B52A. The vulture creates land. (.12.17.) .
Flying above the world, a bird (usually a vulture) flaps its wings to dry the ground after a flood or otherwise give it its current appearance.
(Wed. West Africa. Dark [the beautiful bird laid an egg, flew away; the chick hatch, went to look for its mother; the stork called herself a mother, the chick invited her to sing the song that her mother sang, the stork could not; a chick hit her against a tree, her beak stretched out, she flew away; now storks live only in Europe; the same is a vulture (the chick threw it into the thicket, it has been living there ever since); finally, the chick found a bird that She sang like her mother; they waved their wings so much with joy that the raised wind made the country's hilly terrain dark]: Turay 1989:17-25).
(Wed. Western Asia. The Old Testament [after 40 days, Noah opened the window of the ark he had made and released a crow, which flew off and flew in until the earth was drained of the water; then released a dove from him, to see if the water had come down from the face of the earth; but the dove did not find rest for its feet and returned to him in the ark; and hesitated for another 7 days; and again released the dove from the ark; the dove returned to him in in the evening; and behold, a fresh oil leaf in his mouth; and Noah found out that the water had come off the ground; he hesitated for another 7 days, and released the dove; and he never returned to him]: Gen. 8:6-12).
Taiwan - Philippines. Tagals [first only the sea and sky, a hawk (a bird similar to a kite) flies between them; it disturbed the waters so much that the sea began to throw portions of water into the sky, and the sky, for protection, began to throw down islands; then the sky told the hawk to sit on one of the islands, make a nest and leave the sea alone; the wind from the sea and the wind from the land married, they have a bamboo son; he swam, hit the feet of a hawk, who is in his rage pecked, a man came out of one knee, a woman from the other; the earthquake called all the birds and fish to decide what to do with these creatures; decided to marry them; all people descended from them; so many children, the aged parents did not rest for a moment; the father took a stick and began to beat them; they ran away; those who found themselves in the house became leaders, in the walls became slaves, on the street free , in the hearth by blacks, at sea by Europeans]: Cole 1916:187-188.
China - Korea. Meo (Vietnam) [two brothers caught an old man trampling the seedlings in their field; he was the god Ti Lau, warned of the flood, told his older brother to sit with his wife in iron, the youngest and the eldest sister - into a wooden drum, take cereal seeds; the iron drowned, the younger brother and wife rose to the sky on the waters; Ti Lau told the dragon to drink excess water; he became a rainbow for this purpose; the drum fell to the ground; the young man almost got stuck in wet clay; the kite picked up the drum and the brother and sister, carried it until the ground was dry; to reward the kite, the brother and sister cut off three pieces of meat from the body; Since then, people have had the back of their heads, armpits and ankles; the brother insisted on marriage; he and his sister threw two whetstones into the air, they rolled down the mountain, lay down side by side; two needles fell side by side; two coins in one place; the sister agreed to the marriage; gave birth to an egg, they broke it, pieces of the shell turned into children]: Nikulin 1990:11-13.
SV Asia. Chukchi [people live in the dark, eat black stones instead of meat, white stones instead of fat; in the kele world, the sun is hidden, wrapped in skins; the raven comes to play ball with Kele's daughter, persuades her ask his father for the sun to play, flies away with him; a bundle holes, the world is flooded with light, the Kele flees; after kicking branches, the Raven turns them into deer; flying above the ground, drags his wing, doing excavating them and creating rivers and the sea; becomes thunder]: Bogoras 1928, No. 4:304-305.
Subarctic. Tanaina ("inner tinne, to the NE from the konyags") [a huge bird flies over the ocean; the flapping of its wings produces thunder, lightning flies out of its eyes; it touches the water and the ground rises]: Bancroft 1875:105.
The Midwest. Sauk, Fox [see B3A motif; Underground Manitou (Snakes?) cause a flood, Visakia creates the earth anew, it is flat; asks the Vulture to raise it to the Sun; he drops it, the tree picks it up; V. asks the Moose to pretend to be dead; head The vulture gets stuck in Moose's body, becomes bald; V. punishes all vultures to wave their wings and create valleys and mountains]: Jones 1901:235-237; potauatomi [hunting dog for Nenaw- bo-zhoo served as a huge black wolf; aquatic deities lured him to the water, sent a deer, killed him and ate him; the fox told N.; when the aquatic creatures fell asleep on the beach, N. pierced Neben Manito with an arrow; the water poured in, flooded the earth, N. found himself in a boat with birds and animals; sent Beaver, who did not reach the bottom, surfaced dead, N. revived him; the same with Muskrat, but N. found some land on her paw; N. rolled tied it into a ball, tied it to the Raven's neck, told him to fly over the waters; as the Raven flew, the earth dried up]: Pokagon 1986:242-243.
