B57. Bloody sunset.. (.32.) .35.37.39.-.41.44.-.
Blood from a killed or injured person or animal turns red on the sky or vegetation (the origin of dawn, reddish shades of the northern lights, or golden autumn).
Yualarai, Votjobaluk, Maori, Barela-bhilala, Timor, Chinese (Sichuan), (Lithuanians, Chuvash), East Sami, (Chuvash), Nenets, Mansi, Kets, Northern Selkups, Nanais, Chukchi, Inupiat Northern Alaska (Noatak, Point Hope, Anaktuvuk Pass), Koyukon, Tanaina, Kuchin, Helmet, Hea, Chipewayan, Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake), Western and Eastern Ojibwa, Ojibwa Steppes, Fox, Wyandot, Seneca, Mohawki, Mikmaq, Penobscot, Osage, Kabiyari, Cimane, Paresi, Ayoreo, Caduveo, Guarani (Misiones), Tehuelche.
Australia. Yualarai [Varunna brought a new weapon from the land of women, exchanging it for a bed made of opossum skin; there is no death in their country and the sun is always shining; the Sun is a woman; on the advice of V., men, going into the country of women, took animals with them, released them, distracting the attention of women warriors; angry, the women began to fight with each other, their blood colored the sky (red sunset); V. turned his brothers into white swans, forgot to restore their human appearance; falcons began to pluck swans; but crows showered them with black feathers to warm them, for falcons are enemies of crows; since then there have been black swans]: Parker 1965:119-123 (=Waterman 1987, No. 3940:102); Watjobaluk [dawn is red because many people have been killed somewhere, blood has colored the sky]: Howitt 1904:430; ngarigo [dawn is like blood means that a lot of people have been killed somewhere]: Howitt 1904:430; the Volga [red dawn means that people are fighting somewhere and many have been killed]: Howitt 1904:430.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Maori: Best 1982 [red sunset - Rangi blood]: 284; Reed 1999, No. 6 [Maui-mua, in search of his missing sister Hina-uri, turned into a pigeon Rupe, flew to tenth heaven to god Rehua, that told him who H. had, Rupe brought it to Rehua's house; there he erected a pole on which the cannibal Kai-tangata fell; his blood colors the sky at sunset]: 78.
South Asia. Barela-bhilala [in the east, the women Kassi raiya and Bari raiya are infertile; the sadhu tells them to swallow bubbles from the spring, they conceived the Sun and the Moon; at first they did not want to give them away, then they agreed The sun and moon rose to the sky; at first they shone equally bright and hot (the moon was even hotter), the earth was burning; the moon hit Bessa in the west, his blood was a red sunset; Bhagwan ordered the moon to be immersed in oil , it faded, began to shine at night]: Stiglmayr 1970:156-157.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Timor: Correia 1973 [the old woman went to heaven for fire; one day she stayed, her son cut off the stairs, the sky moved off the ground; told his uncle Beiduro that God did it so that the old woman would not was able to return; B. gathered four more people and waged a war against heaven; God ordered all animals to attack humans, but they eventually won, cut off the heads of the Stars; since then, the blood of the decapitated colors the sky (a sangue borbota daqueles corpos decapitados a reluzirem no firmamento)]: 89-90.
China - Korea. The Chinese (Sichuan, Wu. Dai) [A long time ago, there was no light in the world, darkness was everywhere, and all living things existed in darkness. People did not know what to do about it, they were starving, they were ill, and there were few of them left. Among the rest were husband and wife, very strong and brave, and everyone called them Brave Strong Deities. One day, several old people dying of hunger told them that a ray of light could be seen in a swampy lowland, and the couple, when they heard this, went after it. They walked for a long time, overcame many dangers, and finally found the place. They were very happy and ran up to the ray and saw it coming from a small cave. They crawled inside, straightened themselves up, raised the cave ceiling and supported it with both hands. After a long time, their mouths bleed and they, first their wife and then husband, died, but they continued to stand and support the cave ceiling. This is how the world was lit and people were saved. The part of the cave that the husband and wife had raised was called heaven, and the part on which they stood was called earth. It is said that the red light at dawn and sunset is colored with this couple's blood]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 3:24-25.
Baltoscandia. Eastern Sami [Flashes are the souls of the dead under Ninas's leadership, fighting at night, flooding the sky with blood; their wounds are healed every time]: Charnoluski 1962:18, 68-72; (cf. Lithuanians [when the red sun goes down, this sun regrets the blood shed where the war is going on]: Zavyalova 2006:111).
(Wed. Volga - Perm. Chuvashi (1906-1908) [if the northern lights appear in the sky, old people predict that there will be war; God shows human blood shed during the war with this radiance in advance]: Meszaros 2000:79).
