B52. The emergence of mountains.
At first, the land is flat, then there is a rugged terrain.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Kamba [with an arrow the size of a log, a giant beast with tough but tasty meat; performing a hunter's sacred dance, he knocks the plain into folds]: Pozdnyakov 1990:20-24.
Sudan - East Africa. Oromo [Father-Sky is Mother Earth's husband; snakes and rain are connected to the sky; the Earth was flat, saying that it was more important than Heaven; the sky said it was more important, the streams of rain created a rugged landscape; at first they lay close; Heaven rose, Earth expressed regret; Heaven then created people on earth; Var.: Earth was the wife of Heaven, they had a daughter Batto; Sky moved away from Earth; B. came together with a black snake, gave birth people]: Haberland 1967:44-46; konso [1) Jensen 1936:493; God (Heaven) created the Earth, she became his wife; first lay close, then he got up; began to rain it; 2) Jensen 1950/1955; At first, the Earth was as flat as her husband Sky; they began to argue who was stronger; the sky began to throw stones at Earth, rained, and she recognized its superiority]: Haberland 1967:48; sidamo [sky- Maganno is the Earth's husband-Batto]: Haberland 1967:48.
Australia. Wilman [the flood covers the ground, people drag large stones under the foundations of houses on a hill; animals are eaten raw; when the water has subsided, people, emus and kangaroos descend, wallabies remained; where women dug yams, lakes formed; rivers flowed, fallen rocks became mountains, lost spears and spearthrowers became trees]: Hassell 1934, No. 6:242-244 (summary in Waterman 1987, No. 2200 (1): 74).
Western Europe. The French (entry 1, Landes) [the first time God destroyed the world by the wind, several people escaped in caves; destroyed the second time by the flood; warned the righteous man, ordering him to build an ark in secret; the devil noticed this man's absence; asked his wife to pour out all the water so that when he returned from work, his husband could not wash his hands {incomprehensible}; he first washed his hands in the night pot, but the next evening and it was empty; the devil found out where the ark was being built, began to punch holes in the bottom; man plugged them with a pin every time; after 7 years, it rained and the last hole remained open; but the eel covered it with his tail; when the waters came down, they left behind lakes, valleys and mountains; before the flood, the earth was as flat as a table; when God decided to destroy the earth a third time, he would do it with fire; the sun will rise not from the east but from the west, will remain in the sky until 10 a.m. and then fall; after that, no one will be left]: Delarue, Tenèze 1985, No. 825:270-272.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. The Tanguts [goddess Ane-Goma-jamu gave the goddess Njigma the hem of the earth, ordering the land to be flat and people equal; to say, Where should the mountains be, so that there are no mountains, where the rich ( poor) to be, so that there are no rich, poor; she hurried and confused, saying, Where to be mountains, be mountains, let him be rich (poor)]: Potanin 1893, No. 82:315; khasi [the earth was flat; a woman died on it, leaving three daughters - Sun, Water, Fire; each in turn tried to destroy her mother's corpse; the Sun burned everything, then Water flooded the earth, but the corpse stayed; then Fire burned everything, the corpse disappeared; since then valleys and mountains have appeared on the earth]: Rafy 1920, No. 5:24-25; lushy [giant Chhura leveled the ground, made it smooth; the king of waters demanded a girl in wives, she refused; he sent a flood, people escaped on the mountain, gave the girl; when the waters came down, they formed a rugged terrain]: Shakespear 1909:395-396; bugun [Zongma had sons Nipu and Nili; they had no shape, they were like rocks; Neely created the earth and Nipu the sky; the earth was smaller than the sky; Neely squeezed it, so mountains appeared]: Elwin 1958a, no. 3:9; aka [only two eggs at first, they collided, crashed, from one came the Earth, from the other her husband Heaven; Heaven asked the Earth to shrink so that he could hug her; it shrunk, valleys and mountains appeared; Heaven and Earth gave birth to all living things creatures and plants]: Elwin 1958a, No. 9:15-16; sherdukpen [water first; Lopong-Rimbuche and his younger brother Chom-Dande threw a lotus from the sky into the waters, the water was covered with flowers; the brothers told the winds blow from four directions; the east brought white dust, western yellow, southern red, northern black; dust covered the flowers, mixed, the earth appeared; the brothers began to level the ground, they did it unevenly , valleys and mountains have appeared]: Elwin 1958a, No. 14:19.
(Wed. Burma - Indochina. Laos's black thai [the earth was like a ficus leaf, a sky with a snail's shell; the earth tried to expand and the sky tried to compress it {Is that why mountains appeared?} ; the sky was close to the ground]: Bourlet 1907:921).
Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangs (Kintak Bong): Evans 1937:159 [1) a dung beetle brought the ground in powder form from below; the bear rammed it with its paws, otherwise it would have filled the entire space to the sky; another informant later (1935) said that the bear stopped the beetle when the earth rose half the distance to the sky; 2) (according to Schebesta 1927:212); at first there is water everywhere; the dung beetle brings a bag of earth from under the water; earth grows; there would be mountains everywhere, but the bear rammed part of the land, plains appeared], 160 (Kensiu) [(Schebesta 1927:242); The Dung Beetle extracts the land from the swamp, it dries up under the sun, hardens]; Dayaks (Western?) [there was water, and two bird-like spirits, Ara and Iraq, swam on it; they dived, picked up two lumps of firmament from the water, each the size and shape of a chicken egg; from one A. created the sky, from another I. - land; it turned out that the end of the earth extended beyond the edge of the sky; they squeezed the earth, valleys and mountains appeared; trees and other plants grew on their own; A. and I. had been looking for such a tree for a long time, the juice would be short resembled blood; when found, they could not turn a tree into a human; then they sculpted a man and woman, the ancestors of the Dayaks, out of clay]: Dunn 1906:16 (paraphrase in Zolotarev 1964:220; in Hatt 1949:32); iban (Sea Dayaks): Jensen 1974:73 [Rajah Gantallah created two birds; they created the sky, the earth, then Batang Lupar (the beginning of the waters, the mother of rivers); the earth was bigger than the sky, they squeezed it, they made mountains; man was made of wood, then stone; they could not revive; then from clay, veins made of kumpang wood resin (it is red); man came to life], 74-75 [(according to Sandin 1962:5-6; a brief retelling also in Laubscher 1977:227-228); Raja Entala and his wife are thinking of creating peace; they rolled mud off their bodies, they made it the earth, then the sky, it turned out to be smaller than the earth; they squeezed the earth, creating mountains, valleys, rivers; Rura banana seduced Iri, fish come from them; RE made a human figure out of a bangkit banana stem, blood is the sap of a kumpang tree; RE's wife dressed the figure in ritual woven clothes; when RE shouted for the third time, the figure came to life; this is how Telichu (the ancestor of Iban, who married the daughter of the spirit