Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B46A. The separated Pleiades star .

One of the stars of the Pleiades was separated from the others (usually kidnapped by the stars of the Ursa Major and identified with Alcor).

Ancient India (Kashmiris), Bulgarians, Macedonians, Ancient Greece, Kalmyks, Kumyks, Nogais, Turks, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, Altaians, Teleuts, Tuvans, Khakas, Khalkha Mongols, northeastern Yakuts.

South Asia. Nepal [Swasthani, listed in Sanskrit in 1573; the story is structured as a dialogue between Shiva and Parvati); Agni could not swallow the fruit, spit it it it out; the fruit caught fire, formed a fire; one of the wives of seven wise men, Saptarishi told me to beware of him, the other six came up and became pregnant; their husbands drove them away; they miscarried on the banks of the Ganges, they rose to heaven, became the constellation of Shatkarttika or Criticism]: Shrestha 1996:12-13; Hinduism: Vasilkov 2015 [Shatapatha Brahmana (no later than 6th century BC); "After all, they (the Critics, i.e. Pleiades stars) were formerly wives of the Bears: for the Seven Rishis They were originally called Bears. (But) they (the Crittics) were forbidden to (continue) marital relations (with their husbands); and (now) the Seven Rishis go back to the north, and they (the Critics) go back to the east..." "Agni them (Critic) lover"; the Mahabharata and Puranas add, or at least for the first time, the motif of the star Alcor as an element associated with the Pleiades; Alcor is Arundhati, a faithful wife Vasishthi's rishi, who remained with him (i.e. under the star Mitsar), while the wives of the other six rishis, after committing real or mental adultery with God Agni, were expelled by their husbands and formed Pleiades constellation; Agni was considered his patron; during the wedding ritual, the newlywed, when asked if she saw Alcor, had to answer "I see", thereby declaring loyalty to her husband; this custom persisted in many parts of India, and some other newlyweds were required to look at the North Star as a symbol of consistency]: 15-16; Allen 1899 [seven female Pleiades stars are married to seven Rishi ( Ursa Major stars); when they entered the house, the newlyweds first addressed them, then the North Star]: 404; (cf. Kashmiris [Alcor (arundati) is considered the wife of seven rishis (Ursa Major)]: Grierson 1932:44).

