Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B48A. Pieces of someone else's flesh .

Animals, birds, or fish have internal organs or muscles that were originally parts of the body of other animals, birds, or fish (usually parts of the flesh of a huge capercaillie or hazel grouses are given to other creatures). Cf. Motive B36C.

San Bushmen (Xam), Vancho, Sherdukpen, Garo, Swedes, Western Sami, Finns, Karelians, Russians (Komi Republic; in the correlation table refers to Arkhangelsk), Khakas, Altaians, Chelkan residents, Kumandins, Baikal residents (?) Buryats, Mansi, Northern and Eastern Khanty (Russians in the South of Western Siberia), Kets, Yugi, Northern Selkups, Central and Northeastern Yakuts, Sym Evenks, Western Evenks (Turin, Ngokonnovsky), Baikal Evenks (northern Transbaikalia), Far Eastern Evenks (Uchursky), Russians of the Angara region, Negidals, Nanais, Russkoe Ustye.

SW Africa. The Bushmen (san, or rather Xam) [The hare began to cry because his mother was dead; The month told him not to cry, for his mother would come to life as he came to life; The hare insisted on his own; The month hit him, tearing his lip, turning it into a hare; the hare still has part of its flesh since it was human, this piece cannot be eaten; it is a certain muscle on the thigh; the Month has punished the hare, let it not sleep in bushes, but outdoors; he has a lot of parasites in his hair on his head]: Bleek, Lloyd 1911:56-65.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Miji (dhammai) [the wife of the god Lunchonmu-Bui gave birth to the first elephant; she could not feed it; when animals, birds, and fish came together, the elephant barely crawled; each of the fish and birds gave it to the elephant a piece of his belly; therefore, there are different kinds of flesh in the elephant's body]: Elwin 1958a, No. 23:383; sherdukpen [someone cooks in a hunter's hut, he finds a girl, she came from his accumulated stock dried meat; warns that it will disappear if he scolds it; he calls it rootless, it leaves, turns into an elephant; coming from different pieces, elephant meat tastes like beef, pork, venison]: Elwin 1958b, No. 31:431-432 (=1958a: 389-390); the vancho [the elephant got its body from various gods and animals; Rang filled its belly with leaves; the snake gave a trunk; Rang made ears out of fans to sweep grains and tusks from spears; added a rat tail; made legs out of human and animal flesh, eyes out of two pebbles]: Elwin 1958a, No. 34:392; garo [dressmaker bird (Orthotomus family) was huge, even the rocks broke under her weight; tired of flying constantly, she asked the mother goddess to reduce her; she gave her body parts to others; her hips to the elephant, the flesh from her head to the buffalo, part of her neck ox and bison; the dressmaker became the smallest]: 260.

Central Europe. Northern Russians (Old Believers of the Ust-Tsilem District of the Komi Republic, 2007) [hazel grouse was the size of a cow; it flew up noisily before the Lord, frightening him, who made hazel grouse the size of a fist; the white meat of deer and other animals is the parts of the hazel grouse that they got]: Ilyina et al. 2010:59.