Sengalang Burong) and Telichai (the ancestor of demons) appeared]; dayaki (b. Sakarran, west of Sarawak) [in the beginning there are only ethereal Loneliness and Soutan (a Malay word for "man," "soul"; they created two birds - bullar and erar; birds flew and created heaven, earth, and rivers; the earth was larger than the sky, they collected the earth in piles with their paws, creating mountains; creating people, first they made them from trees, but unsuccessfully; from stones, people like statues; then they mixed clay with water, sculpted them man and he came to life; his name was Tanacompta; he created (brought to life) a girl, and she gave birth to people; the sky was low; this woman pushed him away with her hand and supported him with columns]: Labuan 1863:27 (retelling in Ling Roth 1896:300); Dusun (Tempasuk) [the rock split into the sea, a Kinorohingan man and a Warunsansadon woman came out of it; V. created the earth by rolling a ball of mud on her body; K. forged the sky from iron; the earth was wider than the sky, V. densified it like fabric with a weaving sword, mountains appeared]: Evans 1953:15, 372-387 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:43; murut: Rutten, Pagan Tribes: 227-228 in Fischer 1932 [the earth was the size of a knee, the sky was an egg; the Earth invited Heaven to expand, and so it happened, but the Earth was wider than Heaven; then the Earth shrank, forming valleys and mountains]: 233; Wooley 1928 , No. 8 [Kaulung held the sky, it was fist, Bulumanok held the earth, it was like an egg; B. spread the earth to make it flat, K. spread the sky above it; when they brought heaven and earth together, the earth wrinkled, valleys and mountains appeared]: 267; Western Toraja (bada) [at the beginning of the world, the Earth brags that the Sky will not be able to cover it; it opens; the Sky also opens, it is smaller than Earth; he has to squeeze it, this is how valleys and mountains appear; the marriage of Heaven and Earth gave birth to the Sun and the Moon, and their marriage gave birth to stars]: Kruyt 1938, No. 1:1 (=Fischer 1932:11); Solor [during the flood, brother with sister escaped by climbing coconut and areca palms; as the waters rose, the palm trees grew, then became the same; after the flood, mountains and valleys appeared; brother and sister married, their seven sons and seven daughters became human ancestors]: Dos Santos 1967:33-40; Timor (Lautém) [first a sea of mud; God sculpted man, others descended from him; they were destroyed by storm, rain; God inhabited the earth with dwarfs; men wrapped their beards around their necks, women wrapped their hair around their waist; God punished this race with a flood; brother and sister escaped on coconut and arek palms; when the waters came down, they formed mountains, valleys; brother and sister gave birth to seven sons]: Pascoal 1967:50-51.
Taiwan - Philippines. Atayal [the ground was flat at first; during the flood, everyone gathered on the mountain; they threw a worthless man into the water, the water began to rise even faster; the leader's daughter was abandoned, the water came down; the streams created valleys and mountains]: Norbeck 1950, No. 5:17; Igorot: Eugenio 1994, No. 132a [hunters shouted loudly, Lumawig was furious about it, told the crab to close the water drain, saved a man and a woman from the flood; then told the crab to release water; when the water ran off, the waters formed a rugged terrain], 132b [the earth was flat; the man scolded the water for taking everything away; the flood began; God saved that man on the mountain, his sister saved herself in a wooden deck; after the flood, God wanted brother and sister to marry and have sons and daughters], 132c [When God learned that people do not multiply, God told the eel to shut down the water drain; by the tree Brother and sister were saved; God sent the crab to pinch the eel, it opened the waters; when the water ran down, the water created a rugged terrain; brother and sister refused to marry; then God touched the brother's navel, and went out from there men; sisters up to the navel are women]: 234, 235, 236; Cole 1916 [two sons of the supreme god Lumawig are dissatisfied that the earth is flat, so there are no mountains and no one to hunt; they made the land flooded water, and then mountains rose; the brothers took a basket for severed heads and made a trap out of it; many wild boars, deer and people fell into it; Lumavig saw that on the only piece of land left Brother and sister escaped to Pokis; L. told his dog and deer to bring them fire; they did not return for a long time, L. found them and told them to hurry; but when they swam through the water, they lost fire; and for the second time , but L. himself managed to catch the fire carried by the dog and lit a fire for his brother and sister; the water evaporated, brother and sister got married, gave birth to people]: 102-104 (in Dixon 1916:182 the same text, citing Beyer 1913:96 and Seidenadel 1909:485); ifugao [Kabigat, Wigan's first son, came down from heaven to hunt; dissatisfied that the barking of dogs does not echo in the gorges; plugged the drain with a cloth to the waters , they flooded the ground; Bongabong told him to bring the Cloud and the Mist; sent those to Baiyuhibi, who told his sons to rain for three days; Wigan told his son to remove the plug, the water subsided, forming rugged terrain]: Beyer 1913:100 in Dixon 1916:178-179; Nabaloi [first the earth is flat, people have no landmarks, are lost; Kabunian promises to create mountains unless a person from the underworld is he will find ways back; if he finds it, he will take souls; he made holes with a stick, almost returned along them; people left a vessel of alcohol on his way, he got drunk, killed him; K. made mountains]: Moss 1924, No. 5: 237.
China - Korea. Miao (Meto, Thailand) [Joser's spirit of heaven sent two spirits to warn people about the flood; those who worked in the field saw weeds grow again in the morning; one man wanted to kill these spirits, the other asked; they told me to make drums; only one man did, put his son and daughter in it during the flood; Joser poked the ground with a long pole to make the water come down, so eat valleys and mountains; told brother and sister to marry; sister gave birth like a bone marrow lump; Joser ordered it to be cut into pieces, scattered in different directions; from these pieces came the Chinese, Tai, Miao and other peoples (or various Miao clans); var.: 1) the man and sister himself, and not his children, escaped in the drum; 2) by Joser, the four spirits holding the land drained the waters]: Geddes 1976:23- 24; fox: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:151-152 [Akôuma came down from heaven and began to build the land; messengers told her that all her older siblings had died; she replied she could not quit her job; father; third time mother; then A. gave up everything in despair and what was ready fell apart; therefore, the terrain on earth was rugged], 153 (cf. Ainu) [Mwüpüp'a and his wife Mwüpü ma worked to make the ground flat; the husband kept chatting, and the wife worked without opening her mouth; when the husband saw that his wife did much more, he threw clods of earth in his hearts in 9 directions; therefore, mountain land]; Koreans [the daughter of the Lord of Heaven dropped the ring; her father sent a giant strongman to get it; he rummaged through the wet mud for a long time, finally found it; the places where he put mud became mountains, and where I dug deep, rivers formed]: Cho 2001, No. 76:117.
