Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B46C. Big Dipper - seven characters.


Each of the Ursa Major stars is a separate character (humans or animals).

Teda, Tigre, Ancient Egypt, Basques, Catalans (Majorca), Maltese, Sardinians, Italians (conditionally north), French, Flemish, Syrian Bedouins (girls), Arabian Bedouins (girls) , Tibetans, Nepal, Hinduism, Himachal plowmen, Kashmiris, Bengalis, Chuan Miao (girls), Koreans, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Romanians, Greeks, Russians (Novgorod, Penza, Kursk), Ukrainians (Khmelnitsky), Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Kumyks, Nogais, Adygs, Kabardian people, Abkhazians? , Ossetians, Ingush, Chechens, Luks, Georgians, Armenians, Crimean Armenians (girls), Turks, Uzbeks, Persians, Tajiks, Ishkashim, Vakhans, Shugnans, Yagnobs, Kafirs, Pashayas, Burish, Chuvash (girls), Kazan Tatars ( girls), Bashkirs (heroes or girls), Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, Uighurs, Hotanosaks, Yellow Uighurs, Siberian Tatars (Tobolsk), Chulym Turks, Altaians, Khakas, Tofalars (also girls), all Tuvans, Baikal Buryats (Balagan, Alar, Osinsky), Khamnigans, Darkhats, Khalkha Mongols, Mongols of Inner Mongolia, including Ordos, Oirats, Dagurs, (Shirongols [old women?]) , Evenks of Buryatia, Ilimpic Evenks (Tura), Solons, Chukchi, Snohomish, Vasco, Winnebago (girls), Penobscot, Sarsi, Blacklegs, Assiniboine, Grovantre, Crowe, Santi, Teton, Sheena, Arapaho, Kiowa, Comanche, wichita, keddo (?) , yuki (girls), monach, chumash, northern payutes.

Sudan - East Africa. Ted [Ursa Major is a "wild donkey"; the seven stars of Ursa Major are seven wild donkeys trying to approach a well (North Star) that two stars of Ursa Minor prevent them from reaching]: Kronenberg 1958:106; tiger [True Seven (Big Dipper) are brothers; Gah (North Star) came and killed one; came to Qeren (two Dragon stars), asked to be his client, otherwise Seven he will be killed in revenge for his brother; so Queren is between the North Star and the Ursa Major to prevent them from getting together; Seven put the victim on a funeral stretcher; three carry in front, three behind; the most The faint star at the junction between the bucket and the handle is killed; they have vowed not to bury the victim until they take revenge]: Littmann 1910, No. 46:61-63.

North Africa. Ancient Egypt [Big Dipper - "seven oxen" {check it out!}] : Eyzaguirre 1956:92.

Southern Europe. The Basques [two thieves stole the peasant's two oxen; he sent a servant in pursuit; when he did not return, the maid, then the dog, then went by himself; when he did not find it, he began to swear; as punishment, they all found themselves in the sky, became the constellation Ursa Major; the first two stars were oxen, the third and fourth were thieves; a servant, a maid, a dog, a peasant - four stars of the bucket handle (it is clear that including Alcor)]: Krappe 1930:264 (=1938:149); Catalans (Majorca) [Ursa Major - Set frares ("seven brothers")]: Amades 1930:295; Italians (Switzerland?) [G. Salvia in Archives de Traditions Populaires XV, 37; Ursa Major - "Seven Brothers"; one day seven brothers went to the field to steal a goat (cavriola); Jesus punished them by turning them into stars, as well put a goat in the sky in the form of a star]: Volpati 1933a: 461; Maltese [Ursa Major - "Seven Brothers" (seb at-ahwa)]: Volpati 1933a:461; Sardinians [Ursa Major - Seven Brothers] : Volpati 1933a: 461.

Western Europe. The French (Gers) [thieves stole a bull and a cow from the barn; he chased a servant who did not return; then the maid and the dog were the same; he began to swear; God turned them into a Big The bear; the first star of the bucket is a cow, the second is a bull, the third and fourth are thieves, the first star of the pen is a servant, Mitzar is a servant, Alcor is a dog, the last star of the pen is the driver himself]: Kabakova 1998, No. 23 : 36-38; Flemish [after their martyrdom, seven martyrs became the seven stars of Ursa Major]: Gundel 1922:113

Western Asia. Syrian Bedouins [seven daughters of Naha (Nach) found their father's corpse, accused of killing Kozlenok (North Star); the real killer is Canopus; two stars of Ursa Minor (farthest from Polyarnaya) are trying to resolve the conflict, but the sisters don't listen, continue to pursue the North Star]: Vernier 1938:200 in Henninger 1954:91; the Bedouins of central Arabia [seven stars Ursa Major - seven sisters; Goat (North Star) stole one of them, killed their father, took refuge with el-Howeigisen (stars β and γ Ursa Minor); the sisters put their father's body on a stretcher, buried them, went carrying stretcher, take revenge on Goat; he said the killer was Suheil (Canopus); the sisters went to Canopus, but he said that the killer was Goat; they returned to him, but El-Howeigisen did not allow them to see him get closer]: Hess in Henninger 1954:92.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [Masang's seven brothers may represent original human beings; in epic and folklore, M., the bull's son of a cow and man, helps the gods (lha) in the fight against demons, killing a demon in the form of a black yak; fleeing from the demoness, throws up five barley grains given by lha, an iron chain appears; the demoness throws an iron core, it breaks M. seven parts that turn into the Big Dipper; the same in the Tibetan-Mongolian editions of The Magic Dead and in the oral stories that go back to it (divided into seven parts by an iron mallet shulmas witches)]: Ogneva 1982a: 122; Mongolian translation of Twenty-Five Vetal Tales [without a bull, a peasant happened to his cow, she gave birth to a boy with a bull's head named White-faced goby (B); B goes on a journey, takes a person born of forest, grass, wood as a companion; each one takes turns cooking; an old woman comes, asks for permission to try, the food disappears; everyone pretends to be attacked by enemies; B asks the old woman to bring water with a bucket of holes; replaces her with a rope, tongs, a hammer; she cannot tie him, pinch him, hit her; he hits her with a hot hammer, she runs away; friends see her corpse at the bottom of the abyss, there are treasures there; they lower B, pick up treasures, cut off the rope; B plants apricot seeds, three trees grow, he climbs them to the ground; forgives his companions; comes to Hormust, helps defeat the shimnus; H. advises B. to tell the shimnus that that doctor, not to treat the wounded B. king of Shimnus, but to finish it off; B. finished off the king, the chain descended from the sky, B. climbed it, but the tsar's wife hit him on the back with a stick, smashed him into seven brother stars, they became the Big Dipper]: Vladimirtsov 1958:24-30.

South Asia. Nepal [Swasthani, listed in Sanskrit in 1573; the story is structured as a dialogue between Shiva and Parvati); Agni could not swallow the fruit, spit it it it out; the fruit caught fire, formed a fire; one of the wives of seven wise men, Saptarishi told me to beware of him, the other six came up and became pregnant; their husbands drove them away; they miscarried on the banks of the Ganges, they rose to heaven, became the constellation Shatkarttika or Criticism]: Shrestha 1996:12-13; Hinduism: Allen 1899 [seven female Pleiades stars are married to seven Rishis (Ursa Major stars); when entering the house, the newlyweds first addressed them, then to North Star]: 404; Vasilkov, Neveleva 1987 [seven ancient holy sages (Atria, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulakha, Marichi, Kratu, Vasishtha) are identified with the stars of the Ursa Major]: 617; himachali- ploughmen (Kullu Valley) [satrishisot rishi, seven rishis, you need to make them pranam (worship)]: A.S. Krylova, E.A. Renkovskaya (field materials, October 2016); Kashmiris [Ursa Major - seven Rishi]: Grierson 1932:44, 855, 944; Bengalis [Big Dipper - Seven Wise Men]: Biswas 2000:262, 980.

