Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B49A. How many cubs per year (.17.) .21.22.26.

Mighty animals could have many young, but now they only give birth to one in a few years.

(Socotra), Sichuan Tibetans, Karen, Thais, Lisu.

(Wed. Western Asia. Socotra [at Müller's: animals could speak; women had babies for 10 months and cows for 9 months; once a woman was giving birth was unable to get up to milk a cow and it took one month from her pregnant and took it for herself; when the udder was free of milk, the cow went to graze with the sheep; the sheep had 4 nipples and the cow had 2; the cow was already full, but the sheep could not; then the cow took it two nipples in the sheep, giving in return the ability to fill up quickly; in the evening, both returned to the woman and she explained to the sheep that the cow had deceived her; to avoid this in the future, the woman deprived the animals ability to speak; the version recorded by Naumkin only refers to the transfer of two nipples from sheep to cow; in pasture, the sheep cannot get enough; the cow reminds her of her hungry lamb and offers to feed him herself if the sheep give her two of their four nipples; when the sheep asked them back, the cow refused to give them back]: Naumkin et al. 2014:425).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Sichuan) [animals share the dish with reason; the hare adjusts so that man eats everything and he gets the leftovers, the Hare; in response, the Tiger says that he will be born every year nine cubs; a frightened Hare jumps out from under the bush, the Tiger forgets what he must repeat, asks the Hare; he: "One cub every nine years"; it remains so]: Potanin 1914, No. 6: 433-434.

Burma - Indochina. Karen [the older sister tells her younger sister that they can't do the field work, they need a husband; the werewolf tiger hears this, comes in the form of a human being, weeds quickly; younger sister understands the deception, the eldest agrees to go with the Tiger; the Tiger leaves the girl in the hut; a man warns her of deception, she runs away, hides in the chicken coop, the peasant brings her back to her sister; Tiger appears, the younger sister says that they are preparing natam treats and the wedding is coming soon; all tigers come to the party, people give them poisoned moonshine; one tigress has survived, repeating "A year, to my son!" ; scared of the chicken, asked the old woman what she was saying, the old woman did not hear well, answered "Twelve years old for her son"; so there are few tigers]: Zapadova 1977:120-123; Thais [first the creator ordered tigers give birth to seven cubs seven times a year; seeing that it was dangerous for other animals, he changed the order: one cub every seven years]: Coyaud 2009, No. 7:77.

China - Korea. The fox: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:184-185 [a cow, then a buffalo asks a pregnant woman how many (lunar) months she has been carrying a baby; she replies 10; the woman's children knocked over a pot of brews; at this time an elephant came and asked the same question; in her hearts, the woman replied that it was 24 months; the cow and buffalo gave birth 10 months later, and the elephant 24 months later; since then, elephants have hated pregnant women], 293-296 [the hare called the tiger to dig a wild yam; the tiger dug up a lot, but the hare almost nothing; told the tiger that the yam should be washed in the stream, looking at the sky and trampling the tubers with its feet; the tiger yam swam to to the hare; he said that the yam ate the acorn, offered to burn it and look with his eyes wide open; the acorn burst into the tiger's eyes; the hare went to the supreme god Vusa for advice, who ordered him to wash his eyes with juice trees; hare to the tiger: with pepper and salt; the tiger went by himself, V. said that the hare was deceiving him; from now on, tigers will give birth to 9 cubs a year and eat hares; the hare suddenly asked the tiger what V. ordered; he mistakenly replied that tigers will give birth to one cub at 9 years old and eat their cubs].