Southeast USA. Moist and soft land appears above the water for the first time; the Vulture flies above it; the flapping of its wings raises mountains. Chirokee: Duncan 1998 [grandfather and grandson sit on a tiny island; grandson has no place to play; grandfather sends various animals to dive to the bottom; a turtle emerges dead with earth on its paws; grandfather dries the ground, throws on water, the earth grows; the vulture dries it with flaps of its wings, creating valleys and mountains]: 40-43; Mooney 1900, No. 1 [at first there is water everywhere, animals are crowded in the upper world Gălûñ'lătĭ; The swimming beetle Dăyuni's( Beaver's grandson) goes on exploration; when swimming, it finds no land, then it dives, brings clay, it grows, turns into land; animals send various birds find out if the earth is dry; they ask the Great Vulture (the ancestor of the present) to dry the earth; he hovers above the ground, it is still soft; when he reached the country of the teal, he began to wave his wings out of fatigue; where he touched they had lands, valleys appeared, where their wings raised - mountains; animals were afraid that the whole world would become mountainous, they recalled Vulture, but the country of Chirokee remained mountainous]: Mooney 1900, No. 1:239; yuchi : Gatschet 1893:280; Speck 1909, No. 1:104; Swanton 1929, No. 90 [(Toggle collection); water is everywhere; Cancer agrees to dive to the bottom, stirs up clay with its tail and claws, piles it up; the owners of the land on the day comes to punish the thief, but Cancer hides, raising the dregs again; continues to pile up clay, a pile of clay appears above the water; some suggest that the Hawk dry the ground; others advise sending A vulture, it has larger wings; the Vulture hovers above the ground for a long time, drying it; tired, flaps its wings, which causes valleys and mountains]: 84; alamaba, koasati [water is everywhere at first ; birds and animals swim on a raft; Chief Horned Owl suggests diving; Beaver does not dive; The frog returned, frightened by the Garfish; Cancer reached the bottom (Sargan thought it was a fake prey); tail shovels clay, making it a pillar that rose above the water; the earth grows; the Vulture flies above it; when it raised its wings, mountains appeared, when it lowered it, valleys, when it soared, plains]: Martin 1977:2- 3.
Big Pool. Northern Payut [water is everywhere first; the top of Mount Grant was the first above the water; at the top there is fire, water overwhelms it, sage-hen (Centrocercus urophasianus) has made a nest there, she drove away the water with flaps of her wings; the feathers on her chest were burned and remained black; then Rabbit ("he is like a god") helped to get the fire from the mountain; Our Father came from the south, followed by Our Mother; they have two sons and two daughters, children got married, couples fell out, some became ancestors of Lake Walker Payut, others Bannock; Our Father and Our Mother went to heaven]: Mooney 1896:1050-1051.