China - Korea. Chuan miao [a poor orphan lives with his uncle, looks at the sky at night, asks the Lord of Heaven to help him; a (woman) star descended from heaven for one night; so three nights in a row {it is possible that every two stars descended at night - a star fell down, then another}; then the youngest, seventh, sister came down; he hides her in a pigsty; his aunt finds her, offers to kick her nephew out; the star leads him up the mountain into the forest; on the way she cooks rice, putting one grain; at her request, her brothers went down and built a house; the Star orders to invite the landowner to visit; he offers to swap wives, the Star advises to agree an orphan gets seven wives in exchange for one; a star flies to heaven, destroying a house, the landowner wakes up on bare ground, becomes poor; a star gives birth to a son in heaven, brings seven childless wives to earth orphans take him up; the boy studies, goes to look for his mother, gives the shepherds the god Ntzï a bracelet, who send him to the mountain, where six sisters lead him to bathe horses, his mother is the last, her horse as tall as a pig; Stars believe the young man that he is the youngest son, they do not kill; the father of the Stars puts the youngest with his son in m with the pig; The stars believe the young man that he is the son of the youngest, they do not kill; ace (woman) is a star; a box, throws from the sky into the river, the son takes a book and prevents them from drowning; they come home; later the Star returned to heaven; because she gave birth to an earthly son, its light is weaker than that of the other six stars of the Ursa Major ]: Graham 1954:250-252; Koreans [the widow has seven sons; they see her walking across the river to see a poor widower, put stones on her to make it easier to cross; the mother wants the stones to be laid for her became seven stars in the north; that's what happened]: Choi 1979, #390:167.

The Balkans. Greeks: Mladenova 2005:80 [Big Dipper - "robbers"], 86 ["seven brothers"]; Greeks (Rhodes, Cyprus) ["seven girls round dance" (reconstruction, now letters. "seven planets")]: Mladenova 2006:86; Bulgarians [Ursa Major - "Haiduks"; the Haiduks stole one of the Pleiades stars (Vlasite); now it is the weak star (obviously Alcor) of the Ursa Major ; Pleiades are still chasing them]: Mladenova 2005:80; Macedonians [7 stars Ursa Major - Aramiya, Ajduci {haiduks}, Komiti (fighters against Turks); Alcor is the child they stole; in Orache: Aramiite stole a sheep from her godfather and carries it with them; or one of the Pleiades sisters (Vlascite) was stolen]: Tsenev 2004:76, 81-83; Romanians ["Seven Oxen"]: Mladenova 2005:86.

Central Europe. Russians (Novgorod Gubernia, Village Zavalnitsy) [the king has seven sons, eight daughters, he plowed the land himself; he went to bed with his children in the field, the snake sucked blood from his children; God made him the Sun, and seven sons the Big Bear, made a snake blind]: Potanin 1883:714; Russians (Penza) [Seven Brothers Constellation]: Bondaletov 1983:204; Russians (Kursk Gubernia) [The Lord sent 7 pious men to preach the truth, but they were tempted; then he sent one holy virgin to watch them; when they returned to heaven, the men became the seven stars of the Ursa Major, and virgin - Venus]: Holy 1913:176; Ukrainians (g. Izyaslav, Khmelnitskaya, 1929) [in the drought, the daughter went to bring water to her mother dying of thirst; on the way back, she met seven men consistently and gave water; went to take a nap, at which time a dog ran up to drink, knocked over the vessel ( Glechik); seven big stars (souls saved from thirst) and one small dog rose to the sky from it; God placed them in heaven so that everyone could see the girl's generosity]: Joanidi 1978:41.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean mountain Tatars [B. The Bear - Yedikhan, "Seven Princes"]: Potanin 1883:711; (cf. Crimean Armenians (Feodosia) ["seven brothers"]: Potanin 1883:714); Kalmyks: Ochirova 1991:192 [Dolan Burkhn -" seven gods"; Dolan Eugene - "seven elders], 193 [author's title: seven brothers and sister ascended to heaven along the shepherd's road]; "Dagestan Tatars" [Eddy-Kardash, "seven brothers"]: Potanin 1883:711; Kabardian people: Potanin 1883 [Wagozashible, "stars seven brothers"; one prince sent his child to the "kans" (pupils) for seven brothers; when he was being taken, the Pleiades (Wagoba) attacked, wanted to kill the child; seven brothers saved him; "kan" is a star above the second star B. Female bears]: 714 (cf. Karaketov 1995 [Big Dipper - Jetegeyli Jilan - Seven Snakes]: 19); Madina Pashtova [Vaguezashible - Big Dipper: Seven Star Brothers; Waghue Shu - Horseman Star, Second the star located on the "bucket handle" of the Big Dipper (obviously Alcor)]: personal message 29.04.2013; Mafedzev 1984 [children's play: an adult, pointing to his fingers, named and commented on each number; One is lonely unhappy; two or two eyes know each other; three - an Adyghe table with three legs; four - if a horse's four legs are equally healthy, then it is sharp; five to five fingers on his hand are almost equivalent; six - twice three times three is six; seven - when seven star brothers (Big Dipper) turn, dawn is coming; eight - the eight-haired harness pulls well (plow); nine - became nine, one is missing; ten - you count to ten while that's enough]: 78; Sokolov, Broydo 1936 [Oh, one! - One alone. - Two! - Two eyes can see well. - Three! - There is a three-legged on three legs. - Four! - There are four nipples filled with milk in the udder. - Five! - Five fingers in five. - Six! - A young man with six prisoners. - Seven! - Seven star brothers will turn around - dawn. - Eight! - They plow arable land on eight oxen. - Nine! - Add one - becomes ten]: 465; Adygi [Big Dipper - Vaghue Zashible, "seven brothers"]: Kokov 1980b: 171; Meretukov 1980:173; Abkhazians [seven Yetsvadzhaa star brothers {Bolshaya Bear?} were the same; at the moment when the universe opened, the Creator told them to pick up a piece of colored stone; since then, the Creator has been able to eliminate otomoses, deprive brothers by color]: Khvartskia 1994:60; Ingush: Dalgat 2004:157-158 [Mother Blizzard's seven sons went to heaven, became Ursa Major; Vyug's mother sits on top of Kazbek, will throw down anyone who crosses the circle she drew; (=1972:258)], 158-159 [God sent rain, flooded the earth with a flood; the old man and his family escaped in a box, stuck to Mount Beshlam Court; the old man had seven sons, ate ice; the rest of his children scattered across the ground; when seven The brothers were allowed in by a hunter, he was killed by lightning; God took the brothers to heaven, making him the Big Dipper; this legend has much in common with the Georgian one and could be borrowed from the latter]; Dakhkilgov 2003:110 [Bashlam (Kazbek) was created when God created the earth; Darza-nana settled on this mountain; she had 7 sons; they went to heaven, promising to return after three dinners; did not return; each while preparing dinner in the evening, D. will repeat "three dinners, three dinners"; on the mountain lie large skeins of white wool, which D. combs; there is also a place where she spread her laundry; her sons have become 7 stars], 111 [Dyarja nanilg (right Darza-nana) lived on Mount Kazbek; one of her 8 sons went to heaven; the other 7 drank molten copper and rose to the sky from the top of Kazbek; as a sign of their grief, D. threw her trousers to the top of Kazbek, there is now a snowless place; 7 brothers walk across the sky looking for an eighth; if they find it, the world will end]; Svetlov 1903 [Kuryuko kidnaps Sela from the thunder for giving people sheep, water, and reeds for building dwellings; he is assisted by 7 sons S., who were supposed to guard the entrance to him; S. chained K. with iron chains to a mountain cliff (or to the top of Kazbek); every day the eagle arrives to peck K.'s heart; guard K. S. told his wife Fourka; she drew a magic circle on the snowy cone of the mountain; he could not be crossed under the threat of being thrown into the abyss; S.'s sons were hung from the sky as punishment, they became the Big Bear] in A.M., A.T. "Kuryuko". Myths of the world's peoples. VOL. 2, 1982. Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia. S. 30; Potanin [B. Bear - "war-vozh", seven brothers] 1883:714; 1893:318; Chechens: Gren 1897 to Dalgat 1972 [Erhustoyans drank molten copper and moved to heaven, became seven stars in the west ( probably the Big Dipper)]: 337; Ingush and/or Chechens [Big Dipper - "Seven Brothers Star"]: Aliroev 1976:224-225; Ossetians: Miller 1882 [evil Akhsaktemur walked with zedami (angels) across the sky; at certain times of the day he went to the river; oppressed seven brothers on earth; in order to acquire the protection of the Water (Donböttär), the brothers took his son as pets; A. killed him; D. invited his brothers to watch A. by the river, but he stopped going to the river, sat down in the middle of the sky, putting two stallions as guards; the brothers (stars of the Ursa Major) began to wander crooked towards the river (Milky Way); before dawn they notice the North Star and go to it, but it disappears every time in sunlight]: 300; Ossetian tales 1962 [Akhsah Temur had iron wings, went up to heaven, kidnapped the sister of seven brothers, went to heaven with her, the brothers began to catch up with him, he left the girl, the middle brother put his sister next to him, all seven are now chasing AT]: 37 on the island of Chibirov 2008:87; Potanin 1883 ["seven sisters" (the same Ossetian tales 1960:34, 36 on the island in Chibirov 2008:87)]: 714; Kumyks [Ulkerler consisted of seven stars (six brothers and sister), and Yetti Yulduzlar is one of six brother stars; the brothers kidnapped the sister star and Ulkerler, now 6 stars in the Pleiades and 7 in the Ursa Major; they appear at opposite ends of the sky, W. chasing kidnappers]: Khalidova 2012, No. 29:51; Kumyks, Nogais [The Pleiades consisted of six brothers and sisters, and the Big Dipper consisted of six brothers; they kidnapped the Pleiades sister to the Bolshoi The bear became seven stars, the constellation is called Ettegen]: Gamzatov, Dalgat 1991:305; Lucky [Arul-tsuku - "seven goats"]: Potanin 1873:714; Armenians [each of the seven kumushki thought that others will feed their common godfather; he died of hunger; God turned the kumushki into seven stars of the Ursa Major (Seven Kumushki)]: Ganalanyan 1979, No. 326:123 (briefly Harutyunyan 1980:105); Turks [Seven The Big Dipper Brothers were stolen by the daughter of the Pleiades; the legend has been recorded twice in southern Turkey, but is likely to be more widespread]: Mladenova 2006:81.