The Balkans. Bulgarians: Kuznetsova 1998 [God sends a bee to overhear what the devil says to the hedgehog and learn how to shrink the earth, which was so big it couldn't fit under heaven-1) take a rod and hit them on the ground; 2) God, on the advice of a hedgehog, moves the earth here and there, but mountains form on it]: 78; Johns 2005 (NW Bulgaria, Vidin) [The devil dives, brings from the bottom of the earth under his fingernails, God makes from it dry land; The devil, trying to drown the sleeping God, pulls him in all directions, but this makes the earth grow larger than the sky; animals are convened for advice; the Hedgehog advises to raise the earth in places, in some places compact; valleys and mountains form, the earth becomes the size of the sky]: 264; Romanians: Beza 1928 [when creating the earth, God took a ball of duck threads and another ball of base threads; while measuring the sky, he gave the ball of Hedgehog's base, who dropped it, resulting in the earth being larger than the sky; God began to think what to do; the bee flew to Hell, overheard him say to himself that he just had to squeeze the earth with his hands ; God did so, mountains formed; The devil hit the Bee with a whip, almost cutting it in half (thin waist)]: 123-124; Murgoci, Murgoci 1929 [first one water, God and the Devil walk on it; seven years later God sends the Devil to dive to get seeds to make earth; the devil takes the earth in his name, washes it out of his hands; when he takes it in God's name, he brings land under his fingernails; therefore, man belongs to God, and black under the fingernails - The Devil, preparing the deceased for burial, must be removed from the fingernails; God took three grains of sand from what the Devil brought, made them flat ground; the Devil tried to drown God, who fell asleep, but dragged his body, only stretched the earth in different directions; it became wider than the sky; God sent the Bee to eavesdrop on the Devil; he says to himself that the earth must be compressed to create valleys and mountains; when he sees The Devil hit her with a whip, almost tearing it in two; she left black bruises]: 135-137.
Central Europe. Poles [the land lies in the middle of the sea on two big fish; at first the land was flat; while God was making peace, the devil persuaded the duck to steal the land; God sent a hawk to chase her, who became hers strangle; the duck opened its beak to scream, dropped the ground, mountains came out of it]: Veselovsky 1890:33-34; Ukrainians: Kuznetsova 1998:145 (all of Ukraine) [God makes the earth flat, but Satan did not care, sketched mountains, swamps and other inconveniences from hidden land on it], 146 (Kharkiv Gubernia) [The devil came from the end of the earth and moved it, so mountains and valleys went on the land; God asked why he did it - for people to remember both God and the devil]; Franco 1898, No. 4 (Galicia, p. Podgorye, Drohobych, Kolomyisky, Stryisky districts) [Long before the flood, the land was flat. After the flood, when the Lord God ordered the waters to leave the earth, some waters began to flow into the ground so forcefully that in some places they swollen the earth and made mountains on it. Since then, flood water has been enclosed inside the mountains. Sometimes it flows, which is why there are so many springs in the mountains. But there is one mountain such that if I dug it, water would break out so much that it would flood the whole region]: 161; Belarusians: Grynblat, Gurski 1983 [Damn saw God sow the earth, hid part in his mouth; God asked what he was eating, Damn swallowed the earth, it began to grow; he began to burp, swamps formed in these places where devils live], No. 4:37-38; Kuznetsova 1998 [God makes the earth flat and Satan I didn't care, sketched mountains, swamps and other inconveniences from hidden land on it]: 145; Russians: Zavaritsky 1916, No. 1 (Saratov Volga Region) [God created heaven and water, rides on water on a stone, spat, from Titan appeared to the abyss; says his name is Titaniel, but you can simply call him Gogol; ready to listen to the order; God tells him to fly to heaven, bring land; he brought, but hid a pinch by the cheek; God He scattered the earth over the water, became land; to keep it, he created three whales, a stone slab on them, earth on it; God sees Gogol's swollen cheek, tells him to spit out the earth, a land with valleys and mountains has arisen; from Gogol rested on envy, squeezed God's land, it also wrinkled; Gogol claims that this is more beautiful; the man will remember the Lord when he goes uphill, and the jester when he goes downhill; God tells me to bring seeds from paradise , gave it to God from his right hand, kept it for himself from his left hand; useful plants sown by God, useless, prickly, poisonous from those sown by Gogol]: 67-69 (briefly in Kuznetsova 1998:146); Kuznetsova 1998 [1) Oryol Gubernia; God made the earth flat but liquid; asked Gogól to go from the west, went from the east himself and let's reap the land, which made it hard, but with mountains and ravines; 2) Simbirsk Lip.; the land created by God was somewhat large, then on the one hand God, and on the other hand, Satan took it up and squeezed it, which is why mountains and valleys occurred; 3) Saratov Gubernia, cf. Zavaritsky; 4) B.1 (?) ; Satan became jealous that people remember God for his flat ground; he went to the ends of the earth, rested his shoulder, causing the earth to shake and "shrink", forming mountains]: 146.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians (Digors) [the king's people... became proud, stopped recognizing God; people made doors in houses so high that a person would not have to tilt his head when entering, otherwise God could to think that the king's people recognize him and worship him; for such pride, God sent an overwhelming fire to the king, from which people with whole families went to the crypts and died in them; after the fire, God sent the flood that washed away the soft earth and this formed mountains and gorges in Ossetia]: Kokiev 1928:42 in Dzattiaty 1980:37; Ingush [The earth was formed before God, it looks like an egg and stands on a board, the board is at sea, and the sea is in some kind of "dark". If God wants, he will lay the whole earth in an egg (the uncertainty of the size of the earth). At first, the ground had a soft surface, like cotton wool, so that the foot went deep into the ground. In order for the earth to become stronger, 20 years after its appearance, God created mountains]: Akhriev 1875:8; Chechens [God created the earth three times as large as the sky, then he squeezed it, earthen mountains of earth appeared; to make it strengthen, God created stone mountains; bulls agreed to keep their horns on their horns unless they work on Tuesdays (it is forbidden to work on Tuesdays) and can urinate while riding]: Dalgat 2004:177; Terek Cossacks (p. Karabulak) [when the Lord created the sky and the sea, he "began to plant the earth"; sent the devil into the sea to bring sand; the devil climbed into the sea, collected sand in both handfuls, and hid one handful for himself the cheekbone to do what the Lord did; when he got out of the sea, he gave the Lord two handfuls; the Lord began to spread sand in all directions; where even one grain of sand fell, the earth began to grow out of it; the sand in the devil's mouth also began to grow; the devil screamed in pain; told the Lord that he wanted to hide some sand from him, and he began to burst his mouth; the Lord told the devil to run and spit until he will not spit out all the sand; the devil did so; mountains appeared where he spit]: Baranov 1899, No. 9:192-193; Georgians [when God created the earth was larger than the sky; the devil advised him to squeeze the earth; God hugged the earth and squeezed it; the sky fell into place, but gorges, seas, lakes, etc. appeared on the ground]: Virsaladze 1973, No. 3:48.
