B46a1. The Big Dipper is robbers .
The stars of the Ursa Major are thieves or robbers.
Basques, Italians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Kalmyks, Kumyks, Nogais, Turks, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, Altaians, Khakas.
Southern Europe. Basques [Big Dipper: Seven Thieves, Five Stars, Six Stars, Chicken with Chickens {clearly transferred from the Pleiades}, Shepherd with a Key, Herd of Oxen, Oxen Thief; Little Bear:" Seven Stars", "Seven Thieves", "Seven Goats"]: Knörr 2001:412
The Balkans. Greeks [Ursa Major - "robbers"]: Mladenova 2005:80; Bulgarians [Big Dipper - "haiduks"; Haiduks stole one of the Pleiades stars (vlasite); now it's weak Star (obviously Alcor) Ursa Major; Pleiades are still chasing them]: Mladenova 2005:80; Macedonians [=Cenev 2014:187-188; 7 stars Ursa Major - Aramiya, Ajduci {haiduks}, Komiti (fighters against Turks); Alcor is a child they stole; in Orache: Aramiit stole a sheep from their godfather and carries it with them; or one of the Pleiades sisters (Vlascite) was stolen]: Tsenev 2004:76, 81-83.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [a righteous boy sheltered a Gelung monk; the boy is instructed to follow the camel; the 7 thieves he meets ask for information about their future rebirth; answer: they must turn into 7 stars; in front of the boy, thieves turn into stars (Ursa Major) and at the same time steal one of the Pleiades stars (Mchn); the stolen star is near the third of the seven stars; if only a star The Pleiades were not stolen, all living things would freeze in winter]: Bakayeva 2009:68; Kumyks, Nogais [The Pleiades consisted of six brothers and sisters, and the Big Dipper consisted of six brothers; they kidnapped Sister Pleiades, Ursa Major has seven stars, the constellation is called Ettegen]: Gamzatov, Dalgat 1991:305; Nogais [Ursa Major - "seven horse thieves", "seven robbers"; they chase Ak-at and Kok-at (two stars of the Ursa Minor bucket) all night long; they are tied to the North Star (Temirkazyk is an "iron stake")]: Kapayev 2012:172; Turks [Seven Big Brothers Female bears stole the daughter of the Pleiades; the legend has been recorded twice in southern Turkey, but is likely to be more widespread]: Mladenova 2006:81.
Iran - Central Asia. Uzbeks [Big Dipper - Yetti Karakchi ("seven robbers")]: Kary-Niyazov, Borovkov 1942:229.
Turkestan. Kazakhs: Abishev 1949 [Ak boz at, kτk boz at - White gelding and Grey gelding, entangled with a rope, the end of which is tied to the Iron Cola (North Star), graze in the meadow; they are guarded by a watchman ; Seven horse thieves (Big Dipper) want to steal this end and watch them all night; the same Zheti Karakshy is credited with stealing his daughter from the Pleiades; the Arabs called the big star of the bucket handle Mizar (horse), and the little one is Alcor (rider); the Kazakhs have Alcor a kidnapped girl]: 12-14; Kuftin 1916 [Ak-boz-at and Kok-boz-at horses (white and blue, the two extreme stars) walk around Temir-Kasyk (North Star) on the arcana]: 12-14; Kuftin 1916 Ursa Minor); seven thieves (Jetty Karakchi, seven stars of Ursa Major) try to untie them; when one gets rid of it, the world will end]: 126; Nurzhanova 1971:234 [Big Dipper - Zheti Karakshi - "seven robbers", Jeti Kart - "seven elders"]; Potanin 1883, No. 35k (near art. Semiyarskaya on the Irtysh) [The Jety-Karaksha had seven brothers; they stole one of their two daughters from Urker (Pleiades); the stolen name was Kalpe, the rest of Zurya]: 200, 784 [(according to Valikhanov, hand); Big Dipper - Jets Karachi, the souls of seven robbers who stole during the day and repented at night, for which they were turned into stars after death; these seven thieves have a kidnapped daughter Pleiades]; 1893:319 [(near Petropavlovsk); a rich man did not sell his horse for any money; chained him with an iron chain to Temir Kazyk (North Star); he watched day and night, alternating with his daughter; seven people have conspired to steal a horse, this is Jety-Karak ("seven thieves", B. Bear)], 321 [Naarun-Zarkum owned many horses; the black mare brought a foal every night, but it was always kidnapped by someone; young Gali, N.'s son, watched and shot a monstrous bird; grows up, rides that mare's foal to marry the bride; puts