Iran - Central Asia. Uzbeks: Kary-Niyazov, Borovkov 1942 [Big Dipper - Etty Karakchi (Seven Thieves)]: 229; Nikonov 1980b [Yetti Oraini (Seven Friends)]: 295; Tajiks: Bogsho Lashkarbekov, personal. Report, 2005 [Haft dodaron ("seven brothers")]; Rakhmat Rakhimov, personal report 20.10.2009 [wanderer (name remains unknown) I met in mid-July 2009 on my way to a mazar in the valley Kafirnigana replied that Big Dipper was Haft Dodaron (Seven Brothers) and Malaya was Haft Dodaron Hurd (Seven Smaller Brothers); my sister's husband Shamsiddini Mirali said the same in previous years; when asked about the brothers' father, he pointed to a lonely star far from the Bears, calling it gusfand ("ram")]; Tajiks (Panjshir, c/ Burj i Yaman) [Big Dipper - Seven Pious (Aft Dol)]: Andreev 1927e: 65; Tajiks (Panjshir, p. Pyshkur) [Ursa Major - Seven Brothers (Aft Byodaro)]:

Andreev 1927e: 65; Persians [Ursa Major - Seven Thrones, Seven Stars, Seven Brothers (haft dādarā) n)]: Panaino 1982; Ishkashim (Tawon Village, Ishkashim, Afghanistan) [the main stars by which time is known at night is the constellation own zat - Seven Sons (Ursa Major); this is Pyradu's seven sons are Old Woman, Mistress of the Sky (North Star); her name means Decrepit Old Woman (Var.: Old Woman in Rags); P. wanders across the sky all the time and if clouds interfere with her, pierces them with a staff; water flows out of them, it's rain; P.'s staff is equipped with an iron tip; when it hits rocks, sparks are carved, it's lightning]: Abayeva 1978:110; Vakhans [Ursa Major -" Seven Brothers "]: Andreev, Polovtsov 1911:35; Pamiris (without specifying the group) [The Big Dipper, consisting of seven stars, is popularly called the Seven Brothers (in Persian astronomy they are called Dubby Akbar - Seven Twins). It is said that these brothers once lived together and all passed away at the same time; as if they were traveling to each of the seven planets]: Lashkarbekov, MS; Shugnans [recorded by student Sultonnazarova Mavluda from grandmother, resident to. Manem (Shugnan) Lutfaliyeva Mushkinoz; seven stars in the sky, similar to each other, are called Seven Brothers; they are sons of Hazrat and Muhammad; when XM passed away, four brothers carried a stretcher (with dead), the fifth performed "falak" behind a stretcher, the sixth carried the sheep, and the latter drove the sheep; if you watch closely, you can see a small star near the sixth star, this is that sheep; some say that the stars {Ursa Major} call Seven Brothers because they are always wandering, and the star that is behind everyone and shines dimly is the youngest of the brothers]: Lashkarbekov, MS; kafirs [the seven stars of the Ursa Major are the daughters of the goddess Kymray; she is sometimes referred to as the wife of Imra, who equates to the sun]: Litvinsky 2004:123; Persians, Tajiks, Yagnobes , Vakhans, Burish [Big Dipper - Seven Brothers]: Steblin-Kamensky 1999:455; Pasha'i (Panjshir) [Big Dipper - Seven Brothers (Sata Lyaivani)]: Andreev 1927e:65.