Baltoscandia. Finns: Harva 1938 (? Eastern Finland) [God sends the Devil to the bottom; C. dives in the form of a black-throated loon, brings earth; hides part in his mouth; by God's will, the earth begins to grow; C. spits out the earth, ravines form and other bad places]: 101 in Napolsky 1991:140; Finns or Karelians (eastern Finland): Mansikka 1909:171 [God was on a golden pillar in the middle of the sea; told his reflection to rise to him; the devil has appeared; God asks how the earth could arise; - You have to dive to the bottom three times; God told the devil to dive three times, the third time he hides part of the earth in his mouth; God tells the earth to grow hidden part is also growing; God agrees to take it out of the devil's mouth, throws it north, where stones and rocks appear (=Kongas 1960:161 referring to Mustakallio, MS, No. 72)], 171-172 [Gogol, Satan sailed by sea asked him to get land from the bottom; he brings land in his beak three times, both began to live on it; God appears, says that part of the land is hidden, pulls out what is hidden from Satan's mouth, throws it north, stones and mountains appear]; Karelians: Yevseyev 1981 [(Salminen 1908); Loon flies over the sea, Satan sends her to dive underground; she dives three times, each time most of the earth is washed away; yet enough for Loon to be able to live on earth; God says that there is not enough land, S. hid part in his mouth; God ordered him to spit it out, he spat north, creating rocks and mountains; S. cut his finger, God spoke to the wound]: 311-312; Mansikka 1909 [Satan and Gogol sail on the sea; S. sends Gogol to the bottom; he brings land three times, S. collects it; God appears, creates the earth's firmament; "hiding the earth"; God does not give the Devil land, he begs for as much space as he needs to stick a stake; mosquitoes and other harmful insects and reptiles come out of this hole]: 171-172 in Napolsky 1991:140; Livons: Loorits 1998 (1) :81 [God and Devil walked together, God threw something like a nut behind his back, God picked it up, put it in his mouth; it began to grow; God slapped the Devil in the face, it spit it out in his mouth, it grew, became earth] 81-82 [God told the Devil to bring dust out of space (ilmaruumist); naked Devil hid a part in his mouth; God told him to disperse the dust around the world, the earth grew; Damn ran away so that God would not notice what he had hidden in his mouth particles fell, so hills appeared]; Estonians [Vanapagan is unhappy that the land is too big; unable to make it smaller; invites God to fall on different sides and squeeze it; God at first I agree; V. is pressing from Võrumaa, steep hills have formed there; God just pressed from the north and decided that this is not the right way, let the land be as it is]: Laugaste, Liiv 1970:266-267.
Volga - Perm. Udmurts: Yakovlev 1914, No. 1 [water is everywhere, God is swimming in a stone boat, the Devil is following him; God tells the Devil to get the earth from the bottom; he brings land in handfuls; God tells him to bring more; The devil brings twice, hid some in his mouth; God told the earth to grow, cover the water; the devil had to spit out the earth, the clods became mountains]: 387-388; Munkácsi 1887 [water, Inmar sailed in a boat, Shaitan called, ordered him to dive, get everything he found from the bottom; on the way, Cancer says S. that he has been living in the water for 12 years, but has not seen the bottom; S. reached the bottom, brought sand in his mouth, despite the ban I. hid a little; the earth began to grow; seeing Sh.'s swollen cheeks, I. ordered him to spit out the hidden, mountains and ravines formed]: 49 in Vladykin 1994:319-320, in Perevozchikova 1988:15; marie [Kiremet in the form of a drake swam on the water; Yuma told him to get land from the bottom; he brought it, hid some in his mouth; Yu blew on the ground, spread it through the water, creating a flat land; K. began to spit out the hidden, creating mountains]: Vasiliev 1907:50; Mordovians [Cham-paz (sun god) spits, the spit turns into a stone, he breaks it, he turns into Shaitan; C. tells you to dive, get the earth from the bottom; S. hid part of it mouth, spit out, mountains appeared; C. made a blue sky, Sh. - clouds, C. ordered them to bring rain; C. made useful animals, S. - predators, snakes, spiders, mosquitoes; C. made a man under the protection of a dog, Sh. blew cold on her, she was naked, hid in the hay; S. spat on the man, giving him diseases and vices; C. gave man reason, S. sent him to the lower world]: Sedova 1982:13-15; Chuvash [Tura makes the earth flat and smooth; Shuittan spits out silt hidden in his mouth, creates mountains, ravines; according to another version, causes a storm in the ocean before the earth has hardened]: Egorov 1995:117-118; ( cf. Rekeev 1896 [there were water and sky; God sailed in the boat, sent angels to dive, they did not get dirt from the bottom; God reluctantly agreed to the devil's offer to dive; he carried dirt in his mouth, spitting it out to God on palm, God scattered this earth in all directions; particles of the earth have begun to grow; God sees that the devil's upper lip is puffing up, hit him, his lip cut, the earth fell out and blood flowed; where blood sprays fell, new devils were born there]: 1-2).
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Balagan Buryats [zap. Khangalov; Burkhan made the earth flat; Shitkhyr (Khangalov: Shitkyr) stood beside him, hiding some land under his heel; when the burkhan finished creating, Sh. took the hidden one, scattered it, mountains and valleys were formed; explained to the Burkhan that when people descended downhill, they would call, Ay, burkhan; and when they climb, they would remember that Shitkhyrova is a high mountain; thus, they both will be remembered constantly]: Gomboev 1890, No. 1g: 69 (same Khangalov 1960, No. 1:10; Buryats (Idinsky, Kakha River, Osinsky District of the Irkutsk Region) [there were two planes, upper and lower, the upper one was greater than the lower one; on the bottom there were four happiness (evil); one formed the sea, the second formed a golden willow, the third a human form, the fourth the light of fire; from the human form Ehe Burhan (Mother Goddess) was formed; under the golden willow she created a son named Budarga, from willow bark, his friend Anhata Shubuun; Abarga zaga created fish in the sea h an, the sun created the light of fire; the demon Archang-Shothor came out of the sea foam; he did not reach the earth.; the ASH bird brought a handful of clay in its claws from the bottom of the sea, EB on his back AZ did out of it the earth; at night, the demon ASH began to pull the sleepers into the water, but only stretched the ground, which had become large; offered to squeeze the land, so the mountains appeared; began to ask for a share; they agreed to give him enough to put up a cane; insects, snakes, worms, etc. crawled out of the hole; see motif B3B]: Hadahne 1926:32-33; the Buryats [everything is covered with water; Esege Malan and his wife Ehe Juurgen moved water to side, the earth opened; created a human form, threw it into the water, it sailed to the shore, began to grow; the gods created people naked; the devil spat in the man's chest, licked his head, why these places covered with hair; the gods asked the devil to guard the earth; he began to protect it and at the same time blow on it one way or the other; mountains and valleys formed; gods began to swear; devil: "Mountains and valleys will be needed for agriculture; in cold summers, bread will degenerate well in high places, in warm summers in valleys"]: Sharakshinova 1980:23-24; Shors: