Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

B46B. Seven star sisters.


Each of the seven main stars of Ursa Major is a separate female character. {Included in the online database, but not in the correlation table in *sav)}.

Syrian Bedouins, Central Arabian Bedouins, Chuan Miao, Greeks (Rhodes, Cyprus), Armenians, Kafirs, Kazan Tatars, Chuvash, Bashkirs, Tofalars, Winnebago, Kiowa, Yuki.

Western Asia. Syrian Bedouins [seven daughters of Naha (Nach) found their father's corpse, accused of killing Goat (North Star); the real killer is Canopus; two stars of Ursa Minor (farthest from Polyarnaya) are trying to resolve the conflict, but the sisters don't listen, continue to pursue the North Star]: Vernier 1938:200 in Henninger 1954:91; the Bedouins of central Arabia [seven stars Ursa Major - seven sisters; Goat (North Star) stole one of them, killed their father, took refuge with el-Howeigisen (stars β and γ Ursa Minor); the sisters put their father's body on a stretcher, buried them, went carrying stretcher, take revenge on Goat; he said the killer was Suheil (Canopus); the sisters went to Canopus, but he said that the killer was Goat; they returned to him, but El-Howeigisen did not allow them to see him get closer]: Hess in Henninger 1954:92.

China - Korea. Chuan miao [a poor orphan lives with his uncle, looks at the sky at night, asks the Lord of Heaven to help him; a (woman) star descended from heaven for one night; so three nights in a row {it is possible that every two stars descended at night - a star fell down, then another}; then the youngest, seventh, sister came down; he hides her in a pigsty; his aunt finds her, offers to kick her nephew out; the star leads him up the mountain into the forest; on the way she cooks rice, putting one grain; at her request, her brothers went down and built a house; the Star orders to invite the landowner to visit; he offers to swap wives, the Star advises to agree, an orphan gets seven wives in exchange for one; a star flies to heaven, destroying a house, the landowner wakes up on bare ground, becomes poor; a star gives birth to a son in heaven, brings seven childless wives to earth orphans take him up; the boy studies, goes to look for his mother, gives the shepherds the god Ntzï a bracelet, who send him to the mountain, where six sisters lead him to bathe horses, his mother is the last, her horse as tall as a pig; Stars believe the young man that he is the youngest son, they do not kill; the father of the Stars puts the youngest with his son in m with the pig; The stars believe the young man that he is the son of the youngest, they do not kill; ace (woman) is a star; a box, throws from the sky into the river, the son takes a book and prevents them from drowning; they come home; later the Star returned to heaven; because she gave birth to an earthly son, its light is weaker than that of the other six stars of the Ursa Major ]: Graham 1954:250-252.

The Balkans. Greeks (Rhodes, Cyprus) ["seven girls round dance" (reconstruction, now letters. "seven planets")]: Mladenova 2006:86.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Armenians [each of the seven gumushki thought that the others would feed their common godfather; he starved; God turned the gumushki into seven stars of the Ursa Major (Seven Kumushki)]: Ganalanyan 1979, No. 326: 123 (briefly in Harutyunyan 1980:105).

Iran - Central Asia. Kafira [the seven stars of Ursa Major are the daughters of the goddess Kymrai; she is sometimes referred to as the wife of Imra, who is equated to the sun]: Litvinsky 2004:123.

Volga - Perm. Tatars: Vorobyov, Khisamutdinov 1967 [near the moon - Zukhra maiden, near dawn - Chulpan the girl, seven maidens on the Bear]: 315; Davletshin 1979 [Big Dipper - 7 maidens]: 48; Bashkirs [seven female sisters ran up the mountain from the Deva king, jumped into the sky, became Yetegan Yondoz, Seven Stars; West 1960]: Barag 1987, No. 6:34 (=Nadrshina 1985, No. 4:11; 2001, No. 7:182); Chuvash [riddle: "My father and mother have seven daughters and all seven are pretty and pretty" (Big Dipper)]: Ashmarin, Chuvash Dictionary, vol. 1:129 in Sirotkin, Ivanov 1970:129.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Tofalars [seven girls decide to go to heaven; Burhan tells them to become the stars of the Ursa Major]: Rassadin 1996, No. 1:7-8.

The Midwest. Winnebago [seven virgins collect sacred herbs; seven warriors guard them; an evil shaman quietly approached virgins disguised as a young man; they report this to the healer; the next once they run; Ma-on (the Creator) takes them to heaven, turns them into the Big Dipper; strikes the pursuer with lightning, makes them the North Star; the healer also throws warriors into the sky, they become Ursa Minor]: Smith 1997:28-30.

Plains. Kiowa [Kiowa also knew the story of seven fleeing from a bear and turning them into seven Ursa Major stars, but seven sisters and one brother are active]: Brown 1930:7-8 in Gibbon 1964:237.

California. Yuki [a group of girls (Ursa Major) went west to the ocean shore; the Coyote throws stones at them, forcing them to return; so the Big Dipper goes west not far and then returns] : Foster 1944:233.