Volga - Perm. Tatars: Vorobyov, Khisamutdinov 1967 [near the moon - Zukhra maiden, near dawn - Chulpan the girl, seven maidens on the Bear]: 315; Davletshin 1979 [Big Dipper - 7 maidens]: 48; Potanin 1883 (mishari; kreseni) [Ursa Major - Jedigen, two stars between her and the North Star - Kogat and Sorat, i.e. blue and salt horses]: 711; Volga Bulgars [Big Dipper - seven girls]: Davletshin 1979:48 (quoted in Barag 1987:) 480; Bashkirs [seven female sisters ran up the mountain from the Deva king, jumped into the sky, became Yetegan Yondoz, Seven Stars; Western 1960]: Barag 1987, No. 6:34 (=Nadrshina 1985, No. 4:11; 2001, No. 7:182); Chuvash [riddle: "My father and mother have seven daughters and all seven are pretty" (Big Dipper)]: Ashmarin, The Dictionary Chuvash language, vol. 1:129 in Sirotkin, Ivanov 1970:129; Chuvash [(according to Paasonen); two hunters with three dogs on a pair of horses froze on the road and became the Big Dipper]: Ashmarin 1984:26.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Abishev 1949 [Ak boz at, kək boz at - White gelding and Grey gelding, entangled with a rope, the end of which is tied to the Iron Cola (North Star), graze in the meadow; they are guarded by a watchman ; Seven horse thieves (Big Dipper) want to steal this end and watch them all night; the same Zheti Karakshy is credited with stealing his daughter from the Pleiades; the Arabs called the big star of the bucket handle Mizar (horse), and the little one is Alcor (rider); the Kazakhs have Alcor a kidnapped girl]: 12-14; Kuftin 1916 [Ak-boz-at and Kok-boz-at horses (white and blue, the two extreme stars) walk around Temir-Kasyk (North Star) on the arcana]: 12-14; Kuftin 1916 Ursa Minor); seven thieves (Jetty Karakchi, seven stars of Ursa Major) try to untie them; when one gets rid of it, the world will end]: 126; Nurzhanova 1971:234 [Big Dipper - Zheti Karakshi - "seven robbers", Jeti Kart - "seven elders"]; Potanin 1883, No. 35k (near art. Semiyarskaya on the Irtysh) [The Jety-Karaksha had seven brothers; they stole one of their two daughters from Urker (Pleiades); the stolen name was Kalpe, the rest of Zurya]: 200, 784 [(according to Valikhanov, hand); Big Dipper - Jets Karachi, the souls of seven robbers who stole during the day and repented at night, for which they were turned into stars after death; these seven thieves have a kidnapped daughter Pleiades]; 1893:319 [(near Petropavlovsk); a rich man did not sell his horse for any money; chained him with an iron chain to Temir Kazyk (North Star); he watched day and night, alternating with his daughter; seven people have conspired to steal a horse, this is Jety-Karak ("seven thieves", B. Bear)], 321 [Naarun-Zarkum owned many horses; the black mare brought a foal every night, but it was always kidnapped by someone; young Gali, N.'s son, watched and shot a monstrous bird; grows up, rides that mare's foal to marry the bride; puts an iron stake in the field, ties a horse to it, puts seven scarecrows around (jety karakchi); every day he finds a horse on the spot, and thieves find only a stake and a scarecrow; one day everything disappears; the bride says that the thieves, through prayer, have approved the stake (North Star), the horse and the scarecrow (Little Bear) in the sky; the horse is waiting for the owner; when he comes, the world will end]; 1972 № 6 [Big Dipper - Alty Karakchi; the seventh, smaller star is princess; the thief closest to her will marry her]: 55; Chuloshnikov 1924 [Polyarnaya the star is Temir-Kassyk ("iron stake"); "two white horses" are tied to him on a rope; if one unties, the world is over; Jets Karakchi ("seven thieves"), seven stars of the Ursa Major, are trying to untie them; these are the souls of seven robbers who stole during the day and repented of their sins at night; for this they were turned into stars after death; Kazakhs did not know other non-passing stars]: 243; Saint 1961 [(said the teacher A.B. Baitursunov from Orenburg in 1910); The North Star is a stake to which two horses, light and pale (Ursa Minor), are tied to an arcana; they walk around a stake, and seven thieves (Ursa Major) seek to steal them; when stolen, the world will end]: 112; Karakalpaks [Urker's girl and her forty girls were attacked by thousands of troops; 40 girls could not to confront enemies, asked Allah for help; the angels took the girls to heaven, this cluster is called Urker {Pleiades}; but W.'s only younger sister remained in the hands of the enemies; Urker turned to Allah asking him to return his sister; when the angel and younger sister almost reached W., the seven robbers in the sky {7 stars of the Ursa Major} appeared in front of him and begged: we have no one Whoever cooks and washes, please give the girl for one of us; with the consent of her younger sister W., married her to one of the robbers]: Aimbetov 2014b: 27-28; Kyrgyz: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1963 [Seven thieves kidnapped the Pleiades daughter, asked the North Star for help; she told the Pleiades that they could try to get her daughter back themselves if they wanted; the Seven (Ursa Major) has been spinning ever since around the North Star, hiding the kidnapped, the Pleiades chase them]: 340-341; 1989 [seven robbers kidnapped the Pleiades Daughter; the Golden Cole refused to catch up with them, the Pleiades are still chasing the Seven Robbers ( Big Dipper), who hide the kidnapped; after losing a daughter, the Pleiades radiate only cold from grief; when seen in the sky, the nights are cold]: 373-374; Uighurs: Potanin 1881 (Sarts in Hami) [Big Dipper Bear - Ity-gan]: 125; 1983 [Vamberi translated "Ity-Erkian" as seven planets", but he himself admits that erkian (pole, support) is not an appropriate designation for the planet; probably Ursa Major]: 715; hotanosaki [Big Dipper - "seven bears"]: Panaimo 1982:533-534; yellow Uighurs ("yogura balls") [Ursa Major - Dolon Burkan (Seven Gods)]: Potanin 1893:318.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tobolsk Tatars [Big Dipper - Ittygan (Seven Kings)]: Giganov 1801:20 in Potanin 1883:711; Chulym Turks [Chetegen, Etegen]: handwritten by Fr. Sokolov to Prince Kostroma in Potanin 1883:711; Altaians: Garf, Kuchiyak 1978 [seven brothers rise to heaven; Ulker-Kaan agrees to give Altyn-Solona's daughter to someone who will get the giant maral with horns with seventy shoots; younger brother gets A.; heavenly army attacks earth; brothers A. return to heaven, turn into seven stars, next to the youngest - A.; W. tries to enter from the rear, but they always turn to face him]: 196-204; Katash 1958 [seven khans lived on earth; their names were Big Mouth, Long Arm, Sorcerer, Slukhach, Runner, Strongman, Big Eye; they all easily defeated, exterminating those living on earth; Karat Khan decided to kill them; the rumor overheard that he was going to put them in an iron chest and fry them; they were served poisoned meat at the Khan's headquarters; the sorcerer did so that it was eaten by the khan's people; when seven were lured into an iron trap and a fire was made, the Big Mouth, which had drunk the lake before, cooled the trap; the Strongman knocked down the door; with the help of the Runner they ran away; but Pure Spirit ( Ulgen) forced them to commit suicide; they threw themselves off a cliff and turned into seven stars; the Big Dipper is called Jeti Kaan ("seven khans")]: 10; Potanin 1883, No. 35i (zap. Yadrintsev in Altai, Russia) [The Big Dipper is called Titagan, seven rulers; they were seven brothers, their three dogs chased three maralukha; they rose to heaven and became Orion ( Uch Miigak); dogs and humans followed; T. took one small star from Mechin (Pleiades)]: 200; Nikiforov 1915 [Big Dipper - seven hunters]: 250-251; Sadalova 1989 [seven brothers roam around the world, one is the Shooter, the other is the Jumper, the Third is a Thief...; they promise one kaan to steal the other's wife, they fulfill their promise; the kaan leaves them the throne; the brothers rule the people, they start endless wars; for this, the Creator turns them into seven stars; they are fighting the stars here too; then he chains them to the Golden Cola (North Star); var: seven kaans have done a lot of evil, they want to put an end to by themselves, they jump off a cliff, turn into stars; var.: Seven sons of a rich man sit back, consider themselves kaans; Kudai punished them by turning them into a constellation; var.: The Seven Kaans constellation stole one of Pleiades, therefore, only follows so that the Pleiades do not find them missing]: 89-90; 2002, No. 22 [seven orphan brothers come to the caan; he allows them to eat enough, they eat a mare in a day; everyone Kaan answers what he is intended for (to transport others across the river; to deftly steal; to protect others from war, fire; a sharpshooter; will catch what falls from the sky; kaan promises to make them themselves Kaans, if they bring another kaan's wife from overseas; because of their abilities, they fulfill the condition; by becoming Kaans, they torment other peoples; Yuch-Kurbustan turns them into seven stars; fighting the Pleiades, they take one star, it is sometimes visible; UK tells them to spin around the Golden Stake Star forever]: 215-223; Surazakov 1982 [Kogyudey-Mergen meets six heroes one by one on the way (listening, moving mountains, jumping, shooter, drinking lake, throwing stones); KM whips them, they accompany him to matchmaking to Erlik Kara-Taadi's daughter; she does not know which of the KM who came; those who come are imprisoned in an iron or stone palace, heated; a drunk lake pours water, cools the palace; others defeat a local strongman, learn about the trap pit, catch the failed ones there; Kids Kaan - these are seven identical Kogyudey-Mergen going to a wedding; the North Star is the daughter of Ai-Kaan Altyn-Kyuskyu, the wife of Kogyudey-Mergen; the red star above the constellation Three Maralukh is the spread belly of one of them KM arrow]: 127-128, 134; Khakas: Alekseev 1980 (Kachins) [the old hunter chased