Arbachakova 2010, No. 14 [at first the land is flat; the fire fell, the cedar burned two meters down, the earth burned, then the flood flooded everything; the animals swam, buried on a large mountain; people rafted, killed swimming animals, ate them; after the flood Mountains appeared]: 301; Khlopina 1978 [Ulgen created lights, smooth earth, rivers; Erlik created mountains; W. created man, went to look for a soul, left a naked dog to guard; E. gave it wool, in order not to freeze in winter, for this she let him approach creation; E. smeared the man with mud; W. returned without finding a soul; agreed that the soul would breathe in E., it would belong to him; E. breathed his soul through mouth through angelica's hollow stem]: 71-72; Shtygashev 1894 [first one water; God often spits in one place, saliva forms a heap, the devil Aina comes out of it, calls him a friend; God tells him dive to get the ground, say, Help, Lord! A. does not say, the earth is washed off his hands twice, but at the bottom he eats it; the third time he brought the earth, God dried it, scattered it, creating land; the earth in A.'s stomach began to grow; God cut it, cleaned it, cured A., went to bed; A. tried to turn the earth over, but only stretched it; begged for a piece of land at least the size of a crutch; fell down, and reptiles and insects, prickly plants came out of the hole, mountains and swamps appeared; God strengthened the land on three whales (ker-palyk); when they change places, earthquakes occur]: 1-7; Khakas (Kachins) [first there was a duck; making another friend, sent behind the sand to the bottom of the river; she brings it three times and gives it first; the third time she left some of the sand in her mouth, this part became stones; the first duck scattered the sand, crushed for nine days, the earth grew; mountains grew up after the messenger duck spit stones out of her mouth; because of this, the first refuses to give her land; agrees to give her land the size of a cane; the messenger pierces a hole in the ground, goes into it; the first duck (now God) makes a man out of the ground, a woman from his rib, gives them cattle; the second duck is Erlik Khan]: Katanov 1894:185-188; 1963:154-155; Altaians: Garf, Kuchiyak 1978 [Tas- Beryuk Pleshivy swims down the river, ends up in an ice house with sea people; a two-headed dragon with two tongues ate their sons, is going to eat their daughter; T. cuts off his tongues with scissors, the dragon disappears; T. refuses to take the rescued girl, asks to send him home; on the way he sees giants fighting, kills a two-headed arrow; it was the same dragon; the second is the lord of snakes and monsters, brings his home, tells him not to talk about it; after getting drunk, T. violates the ban; the giant with monsters come to kill him; T. says that it was not him, but the Araka spoke; the giant and the monsters get drunk, turn him plain to the mountains]: 185-195; Radlov 1989 [Tengere Kaira Kan and the man soared above the water like geese; the man flew above T., lost the ability to fly, fell; T. rescued him, ordered him to dive, get the earth; the man put part of it in his mouth; the earth began to swell, T. told him to spit it it out, marsh hummocks formed on the ground; T. cursed him, called him Erlik; E. took possession of T.'s people; created evil spirits , settled in his sky; T. smashed it with a spear, fragments formed mountains; Erlik T. drove it deep underground]: 357-358; Khokholkov 1997 [water is everywhere, Kudai sent fish to search for land, only Pike brought from the bottom; K. made it lighter than other fish; K. fell asleep, his brother Erlik grabbed a handful of earth, ran; the earth continued to happen; where E. jumped, a mountain appeared, where a trough came, the earth became uneven; K. agreed to give E. land the size of the end of his crutch; E. fell into this hole, all reptiles and insects came out of it]: 21-22; Chelkans (Lebedin Tatars, Otkushtö, 1863) ["At first it was just water and nowhere was land. Then God sent a white swan into the water and ordered him to bring water to heaven in its beak. But when he was diving, a little bit of earth stuck to his beak. The swan blew the ground off its beak, and it fell into the water with small specks of dust and began to swim on its surface. These specks of dust began to grow and expand, and from them became earth. But the ground was smooth and flat. Then God sent a second bird to earth to blow up the ground with its beak, and this made mountains and valleys on the earth. But the trait did not like the beautiful treeless land, and he created a mob with its swamps, where people can hardly live and are very poor. At first, God created a man who lived alone on earth. It was a man. One day, while he was sleeping, the devil touched his chest and a bone began to grow from his thigh, and as she got longer, she fell to the ground and a woman appeared out of it"]: Radlov 1989:211 (the swan diving episode mentioned in Dyrenkova 1929:123).
Western Siberia. Mansi [a husband and wife lived on a patch of peat in the middle of the water; they had Loon and another waterfowl, Lula; they ask L. to get land from the bottom, she brings a lump on her beak; he grows up; the white Raven flies to see if the earth is big; eats a corpse, turns black; at first the earth was smooth, then it rattled for seven days, mountains appeared]: Rombandeeva 1991:14; (cf. Khanty {the source is not clear} [Kyn-lung (Kul-Otyr), taking advantage of Numi-Torum's dream, began to drag him along the ground, trying to drown him; hills, valleys, pits, hummocks appeared, swamps; K. went to his underworld through a hole from a staff stuck in the ground; bloodsucker mosquitoes and disease spirits rose to the ground through the hole, but the goddess Mye-Im blocks him]: Petrukhin, Khelimsky 1982:567); northern Selkups [The Stone Eater kills men and boys, leaves women; one asks to leave the cradle with her baby under the tree; animals raise a boy, they show where the mother lives; he asks the mother to find out where her husband hides his heart and liver; he names a place; the young man presses his heart, the Stone Eater regurgitates stones before death, the earth becomes bumpy]: Kazakevich 1998, No. 1:209-210 (retelling in Tuchkova 2004:247-248); Kets [Es and Dotet began to make land from the middle, E. higher along the Yenisei, d. lower; d. hid part of the land behind cheeks, the surface came out sloping, so the Yenisei flows north; E. took away excess land, scattered it, hills and ridges appeared; both drew rivers, lakes; E. created useful animals, fish, etc. - harmful and useless (wolf, cow, pig, perch, ruff), tried to leave commercial fish in his half]: Alekseenko 1976:71-72; the Nenets [there was a global flood, 7 people escaped in a boat, raised by water under the sky, bent under the sky; asked the loon to reach the ground; she took it out 7 days later, brought land with sand and grass; people threw it into the water, asked Numa to arrange the ground; the water came down, the boat landed on the ground; the water was completely gone; one woman sucked her own breasts, died; the other drank her urine, survived; people dug a hole, found water; starved to death, two men were left and a girl; they ate mice; a mammoth pierced the ground with horns, mountains and ravines formed; now people find fragments of his horns; under his weight, the earth sank, rivers and lakes have formed; Nua is angry, a mammoth drowned in a lake, now lives underground; one of the men married a girl]: Tretyakov 1871:415-416; Nganasany [God made the earth flat; decided that it was bad for people; crushed]: Dolgikh 1976, No. 6:51 .
