Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B54. Chips turn into fish and animals, D441.10+.


Chips, branches or pieces of bark that fall or are thrown into the water turn into fish and aquatic animals.

Kiwai, Mignong, Mansi, Northern Khanty, Chukchi, Asian Eskimos, Kodiak, Chugach, Central Yupik, North Alaska Inupiate, Copper, Caribou, Netsilik, Polar, Igloolik, Baffin Land, Labrador Eskimos, West Greenland, Quakiutl (Nimpkish), Haida, (Suki), Tsotzil, Kuna, Eastern Panama, Bari, Sicuani, Makiritare, Yanomami, Lokono, Carinha na Orinoco, Oyampi, Napo, Carijona, piapoko, barasana, ufaina, letuama, yukuna, uitoto, ocaina, andoque, yagua, urubu, tenetehara, chayahuita, paresi, bororo, umotina, apinaye, mbia.

Melanesia. Kiwai [Shido left only a bony piece of fish to his wife Sagara, then did not come to sleep with her; she left to leave a false mark, turning her legs into bird legs , crab, kangaroo, cassowary, pigs; the tree became low, she sat down on it to rest, it lifted it high; Sido saw its reflection in a hole with water; rushed there after him; Sagara told him to cut it down She cuts the tree with an ax, the chips and pieces of bark became fish; she advised me to heat the axe, then put it in the water; it split, so all the axes deteriorated; Shido knocked down the tree, causing the wind; the tree fell, Sagaru fell at Meuri's home, became his wife]: Landtman 1977, No. 12:76-78.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Minyong [was just a huge tree; the rat made a ladder, climbed, it broke off, he broke his legs, is still limping; Botte Wiyu began to cut the trunk; the chips that fell to land turned into animals that fell into the water were fish; one fell into the underworld to Kine-Dene became a dog; when people came to CD to ask for seeds of cultivated plants, he put them in the dog's ear and sent them to people; Therefore, dogs are fed, so KDs make sacrifices, and the dog lives with people, not with CD]: Elwin 1958a, No. 18:380-381 (=1958b: 421-422).

Western Siberia. Muncie ["Do you know who isn't here? The owner of finfish with small fins, nosed fish with a small nose is not the Son of the Tsar-Water. Why didn't they call him in? If he cuts small chips, fish with small fins will come, if he cuts off large chips, fish with big fins will come. If he doesn't let the fish go, what are we going to eat? "] : Rombandeeva 2005:155; Northern Khanty: Islamov 2006 (Kazim) [Yink Wert Iki ("Old Water Owner") lives in a glass house, sees fish swimming from the window; planing small chips - fish with small fins appears, planing large chips - fish with large fins appear; lives on the lower Ob, his sons and daughters are owners of different reservoirs]: 67; Moldanov 1999 [Hoimas ( Heimas is a "spawning maker") in the Gulf of Ob sits in a house made of water columns of beams, planing an endless wooden blank; if in summer he planes and small chips, then "with small gills, gills having gills numerous fish will continue to swim"; in winter, squirrels, sables, deer and other animals come out of X.'s hands]: 33-34.