The Balkans. The Bulgarians [Ursa Major is "haiduks"; the Haiduks stole one of the Pleiades stars (vlaite); now it is the weak star (obviously Alcor) of the Ursa Major; the Pleiades are still behind them chasing]: Mladenova 2005:80; Macedonians [7 stars Ursa Major - Aramiya, Ajduci {haiduks}, Komiti (fighters against Turks); Alcor is the child they stole; in Orasha: Aramiit stole a sheep from their godfather and carry; or stole one of the Pleiades sisters (Vlascite)]: Tsenev 2004:76, 81-83; Ancient Greece [The Pleiades are the seven daughters of Titan Atlanta from the Oceanid Pleion; all sisters were combined with gods, and Meropa married the mortal Sisyphus; she is hardly visible because she is ashamed of it]: Pa. -Eratosth. 23.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [a righteous boy sheltered a Gelung monk; the boy is instructed to follow the camel; the 7 thieves he meets ask for information about their future rebirth; answer: they must turn into 7 stars; in front of the boy, thieves turn into stars (Ursa Major) and at the same time steal one of the Pleiades stars (Mchn); the stolen star is near the third of the seven stars; if only a star The pleiades were not stolen, all living things would freeze in winter]: Bakaeva 2009:68; Kumyks: Khalidova 2012, No. 29 [Ulkerler consisted of seven stars (six brothers and sister), and Etty Yulduzlar consisted of six stars- brothers; brothers kidnapped sister star and Ulkerler, now 6 stars in the Pleiades and 7 in Ursa Major; they appear at opposite ends of the sky, W. chase kidnappers]: 51, 229 [seven The Ettiler brothers kidnapped the sister of the seven Ulkerler brothers; then sent a representative to offer peace; Ulkerler refused, still being persecuted by Ettiler; a twinkling star in Ettiler {apparently Alcor} - kidnapped girl]; Nogais [The Pleiades consisted of six siblings and the Ursa Major consisted of six brothers; they kidnapped Sister Pleiades, the Ursa Major had seven stars, the constellation called Ettegen]: Gamzatov, Dalgat 1991:305; Turks [Seven Big Dipper Brothers stole Pleiades's daughter; the legend has been recorded twice in southern Turkey but is likely to have more wide distribution]: Mladenova 2006:81.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Abishev 1949 [Zheti Karakshy (seven stars of the Ursa Major) is credited with stealing his daughter from the Pleiades; the Arabs called the big star of the bucket handle Mitsar (horse), and the small star Alcor (rider); y Kazakhs Alkor is a kidnapped girl]: 12-14; Valikhanov 1985 [Big Dipper - Jets Karakchi; these are the souls of seven robbers who stole during the day and repented of their sins at night, were converted for this after death seven stars; seven thieves have a kidnapped daughter Pleiades; the Pleiades (Urker) pursue Seven thieves to save their daughter]: 57; Potanin 1883, No. 35k (at v. Semiyarskaya on the Irtysh) [The Jety-Karaksha had seven brothers; they stole one of their two daughters from Urker (Pleiades); the stolen name was Kalpe, the rest of Zurya]: 200, 784 [(according to Valikhanov, hand); Big Dipper - Jets Karachi, the souls of seven robbers who stole during the day and repented at night, for which they were turned into stars after death; these seven thieves have a kidnapped daughter Pleiades]; 1972b, No. 6 [Big Dipper - Alty Karakchi; the seventh, smaller star is princess; the thief closest to her will marry her]: 55; Karakalpaks [Urker girl together with her forty girls, were attacked by thousands of troops; 40 girls could not resist their enemies, asked Allah for help; angels took the girls to heaven, this cluster is called Urker { Pleiades}; but W.'s only younger sister remained in the hands of enemies; Urker asked Allah to return her sister; when the angel and younger sister almost reached W., the famous seven robbers {7 stars of the Ursa Major} in the sky and began to beg: we have no one to cook and do laundry, please give the girl for one of us; with the consent of his younger sister W., married her with one of the robbers]: Aimbetov 2014b: 27-28; Kyrgyz: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1963 [seven robbers kidnapped Pleiades's daughter, asked the North Star for help; she told the Pleiades that they, if they wanted, they can try to get their daughter back themselves; since then, the Seven (Ursa Major) has been circling the North Star, hiding the kidnapped, the Pleiades have been pursuing them]: 340-341; 1989 [seven robbers kidnapped the Pleiades daughter; The Golden Cole refused to catch up with them, the Pleiades are still chasing the Seven Robbers (Big Dipper), who hide the kidnapped; after losing their daughter, the Pleiades radiate only cold from grief; when seen in the sky, the nights are cold]: 373-374.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians: Verbitsky (words Altaisk and Aladag dialect, 411) [seven tsars (Jetti-gan) did not have a cook; they stole one person from Ulker (Pleiades) for this position; now he is separate an asterisk in the tail of the Ursa Major; Ulker and Jetti-gan still shy away from each other] in Potanin 1899:574; Garf, Kuciyak 1978 [seven brothers rise to heaven; Ulker-Kaan agrees to give her daughter Altyn solons to the one who gets a giant maral with horns with seventy processes; the younger brother receives A.; the heavenly army attacks the earth; the brothers and A. return to heaven, turn into seven stars, next to the youngest - A.; W. tries to enter from the rear, but they always turn to face him]: 196-204; Potanin 1883, No. 35c [The Pleiades were Kurt-Chulmus ("damn worm"), who was on the ground, ate people and cattle; Dzhetygan (Ursa Major) descended to the ground on horseback to kill the monster; the horse must crush it with its hoof, but a cow stepped on Kurt-Chulmus and the monster slipped over her forked hoof ; J. managed to take only one of the seven Shulmus, which consisted of the enemy, to heaven; since then, the Pleiades have been chasing J. forever, and he runs away with his head thrown back], 35i (Zap. Yadrintsev in Russian Altai) [The Big Dipper is called Titagan, seven rulers; T. took one small star from Mechin (Pleiades)]: 194, 200; Sadalova 1989 [Constellation The Seven Caans were stolen by one of the Pleiades, so he only follows so that the Pleiades do not find it missing]: 89-90; 2002, No. 22 [seven orphan brothers come to the Kaan; he allows them to eat enough, they are in a day they eat a mare; everyone answers the kaan what he is intended for (to transport others across the river; to steal deftly; to protect others from war, fire; a sharpshooter; will catch what falls from the sky; kaan promises to make them kaans themselves if they bring another kaan's wife from overseas; because of their abilities, they fulfill the condition; by becoming Kaans, they torment other peoples; Yuch-Kurbustan turns them into seven stars; fighting the Pleiades, they take one star, it is sometimes visible; the UK tells them to circle around the Golden Stake Star forever]: 215-223; Teleuts [Dzhetygan (Ursa Major) and Ukur-Gan (Pleiades; letters. "The Cow Tsar", Potanin 1899:574) were khans; the first had six stars, the second had seven; J. took one star from W.; this is the star that can be seen in Dzhetygan's tail]: Potanin 1883, No. 35a: 193; Tuvans [swords (Pleiades) were called the constellation of women; it used to have 7 stars, now 6; Dolan Burkhan (Ursa Major) took one; after that, it became warmer on earth]: Dyakonova 1976: 286; Khakas [Khan-Chigetey is the father of the Pleiades; once seven Khan brothers stole one of his daughters; he rushed in pursuit, but the brothers on the mirrored surface of Heavenly Lake Tigir Köl climbed the sky turned into seven stars of Ursa Major; HC shot them with a bow and nailed them to the sky with an arrow; since then, Ursa Major has been circling around the HC arrow, which became the North Star; Alcor - HC's stolen daughter; the remaining 6 sisters are the Pleiades; HC himself has become the constellation of Boopas and is always chasing Ursa Major; when he catches up with seven Khan brothers, the last year of peace will come]: Butanayev 2003:48; Khalha Mongols (Dunsurun) [two brothers want to destroy a third, hard-working man; he leaves; consistently meets and comrades 1) listening to a conversation between sinners in hell; 2) easily catching up with an antelope; 3) knocking down stars from the sky with an arrow; 4) a thief quietly stealing eggs from under a female crow; 5) piling mountains on top of each other; 6) drinking and belching the sea; the hero returns to brothers, they became khans; the thief replaces kegs of good and poisoned wine (one khan survives); the strongman wins the fight; the rest learn about the attempt to blow them up in the palace, prevent it; becomes seven stars Ursa Major; it was cold, Mechin (Pleiades) had 7 stars; twins steal one, it's getting warmer; the stolen star (Alcor) is visible from the second bucket star]: Benningsen 1912:55-57.

Eastern Siberia. The North-Eastern (Verkhoyan) Yakuts [the Yakut said: "About 20 years ago, Cholbon (Venus) hit the Pleiades and stole one star, so now there are only seven left"]: Khudyakov 1969:279.