Eastern Siberia. Central Yakuts: Kulakovsky 1979 [the world consisted of water; God (B.) claimed that the devil (D.) would not be able to reach the bottom of the sea; D. decided to go down to defeat B. in the dispute; three years later he came up, but saw that the ground he had taken from the bottom in both his fists was washed away by water; B. noticed that D. had a grain of land under one claw, which he had stolen unnoticed; B. to mock D. that he could not reach the promised land; D. dived again; taking advantage of this time, B. created a bed-sized land from the stolen grain, lay down on it to rest and fell asleep; when D. he emerged from the water and saw B.'s prank, he gave out a terrible scream, which crumbled in all directions the earth he had taken in his mouth from the bottom of the sea; it formed mountains, irregularities, and generally unsuitable for humans places; then D. sent a bunch of his servants, and everyone together began to pull the land on which B. lay with their iron claws in order to sink it; instead, the land stretched in all directions and formed the current land; then see motif B1]: 14-15; Middendorf 1989 (recorded from the Yakut conductor; central?) [the creator made the earth flat; an evil spirit trampled on or raked it, mountains, valleys and rivers were formed]: 21; northeastern (Verkhoyan) Yakuts [Christ sends Satan to the bottom, S. He dives unsuccessfully twice, the sand in his hand is washed with water; the third time, turning into a swallow, brings earth to his beak; H. creates land; S. hid part of the earth in his mouth; H. hit him on the neck, the silt fell asleep, mountains were formed]: Seroshevsky 1896:653; Western Evenks (Podkameno-Tunguska) [the land was small, there was no place for deer to graze; the man complained about his grief to a mammoth (heli); that hammered his tusks into the bottom and began to turn clay, sand and stones from the bottom; discarded stones and clay began to grow, turn into cliffs, mountains and plains]: Vasilevich 1959:174; Western Evenks (river Yudukon) [the earth was flat, inhabited by a mammoth, a dyabdar serpent and other animals; the one-eyed, one-armed, one-legged creature of the Chulyugds began to pursue them; the mammoth, etc., fought with him; where the mammoth set foot, lakes and swamps formed; where he dug the ground with tusks, throwing clods - mountains; d., crawling, laid riverbeds; the heroes pushed the clock into the abyss of the underworld, went into the ground themselves]: Anisimov 1951:195; Baikal Evenks (north of Transbaikalia, p. Chara, 1949) [the ground was flat; syuluki could live in the river or jump on trees, but if he stepped on the ground, his hooves attracted it and mountains appeared; the gods told shamans to turn the syuluks into a legless a snake; he became angry with shamans and began to bite them; but unable to distinguish shamans from other people, snakes bite everyone]: Pinegina 2019:67; Far Eastern Evenks (Orochons) [there were water and sky; the Snake ordered The frog dive, get the ground; the enekan bug put a sali mammoth on it; the snake did not like it, it began to expel the mammoth from the ground; they fought until they fell under land; then reconciled, became guardian spirits in the lower world; the heaps of land they twisted during the fight turned into mountains, depressions into rivers and lakes]: Mazin 1984:19-20.
(Wed. Japan. Ainu [The creator sends a man and a woman to make the shores of Yezo (Hokkaido); the man worked hard, and the woman spoke to the character's sister named Aeoina; realized she was late, did Somehow, that's why the western shores are rocky, uncomfortable, and the southern and eastern shores are good; the man scolded the woman, she cried, and people have been crying ever since]: Batchelor 1927:13).
SV Asia. Markovo [According to pagan foreigners, initially the world was spread only by the ocean, there was no stronghold, and two spirits lived in the air above the waters, one good and the other evil. "Well," the good spirit says to the evil, "let us make land," "Where are we going to find it?" - "Here you are," says the good evil man, "turn into a merganser and dive into the water, look for land." The angry man listened to him, turned into a merganser and dived into the water; he walked under water for three days, found some land, brought it and gave it to his good spirit, but hid the seed of the earth in his mouth with the intention that when he sees how a good spirit will make the earth, he will make his land like that. Indeed, the good spirit began to make the earth, and every part of it began to grow rapidly, even the particle that was in the mouth of the evil spirit. When a particle of good spirit became a vast earth, then the evil spirit could no longer hold its part in his mouth and spit it it out onto the new land, but it broke into separate piles, which seemed to mountains would form]: Dyachkov 1992:231; Chukchi [Big Raven Kurkil and his wife live on a tiny piece of land in the void; the wife turns into a human being, gives birth to two twin sons; they they laugh at their father, who remains a crow; K. decides to create land; flies to the horizon, the sky rubs against the ground; there anthropomorphic creatures appeared from the dust; one of them tells K. create land; it defecates in the sky, its excrement falls, turns into islands and continents; the satellite says that there is no water or mountains on earth; K. pees when he reaches the ground, his urine becomes fresh, turns into rivers; he defecates again, mountains appear; trees grow on the ground; K. shatters chips from them, throws them into the water; pine trees turn into walruses, oak trees into seals; cedar chips dwarf to polar bears, from stone birch to whales, from other species to fish, crabs, and other sea creatures; chips that have fallen to the ground are in land animals; at first there are only men, Spider gives birth to four daughters; K.'s companion marries one but they sleep separately; K. teaches them how to copulate]: Bogoras 1904 in Norman 1990:65-72; Chukchi [people live in the dark eating black stones instead of meat, white instead of fat; in the kele world, the sun is hidden, wrapped in skins; The raven comes to play ball with Kele's daughter, persuades her to ask her father to play the sun, flies away with him; makes a hole a bundle, the world is flooded with light, the kele flees; after kicking branches, the Raven turns them into deer; flying above the ground, drags its wing, making excavations and creating rivers and the sea; becomes thunder]: Bogoras 1928, No. 4:304-305.
Subarctic. Tsetsot [at first there were no mountains, rain, snow, wind, people and animals did not differ, the sun was constantly shining; the boy was crying, thirsty; his father gives him fat, he does not want to; father shoots in the mud a mound, all rivers flowed out of it; animals gathered to advise on how to get rain and snow; came to the edge of the sky, Ermine made a hole in the sky, they went to heaven, the hole behind them closed; among the beautiful the plains are a dwelling, in it bags of rain, snow, fog, storm, four winds; in the house, a goose woman ordered to tear bags; clouds came out, everything appeared, including mountains; Ermine gnawed a hole again, everything returned to earth]: Boas 1896, No. 3:260-261.
NW Coast. Tsimshian [the flat round earth rests on a pole held by an old woman; her movements cause earthquakes; the sky sent a flood to destroy evil people in a village in the upper reaches of the river. Ness (they danced and gambled all night long); mountains appeared after the flood; some say the earth turned upside down at that time; an old woman said that coal found on the Queen's Islands Charlotte, there are pockets of people who lived on the primary land]: Boas 1895, No. 3:278 (=2002:561).