SV Asia. Chukchi [Big Raven Kurkil and his wife live on a tiny piece of land in the void; the wife turns into a man, gives birth to two twin sons; they laugh at the father who is left a crow; K. decides to create land; flies to the horizon, the sky rubs against the ground; anthropomorphic creatures appeared there from friction from the dust; one of them tells K. create land; it defecates in the sky, its excrement falls, turns into islands and continents; K. pees when he reaches the ground, his urine becomes fresh, turns into rivers; he defecates again mountains appear; trees grow on the ground; K. shatters chips from them, throws them into the water; pine trees turn into walruses, oak trees into seals; chips from dwarf cedar trees into polar bears, from stone birch - whales, from other species - fish, crabs, and other sea creatures; chips that fall to the ground - in land animals; at first there are only men, Spider gives birth to four daughters; companion K. marries alone but they sleep apart; K. teaches them how to copulate]: Bogoras 1902:641; 1904 in Norman 1990:65-72.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos (Chaplino) [a shaman who has lost his strength and helpers, despite the ban of a stronger shaman, celebrates a whale festival for a whale he killed; for this he falls into the ice, goes to Fr. St. Lawrence in a dugout of killer whales; puts his clothes on a dish, they turn into whale skin, he eats them; he is served a piece of fin, he planes it, the chips turn into a small navaga; a person does the same thing, he has a large navaga; Killer whales keep him, since he is so good at turning chips into fish]: Rubtsova 1954, No. 14:209-215; Kodiak: Lisyansky 1812 (2) [Raven brings light to the world; at the same time a bubble falls from the sky, a man and a woman in it; they blow, the bubble grows; they stretch their legs and arms, mountains appear; a man scratches his head and hair over the mountains they fall, mountains are covered with forest, animals grow in them; the sea arises from a woman's urine; a man pulls ditches and holes, a woman spits in them, lakes and rivers appear; a woman pulls out one tooth, a man did an ax began to cut wood out of it; fish arose from chips that fell into the water; from the fragrant cypress, pink salmon, from the red cypress, coho salmon; their eldest son played with stone, and Kodiak appeared from the stone; planting it on it man and woman, he shoved the island to its present place, then people divorced]: 77; Golder 1903, No. 10 [the chief's son goes after five geese; they turn into girls, swim in the lake; he hides his clothes youngest; she gives birth to him a son; his sister calls her a goose; she puts on her feather outfit, takes her son and flies away; her husband comes to Bird Heaven for her; sees a tree splitter along the way; chips turn in salmon and trout; his wife agrees to live with him if he does not leave the house; he looks into another house, where the birds dress up and paint; the Seagull and the Raven have not yet finished this procedure; in in panic, she paints it whole black, it white; birds are reluctant to take it back to the ground; the raven carries it, falls, turns into a floating log; the person turns into a white whale]: 98- 104; Pinart in Lantis 1938 [the priest (kashak) and the shaman go north, meet dwarfs; the priest turns them into different animals, the shaman can't; to create fish, both split wood, throw chips into the water, they turn into fish; the priest gets water from the rock, the shaman cannot; to make a fire, the priest blows on the wood, they catch fire; the shaman fails]: 144; chugach [fish appears when chips fall into the water; people knew the story but couldn't give a coherent story]: Birket-Smith 1953:144 (discussed in Sheppard 1998:151); central yupik [fish occurs when chips fall into water]: Kleivan 1962:15 in Sheppard 1998:157; Northern Alaska Inupiate: Lucier 1958, No. 1 [a man cut a tree with a knife; chips turned into salmon, mountain sheep, and other animals]: 91; Ostermann 1952 ( Kotzebue) [four brothers disappear one by one; after conceiving a fifth son, their father allows sparks to fall into his wife's vagina before copulation; tells the boy to swallow hot stones, making him invulnerable; a young man named Qajarungnertoq travels, meets many strange people; meets his uncle, they swim together; a woman lying on the shore is thrown a sea scorpion, she bites it with her a toothy vulva; a man standing on the shore cuts pine trees, chips fall into the river, turning into salmon; they come to the girl's house, at night she invites Q. to lie down with her; Q. throws the head of the victim into her vulva before the lahtak, the head fights against the toothy vulva, the woman dies; sees a ball hanging on a rope from a tree; touches it, his arms and legs are glued one by one; the cannibal comes, takes him to himself; the young man wants a teslo under his head; at night he kills the ogre, his wife and children with it; after that, the trap ball has lost its strength]: 240-243; copper: Jenness 1924, No. 71 [ a person without entrails with a hole through the mouth to the anus cuts sticks in the shape of fish, throws them into the water; they turn into fish]: 80; Rasmussen 1932 [man makes salmon of all kinds from wood; his body has a hole from mouth to back]: 198; caribou [a person sees another person standing in the river cutting a tree, chips fall into the water, turning into salmon, swimming away; it was the father of salmon; the man replies that he came from the side; if he replied that in front or behind, a wood splitter would kill him because he is ashamed of his appearance; he told one of the salmon to transport the traveler across the river]: Rasmussen 1934b: 89; netsilic [Kiwiok hides the clothes of one of the girls bathing; others fly away as goose; wife gives birth to two sons; teaches them to eat grass, not meat; collects feathers, flies away with sons; K. comes to a man who has a through hole in his back; he cuts his fin, the chips turn into salmon; K. pretends not to see a hole; the man sends salmon to transport K. through lake to the village of Geese; sons recognize father; wife married to Goose; K. returns wife]: Rasmussen 1931:373-375; polar Eskimos [goose girls bathe with their feathers off; man hides them, returns, does not give her one, takes her as his wife; she gives birth to two eggs, from which twins hatch; collects feathers, flies away with her mother; a man asks his mother to make him shoes with several soles; goes to look for a wife, bypassing the monsters sent by the Geese; meets a giant chopping willow; chips turn into salmon and trout; the man lies that he came up to him from the front (so he did not see his huge testicle); a giant turns his testicles into a boat, takes a man to the country of Geese; two sons recognize their father; he drives his wife's new husband, lives with her; she gives birth to two eggs, dies; he buries him; a giant gives him a whip; a man kills many Geese attacking him; few escape]: Holtved 1951, No. 36:140-152a; igloolik: Kroeber 1899, No. 7 (Smith Sound) [man steals an outfit from Goose girls feathers; gives back to everyone but one, marries her; she finds her husband's hidden outfit, flies away with her sons; he follows her; comes to a woodworm giant; he has chips turn into seals and walruses; he tells a man to close his eyes, takes him in a boat; sons tell their mother that their father has arrived, she does not believe; he enters, she loses consciousness, dies; he buries her; she comes to life; he kills her with a spear; many geese arrive; he kills them, only two (his sons?) fly away]: 170-172; Rasmussen 1930a (hall. Fox) [like the Polar Eskimos; the husband stays with his wife in Birdland]: 265-267; Baffin's Land [the girl rejects the groom named Butt; he comes to Birdland, kidnaps the training Goose girls bathing; takes one of them as his wife; returns with her to people; she refuses to eat kityatin, flies away with her son; he goes looking for them; a man with a hole cuts instead of a spine firewood; chips falling into the water turn into salmon; the woodcutter gives the hero a spine that turns into a kayak that takes him to his wife; the son recognizes him; the goose, son and new husband Goose wear feathers, are about to fly away; man kills wife]: Boas 1888:615-618; Labrador Eskimos: Hawkes 1916 [man cuts wood; chips falling to the ground turn into land animals, water into aquatic animals] : 152 (same in Turner 1894:261); Millman 2004 [same; this man is the father of fish, he cannot be killed]: 38; West Greenland [the man moistened chips with his seed, threw them into the water, they turned into fish]: Birket-Smith 1924:441.

