Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B47A. The split hoof of a cow. 33.34.

A cow steps on the Pleiades stars on earth, which were demonic creatures. Some of the stars slipped through her split hoof.

Kazakhs, Altaians, Khakas, Tuvans, Mongols, Oirats.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Abishev 1949 [while on the ground {heliactive approach in spring}, Yrker drives grass out of the ground; the longer he lies on the ground the better; horse, camel, cow, ram and goat agreed to take turns guarding him with his feet against the ground so that Y. would not go to heaven; when it was Goat's turn, Y. broke his hoof and jumped out into heaven; therefore, the goat's hoof was split; as punishment, the others animals deprived the Goat of its fat tail]: 19; Potanin 1916, No. 27 [Urkör (Pleiades) consisted of 12 stars, it was eternal winter; the animals decided to catch W., chased; the horse caught four stars, trampled; camel - two; six fell under the hooves of a cow, but because of their duality they escaped; so in the winter of six months; to angry animals, the cow replied that it is better to walk in the freezing cold than in the heat; cows are not afraid of frost]: 116 (=1972:54-55).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians: Garf, Kuchiyak 1978 [the cow sees shining stars in the ravine; the horse suggests that he crush them, because the cow's hooves are weaker; but the cow jumped on its own, the hooves have cracked, the stars are through the crack flew to heaven, became the Pleiades (Ulker)]: 177-178; Katash 1978 [The sword consisted of 12 stars, it descended to the ground in summer; if in a swampy place, summer was rainy, if it was dry, everything burned out from the heat; The Cow and the Horse noticed Sword, the Cow crushed the stars with its hoof, but 6 got out and returned to heaven; if all 12 stars had been crushed, winter would not be so cold]: 18-19; Potanin 1883, No. 35c [The Pleiades were Kurt-Chulmus ("devil worm"), who was on the ground, eating people and cattle; Dzhetygan (Big Dipper) descended to earth on horseback to kill the monster; the horse must crush it with a hoof, but on a kurt- A cow stepped on the chulmus and the monster slipped through its split hoof; J. managed to carry only one out of seven shulmus, of which the enemy consisted; since then, the Pleiades have been chasing J. , and he runs away with his head thrown back]: 194; Khakas [first eternal summer; Irlik Khan created the Pleiades, from which the cold spread; Ah-Khudai decided to get rid of the creation of his underground brother; called the horse and asked to smash the hellish creature with a hoof so that it would fall into the ground; the cow heard AH's request, pushed the horse away: "Despite my split hoof, I am much heavier than you"; the cow hit The Pleiades were broken into 7 parts with a hoof, but through the slot in its hoof, the creature emitting cold rose to heaven and turned into the Pleiades]: Butanaev 2003:48; Tuvans: Alekseev et al. 2010, No. 3 [Uger ( Pleiades) was lying on the ground; the cow and the horse argued who would trample him into the ground; the cow came first; Uger slipped through the hole in her hoof, rose to heaven; sent the cow a reward - a lump of yellow bacon ; the cow shoved it into the crevice of its hoof, there is now yellow fat]: 45; Potanin 1883, No. 37c [the constellation of Frenzy used to be on earth; Horse and Cow were arguing about who to crush him; The cow came first, W. went to heaven through a split hoof]: 203; the Mongols (central Mongolia) [Michigan (Pleiades) was underground/in the ground (?) ; there were 8 suns on earth; a Mongolian cow was thirsty, stepped on the star Michigan with its hoof, which rose to heaven, it became cold; since then it is said that the Mongols made the earth cold; this the star only happens in winter]: Mongolian expedition of the Russian State University for the Humanities, western August 23, 2007; Oirats (durbuts): Potanin 1883, No. 37a [when the Mechin (Pleiades) was on earth, it was eternal warmth; Camel and Cow they thought to crush him; Camel has a wide leg, but the Cow came first; M. slipped through her split hoof, went to heaven; when it rises (i.e. in winter) it was cold], 37b [Mechin let snow, hunger, pestilence on cattle; hid in ash; The cow came before Camel; M. divided into 6 stars, went to heaven; because of this it is cold; the camel is now falling into ash, thinks to crush M.]: 203.