Western Siberia. Nenets [husband, wife, son live; husband starts making a boat; mother asks her son to bring water, he refuses; she threatens to turn into a cuckoo; turns, making a beak out of a thimble, the end of needles, wings made from half a sewing board, a tail made of flint; a cuckoo mother flies to her husband, who makes a boat, he thinks it's a bad sign; the son runs after the cuckoo, offers water, she still flies away cuckoo; son bleeds his legs, dies; blood turns evening clouds red; when he comes home, the husband decides that the cuckoo has taken his wife and son]: Lehtisalo 1947, No. 18:34-35 (retelling in Janhunen 1992:36-37) ); Mansi [four brothers went to fight for the Urals, one died, the rest returned; the son of the deceased persuaded him to take revenge; beyond the Urals he began to destroy all living things; others abandoned him, but he continued kill; Num-Torum blew, he was in the sky, it became sunset; he was covered in blood, so the sky was red]: Gondatti in Munkácsi 1908:249-250; Kets [Bissym - West, yes' - god) was the eldest son of Ysya and Hosedam on the seventh round of the upper world; went hunting in cloth clothes and mittens; his father tried in vain to persuade him to dress warmer; by evening the wind blew, B. froze , remained on the west side of the sky; the Milky Way is the trail of his skis; angry for his son H. went to earth and began to kill people; B. quarrels with E., sends a cold wind, snow, a blizzard; his name is Deles' ("bloody god", "bloody sky"); he causes wars, suicides; the bright color of the sky in the West is a harbinger of bloody events; the bright evening dawn, D.'s daughter, portends a change in the weather for the worse]: Alekseyenko 1976:87-88.
Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais [a childless old man raised a wild boar pig, sacrificed a huge poplar; at night, an old woman dreams: there is a hollow at the base of the poplar, the second at the top, in each woman, they they decide to give their spouses a son, throw a donut; the old woman ate it, gave birth to a boy Egdig, 3 days later he went hunting, 10 days later he went hunting, 10 days later he went to the ends of the earth for the bride; invented skis on the way; accidentally pierced a ski with a stick, the girl's bucket, promised to return to her; he fired an arrow, she pierced the heart of the monster, the nuthatch says it was the terrible Ambu; aka Tsaulomya; old woman: he did not miss the swamp; red sunset - his soul is burning, he cannot enter the world of the dead; the old woman led him down to the stairs, next to a large river falls into the ground like a waterfall; E. went down the stairs to the lower world of Dokini Eni; there the snakes are wise; the skeleton says that red fish with a flat tail have eaten him; E. rises back; old woman: the earth and sky are like shell leaves, when they close, night, when they open, light from the outside world enters the crack to the ground; the old woman gave bags of berry seeds; when he returned to the ground, E. scattered them, since then there have been berries on the ground; returning, he took the bride]: Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010:76-80.
SV Asia. The Chukchi [the northern lights are a special world inhabited by violent deaths; the reddish gleam is their shed blood, and the radiant overflows are souls playing ball with the head of a walrus]: Bogoras 1902, No. 32:634-635.
The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate: Hall 1975, No. PM1 (Noatak) [Naakun and his younger brother break up; promise each other that when he sees a red sky, the other is dead; sees first N.; later, other people see the reddened sky, understand that N. died]: 107; Ingstad, Bergsland 1987 (Anaktuvuk Pass) [always cold, dark; when collecting fuel, women tried dry wood or alive; the brother began to come to his younger sister at night; she smeared charcoal on his shoulder, identified his brother in the morning; cut off her breasts, held a bowl to her brother, saying that they were two wives for him; went up in circles to the sky became the Sun; brother grabbed his bag of tools, rose to become the Month; with him a large whale shovel; the phases of the moon - he closes with it and then reveals himself; at dawn the sun is red, it is blood of severed breasts]: 25-30; Lowenstein 1992, No. 2 (Point Hope) [(=1993:10-15); the girl lives in the same house with her older brother; someone comes to her at night; she stains her lover's forehead with fat soot; in the morning he sees a mark on his brother's forehead; cuts off his breasts, mixes it with his urine and feces, puts everything in the night pot, invites him to eat it: he goes up to the sky, she follows him: he leaves for a month, tells him to eat it she goes to the sun; in the morning and evening the sun is colored with blood from the girl's chest; the Month (Alinnaq) continues to chase her sister; when she catches up and copulates with her, an eclipse occurs, followed by an earthquake; The month is the owner of all marine and land commercial animals]: 13-18; Rainey 1947 (Point Hope) [someone comes to Sukunuk at night; she smears her lover's face with soot; in the morning she sees a mark under with his brother's eye, Alignuk; fills the bowl with urine and feces, cuts off his left breast, gives all this to A., offers to eat it if he loves it; they began to spin, went up to the sky; A. ordered my sister goes to the sun, where it is warm, went to the month where it is cold; on the disk of the moon you can see A. holding a bag of tools in his hand; the sky at sunset is colored with blood from S.'s chest]: 270; Spencer 1959 [sun- Woman and Month-Man rest on the rainbow; were married; quarreled over the weather; husband wanted cold, wife warmth; husband cut off his wife's chest with a knife; wife ran across the rainbow to heaven; husband chases her, but not may come because of the heat; when close, you can see both of them at the same time; if the Sun is red, it is her bleeding chest]: 258.