NW Coast. Kwakiutl (nimpkish) [Gyi'i goes to marry a girl whose father kills suitors; sails in a self-propelled boat with feathers and wings of seagulls; sails to his aunt, who gives him three tie stone tiles to the legs and buttocks; gives shells; G. gives these shells to a person who also helped with advice; he leaves them on the shore, since then there are sinks to feed people; gave To another person, the same, but these are inedible shells; swam to four blind duck women, steals the roots they bake; each thinks the other has taken, they fight; they smell it; G. spits in their eyes, restoring their sight; they tell him that a girl and her father are about to come; G. ties an octopus to her face to look like an old man; a girl takes him as a slave, her brother doubts; in a boat the girl tells the imaginary slave that she must marry G.; G. throws off the octopus, appears in her guise; the door to the girl's father's house slams shut, crushing the incoming ones; G. makes a false move, and then slips; father-in-law offers to sit down, G. ties his stones, they break the tips that killed other suitors; G. throws shells into the fire, the fire goes out; under the guise of salmon and berries, the father-in-law gives meat and sisisutl milk; G. pretends to eat, hides pieces under her clothes; gets a wife, she gave birth in the morning; father-in-law calls to split the trunk, deliberately drops the wedge, asks for it; sees blood, but it turns out that G. jumped out quietly and waits for his father-in-law in the boat; when they sail, G. throws coniferous needles and pieces of wood into the water, they turn into fish and dolphins, jump on his father-in-law, who dies; at the shore, G. revives him, father-in-law admits defeat]: Boas 1895, No. XV.1:135-137 (=2002:307-310); Haida [two Geese take off their feathers, turn into women, swim in the lake; the chief's son hides their clothes; the eldest suggests marry her, he gives her feathers back, takes her youngest; she does not eat people's food, puts on hidden feathers at night, stings grass; when she is hungry, her father sends geese with edible roots; someone calls a woman a goose, she gets offended, flies away; an old man, a mouse, a woman help her husband; in the form of a mouse, he climbs a pole to the sky; Half man (Master-Hopper with one arm, one leg, etc.) salmon harpoons; a young man, turning into salmon, steals its harpoon; when he returns, he shows the way; a man comes to two people who cut wood; chips are thrown into the water, they turn into coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch, Coho salmon, Silver salmon); he makes their wedges split, gives them what they brought with them in return; for this they tell them where his wife, wife and father-in-law are cordially accept it; the wife accepts her husband; he begins to miss home; the Raven carries him, gets tired, throws him off, he turns into a seagull]: Swanton 1905a: 264-268 (brief retelling in 1905b, No. 13:192-193).

(Wed. The coast is the Plateau. Suki [The converter goes, sees a blind old man sitting on the shore; he complains about life; the converter changes his capes with him; tears off, throws pieces of fringe from his cape into the water, they turn into different types of fish]: Thompson, Egesdal 2008:119-120).

Mesoamerica Tsotsil [people chipped chips from Our Father's cross, some chips fell into the lake; large ones turned into large fish, small ones into small fish]: Gossen 1974, No. 134:322.