seven foxes and drove them into the sky; he became the North Star, the foxes became the seven stars of the Ursa Major]: 87-88 ; Butanayev 1975 [The Pleiades are seven sisters; the stars of the Ursa Major (Chitigen) are seven brothers, stole one of the sisters (an asterisk above the second star of the bucket handle); the Pleiades pursue the brothers, but cannot catch up; Pleiades's father, Arcturus, shot the brothers, the arrow nailed the sky, became Polar; perhaps it hit the brothers who are now forced to walk around the North Star]: 234-235; Mindibekova 2007 [seven black horses a lone wolf drove; they could not tear themselves away from him, then Skinny raised these horses to heaven and turned them into stars (Ursa Major)]: 17; Potanin 1893 (Kachins) [Big Dipper - seven foxes hunted to heaven as a hunter]: 322; Katanov 1907, No. 181 [Big Dipper - Chettygen; three brothers behind all, two dogs in front of him, two maralukhs in front; the middle brother carries a cauldron on his head to cook meat (cauldron - star under the sixth star)]: 273-274; Tofalars: Katanov 1891 [=1907:640; Ursa Major - Chetty Kan (or Chedy Khan - Seven Kings); Pleiades - Uluger]: 11, 15; Rassadin 1996, No. 1 [seven girls decide to go to heaven; Burkhan tells them to become the stars of the Ursa Major]: 7-8; Tuvans: Weinstein 1961 (Tojins) [Big Dipper - Chedi Khan (seven rulers) )]: 146; Dyakonova 1976 [Western and southern Tuvans have a common version close to Altai about seven brothers who lived on land, then rose and became gods; southern Tuvans variant: on land seven devils lived; if they stayed there, they would destroy the land; but they went up to heaven, called themselves Burkhans; after the evening milking, they were sprayed with cow's milk; praying in yurts]: 285; South Altai Tuvans [Arvayang tied his horse uninvited and entered the Golden Buddha's yurt palace; they wanted to give him 350 blows, but soon everyone was convinced that he was the most worthy of people; he hit one three times and the same coin from 50 steps; quickly swam across the river and back; Hamba Lama asked him: - What is one? - If it weren't for one, where would the number thousand come from. - Two? - A person won't lose what he saw with two eyes. - Three? - A horse with three legs tied won't go far. - Four? - When you're four years old, why not start working. - Five? - How will five nines go, will the soup freeze on the plate. - Six? - If an astrologer doesn't know his calculations, why should he wear that name. - Seven? - When the seven khans reach their zenith, why doesn't dawn come then? - Eight? - If you read sacred texts eight nights in a row, why not get rich from it? - Nine? - Why does a person who has nine tricks go to bed on an empty stomach? - Ten? - Why aren't all the saddle straps occupied when a deer with horns divided into ten branches is killed? And he laughed so loudly that the horns of the colorful goat split in two, the horns became deer, and the tail of the horse's dark brown; when A. returned home, his wife, offended by his long absence, was about to leave; but remained, conquered by his kindness]: Taube 1994, No. 74:292-295; Buryats: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 14 (Okinsky District of Buryatia) [Noyon Sabzheney goes to worship; meets, comrades listening sensitively, raising a mountain, able to quietly change the feathers of a magpie and a crow, running with stones on his legs, swallowing the sea, a sharpshooter; khan invites you to compete; runner on foot overtakes equestrians; the sensitive one finds out that they want to poison them, changes food, Khan's noyons are dying, the shooter kills all the khan's mergens, the swallower drowns everyone who remains; to atone for the sin of murder, seven fellows rush into the sea, find themselves in the sky - Seven Elders (Ursa Major)]: 209-215; Gomboev 1890, No. 6 (Alar) [an orphan hears two crows talking under a tree: if you stab a piebald the mare, Khartagan Khan's son will recover; he goes to the khan, he is driven away: they already have a shaman; an orphan ties a basket to the stallion's tail, scares off the herd, everyone runs out into the street, the orphan drowns the shaman in a tub of sour milk; returnees think that Khan has a whorl out of a person (legs stick out of the tub); the khan is afraid of revenge from the shaman's relatives, the orphan promises to help; taking the shaman's body, he comes to her in a bull relatives, distributes bread to children, stabs the bull with an awl, he throws off the orphan and the corpse, the orphan scolds the children that their mother has been killed and maimed; when he returns, he heals the khan's son himself; when two features carry his soul Khan's son, an orphan pretends to be hell; he is allowed to bear his soul; he says he is afraid of breast and neck fat, and devils say they are afraid of rose hips and hawthorn; he hid in rose hips- hawthorn, devils throw fat in there, go away; an orphan lies under a tree; two people come, then four more; tell the lama they want to become Burkhans; they jump from the mountain into the sea, go up to the sky, become the Big Dipper ("seven old men"); the llama envied them, turned into a scoter]: 58-61; Potanin 1883, No. 36 (Alar Buryats) [the poor young man feels sorry to cut trees, the owner drove him away; while he was sleeping, the old man pricked his tongue, allowing him to understand the language of birds; the young man hears a raven telling a crow about the khan's son, whom the snake has climbed; he will recover if he breathes a ferry from burning fat; a young man heals a khan's son, takes seven skinny mares as a reward; on the way he meets a strongman, a rumor, a shooter, a thief, a water bread, a runner; with their help he wins competitions in wrestling, shooting, running, gets the princess; the army pursues them, drowns his water bread; the llama ordered them to roll down the mountain, their heads flew off; God resurrected them, raised them to heaven, made Dolon-Ubugut (Big Dipper); small star their wife in the middle]: 200-203; Khangalov 1959c [(Balagan Buryats); the Chinese king's beloved wife died; he began to mourn her and told his subjects to do the same, leaving their jobs; the youngest of seven brothers Black Kuznetsov is sent to Abai Geser Bogdo Khan for help; he says that he needs the severed heads of seven Black Kuznetsov; the sent talks about this to his wife, the demand is made famous, people send Geser the seven heads they need; he makes bowls out of skulls, fills her with wine, goes up to heaven to his grandmother Manzan-Görmö, solders her, kidnaps Erdeni (magical objects), begins to descend to the ground; MG discovers the loss, orders the grandson to fall into the yard of the failure Albin Tama (tama is hell); then feels sorry for him, squeezes milk from his right breast, throws then; G. is at home, milk turns into the Milky Way; bowls abandoned by MG form the Big Dipper; G. comes to the sleeping king, tells him to bury the deceased, put the dog in her place; says who wakes up that it is a sin to mourn; the king orders G. to be placed in a tama with lice, little lice, snakes, frogs, worms, fire, frost, tar, in a burning tama; with the help of Erdeni G. every time destroys tama; the tsar gives him his daughter as his wife]: 276-282; Sharakshinova 1980 (Obus ulus, Osinsky District, Ust-Orda Autonomous District) [Geser struck the head of the Eastern Tengriyas Atay Alan With his father's spear, he could not resist in the sky, fell to the ground, crashed to pieces; each formed many-headed mangadhai monsters; they began to sow disasters, diseases, and destroy cattle on earth and people; the gods of heaven have forgotten about earthly people; the shaman Sharagshan Odigon learned that it is possible to draw the attention of Esege Malan Tengria and his wife Ehe Yurenibiy to people only by throwing human tears into the sky in a vessel; it was decided to remove the heads of seven elders and make bowls out of them; the shaman filled them with people's tears and began to throw them into the sky; the bowls hit the Esege Malan Palace Tengria, he tilted; EM opened the doors of heaven and looked at the ground when he saw a terrible picture; EM Tengriy sent Gesar to earth to destroy the mangadhais; he destroyed all evil forces; seven heads the elders were formed by the constellation Ursa Major (Dolon Ubged - Seven Elders); they patronize people's well-being]: 59; Buryats (Osinsky District) [Ursa Major formed seven orphans, intelligent and resourceful; having overcome great obstacles, he found the lost daughter of a hero, returned her to his father; for this they were ascended to heaven, where they turned into seven stars]: Khangalov, vol.3:16 in Sharakshinova 1980:58; khamnigans (Transbaikalia) [Dolon ubagen 'Big Dipper" (doloo (n) 'seven', ubagen 'old man, grandfather')]: Damdinov, Sunduev 2015:124, 296; darkhats: Neklyudov et al. 2006 (Somon Khujirt, Uburkhangai aimag), western 20.08.2006, No. WS 30011 and 21.08.2006, No. WS 30028 (=Kozmin 2008:18) [with older brother Altan- The minjin was a Silver-red horse, the younger Mungun-minjin had an amber-red horse (var.: their horses were Red Fox and Red Lamb, dogs Asar and Basar; they tied dogs to the Golden Cola (North Star); their sister Sarisva-Dagina was 18 years old, she decided to marry, told her brothers to bring a hare with black eyes and ears the size of an inch, not to take a hare with brown eyes and ears in an inch; A. brought a hare, S. drew herself, put the picture with the hare in a basket, let them into the river; the hare sailed to Khan Erg; the khan saw the picture and sent two people to S., who told them to tell E. to come at 50 warriors; she will give her brothers drunk, together with E. she will destroy them; A. became very drunk, but M. was not very drunk, took A., red horses, pulled out the stake to which the dogs were attached, led and ran away; one dog she ran away, barking; M. came to one mountain and fell asleep; when she wakes up, he calls A., he replies that he is