Baltoscandia. Swedes (northern near the border with Finland) [at first hazel grouse was the biggest bird; when it flew through the forest, the sound was like thunder; once it frightened Jesus, who was walking in the forest; he separated him and made it the smallest; on the Day of the Last Judgment, hazel grouse will again become the largest of all birds; pieces of white hazel grouse meat are in the chest of all birds and above the eyes of all fish; options: a donkey or a Virgo horse is frightened Maria]: Klintberg 2013:16-18; Finns [there is a saying: shrunk like hazel grouse as the High Court approached; these are clearly remnants of the same plot as the Swedes; Dänhardt 1910: Last Judgment Day the hazel grouse will become so small that it can squeeze through the wedding ring, but it will still take off with a terrible noise]: Klintberg 2013:17; Karelians [the hazel grouse was huge; there is a saying: the hazel grouse turned, the ground shook, God's water trembled; God took the meat from the hazel grouse's chest and divided it between all the fish, placing them on their cheeks; therefore, the Old Believers in Karelia refrained not only from fasting meat but also from fish]: Pentikäinen 1978:298; Western Sami (Sweden): Klintberg 2013 ["hazel grouse" is found in the chest of all birds and on the cheeks of fish and reindeer]: 17; Simonsen 2014 [hazel grouse was the biggest bird; when he took off, he frightened God; he made him small, distributing pieces of his flesh among other animals; reindeer had this piece in the neck, fish had it in the head under the lower jaw, and birds had it - above the sternum]: 87.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [when Ah-Khudai created animals, he forgot to make a cow's liver; so he cut off kidney meat from each type of cattle and stuck to a cow; since then, all animals have buds in the form of carved troughs, and the cow has many layers]: Butanayev 2003:110; the Altaians [the capercaillie was first a pugnacious person; then turned into a bird the size of a bull, but with the same character; God distributed its meat to other ankle birds; the white meat in them is from capercaillie; the capercaillie cries for the loss, his eyes turned red]: Verbitsky 1893:165; Khakas: Gomboev 1890 (Kachins) [hazel grouse was the largest a bird and weighed 12 pounds; Jesus Christ was riding an elephant through the taiga; hazel grouse fluttered and frightened the elephant; he rushed into the thicket and galloped so hard that Christ could hardly hold him back; "It's not good for hazel grouse to be like this big," he decided and ordered the hazel grouse meat to be divided into all birds; because of this, the hazel grouse became small, and each bird has at least some white meat]: 142-143; Chelkan residents [hazel grouse was the most big; God drove into the forest, the hazel grouse took off, God's horse was frightened, God flew off his horse, hit a stone; when he returned home, decided to destroy the birds; called them, the hazel grouse did not appear; God ordered him to be brought; that explains that on the first day I counted fish and stones, more fish; God: I created more stones; hazel grouse: I considered long stones to be fish; on the second day I counted stars and bumps - more bumps; God: there must be stars to be bigger; hazel grouse: I counted stumps; on the third day I counted men and women, more women; God: I created more men; hazel grouse: I counted men who live according to women; God decided that killing hazel grouse for scaring a horse will be among women; decided to make it small, distributed its meat to all animals; any animal and bird has white hazel grouse meat, only an owl did not take it; therefore, her wings are soft, flies silently; hazel grouse is small, but considers itself smarter than God]: Kandarakova 1978:169-172; Kumandins [God created all birds and animals big; once rode a horse, hazel grouse frightened the horse, God fell off it; then decided to destroy all the birds, ordered them all to be collected; all the birds of Altai gathered, hazel grouse did not appear; God's mother convinced him that hazel grouse needed kill; hazel grouse was found, brought; God asked why he did not appear immediately; hazel grouse said that for three days he counted what was more on earth: stones or fish on the first day, stars or bumps on the second day , on the third day - men or women {no details}; God did not like the fact that hazel grouse, when counting women, counted men who listen to women: which means that he, listening to his mother, will be among the number women; eventually decided: not to kill hazel grouse, but to make it smaller; he distributed white hazel grouse meat to all animals and birds; only the owl did not take hazel grouse meat; thus, it retained the ability to silent, easy flight]: Oinotkinova et al. 2011, commentary to text No. 52:445-446; Baikal Buryats (Alar) [hazel grouse was huge; after taking off, he frightened the Burkhan horse; he shared his meat, putting hazel grouse in each bird's chest, he made hazel grouse small]: Gomboev 1890, No. 15:76 (retelling in Eliasov 1973, No. 99:365-366).

Western Siberia. Mansi: Anisimkova 1960 [hazel grouse was larger than capercaillie; boy Filya got lost in the taiga; capercaillie, duck, killer whale showed the way, hazel grouse refused; Fili's father decided to divide hazel grouse meat between with other birds, he himself became small]: 11-14; Gondatti [the heavenly god killed a powerful hazel grouse, gave a piece to various animals whose meat turned black due to contact with the underground Kul-ator and lost nutritional power; made the current hazel grouse from the last piece] in Karjalainen 1996:24, in Munkácsi 1908:257-258; the northern Khanty (Sherkal dialect) [at the time of the creation of the world, hazel grouse was the size of a cow; the underground spirit was going hunting, the hazel grouse took off, the spirit fell to his knees in fear; wrote a letter to God complaining at home; God thought: "(If) in the future there will be a world of little ostyaks with circumcised with the navel (lasting) one century, how will they walk along the hunting path?" ; God cut hazel grouse into small pieces, distributed it to many animals; since then everyone has a piece of white meat, these are pieces isolated from hazel grouse]: Steinitz 2014, No. 30:196; Eastern Khanty: Golovnev 1995 (Tromjegan) [the pike had no bones in its head, only jaws; it ate everything on the ground with them; ate a deer shoulder carried by a raven, half a wooden shovel hit it by a fisherman, a woman walking for firewood, an elk's front leg, sleigh runners, Posta-young iki's knives; he threw a pike into the water; her heads are things, animals and people she swallowed; seven bones in the pike's head]: 567; Lukina 1990, No. 18 (p. Vasyugan) [Hazel grouse was huge, fluttered and frightened Torum; he tore it into seven parts, scattered it, one piece became the current hazel grouse; since then, all birds have white hazel grouse meat and animals (along the ridge in the elk)]: 76; chum salmon: Alekseenko 1976, No. 19 [Hazel grouse was a big bird, taking off, frightened people; Ysya frightened, he made him small, divided his white meat between everyone; fish have it under the gills], 20 [people were starving; two brothers and a sister lived on earth; you decided to help people make a squirrel out of a girl; when the brothers left, the girl became a squirrel, climbed a tree, the old woman grabbed her clothes (basam), tore her, the squirrel had a tail; the brothers returned, began to cut the tree, the squirrel jumped on another, galloped away; the squirrel had a thumb left from the person and a piece of white meat under their arms; people do not eat it, they throw it away; at first, squirrel ate only nuts, then learned to eat dry mushrooms, twigs]: 77; yughi [Hazel grouse was huge, taking off, frightened people and dogs; God I saw this, divided his meat between all the fish, and the hazel grouse became small]: Werner 1997, No. 31:287-288; the northern Selkups [the hazel grouse was huge; he got bored alone, he began to tear it away from himself pieces of meat, making other birds out of them; as a result, he became small]: Tuchkova 2004:238; (cf. Russians in southern Western Siberia [the mammoth was so huge that it could not carry its body; threw off part of its body, hazel grouse formed from the thrown one; the mammoth meat was white, so hazel grouses have white meat]: Gerasimov 1909, No. 1:11 in Kuznetsova 2014:59).