Honduras-Panama. Kuna [woman carries fish, sings about Palu-huala (salt tree); Ibelele Olovaipilele (Sun) spends the night at the surba (a special section in a house where initiations are celebrated girls), finds out where this tree is located; on it and in it all cultivated plants, fresh and salt water, fish, game; Wild pigs (Dicotyles torquatus, D. labiatus) and Coati (Nasua sociales) are nephews I.; he tells them to cut down a tree; in the morning the trunk is intact; Jaguars, Snakes, the leader of the Frogs licked the felling at night; I. sends his brother Equaquinialilele (Venus) to guard the tree; he kills Jaguar, Snake, Frog; people cut down a tree; chips fall into the pond, turn into inedible fish; the top is entangled in bunches of clouds; I.'s servants only reached half of the trunk; Little Squirrel reached only half of the trunk; Little Squirrel reached clouds, cut off bunches; I. caught salt water in the net that formed the sea; people received fish, tree seeds, bananas, cassava, and other cultivated plants]: Nordenskiöld 1938:175-178; Eastern Panama ( kuna?) [The sun has made a big river, a tree has grown on its bank, branches prevent the Sun from moving; it tells two Squirrels to cut down a tree; a bouncing chip has injured the Big Squirrel's spine, it has become crooked; Malaya knocked down a tree; it blocked the river, formed the sea; fish appeared from the leaves, crocodiles, turtles, iguanas from the chips; to prevent the tree from growing again, the Sun told the Monkey, the Hawk, the Ant ever since gnaw on shoots]: Adrian de Santo Tomas at Casimir de Brizuela 1972:60-61; in Reichel-Dolmatoff 194:22, in Wassen 1933:122-123

The Northern Andes. Bari [the ancestors find a huge seiba, hear a noise from within; they tell Sabasebe that he leads them to cut down a tree; it falls, the trunk and roots turn into lakes, large branches into rivers, small in ravines, chips in fish and caimans]: Villamañan 1975:5-6.

Llanos. Sicuani [Furnaminali makes a boat to spread the fish he keeps in the trap; Tsikirrirri lies to the child that if he does not eat fish, he will starve to death, makes him say where is the fish; drives it out of the hole in Orinoco with a stick; tries to catch it by building dams, but in vain; F. turns the chips obtained during the construction of the boat into important commercial freshwater fish]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 68:271.

Southern Venezuela. Makiritare [Kuamachi and his grandfather Mahanama decide to take revenge on the Stars for the murder of K.'s mother; lure the Stars with their leader named Vlaha (Pleiades) to trees for fruit; M. says he will weave baskets to put fruits in them; K. climbs a tree, drops fruit; water floods the forest; M. with his baskets and K. jump into the boat; M. throws baskets into the water, they turn into anacondas, caimans, piranhas; devour many Stars, which K. knocks down from trees with arrows; V. shoots into the sky, making a chain of arrows, climbs there with the remaining Stars; Ihette (Orion Belt) climbed slowly, bleeding and dragging his leg bitten off by a caiman]: Civrieux 1960:179-180; 1980:110-114; Yanomami [Omavyo and Soavyo hear that forest birds are about to tear them to pieces; they run; along the way, O. turns several trees into hills and mountains; by throwing chips and pieces of ceiba bark into the water, he creates fish; a large piece of bark turns into a caiman, a piece of vine into an electric eel]: Wilbert , Simoneau 1990b, No. 208, 209:412-415.

Guiana. Lokono (Arawaks on the Essequibo River): Alexander 1832:70 in Rodríguez Alvárez 2009 [The Great Spirit sat on top of the balsa, cut off pieces of bark, threw them into the river, they turned into different animals; man was the last to be created; the creator put him to sleep; when he woke up, a woman was next to him; the world was destroyed by the flood, one person escaped in the boat; sent a rat to see if the water had come down; she returned with an ear of corn; in Brett 1880:7 and Goeje 1943, No. d 25:111 with further details: The creator sits on the ceiba, breaks off and scatters branches and pieces of bark; those that fall into the water turn into fish and other aquatic creatures, the rest in birds, animals, people]: 255; carinha in Orinoco [two hunting brothers hide from the cannibal Tarunmio, climbing a tree above the pond; that grimacing, one brother laughs; T. causes the wind to break branches; one brother falls in a seed, T. eats it; the other with a frog, T. brings him home; her daughter takes him as her husband; he creates piranhas, throwing pieces of bark into the water; T. enters the water to eat fish, they devour it themselves; the head remains, it rises into the sky, turns into the Morning Star; the wife avenges the mother; the husband tells objects in the house not chase him, forgets the spindle; the spindle and his wife catch up with him; the child in the woman's belly wants a flower; she asks her husband to climb a tree to get a flower; at this time she cuts off his leg; he turns into Orion's Belt ("Someone without legs"); woman turns into voletolo]: Civrieux 1974:87-89; oyampy [see J9 motif; Yaneia leaves; pregnant wife follows him; twins from her womb show her the way; ask her to pick flowers; she is bitten by a wasp; she refuses to collect, the twins fall silent; the woman goes to the Jaguars, the Yaguariha eats her; the Mayamayali and Wayamakale twins (from poppy is a monkey?) jump on a tree; Jaguariha calls them back; A dove hunting talks about his mother's death; M. and Y. lure the Jaguars to the bridge, create piranhas in the river; V. cuts off the vine ahead of time, two jaguars they save themselves, the rest are eaten by piranhas; M. almost revives his mother, V. hugs her ahead of time, she falls apart; by the sea, their father cuts down a tree, chips turn into fish; the father tests his sons, M. does not He withstands; the father tells him that he is not his son, but the Monkey; makes a parrot out of his skin, monkeys out of flesh; in the morning the father rises to heaven]: Grenada 1982, No. 5:69-72.

