) and the whole body falls off", according to both the northern and southern Yakuts"]: 27; Ergis 1974 [the personification of winter is a bull]: 123; Yakuts (no place of recording) [1) every autumn from A winter bull comes out of the Arctic Ocean; it brings cold and hunger; in spring, by Afanasiev's day, one horn breaks, and by Afanasiev's 2nd, the second horn; "The winter bull comes out of the ocean with a foggy breathing, in frosty Doha, with an icy nose, with eyes like an ice-hole, with pre-line sonorous horns, with a body that blocks the sun, frost in the armpits, with matinees in groins, with a pack of diseases, with torokami for a cold..."; 2) Yurung Ayyy Toyon created the world, asked the man if he would like a long winter or a long summer; he gave the Stallion and the Ox the right to choose; the Ox wished him a long winter, because he had a long winter in summer his nose gets wet; the stallion kicked the Ox for this, knocking out all his front teeth; in response, the Ox butted the Stallion, piercing his gallbladder; since then, winter is longer than summer, cattle have no front teeth, and horses have no front teeth, and horses have no front teeth bile (retelling in Ergis 1974:149)]: Kulakovsky 1979:45-46, 73; Central Yakuts (Nemyuginsky Nasleg of Khangalassky Ulus, 1934) [God asks a man whether to make winter or summer long; he suggests asking a stallion and a bull; a stallion wants a long summer, his hooves freeze in winter; a bull in winter, his nose gets wet in the heat; God does what wants the Ox; the stallion kicked him, knocking out his upper teeth; the Ox butted, pierced the bile; horses now have no bile, cattle have front teeth]: Ergis 1964, No. 37:107 (summary in Ergis 1967a, No. 69:174; retelling to Sivtsev-Omolloon 1976:27; Sivtsev, Efremov 1990:18).