Eastern Siberia. Central Yakuts [a huge hazel grouse frightened the Virgin (or God the Father) with the noise of its flight; Christ reduced its size, and distributed the cut off part among all birds and four-legged birds; now the bodies of all animals have white pieces in their muscles]: Kulakovsky 1979:70-71; Ergis 1964, No. 26 (Kachikat Nasleg of the Khangalassky Ulus): 95; 1967a, No. 51:170 (retelling in Sivtsev, Efremov 1990:20, in Sivtsev-Omolloon 1976:29); northeastern (Verkhoyan) Yakuts [hazel grouse was huge; Khotoy Aya (Lord) cut it into pieces and created birds of all breeds from them]: Khudyakov 1969:272; Yakuts (place of recording?) [God and Satan created fish. God's fish scales were light, and Satan's fish scales were dark. God forgot to give the sterlet a heart, and in order to reward her with his heart, he collected pieces of it from other fish. Therefore, the sterlet heart consists of separate pieces. When making a sterlet heart, God blessed her with a sign of the cross] that's why a bone cross is visible on her head]: Ergis 1967b, No. 62:173; Sym Evenks [Konstantin Ilyich Likhachev, 12 August 2009; the hazel grouse was big, scaring all the birds when they took off; they gathered and decided to share its meat; each got a piece of white meat {and the hazel grouse became small}; the raven did not come, so his meat all black]: Davletshin, Duvakin 2009, personal message, No. 3; Western Evenks (Turukhans, Katanga, western 1925) [The hazel grouse was big, frightened Jesus, he cut off excess meat from it, distributed it to other animals, birds, and fish; so they contain pieces of white meat, all perch made from hazel grouse meat]: Osharov 1936a: 53; Western Evenks (Podkamennaya Tunkuska) [everyone was afraid of the huge hazel grouse, the animals complained to the man; he cut off pieces of meat from it, distributed it to animals, birds and fish; this is white meat on the chest of birds, and fish on cheeks, animals around their necks; hazel grouse became small]: Suvorov 1956:66; Western Evenks (Ngokonnovsky) [hazel grouse was larger than an elk, frightened God; he divided its meat among all living, hazel grouse became small]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 34:32; Western Evenks (Turin) [hazel grouse was a giant; Heaveki made people; hazel grouse fluttered, frightened H.; he was making a man at that time; he dropped in fear an image on the ground; when the statue fell, older brother H. smeared it with a nozzle, said, Let them drool, snot, perceive diseases; H. got angry with hazel grouse, divided its meat between other birds; if hazel grouse hadn't frightened H., people would not fall or die]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 33:32 (=1959:178); Baikal Evenks (north Transbaikalia, p. Chara, 1944) [Tangara was riding a horse through the forest, a huge hazel grouse jumped out, the horse was frightened, Tangara fell; punished the hazel grouse by making it small, and gave pieces of its meat to capercaillies, partridges, killer whales; so they white meat only on the chest]: Pinegina 2019:170; Far Eastern Evenks (Uchursky) [Hazel grouse took off, frightened Nikola-Seveki's horse; he cut off his white meat, distributed it to birds and pike on his cheek] : Romanova, Myreeva 1971, No. 7:327; Russians of the Angara region [two var.; hazel grouse was the size of a bull, took off, frightening Jesus (Nikola); he made it small, divided the meat between all animals]: Belova 2004a, № 384.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanai people: Kile 1996, No. 3 [Kaluga was thrown into the shallows, other fish cannot help her; at Kaluga's request, Wagtail brings Moose, who rolled it into the river; grateful Kaluga gave him cartilage from his nose, which had previously been as long as a sturgeon, is a moose lip; The elk responded with a piece of meat from his chest, it is now behind Kaluga's cheek]: 73-75; Hodger 2011 [hazel grouse boasted that he was the most birds; Endur cut off pieces from it, distributed it to all birds and animals; eagle, ducks, hare - neck meat, fish - cheeks; hazel grouse meat turned white, others black]: 49; Negidals [trees broke under the weight of a huge Hazel Grouse; thuy edenin (the spirit of the owner of the area) ordered him to divide his body, give it to pike, sturgeon, Kaluga; hazel grouse became light]: Khasanova, Pevnov 2003, No. 76:148.

SV Asia. Russian Ustye [ordered Christ Adam to cook people, fish; A. cooked and did too much; H. goes to check, A. hid the excess: in sendukha (tundra), into the water, into the fire, into the corner; H.: let them be shendushny, water hostess, burning hozhain, ohto around the corner - sushedko; divided the excess fish into meat, put it in the cheeks of each animal]: Belova 2017:144.