Western Amazon. Napo [Apustulu alone uses a tree with fish in its trunk; a wasp boy helps him fish; a Jaguar and others pull a Wasp's belt with a rope; he reports a tree; they can't catch fish they cut down the trunk; the felling overgrows as soon as they don't look at it; they work without interruption, burn chips; the tree still does not fall; the bird sees that it is tied to the sky by a vine; the squirrel climbs upstairs cuts off the vine; the tree falls, turns into rivers, leaves into fish; A. in anger throws his feather fan and belt into the water; they turn into a poisonous stingray, an eel; turns the remaining chips into fish and aquatic animals; makes rapids to prevent fish from going up the river; turns squirrel into stone as punishment]: Mercier 1979:69-80.

NW Amazon. Karihona [mother tells Tukučimobi (Sun) and his younger month-old brother that she will die, tell her to cut off her hand, put it in the basket with cassava, hang it over the hearth; when her sons are to return from hunting, the food will be cooked; said that the garden was ruining the agouti, went to set a trap, turned into an agouti, died deliberately trapped; on her paw there was a trace of a place where the day before, T. took a sand flea out of his mother's leg; the brothers did as his mother told him, but T. did not believe that Aguti's paw was cooking; tells the kuckuck bird to cry out to warn if women appear; but brothers were far away, did not have time to run; the same with the woodpecker (the brothers noticed the traces of two women); the third time the cacambra bird warned in time, the brothers grabbed two women, both wanted a lighter and younger one; T. managed to grab the eldest before she put on her vulture outfit, and the youngest put it on and flew away; because the eldest's clothes were torn, she remained human; in order to take possession of her brother's wife, Month asks T. to get it parrot chicks; puts his penis instead of a pole; erection stops, T. stays in the tree, falls into the hollow; all animals searched for T., found the mouse; rodent animals gnaw a hole; T. spilled water, having created a reservoir, carves two large fish ("whales"; originally catfish) from the tree, fish of all kinds appeared from chips; T. created a dry season for fruits to burst and their fish to eat; turned himself into a fruit let the fish swallow himself, went out through the gills, so he caught the fish, brought it to his wife and children; the month was ashamed; he went to catch it in the same way, the fish swallowed it; T. cut a lot of fish before finding it in one of their brother; the Month began to beat the fish with a harpoon; tied the tench to an ordinary tree, not to a particularly strong tree, two fish, a male and a female, dragged him away, forming the Caquetá River; therefore, it has a wide channel, many islands; T. tried to stop them by creating rapids; T. caught a piece of the Month's leg with a net; the rest of the Month crumbled, so there are so many stars in the sky; the jaw, head, and leg bones of the Month are visible separately in the sky; people are children like Sun-T. (with lighter skin) and Months (darker; while T.'s wife was owned by his brother, she also gave birth)]: Schindler 1979, No. 1:44-54; piapoko [God cuts wood, chips turn into fish; he keeps them in basket; man makes God's little son tell him where he hides fish; kills too many fish at once, fish rush into the river; as punishment, God turns the last chip into piranha]: Cardozo 1968: 32-33; Barasana [see motive J16; Month (Muihu), Meni's son, comes to his sister (her name Méneri-Ya, Mya) at night, she became pregnant; spread black paint, smeared his face; in the morning identified; since then there have been spots on the moon; The month has drowned in shame; his body has rotted on the shore; the Bat ate his flesh, since then he has become an ogre; Meny sent a shaman owl to look for his son, he did not find it (with Since then, owls have big eyes); Adiab's three brothers (creators) found Muihu's bones; told the ants to put them together, stuck them with tobacco leaves, creating a new body; Muihu came to life, but again fell apart when the middle A. said that M. slept with ME; A. was revived again; I did not recognize him; he had a monkey with him, he asked ME to get her a kaimo fruit from the top of the tree to eat; made a tree tall, ME remained in the upper world; the mochilero bird began to look for it, saw a reflection; I was bitten by a wasp, a mochilero killed a wasp, brought ME water, a anklet; weaved a rope to go down; the rope broke off, Mya fell, returned home; Muihu told her to bring water, but the filled vessel dried immediately; while she tried to fill it, Meni and Muihu left; At the fork in Menya, he left a vessel decorated with turkey feathers, which looked like a man; Meni told him to show ME the right path if I came crying, and false if laughing; ME laughed while I was far away, and when she went to the vessel, she cried; the vessel showed the way to the Jaguars; I came to the Opossumiha; she asked her to lie in her son's hammock, but he smelled badly, I moved on; The Jaguars at home were their mother Oaco, Meni's sister; the Jaguars returned from work on the site, carrying axes; the Jaguar saw MYA hiding in the mirror; she spat out of disgust; the youngest The Jaguars agreed to dance with her; starting with his fingers, he ate her; the giblets were given to her mother; she carried them to the river, the boy Warimí Sué jumped from the womb into the water; the Jaguars tried to catch him; he became a frog; they ate a frog, but he actually went down the river to where Menya's sons live; bathed with them; boys didn't know who he was; he didn't go into the house; painted or ate butterflies; their fathers told them to lure V.; the big girl was buried in the sand, others wrote from above; butterflies flew; V. began to paint, the girl grabbed him; V. became a little boy, began to cry ; Meni thought it was the child of his eldest daughter; passed from one daughter to another, but V. stopped crying only on his youngest's lap; he was blown, painted in red paint (since then this is what they do to babies); V. quickly grew into a ten-year-old boy; Meni told him that his mother ate jaguars; V. came to Maloka Jaguars, became a baby again; Jaguar who ate Menery-I touched V., licked his finger, it turned out to be