The Great Southwest. Hopi [the cave in the lower world is full, everyone's garbage stains the rest; two twins have grown to the ceiling, made a hole; they grew reeds, people climbed it to the second world, then also on the third; here the twins got fire, lit torches, built houses; here women abandoned their children, confused their husbands, occupied kivas; men carried babies there to feed them; then men made it to the fourth world; it's dark here too, it's also wet; people made a deerskin shield, decorated it with turquoise, sent it east, it became the sun; the cape became the moon; the Coyote opened the vessel from it Stars flew out, burned his face; the Vulture drove away the water with its wings, mountains appeared; the twins laid canals, the water flooded through them]: Cushing 1923, No. 1-8:163-166; pima [at the beginning floated in the void The Doctor of the Earth; scraped off the dirt from his body on his chest, put it in the palm of his hand, for the fourth time it turned into our world; created a bush (greasewood), told little ants to live on it, from they were of no use; then the white ants began to work, expanded the earth to stand on it; created the Noo-we Vulture from the shadow of their eye; created water; placed a frozen piece of ice in the sky, making the sun (north, west, south; when to the east, it turned out right); the same with the moon; again scraped off the dirt from the body, made a man and a woman; people multiplied, began to kill and eat each other; ZSH brought down the sky, together with N., was on the upper side, he created people again, they were still babies; brought down the sky again; the third time people began to smoke as babies; on the fourth they turned out to be like now; at first the earth is tilted to the west; N. began to fly, created valleys and mountains with his wings, the water stopped flowing immediately, the earth became habitable; the Male Sun met the female moon, that gave birth to a coyote son, left him in the bushes on the ground; he grew up and came to ZSH; the one who called himself the Big Brother came from the north; he was told that they were older, but in order not to quarrel, they agreed to him in this way names]: Bahr et al. 1994:53-58; papago [dark at first; Earth Creator (NW) and Yellow Vulture (HS) meet four times in the void, each forcing the other to create peace; NW took something out of hearts or rolled dirt off the skin, put it in the palm of his hand, from which a green branch grew, greasewood; the louse on the plant produced resin and created the earth from this NW; he sang, bored it, it became flat; he placed mountains on the ground, bird fluff (clouds) and shamans on the tops of the mountains; when the earth spread out, shamans and mountains spread everywhere; the Earth expanded to the dome of Heaven; I'itoi jumped out, said he son of Heaven and Earth; he is small, bearded, gray or blond; Coyote came out from under the bush from the northwest; the earth was swaying, Coyote, I. and JS unsuccessfully confused to fix it; this was done by two Spiders, combining sky and earth with a web; all the mountains were inclined to the west, all the rivers flowed there; the JS flew by, waving its wings, gave the mountains a variety of shapes, the rivers flowed in different directions; the NW splashed water to the north, west, south, east, the moon and sun appeared; spit out stars like saliva; created people from his body, she began to fight; he and I. sent a flood; for this purpose I. created Handsome Man, who became pregnant all the girls, each gave birth the next morning; the sorcerer made the Handsome Man himself give birth; he left the child, he began to cry, his tears flooded the ground with a flood; NW escaped on a magic rod, I. in a large vessel, Coyote in a reed, HS - pierced the sky; some people became birds, clung to the sky with their beaks; others became trees, took root; others and their dog climbed to the top of the mountain, turned into stones there; traces of foam on the water can be seen on them; NW and I. agreed that whoever comes first after the flood (emerge) is older; first NW, then I., the last Coyote; but I. made sure that he was considered the oldest; all three began to sculpt new people; those made by the Coyote are shapeless, thrown overseas; the NW's made are also shapeless, and I.'s people are real; the NW and I. began to argue; the NW tried to pull the sky down, then failed through the ground, spreading diseases; I.'s people became pima, papago, apache, maricopa; I. made papago his people, taught culture (bow and arrow, house-building, drinking ceremony); I. retired to the cave; people, especially maricopa, kicked a defenseless rattlesnake; I. gave her poison; she bit maricopa, he died; he was burned (maricopa has been cremated since then); the Coyote stole the heart from the funeral fire; a hole in the ground opened, water or wind; closed when two boys and two girls were thrown into it; this is how Santa Rosa ceremonies arose; the cannibal stole children, she was strangled with smoke in a cave; I. killed cannibal eagle, feathers for witchcraft; the monster sucked everyone into himself; I. let himself be sucked, killed the monster, freed the swallowed; I. grew old, began to attack the girls during the ceremony of reaching them maturity; people killed him three times; on the advice of the Sun, JS managed to kill I. with an iron bow (gun); after 4 years, I. revived, went west; I. created deer, an evil shaman drove them into a pen; two brothers paid a shaman so that everyone could hunt; JS is scalped, so bald; I. sometimes returns from the underworld]: Underhill 1946:8-12.
Mesoamerica Tlapaneci [The vulture tells the man to stop working {obviously clearing the area in the mountains} because the world will end; told the tree and stone to rise; the tree has risen, the stone is not; ordered make a box for a man, tell no one, climb into it; put a dog and a chicken in the same place; through the gap, a man saw how the rain flooded the ground with a flood, how aquatic creatures tried to break the box, eat human; the water came down, the ground dried out; the chicken turned into a Vulture, flew, creating behind {wingflapping?} valleys and mountains; returning from work, a man found food cooked; waited for a woman, threw a dog's skin into the fire; a woman said their children would not grow up now]: Lemley 1949:76-77.