The Midwest. Winnebago [the evil leader tells his sons to kill the young man; the furious Thunders hit the ground with their clubs, creating the current valleys and ravines; the chief and sons have disappeared underground, turned into earthworms]: Smith 1997:100-101; Sauk, Fox [see B3A motif; underground manitou (Snakes?) cause a flood, Visakia creates the earth anew, it is flat; asks the Vulture to raise it to the Sun; he drops it, the tree picks it up; V. asks the Moose to pretend to be dead; head The vulture gets stuck in Moose's body, becomes bald; V. as punishment tells all vultures to wave their wings and create valleys and mountains]: Jones 1901:235-237.
Northeast. Oneida [in a country in heaven, a man asks to dig a tree with the flowers of light, pushes his pregnant wife into a hole, explains that she was unfaithful; there is water below; only the Turtle can support the ground; Mink dives, pops up dead with the ground on its paws and muzzle; Loon lays the ground on the Turtle, the earth grows; a woman gives birth to a daughter; animal people marry her; the mother agrees to Turtle proposal; husband puts two arrows with flint and bark tips crosswise on his wife's belly; two boys quarrel in the womb; younger Tan -lon -ghi -au -wan -goon (hereinafter T., good) wants to go out normally, older Than -wisk -a -law (hereinafter referred to as Th.) - through the mother's side; as a result, she dies; grandmother kills her grandchildren, throws them into the sea; they come back; the grandmother divides her daughter's corpse in half, throws it up; the top turns into the sun, the bottom turns into the moon; Th. has his father's flint, he kills game with them; the grandmother loves him; the old man gives T. corn; says he must kill an evil brother whose body is made of flint, otherwise people will not be able to live on earth; T. pretends to be afraid of beech branches and reeds; Th. replies that he is afraid flints and deer antlers; defeated, runs away, creating ravines and mountains, turning into Rocky Mountains; an evil grandmother tries to destroy people with a flood, snow; causes them all the disasters that people now cause suffer]: James Dean (1770s?) in Elm, Antone 2000:157-162; Tuscarora [a woman in the upper world is ready to give birth to twins; at this time she falls down; sea monsters pull some land from the bottom, put it on the turtle; when the woman lands on her, the land begins to grow; the good son Enigorio (E.) is born normally, the evil Enigonhahethea (EH) is born through his mother's side, killing her; E. turns his mother's head into the sun, body into the moon; creates plants, animals, people, turns out monkeys; E. lies that he can be killed with reeds; OH replies that he can be killed with a deer horn; brothers fight, E. kills OH, he falls into the earth becomes an evil spirit]: Cusick 1827 in Leland 1968:24; in Beauchamp 1922:8-11.
Plains. Santi [when the flood waters drain, they wash the valleys]: Wallis 1923:37; wichita [after the flood, shreds of foam settle on the ground, forming mountains]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 56:296.
Southeast USA. Moist and soft land appears above the water for the first time; the Vulture flies above it; the flapping of its wings raises mountains. Chirokee: Duncan 1998 [grandfather and grandson sit on a tiny island; grandson has no place to play; grandfather sends various animals to dive to the bottom; a turtle emerges dead with earth on its paws; grandfather dries the ground, throws on water, the earth grows; the vulture dries it with flaps of its wings, creating valleys and mountains]: 40-43; Mooney 1900, No. 1 [at first there is water everywhere, animals are crowded in the upper world Gălûñ'lătĭ; The swimming beetle Dăyuni's( Beaver's grandson) goes on exploration; when swimming, it finds no land, then it dives, brings clay, it grows, turns into land; animals send various birds find out if the earth is dry; they ask the Great Vulture (the ancestor of the present) to dry the earth; he hovers above the ground, it is still soft; when he reached the country of the teal, he began to wave his wings out of fatigue; where he touched they had lands, valleys appeared, where their wings raised - mountains; animals were afraid that the whole world would become mountainous, they recalled Vulture, but the country of Chirokee remained mountainous]: Mooney 1900, No. 1:239; yuchi : Gatschet 1893:280; Speck 1909, No. 1:104; Swanton 1929, No. 90 [(Toggle collection); water is everywhere; Cancer agrees to dive to the bottom, stirs up clay with its tail and claws, piles it up; the owners of the land on the day comes to punish the thief, but Cancer hides, raising the dregs again; continues to pile up clay, a pile of clay appears above the water; some suggest that the Hawk dry the ground; others advise sending A vulture, it has larger wings; the Vulture hovers above the ground for a long time, drying it; tired, flaps its wings, which causes valleys and mountains]: 84; alamaba, koasati [water is everywhere at first ; birds and animals swim on a raft; Chief Horned Owl suggests diving; Beaver does not dive; The frog returned, frightened by the Garfish; Cancer reached the bottom (Sargan thought it was a fake prey); tail shovels clay, making it a pillar that rose above the water; the earth grows; the Vulture flies above it; when it raised its wings, mountains appeared, when it lowered it, valleys, when it soared, plains]: Martin 1977:2- 3.
California. Yurok [man kills young Thunder; other Thunders rain the earth, creating a rugged terrain]: Kroeber 1976, No. J4:321; villot [Creator destroys first humans with a flood; before this did not happen mountains]: Kroeber 1906a, No. 3:96; pomo [during the flood, the Coyote sends the Mole to make mountains; he digs under water, hills and mountains appear, the waters descend]: Barrett 1933, No. 23/2:130; screw [after the flood, the creator tells the Mole and the Possum to bring soil from the west; sprinkles it on bare stones; the Opossum makes hills, the Mole makes mountains]: Curtin 1898:27-28; atsugevi [The Gagara woman sets fire to the ground ; flying after the fire, her sister Orlitsa makes mountains, revives dead men]: Dixon 1908, No. 12:177; yokutz [see B3A motif]: Kroeber 1907a, No. 11 [water everywhere at first; little Duck grabs from the bottom the sand, when it rises, loses it, stays a little under the fingernails; gives sand to the Falcon, who mixes it with tobacco, gives half to the Crow; both fly north, then parallel to the south, pinches of sand; below Earth arises; the Raven flies to create the Coastal Range and the Falcon to the Central Range; the Raven Mountains are first higher, the Falcon changes them], 15 [only the mountain rises above the water; the Magpie replies to Coyote and Eagle that the ground can be reached below; all Ducks dive, pop up dead; under their fingernails, ears, mouth Dive finds some earth; mix with seeds, make earth; Eagle sends Wolf, he runs around the ground, reports that it is still soft; Coyote runs on the ground ahead of time, gorges and mountains appear]: 204-205, 209-211; kawaiisa [rain floods the ground with a flood; some first ancestors flee to the mountain; Stream dives to the bottom, brings the ground under its fingernails; the earth is placed on a tray for a breath, it grows; the ground still lies on this tray; it is flat; the squirrel lays gorges, pours mountains; the Blue Jay plants]: Zigmond 1980, No. 1:27-28.