bitter; V. saw this Jaguar regurgitate his mother's blood; V. turned the Jaguars into different animals (tapir, paka, etc.), they ate each other; the Jaguars played sounding a calebass made of mother V.'s head can hear her voice, my Son; V. put a log in his hammock, the Jaguar ate it; in the morning, the Jaguars played me again with the skull, V. threw him into the forest; ordered water gauges collected the husks of the miriti palm nuts, threw it into the water, it turned into piranha; Tapira, with whom he went to collect miriti, V. pushed it into the water, the piranhas ate it; V. made a bridge, the Jaguars went on it, V. swung it, the Jaguars fell, the piranhas ate them; the one who ate me held one paw above the water, was left with one paw; the Jaguar house V. szheg]: Torres Laborde 1969:31-45; ufaina [ four Imarikakana brothers come to the Sun; a huge tree remains uncut on its site, he asks him to cut down; the brothers cut down half, go to rest; at night, the Sun's daughter puts chips back; the next day Imárika Kayafikí throws them into the water, they turn into fish (so there are a lot of fish in the Apaporis River); the daughter of the Sun ties the tree to the sky with vines; IR turns into a squirrel, climbs upstairs, cuts off vines; the tree falls west, breaks the spine of the daughter of the Sun, turns into the Apaporis River; IR could not be found for a long time, found almost near the sea]: Hildebrand 1975, No. IX: 343-345; letuama [boiling water floods the ground; four Ayas brothers climb a tree, send a Dove, a Possum, a howler monkey to find out if the water is high; they scald their tails; the pigeon's tail becomes white, the tail of the opossum naked; the dove brought the land, the brothers scattered it, the soil reappeared; they came down from the tree, it turned into a mountain; they came to their aunt, she keeps rainwater in a large vessel; they cut down several giant trees; one cultivated Apaporis with tributaries, from the other to Kaqueta, etc.; branches and leaves turned into fish]: Palma 1984:71-72; yukuna [four Karipulakena orphans lived with their grandfather Jeechú; he tries to destroy them; tells them to swim to become strong; tells them to cut down the vegetation on the site without saying that there is a huge tree; his daughter Mananiyo laughs at K. - they won't be able to knock down a tree; K.: when we cut down, you'll wet yourself out of fear; at night M. puts chips back and the felling overgrows; when Lamuchí finds out what's going on, he threw it away chips into the water, they became piranha; then J. tied the tree to the sky with vines; L. became a little squirrel, got up, cut the vines; the tree leaned east, then west, and fell into a river Apaporis; J. described herself in fear and a tree with sticky (pegajosos) leaves grew on this site]: Hammen 1992:89; uitoto [girl rejects grooms; Sikire Buneima (B. - aquatic mythical creatures) imperceptibly fertilizes her when she is sitting on a trough; appears as a young man, leads her under water, sends her back; she gives birth to a boy who turns into a huge tree; everything is on its branches cultivated plants, roots are edible; a woman bakes them under her arms and under her knees, brings them to parents; people stop eating crushed stones, white clay and rotten wood, go to cut down wood; Nofueni takes a toad axe, but blows make her liver come out of her mouth; receives a red parrot axe from her ancestor, knocks down a tree; throws chips into the water, they turn into fish; carves out one sliver a woman, marries Hitome (to the Sun); turns into a cat, flies to heaven]: Preuss 1921, No. 2:170-188; okaina [(western 1980); Gotátzika has a daughter, her suitors (these are people ñ amrako:ma:ndio, Morning Star) disappear; then her son marries her ñ; father-in-law 1) gets up at night to kill him with a club, but the son-in-law only pretends to be asleep, jumps up; 2) tells me to get the game out of the trap, the son-in-law does not falls into it; the son-in-law finds the skulls of previous sons-in-law; 3) does not fall into the trap when sent to get fish out of it; 4) G. orders to cut down the tree, quietly puts the chips back; the son-in-law asks for help from father, who sends rodents, they carry the chips to the river, throw them into the water, they turn into all kinds of fish; the cut trunk continues to hang, it is held on top of it by a sloth, this is the spirit of G. himself; the son-in-law's father sent various biting insects, the sloth let go of the tree, it collapsed, the ground trembled (the origin of earthquakes); 5) burn the vegetation on the site; around the fire sent by the father of the young iguana carried him out fire; now the son-in-law left his father-in-law in the burning area, which burned down; the daughter found her father's bones; his son-in-law revived him with tobacco, told him to be good; they went to ñ., father-in-law swallowed the fish, his son-in-law pulled him out alive] : Blixen 1999, No. 9:205-238; andoque [The month has a love affair with his Sun Brother's wife; he creates two parrots, asks the Month to get them out of the tree; throws the pole; the Month falls into the hollow, the hole overgrows; woodpeckers press something new; from the excrement of the hummingbird, two vines appear, outside the tree and in the hollow; the Month rises and descends them; makes himself a wife out of wood; Woodpecker He squeezes her mouth and vagina; there is a red fruit in the vulva, the Woodpecker smeared his head with juice; the chips turned into eagles; into stones; into fish; in the tree from which the Month got out were water and fish; The Month closed the hole to prevent water from pouring onto the ground; the Sun and the Month quarreled over the fish, the fish twitched, the hole opened, the water flooded the earth with a flood; the Sun blew east, the Month went to look for it sky]: Landaburu, Pineda 1984:45-52; Yagua: Chaumeil 1983:155; Chaumeil, Chaumeil 1978, No. 2:169-170; Payne 1992:207-208; Powlison 1972a [see motive J23; the twin grandfather owns the water hidden in tree trunk; brothers call all birds and rodents to knock down a tree; at night, felling overgrows; the youngest watches his grandfather, finds out a secret; they cut down a tree; it turns into the Amazon, rivers into tributaries, chips and leaves in fish, worms in Europeans, blacks and non-Yagua Indians]: 76.