an iron stake in the field, ties a horse to it, puts seven scarecrows around (jety karakchi); every day he finds a horse on the spot, and thieves find only a stake and a scarecrow; one day everything disappears; the bride says that the thieves, through prayer, have approved the stake (North Star), the horse and the scarecrow (Little Bear) in the sky; the horse is waiting for the owner; when he comes, the world will end]; 1972b No. 6 [Big Dipper - Alty Karakchi; the seventh, smaller star is princess; the thief closest to her will marry her]: 55; Chuloshnikov 1924 [Polyarnaya the star is Temir-Kassyk ("iron stake"); "two white horses" are tied to him on a rope; if one unties, the world is over; Jets Karakchi ("seven thieves"), seven stars of the Ursa Major, are trying to untie them; these are the souls of seven robbers who stole during the day and repented of their sins at night; for this they were turned into stars after death; Kazakhs did not know other non-passing stars]: 243; Svyatsky 1961 [(said the teacher A.B. Baitursunov from Orenburg in 1910); The North Star is a stake to which two horses, light and pale (Ursa Minor), are tied to an arcana; they walk around a stake, and seven thieves (Ursa Major) seek to steal them; when stolen, the world will end]: 112; Karakalpaks [Big Dipper - "seven robbers"]: Baskakov 1967:418; Karakalpaks [North Star - Temirkazyk zhuldyzy ( "iron stake, horse riding"); two horses (these are two stars) are attached to it: white (ak) and blue (kk); they are constantly moving around Horse Riding; there are 7 robber stars next to it (Big Bear); one day, a peri came to the Horseback to say that 7 robbers were going to steal those horses; Allah gathers angels and orders the robbers to be frozen; if they steal horses, the prophet in the future will be left without horses; horses are still in place]: Alimbetov 2014 (vols. 77-80): 26-27; Karakalpaks [Urker girl and her forty girls were attacked by thousands of troops; 40 the girls could not resist their enemies, asked Allah for help; the angels took the girls to heaven, this cluster is called Urker {Pleiades}; but W.'s only younger sister remained in the hands of enemies; Urker she asked Allah to return her sister; when the angel and younger sister almost reached W., seven robbers in the sky {7 stars of the Ursa Major} appeared in front of him and began to beg: we have There is no one to cook and do laundry, please give the girl for one of us; with the consent of younger sister W., married her to one of the robbers]: Aimbetov 2014b: 27-28; Kyrgyz: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1963 [seven robbers kidnapped the Pleiades daughter, asked the North Star for help; she told the Pleiades that they could try to get their daughter back themselves if they wanted; since then, the Seven (Ursa Major) circling around the North Star, hiding the kidnapped, the Pleiades chase them]: 340-341; 1989 [seven thieves kidnapped the Pleiades Daughter; the Golden Cole refused to catch up with them, the Pleiades are still chasing the Family Robbers (Ursa Major) who hide the kidnapped; after losing a daughter, the Pleiades radiate only cold from grief; when seen in the sky, the nights are cold]: 373-374.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians: Katash 1978 [seven khans robbed, they were Big Mouth, Long Arm, Sorcerer, Slukhach, Runner, Strongman, Big Eye; each saved everyone using their abilities (e.g. Big Eye his mouth drank water, spewed it in a hot furnace); Pure spirit (= Ulgen) forced them to commit suicide, they became the stars of B. Bears (Jeti Kaan)]: 10; Khakas [Khan-Chigetey is the father of the Pleiades; once seven Khan brothers stole one of his daughters; he rushed in pursuit, but brothers on the mirrored surface of Sky Lake Tigir köl rose to heaven and turned into seven stars of Ursa Major; HC shot them with a bow and nailed them to the sky with an arrow; since then, the Ursa Major has been circling around the HC arrow, which became Polar star; Alcor is the stolen daughter of HC; the remaining 6 sisters are the Pleiades; HC himself has become the constellation of Boopas and is forever chasing the Ursa Major; when he catches up with seven Khan brothers, the last one will come year of peace]: Butanayev 2003:48.