underground, M. dug him up; the brothers go, meet, take 1) an antelope fishing on the run, 2) a thief, capable of pulling out an antelope's tongue and feathers to a bird, 3) hearing what is being done in the upper and lower worlds, 4) drinking the ocean, 5) raising mountains; runner, thief, listener, ocean drinker, mountain lifter, Altan-minjin, Mungung-minjin went further in every way...; tied two red horses and became the 7 stars of Ursa Major; they told S. to become the moon, so the Moon always looked at the stars of the Ursa Major ; they drove the Golden Stake into the sky and tied their two red horses; this stake is now the North Star; and the two horses are two stars side by side; there is a black-eyed hare on the moon, it looks like spots; the Mongols when babies are carried at night, their noses are smeared with soot, like a black-eyed hare; this custom is associated with a black-eyed hare from the legend of the Ursa Major], Zap. 24.08.2008, No. 30020 (=Kozmin 2008:18) [Khan's daughter stole mangas; the old man had 7 sons, each with a special art; one knew what was happening all over the world, the other could catch anything that fell from the sky, etc.; the first realized that Khan's daughter was mangas dragged him across the outer sea; the young men got there; the man who knew how to run fast grabbed the khan's daughter and ran, the mangas rushed in pursuit, Damchig-rinbuchi went up to heaven with the khan's daughter, threw her on the ground; who knew pick up did not let her fall; Khan awarded the father to young men; 7 sons then became 7 stars of the Big Dipper, the khan's daughter became Orion]; Sanzheev 1931, No. 3 [Alakhai-Mergen cannot be killed, but the king's warriors the manguses tied him with iron, threw him into a deep hole, stole cattle, took his sister as the wife of the Mangus king; Magpie and Raven cry because they are no longer given giblets from slaughtered cattle AM; AM asks them to bring them Khan-Garudi, who lowers her wing into the hole, AM gets out; two servants of the Mangus king, blind and armless, tear iron with their teeth, freeing AM; he finds his younger brother, they meet, take comrades of the Listener, Runner, Thief (quietly plucks the feathers of a flying magpie), Drinking the Sea, Rearranging mountains; they put poisoned wine on the manguses, win 1) shooting in the needle's eye for seven mountains, 2) in horse races, 3) in wrestling; the mangus khan puts them in a yurt, sets it on fire, the Drinking Sea floods the fire, the subjects of the Mangus king drown in the water, the Mountain-Raising crushed him mountain; seven return her property to the kidnapped AM sister, rise from the mountain to the sky themselves, turn into seven Burkhans (seven stars of the Ursa Major)]: 87-93; Oirats (Coboxaire merchants) [ Big Dipper - Dolon-Burkhyn (Seven Gods)]: Potanin 1893:318; Oirats (derbets) [Big Dipper - Seven Deer)]: Bakayeva 2015 (RSF grant report); Buryats, Darkhats, The Oirats (including Altai Uryankhais), Khalkha [of the Oirats stars, the most revered are the Otorguin Doloon Burhan od - Seven Elders (Big Dipper); among the Oirats, the Khalkha (incl. Ordosians), Buryats and Darkhats, there is a legend about the appearance of this constellation: once upon a time there were seven brothers, lucky and brave, who, having defeated their enemies, became famous, ascended to heaven for their merits and became known as the Seven Elders; the Altai Uriankhai people dedicated a yellow-headed sheep to the Seven Elders, which as a result became untouchable]: Erdenebold 2012:26-29; Mongols (Ordos): Potanin 1893, No. 4 [six comrades help Argintai Mergen Khan get free from the box in which he was locked by Boroltai; each is gifted with special abilities; one listens underground and in the sky, the other drinks the sea, the third moves the mountains, etc.; at the end they attack B. for seven years, throw it into a hole, fill it with stones; turn into stars of the Ursa Major]: 140-143, retelling in 1899:566; Mostaert 1937, No. 32 [two brothers meet, take as twins 1) a bird who shot a bird, it fell only at the end of the day; 2) listening to what creatures are doing in three worlds; 3) rearranging mountains; 5) catching up with gazelles; 6) drinking the sea; they made him an older brother, crossed the sea dry, he regurgitated the waters back; they came to Shajagai Khan, he offers competitions; the listener learns about everything in advance; 1) shoot - the shooter breaks through five, and the man SHH only two mountains; 2) the one who raised the mountains defeats the fighter Sh.; 3) the runner overtakes the White Old Woman Sh.; 4) Sh. invites you to feast in a cast-iron house, makes a fire around, swallowing the sea regurgitates the water; S. drowned; sister cities returned, became the stars of the Ursa Major] in Solovyov 2014; the Mongols [two brothers meet, take as friends a man waiting half a day for the bird he shot will fall from the sky; all three successively meet four more (Listener, Bulky Mountain, Runner, Sea Drinker); with these abilities, seven defeat Hana-Soroka, eventually become the stars of the Ursa Major]: Gadamba, Čerensodnom 1984:735 in Nassen-Bayer, Stuart 1992:329; the Mongols [Big Dipper - Dolon Burkhan, Seven Gods]: Potanin 1883:738; 1893, No. 85 [different groups of Mongols are listed - everyone is the same]: 317-318; Mongols (Inner Mongolia, Khoshun Naiman-wan and Keshikten) [Dolog Nohoy - "seven dogs"]: Potanin 1893: 318; Khalha Mongols (Dunsurun) [two brothers want to destroy a third, hard-working man; he leaves; consistently meets and comrades 1) listening to a conversation between sinners in hell; 2) easy catching up with an antelope; 3) knocking down stars from the sky with an arrow; 4) a thief quietly stealing eggs from under a female crow; 5) piling mountains on top of each other; 6) drinking and belching the sea; the hero returns to brothers, they became khans; the thief replaces kegs of good and poisoned wine (one khan survives); the strongman wins the fight; the rest learn about the attempt to blow them up in the palace, prevent it; becomes seven stars Ursa Major; it was cold, Mechin (Pleiades) had 7 stars; twins steal one, it's getting warmer; the stolen star (Alcor) is visible from the second bucket star]: Benningsen 1912:55-57; Mongols: Skorodumova 2003:5-8 [poor brother works for a rich man, he feels sorry to cut trees; in a dream, a woodman pierces his tongue with needles, he now understands animal language; Raven says To the crow that the Khan's son fell ill because a snake crawled into his mouth; he must throw the meat of a fat mare into the fire, breathe smoke; the poor man treats the khan's son, asks for 7 skinny mares and a bad horse under with a blanket; on the way he meets, takes as satellites 1) moving mountains, 2) listening to what is underground, 3) shooting at the sky, 4) quietly changing feathers for crows and magpies, 5) drinking the river, 6) chasing mountain sheep; the khan will give his daughter to the winner of the competition; 1) the strongman defeats the wrestler, 2) the shooter falls into the golden circle between heaven and earth, 3) the runner overtakes two old speeders (they put him to sleep, patting his head, but he woke up); Khan sent an army, drowned him; friends took to heaven, became the constellation Ursa Major - "Seven Elders"; the little star is a princess], 8-13 [ two brothers meet a shooter (shoots at birds behind the clouds) listening to what is underground (buried to the waist), a strongman (moving mountains), a runner (catching antelopes); a rumor hears that Shaazgai Khan is overseas is going to attack; they meet him drinking, he drained the sea to the bottom, they passed, took him as a friend; S. offers competitions 1) Khan's shooter pierces the mountain with an arrow, the arrow gets stuck in another mountain, Shooter - five mountains, gets stuck in the sixth; 2) wrestling (the strongman defeated the khan's wrestler), 3) running (the khan's shaman fell from fatigue); the sage Tushimel Saran suggests taking seven by deception, burning them in a cast-iron yurt; this is a rumor hears, opivalo floods the yurt and the whole city of Khan; they ascend to the sky, become the Big Bear]; the Hangarid bird took the Khan's 25-year-old daughter; eight sons of an old man (shooter, runner, keen, smelling, sucking in the wind, swallowing the sea, stopping the moon and the sun; the youngest, capturing the intangible) went in search. They shot H., caught the princess in flight, brought the khan; the father decides to make khan the one who catches the arrow fired into the sky; caught the youngest, became the North Star, the rest became the Ursa Major] 58-64 [Alhay Mergen is surrounded by a mangas army; older sister Tsetseng Tever becomes his wife with him, younger Gunar Shar runs with 7 horses; AM cannot be killed, he is shackled, thrown into a hole; he asks the crow and the magpie to call the Hangarid bird, who lowers the feather, pulls AM out of the hole; two poplars turn into people, break its shackles; AM finds the GS; they meet, take them as companions 1) listening, 2) a runner, 3) quietly taking out the feathers from forty, 4) opival, 5) moving the mountain; at the khan of mangas, the Thief quietly changes the poisoned water to clean water; multi-headed mangas offer 1) shoot at target (AM arrow flies through the mountains), 2) horse racing (mangas horses fell from fatigue), 3) struggle (fish grew out of pieces of mangas thrown into the sea); they want to burn the heroes in the yurt, opilo fills everything with water , the mangas were crushed by a mountain; the Center was tied to seven horses; 7 heroes and 7 red horses ascended to heaven and became the stars of the Ursa Major]; Dagurs [Ursa Major - Doloohad (S.Yu. Neklyudov:" seven khans"); if children fall ill, seven lamps are lit as a victim]: Stuart et al. 1994:34; (cf. shirongolas in Bounani [Dolon Mygan; S.Yu. Neklyudov, personal report. 21.01.2014: looks like mugän 'old woman' (mong emegen), but very presumably]: Potanin 1893:318).