Eastern Amazon. See motive J9; a pregnant woman goes to the Jaguars, they eat her; the Jaguar grandmother adopts two boys taken from her womb, they learn about the death of their mother and decide to kill the Jaguars. Urubu [trees fall into a river, they turn into piranhas and crocodiles; an island is made on the river with fruit trees, a bridge is built to the island; when the Jaguars cross the bridge for fruit, brothers they cut down the bridge, the Jaguars are eaten by aquatic creatures; because the youngest of the brothers hesitated, two escaped]: Huxley 1956:217-220; Ribeiro 2002 [Maira took wives three times, left each time; turned a branch into a woman married; she asks where the water is in the vessel, the flour in the pot comes from, M. tells me not to ask; you can hear the sound of axes on the site, M. does not tell me to go there; the wife goes, sees the ax working itself; when the ax returns home, the woman grabs him, he stops working himself; M. is angry, leaves; the child from the woman's womb tells him to follow, shows the way; the woman sleeps in Mukura's house (possum), the roof at night flows, she goes into Mukura's hammock, conceives her second son; comes to the jaguar village; their mother hides her, the jaguars find her, the old woman asks for her embryos; they jump out of the pot, the old woman brings her up them, brothers grow up in a few days; Maira's son invites his brother to avenge his mother's death; makes rivers, cuts off, throws pieces of wood into the water, which turn into piranhas, snakes, caimans; Maira's son creates peca fruits (cariocara); leads the jaguars to collect them; the brothers lay the vine as a bridge, cut them off on both sides when the jaguar walks along the vine; two escaped, the rest were eaten by aquatic creatures; brothers come to Maire; his {current} wife is angry that he has children from another woman; Maira decides to check if they are his children; throws a fishing rod with a hook, his son bites off the hook, Mukura's son is caught, stays away from him a drop of blood; Maira's son is angry with his father, rises to heaven, becomes thunder and lightning; Meira and his wife go south]: 398-406; tenetehara: Nimuendaju 1915 [throw cassava pests into the water, those turn into piranhas and water snakes; throw pigs to them to teach them meat; make a bridge across the river in the form of a chain of arrows; show Jaguars fruits growing across the river; Jaguars cross the bridge for fruit ; brothers tell the banks to disperse, the river turns into a sea; (Var.: cut the end of the bridge); Jaguars fall into the water, eaten]: 282-285; Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 14 [building a bridge over a dry swamp, fill the swamp with water, throw straw fans into the water to fan the fire, they turn into piranhas; throw the monkey to see how quickly it is eaten; invite the Jaguars to fish, step on the bridge, they bring it down; Jaguars eat piranhas]: 137-140.

Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita [Kumpanama carved a canoe, threw chips into the river, a lot of fish appeared; invited people to poison it with the juice of the Barbasco vine; someone pushed K. into the river, everyone laughed over him; when he almost drowned, two people took pity on him, pulled him out of the river; K. told them to climb the tall tacon tree, taking their baked tubers with them; the flood began; when the flood all the other trees were hidden, and by Yusa's will, the tacon tree grew; night fell, the sun was gone, all the people died except the two; they climbed the tacon tree when its fruits were still green; it took a long time, the fruits were ripe, one night they tasted them and began to eat them, then threw the seeds down; the sound seemed unusual to them, there was too much water around them; after some while they picked the fruits again and ate them, then the water began to decrease; they plucked the tacon, threw the seeds down, sounded to determine how the water was leaving; then the seeds again, and they fell to the damp ground; then dry; at that moment Chinsha shouted; compose and Isa were also screaming, foreshadowing a good day; taya' and the rest of the birds were singing too, so the day really should have To be clear, it was dawn; the survivors built a house for themselves; when they returned from the forest, they found cooked food; on the third day they also saw woven loincloth; one of the two brothers hid, Two loro parrots, called sha'uo, flew in, turned into women, the man grabbed one of them, the other flew away; the woman turned into a worm, and the man, frightened, dropped her from his hands; the woman turned into sha'wo again and, when she flew away, said that since the men were in a hurry, they would not see them again; told her brother, suddenly became a woman; she became pregnant, gave birth to a girl; from All people happened to her; therefore, some women are tall and others are short; if people descended from Sha'uo, all women would be short]: Shlyakhtinsky, Arodzero 2008.

Southern Amazon. Paresi: Pereira 1986, No. 1 [first water and a mound of earth; Miore, one of the heavenly men, made a hole in it, went into it and carried it; the earth began to grow; going in four directions marked the boundaries of the earth; hung it on ropes to the sky; the cardinal turned into a heavenly tree, growing upwards; its leaves fell and turned into various fish; M. put the leaves in a frying pan , sprayed with juice, ate], 32 [Enoré threw the leaves of the heavenly tree; those that fell into the forest turned into animals, those that fell into the water turned into fish]: 22-25, 361-365; bororo [man named Baiporo throws branches of various flowering trees into the river; they turn into different types of fish]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 75:148; umotina [Opáriakana asked Bokódodo to create fish; that turned into a huge fig tree, turned one of his sons into a branch of this tree, the other into an iguana on a branch; when the leaves, fruits and flowers of the tree fell into the water, they turned into fish (leaves - 4 species, fruits - 4 species, flowers - 1 species); var.2: one son, became an iguana; where the tree root is under water on the river. Paraguay big rapids]: Schultz 1962, No. e: 233-235.

Eastern Brazil. Apinaye [Mebapame (Sun) throws leaves into the river, they turn into various fish; throws tucum fibers, they become snakes, eels and other long fish; on his companion Brubure (Month) M. tries how snakes bite; immediately heals him]: Wilbert 1978, No. 15:77-78.

Southern Brazil. Mbia [see motive J9; a pregnant woman gets to Mbae-ypi creatures, they eat her; an old woman adopts a boy Pa-i (Sun) taken out of her womb, he creates a brother for himself ( next Month); Pa-i makes a trap; confident in their invulnerability, Mbae-ypi take turns falling into it, dying; to kill their women, Pa-i creates a fruit tree across the river, throws pieces of bark into the water, they turn into predatory creatures; makes a bridge; brothers must swing it according to the sign of Pa-i; he signaled prematurely, one pregnant woman escaped, jaguars come from her the rest fell off the bridge, eaten by aquatic predators]: Cadogán 1959:70-83; Cadogán, Lopez Austin 1970:74-85.