Big Pool. Northern Payutes [first everything is covered by water; Vulture raises peace to the east, water flows west to form an ocean; Grizzly, Badger and Groundhog fear that the water will return, making the mountains their own with hands]: Powell 1971:242.
The Great Southwest. Hicarilla [The Coyote catches and hides the child of an aquatic creature; the flood begins, men and women gather on the mountain; she grows to the upper world, the water follows; the Coyote throws the child into the water, the water goes; before that, there were no mountains or water on the ground]: Opler 1938:266-267; Western Apaches [The creator wipes sweat off his face with his hands, rubs his hands, shakes it off, creating a girl without parents, then the Sun, the Boy, the Tarantula, the Wind, B. the Bear, the Lightning Thrower; he and the first three of those created mix their sweat, creating a brown ball the size of a bean; the wind inflates it, it turns into earth; Tarantula ties black, blue, yellow, white ropes to it from the east, south, west, north; the Creator sends a Hummingbird, who says that the earth is good; the Creator puts black, blue, yellow, white pillars on four sides, asserting the ground on them; sends the Dove; four days later he returns, announcing that there will be a flood; after the flood, mountains and rivers appear; the Creator lights a fire, rises to the sky on a column of smoke]: Curtis 1907-1930 (1): 23-35 in Edmonds, Clark 1989:101-104; Hopi: Cushing 1923, No. 1-8 [the lower world cave is full, everyone's garbage is dirty; two the twins grew to the ceiling, made a hole; they grew reeds, and people took it to the second world, then to the third world; here the twins got fire, lit torches, built houses; here women left their children, confused their husbands, occupied kivas; men carried babies there to feed them; then men made it to the fourth world; it's dark here too, it's also wet; people made a reindeer shield leather, decorated with turquoise, sent east, it became the sun; the cape became the moon; the Coyote opened the vessel, stars flew out of it, burned his face; the Vulture drove the water away with its wings, mountains appeared; twins canals were laid, water flooded through them]: 163-166; Stephens 1929, No. 1 [after the flood, the twins create mountains]: 6; western keres (Akoma) [the mountains were flat; the flood waters cut through the gorges]: Stirling 1942:78; Yuma [flood waves raise mountains]: Harrington 1908:336.
NW Mexico. The crust [first the earth is covered with water; after the flood, while the earth is soft, God sends the old Bat to make it less flat; he drains the water; at first the valleys were so deep, that it was impossible to walk, then he made them less deep]: Lumholtz 1903 (1) :513; Huichol [like bark; a female deity sends a parrot]: Myerhoff 1974:84
Mesoamerica Huasteci [the ground was flat; at the first sunrise, the ancestors threw themselves upside down into the ground, creating valleys and mountains; since then they have been living underground; at the beginning of the solar era, they kidnapped people and pets (dogs, cows, chickens, horses, pigs, donkeys); later, a hero brought people and animals to the ground and closed the lower world; the first ancestors still come to earth in the form of winds, stealing the souls of young women (Huastec self-name) and thus causing diseases]: Ariel de Vidas 2002:536-537; tzotsil [San Jose makes the ground flat; our father destroys inhabitants with boiling water, makes the new land mountainous]: Gossen 1974, No. 164:336; chol [Ch'ujtat brought the earth out of his heart; at first it was like the wind, the wind became a cloud, a cloud of water, mud, dirt with earth; put it in the four corners of the earth Three Chuntewinikes each support her; these people feed only on the smell of flowers and fruits; after that, C. cut off the umbilical cord that connected his heart to the ground; the earth was covered with vegetation; C. created the first people, smaller than the Chuntewinikes, but larger than the current ones, very smart; without needing anything, they forgot the creator; C. destroyed them with the flood, sent Vulture to see if anyone was left ordered him not to touch anything, but he ate the corpses; C. punished him by telling him to eat carrion; sent Gorlinka, she saw that there was blood everywhere, but some had escaped on rafts; after staining her feet with blood, she returned to C. ; he turned the surviving people into monkeys; the foam of the flood turned into stones that did not exist before]: Gebhardt Domínguez 2001:49-51; chorti [there were no stars and sun at first, people worked in in the dark; eagles came down from the sky, carried them away and devoured them; to protect themselves, people put wooden cages on their heads; the earth was flat, without mountains; when it rained, the earth was often flooded; people fled to boats; when the water came down, the fish remained on land, people fried and ate it; God was angry, sent a particularly strong flood, and the first people died; and for new people he ordered the mountains to rise so that the water would not broke through; this is how mountains appeared - a barrier against the flood]: Hull 2016:14-19.
The Northern Andes. Guambia [first the ground is flat; Pedro de Urdimales (Lendrí Beru) flooded the ground, everyone drowned; took a tambourine, put a man and a woman inside it, and a couple of animals, walked on the water, hit tambourine; made the earth dry, valleys and mountains formed; when he was old, he asked to bury it, tying a rope, one end of which would remain on the ground; people put it in a stone coffin with the coming out outward with a thin blade of grass tied to his little finger; when P. threatens people, he shakes the ground; if they tied a vine, he would completely turn the ground upside down]: Hernandez de Alba 1965:197-108.
Llanos. Yaruro: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 9 [rain flooded the earth with a flood, people gathered on the mountain; the world serpent Poaná created mountains and riverbeds with his tongue], 10 9 [first the earth is flat; during the flood Po Aná wriggled, creating irregularities in the terrain; the waters descended]: 30, 30-31.
Southern Venezuela. Hoti [at the beginning of jkajo jadï (spirits, men who have become immortals, capable of changing their appearance, turning into various animals, plants, mushrooms, objects) were present everywhere, there was a struggle between them, leading to universal chaos, which caused the earth to fall into the lower world; this was the last great destruction, during which one of the main powerful anthropomorphic creatures, iyëka ja, destroyed humanity by cutting down four nïn alawini (Vitex spp., according to other mythological versions, Copaifera officinalis L.) trees that supported the earth across four countries of the world; today's world was re-created by iyëka ja and his brother buka ja (major anthropomorphic creators, also called waiyo ja); both mythological brothers decided to make the current world using toucan's hard beak as a tool; they created mountains, plains, rivers, lakes, hills, savannahs, etc.]: Matusovsky 2010.
Montagna - Jurua. Characterbet [after a world fire, the earth is flat; the woodpecker makes hills and mountains]: Gray 1996:30.
Chaco. Toba [after the world fire, the land became mountainous]: Wilbert 1989a, No. 57:87.
SE Brazil. Sheta [rain floods the earth; a person asks birds to get a new one; sapakura (ibis) and sarakura birds bring some clay or soil in their beaks, throw it into the water; earth dries up; where the earth fell, mountains appeared; before the flood, the land was smooth; Ducks showed the man the lake where the girls were swimming; he grabbed one of them, married them; Sheta were their floods]: Borba 1904 in Koch -Grünberg 1921, No. 78:212-213.