(Wed. Western Siberia. The Nenets [Big Dipper - Si'iv ("seven") So'om; "so'om" in the Nenets is not etymologized]: Khomich 1976:20; Kets [constellation De j Tygyn (Blacksmiths "- possibly Cassiopeia): seven (var.: many) blacksmiths on earth were making a knife and suddenly found themselves in the sky]: Alekseenko 1976:85-86).

Eastern Siberia. The Ilympic Evenks (Tura) [four brothers of the Haeglen family from the upper land visited three shepherds in the middle land; when they fell asleep, they took all the deer to the upper land; three guys came to The Heaveki complained; he said that from now on, the inhabitants of the upper and middle earth would not visit each other; stolen deer would become stars (the origin of the stars); four guys would become bucket stars Haglen (Big Dipper), three from the ground with pen stars]: Yermakov 1988:35-36; Evenks of Buryatia (Bount) [mystery: Seven men walk with one son (Big Dipper)]: Voskoboynikov 1958 , No. 67:165; salons near Hailar [Ursa Major - Dolon-Burkhyn ("seven gods")]: Potanin 1893:318.

SV Asia. Chukchi [Ursa Major - six slingers; seventh double star (Mitzar and Alcor?) - brown fox nibbling on a pair of deer antlers]: Bogoras 1902:593; Bogoraz 1939:25

Coast-Plateau. Snohomish [The creator stopped at Puget Sound, decided to distribute all the languages there (that's why the Salish have so many of them); the sky was low, trees were climbing into the sky; people were pushing him with poles up; in this moment three hunters chased moose where heaven and earth converge; stayed in the sky; hunters - Big Bear bucket handle (dim star - dog); bucket - four moose]: Clark 1953:148-149 (not fully baked in Monroe, Williamson 1987:25-27); Vasco [five Wolf Brothers hunt, Coyote lives with them; they agree to tell him they see two Grizzlies in the sky; Coyote lets them into the sky arrows, makes a ladder out of them; they all go to heaven; the Coyote decides that the Grizzly and Wolves look beautiful together, leaves them in the sky, goes down, breaking the stairs; the three older Wolves are the handle of the bucket Ursa Major; the oldest is the middle star, followed by the smallest one is his dog; two younger Wolves are part of the bucket closer to the handle; two Grizzlies are the opposite part of the bucket; the Lark tells Coyote that stars are rising, ready to fall, then the earth will die from the cold; Coyote climbs into the sky again, arranges stars differently; the Milky Way is the Coyote's trail]: Clark 1953:153-155; Hines 1996, No. 5:32-35; (cf. cous [7 stars {B. A bear? Rather, the Pleiades} are hunters; not found, but still looking for game]: Jacobs 1940, No. 4:241).

The Midwest. Winnebago [seven virgins collect sacred herbs; seven warriors guard them; an evil shaman quietly approached virgins disguised as a young man; they report this to the healer; the next once they run; Ma-on (the Creator) takes them to heaven, turns them into the Big Dipper; strikes the pursuer with lightning, makes them the North Star; the healer also throws warriors into the sky, they become Ursa Minor]: Smith 1997:28-30.

Northeast. Penobscot [six brothers go on the warpath; their older sister turns into a bear, kills everyone in the village, forces her family's two youngest children to serve; the youngest the boy enlists the help of a sorcerer; the brothers return, flee from the Bear, become the constellation Ursa Major]: Alger in Miller 1997:43.

