Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

B4A. Fish break off islands. 24.42.

Fish hit the ground, breaking off islands from the main land mass.

Atauru, Atoni, Tlingit.

Malaysiaâ€"Indonesia. Atauru [at first, small islands formed the same land mass as Timor; one day the sea dried up, the fish died, a giant eel remained; he began to crawl on land, eating goats; people set up on it hunting; he returned to the sea, which was filled with water again; began to hit his tail and split the islands from Timor with three blows]: Barroso Duarte 1984:211; atoni [Rote Island was part of Timor; fish (dans-vis) began to dance, made a hole in the surface of the earth, Rote broke away with all the inhabitants; Lis Lahuru Nai La'at killed fish; later, due to these injuries, the water flooded the area; Besi and his sister escaped coconut palm; brother asked his sister for a pin stuck in her hair; said that if the pin came to the ground, they would be saved; a pin thrown into the water swam to the ground; brother and sister went down, walked in shallow waters, reached land, gave birth to four sons]: Middelkoop 1971:447-449.

NW Coast. The Tlingites [it is believed that the Queen Charlotte Islands got their shape from halibut; a fisherman caught a small halibut and took it to his wife; she threw the halibut ashore; it began to grow and fight, It got bigger and more violent; eventually, due to its sheer size, one big island split into two, smaller islands appeared, and people were scattered across the land]: Stewart 1979:76 .