Plains. Sarsi: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 39 [a woman warns her young son not to pretend to be a bear when playing with other children; he pretends to be a bear three times, scaring others, on the fourth he really does become a bear, kills almost everyone; men shot him, but this made his mother angry, she roared four times, became a bear herself, told his younger sister to hide behind an angry dog, killed everyone at the camp; told her sister to cook, dissatisfied, threatened to kill her; the girl went to get water, met seven brothers returning from the war, they all ran away; on the fourth day the bear began to catch up, the elder brother ordered the bear's giblets to be thrown, a rocky cliff appeared, then the scar was a dense forest, the bubble was a lake, but the bear swam across it; the brothers closed their eyes and went up to the sky, turned into seven stars of the Ursa Major; two stars next to each other near the Bear's tail - a girl and a dog]: 48-49; Simms 1904 [the husband notices that returning from the forest with brushwood, the wife is covered in mud ; watches her, sees her copulating with the Bear, kills him, lets her skin him off; she keeps it; tells her younger sister to keep the angriest dog with her; wearing the skin, she becomes the Bear, kills everyone; only the sister is protected by a dog; six siblings return from war; at the source, the younger sister tells them what happened; they learn from her that the Bear's feet are vulnerable; they dig up pegs near the house; the bear steps on them, they try to burn her, she chases them; brothers and younger sister go up into the sky, become the seven stars of the Ursa Major; the star next to them - sister's dog; Bear turns to stone]: 181-182; Blacklegs: Fraser 1990 [Big Dipper - seven Wolves; lead the hero along Wolf Road to Earth]: 55; Knox 1923 [every time collecting brushwood, the wife comes back late; the husband watches her, sees her knock on wood, a rattlesnake comes out, turns into a handsome man, copulates; he calls the snake with the same signal, cuts off the head; the wife finds the corpse, cries; the husband cuts off her head; her seven brothers find an empty dugout; they hear her sister's voice outside; she says she is killed, does not tell her to look at her; the younger one spies sees the head flying over the skin that it scrapes; the brothers hunt, send the youngest in the form of a beetle to watch his sister; he sees her trying on the skin where she will attach her brothers' scalps; They send their sister for meat, run, taking her paint, scraper, porcupine needles, awl; they throw it, she loses time picking them up; they think what to turn into; water - people will drink; trees - cut down; grass - burn; stones will heat up for the steam room, women will make scrapers; animals will kill and eat; birds are the same; the youngest offers to become stars; they blow on the pen, rise to the sky as a Major Dipper]: 401-403; Michelson 1911b, No. 2 (piegan) [every evening, the older sister goes to the forest; the mother tells the youngest to see her sister copulate with a bear; the father and men shot him; the older sister asks the youngest to bring her a paw, call the young people to play bear; asks not to push her in the hips; the girl pushes her, the older sister turns into a Bear, devours everyone, turns her younger sister into a maid; she meets seven brothers who have returned from the campaign; they ask her to know how to kill the Bear; she replies to her sister that she has injected it in her paw with an awl; the brothers give her sister a rabbit; the bear tells her to eat it herself, then wants to kill for not leaving half of her; runs out, attacks the awls; the brothers burn the corpse, a piece of finger flies off, the Bear revives, chases; the older brother blows on the feather, It takes off, they follow it, become the seven stars of the Ursa Major; the sister runs to the old man, who hides her, cuts off the Bear's ears and tail]: 244-246; Spence 1985 [a man has seven sons, two daughters; the eldest takes the Grizzly as a lover; the father tells him to be killed; the older brothers go camping; the sister takes a piece of Grizzly skin, turns into a Grizzly herself, kills everyone except Sinopa's younger sister and Okinai's younger brother; takes human form again; older brothers return; let younger sister scatter prickly fruits in front of the elder's house; brothers and younger sister run; older sister steps on prickly fruits, turns into a Grizzly, chases; O. waves his pen, creating a thicket, a lake, a tree; everyone climbs a tree; O. shoots arrows into the sky; with each arrow, one of the brothers flies away to heaven; they turn into B. The bear; the dim star on one side is Sinop; the four stars of the bucket are brothers who were pulled down from the tree by the Grizzly]: 182-184; blacklegs (piegan) [collecting firewood, the woman returns it's too late; the husband watches, sees her knock on a tree, a snake crawls out, they copulate; he calls the snake with the same signal, cuts her throat; the next day the wife returns crying; the husband cuts her throat; her seven younger brothers see that she has only one head left; the elder turns into a beetle, sees her drawing on suede, says where her brothers' scalps will be; brothers send her to bring her meat, run away; throw her porcupine needles, scraper, paint; she rushes to pick them up; brothers think about what to turn into; reject turning into stones (women will break for scrapers), wood ( people will burn), water (drink), deer (kill), birds (children will shoot), grass (set fire); they rise into the sky, blowing on a feather, turn into seven stars]: Josselin de Jong 1914:43-47; assiniboine [ seven young men are thinking about what to become; the earth (it is being dug), rocks (collapsing), trees (thrown by the storm), water (dries up), night (followed by day), light (replaced by night) are rejected by the wise red-haired brother; only the sky and stars are immortal; brothers rise to the sky on a web, turn into seven stars; the web is given to the Spider forever]: Lowie 1909a, No. 21:177; grovantre [girls play; elder asks them to bring bison ribs; makes claws out of them, turns them into a Bear, kills everyone except his younger sister; their six brothers return; asks her sister to find out where the vulnerable place is The bears; the little finger on my left hand; give my rabbit sister to throw hot fat at the Bear; they run, the Bear chases them, the younger one kills her by hitting her little finger with an arrow from a tendon ( only with it can be killed); they burn the body, one spark flies to the side, the Bear revives from it, continues to pursue; if they wish, the brothers create a swamp, a forest, a gorge, a river, a fire behind her, cacti; the sister hits them with her ball, taking them to the sky; they turn into the Big Dipper or the Pleiades; The bear stays on the ground]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 27:105-108; Crowe: Lowie 1918:126 [ Seven brothers are wondering what to become; mountains (sometimes burn), rocks (split), water (ice? - melts) rejected; they turn into Seven Stars; the boy is a separate star nearby], 205-211 [the older sister turns into a Bear, devours people; tells the youngest to get a rabbit; her six Brothers give it to her; the bear chases her sister; the brothers give the younger sister a piece of the animal's stomach; she throws it behind her, it turns into holes; the older sister gets stuck in the last one; brothers with the younger sister turns into seven stars of the Ursa Major, the sister is accompanied by a dog], 211 [seven brothers are angry at something, decided to change; they have a younger sister, she has a dog; land (hers they dig), trees (they are cut down), stones (they are split), stars (they fall) are rejected; turn into Ursa Major]; santi [the hunter died in the forest; four people took him - that's four stars bucket; three pen stars - his wife and children]: Wallis 1923:44; Shayens: Erdoes, Ortiz 1984 [a young girl sews seven beautiful sets of men's clothing and shoes, the last one is the smallest; says mother, that she has seven brothers in the north; her mother accompanies her, then returns, the girl comes to her seven brothers; the Bisons demand her for themselves; the younger brother shoots arrows up, each time a tree, on that the brothers and the girl have climbed grows up; with the fifth arrow they cross into the sky, and the giant bison knocks down a tree; those who have risen turn into the Big Dipper; the girl is the brightest star, the youngest brother - star at the end of the bucket handle]: 205-209; Grinnell 1926 [the girl took the name Possible Sack (hereinafter PS), made 7 sets of clothes and 7 pairs of moccasins for her seven brothers (the youngest is still young boy), went to look for brothers; the mother first goes with her, then returns, telling the PS to send her dog home when she reaches the brothers, and pick up the dog prepared for the brothers from the leveller and carry it on her shoulders ; six brothers went hunting, in the house only the younger Mąk'ss (hereinafter M.); a log house with a passage {i.e. not tipi, but like sedentary Indians}; after receiving his clothes and moccasins, he runs out to meet the brothers, says that a sister has come; the eldest objects, demands her as a wife, but the next oldest tells the youngest that the elder is joking; in the morning, the older brothers leave again, telling the younger protect her sister; she warns M. that if she is taken away, she will throw red and yellow porcupine needles along the way (apparently penetrating from these needles); one day M. chased the bird, went far away; the bison came , told PS to go out; she went to the far corner; the bison scattered logs, said his name was Double-Teethed Bull; she had to follow him; meet his family and all the bisons; when they found out what had happened, brothers they cried, because this bison could not be killed; when one of the brothers went to the river, beyond which the bison, turned the blackbird skin into blackbird, sent it to the PS, but the bison understood what was going on, told the bird to get out; then the same : coyote, raven; yellow bird small, PS quietly said that the brothers were nearby; M. magically sedated the bison; turned the gopher's skin into a gopher, he dug an underground passage, M. took his sister away, on her stick- her cape remained on; the bison woke up, looked for PS, but lost track; M. fired an arrow to the house and was immediately followed by there; the brothers and sister were already there; they entered in advance built a fortified corral; M. killed four messengers of the main bison with arrows; brothers and sister climbed the willow, the bison surrounded them; M. shot the chief, the bison ran away; M. cut, trampled the main body into dust; six brothers and sister turn into the Big Dipper (sister in front); M. into a small star {clearly Alcor}]: 220-231; teton [Seven Stars (Ursa Major) - a group of dancing around the Fixed Star (Polar); seven fires of tribal councils are lit in honor of the Seven Lakota Stars]: Miller 1997:235; arpahoes: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 80 [Bear of All kills, turns a girl into a slave; her seven brothers return, gives her a rabbit, explains how to show the Bear that she killed the animal herself; she tells her brothers that the Bear's vulnerable place is his little finger; the bear chases them; the sister kicks the ball, throws herself and her brothers into the sky with it; they turn into stars (Pleiades?) , sister can be seen far from her brothers], 105 [a girl plays a bear, becomes a Bear, kills people; people run away, leaving two children tied to a tree; they are freed by a dog; a bear is chasing them; they rise to the sky, turn into stars]: 152-153, 208-209; Kiowa: Brown 1930:7-8 in Gibbon 1964 [Kiowa also knew the story of seven fleeing from a bear and turning them into seven Ursa Major stars, but seven sisters and one brother act]: 237; Parsons 1929a, No. 3 [every day, the husband paints his wife's face red; her bear lover licks the paint; the husband watches his wife kills the Bear; sees the wife crying while scraping her skin; the wife plays a bear, turns into a Bear, kills all the people in the village, turns her younger sister into a slave; tells her to get a rabbit, otherwise she will kill; the girl's six brothers come back, give her a rabbit, teach her how to show that she got it herself; run away with her, climb a rock; her sister tells her brothers that the Bear has vulnerabilities between their toes; brothers shoot there to kill the Bear; they and sister go up to heaven, become stars (it's not clear, Pleiades or Ursa Major); the brothers are named Sensitive Ear, Fast Runner, Sharp Shooter, Smart (others unnamed)]: 9-11; Comanche [father wants to drive away four sons and daughter; the elder thinks what to become; they turn into seven stars]: Saint Clair 1909b, No. 18:282; wichita: Dorsey 1904a, No. 8 [a cannibal kidnaps a woman; she runs away, gets to an old man who lives in a rock; he kills an ogre; she marries an old man's seven sons - Fat Dog and his brothers; two-faced monsters kill six brothers, the old man revives them; the lungs of monsters hang on the walls of the cave; the Fat man pierces them with an arrow, the monsters die; when children offend Fat's child, the whole family goes to heaven; brothers turn into the Big Dipper, the old man into the North Star, the woman into a star next to him], 9 [each of the seven brothers is somewhat superior to other people; 1) in sight, 2) hearing, 3) strength, 4) running speed, 5)? , 6) clairvoyance, 7) fearlessness; a girl comes to the eldest at night; he smears her back with white clay; in the morning asks women to play ball, identifies his older sister; hits her with an arrow; she is angry becomes a Grizzly bear; brothers go camping, Clairvoyant says all their people are killed, Keen says Grizzly did it; Grizzly destroys people; their younger sister comes to the brothers, they give her killed rabbits; they shoot at the Grizzly's paw, where it is vulnerable, but she chases them; they throw the turtle's shell, it turns into many turtles, the Grizzly devours them; they throw a red stone (ocher?) , she paints herself; blows dust off her arrows, a dense bush appears; a deep gorge is created with a bowstring, the Grizzly crosses it; rises to the sky, turns into the Big Dipper; the Grizzly goes to north], 10 [a woman has seven brothers; Coyote tells her that he will send his daughter; he does not have a daughter, he turns into a girl himself; brothers marry her; she gives birth to a child, leaves with him; brothers pursue she, they take the child, go up to heaven, turn into the Big Dipper; near her older brother there is a child (a weak star); her sister is a star at a distance; at night, a coyote howls with longing for a child]: 63-69, 69- 74, 74-80;

Southeast U.S. Caddo [six Star Brothers lure buffalo by rocking their sister on a swing between earth and sky; kill buffalo as needed; contrary to warning, Coyote puts the girl on a swing in the absence of the brothers; the bisons don't come; he rocks her harder, she flies to heaven; the brothers follow her]: Dorsey 1905, No. 26:51-52.

California. Yuki [a group of girls (Ursa Major) went west to the ocean shore; the Coyote throws stones at them, forcing them to return; so the Big Dipper goes west not far and then returns] : Foster 1944:233; monak [Big Dipper - Seven Boys]: Driver 1937, No. 1306:87; chumash [woman goes to her new husband; does not feed her little son, drives him away; he is helped by a Raccoon; six more boys join him in the same position; they are assisted by a Raccoon; they turn into Geese; the raccoon cannot take off with them, although they have covered his body with feathers; mothers repent, ask Children return; they fly away, becoming the seven stars of the Ursa Major]: Blackburn 1975, No. 57:245-248 (retelling in Monroe, Williamson 1987:85-89).

Big Pool. The Northern Payut [Shinob's son (one of the two creators) is a mountain ram; he climbs a high mountain, a rockfall cuts his way back; his father turns him into a North Star; Big and Ursa Minor are mountain sheep walking around this mountain and trying to climb up too]: Palmer 1946:71-75 (Quail in Edmonds, Clark 1989:130-133).