Subarctic. Koyukon [salmon blood colors sunsets in August (salmon time)]: Jette 1911:250; tanaina [young man catches a seagull; dragging a trap with him, the seagull runs away, the young man follows her, loses the road, comes to the house of the Seagulls; those are people, many are maimed by traps; the young man heals them; the seagulls warn them not to enter the house nearby; the young man comes in, the young woman leaves him with her for the night; serves a plate with human fingers; in a hole in the floor - her fat mother; a young man changes places with a young woman, runs away, the mother cuts off her daughter's head, drinks her blood; in the morning he crawls to the house of the Seagulls; a young man He throws stones on her, kills her; comes to the old woman; she has a hole in the floor of the house, the young man sees the ground from above, his house; the old woman lowers the young man on a rope, tells her to open his eyes only when he feels grass under his feet; the third time he reaches the ground, comes home (he opened his eyes twice, touching clouds or something else, was back in the sky)]: Vaudrin 1969:52-60; kuchin [shaman boy goes into the forest; looks up, is carried to the sky, his clothes remain on the ground; the Spider dresses him, he lives with her; enters the house of the Old Frog, who demands to look for insects in his head and eat; the boy refuses, because they are not lice, runs away, the old man follows him, the Spider kills the old man with his gaze; the boy moves a stone in the corner of her house, sees the ground through the hole; the Spider lowers it; despite warning, he cuts off the end of the rope; The spider dies, the sky is colored with her blood, the blizzard begins; now, when the storm approaches, the sky turns red]: McKennan 1965:138-139; helmet [the sky was low, The giant picks it up; two brothers meet the Giant, hide in a hole; the youngest refuses to go out, the Giant tells her to close; asks the elder to help return the wife kidnapped by another giant; carries him under his arm; kills a huge beaver, a man makes an ax out of his tooth; another giant is fishing; the first tells a man to bark with a dog; the other runs in fear; giants fight; a man cuts with an ax strands to the enemy; The giant kills the enemy; the same episode with the enemy's wife; the Giant also kills the enemy's children; sends the man home, giving a wand that shows the way and the bone on which meat always grows; once the whole sky is turning red; man knows that the Giant is dead; it's raining, it's the Giant's tears]: Teit 1917 a, No. 7:445-448; hea [the hunter is hiding in a porcupine hole; giant Enna-Guhini asks him not afraid, carries around his neck; deer for him are rabbits, spruce trees are straw, rats are lice; he fights the evil giant I-no-Kfvi Odinsa; a man cuts his penis first with an ax from the fang of a huge beaver, then a tendon on his leg; I. dies, then they kill his wife and children; a man goes home, E. gives him his stick; animals (these are Y. dogs) drive a man into a tree; E. comes to the rescue; man returns to his parents; one day the sky turns red, which means that E. died]: Petitot 1886, No. 12:132-141; chipewayan [the father of the Crow's Head dies shortly after the birth of his son; the man speaks Crow's Head, that at sunset the sky turns red with his father's blood; Crow's Head lives with his grandmother; finds out that the killer is a shaman; breaks his fish spine, the shaman immediately falls dead]: Lowie 1912, No. 1a: 175.
The Midwest. Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [a hunter meets a woman in the forest, gets married; she goes to the stump, undresses, calls Machi-manita; snakes crawl through all holes in her body; her husband watches her sends them prey, kills snakes with an ax, gives them their blood instead of bear blood; tells their two sons that if the sky turns red, he dies; gives them a bone awl, a sharp stone, flint, a beaver tooth, a stone chisel, tells her to run; the wife runs to the stump; when she returns, her husband cuts off her head, cuts her body, throws half into the sky, they can be seen now (constellations?) ; her Skull kills and devours him, pursues her sons; the sky turns red; the elder carries the youngest on the back; throws objects, they turn into thorny thickets, a rock, a wall of fire, a pile of poplar stumps, a river ; The Beaver makes a passage through the thickets when the Skull promises to allow it to be caught in its eye sockets and nostrils; a lost soul leads the Skull through the crack through the rock; Chomga agrees to transport the Skull across the river, tells you not to touch the sore spot on the neck; The skull touches, is thrown into the water; sons break it with a stone, it sinks; see motif K27]: Ray, Stevens 1971:48-52; Western Ojibwa: Coleman et al. 1971:47-49 [the wife does not say why the little son cries; he tells his father that the mother leaves with another man every time, who paints her face, greases her hair; the father leaves, tells his son that he must take his younger brother and run when he sees the sun go down; throw thorns, flint when his mother's head chases them; thorns turn into thorns, flint into a mountain; man lured his older brother into the boat, the youngest stayed on the shore and became a wolf; the elder lured him with meat, he became human again], 49-50 [the little sons told their father that the mother had a lover, the father killed his wife, told the children to run, if they saw red clouds, it means that he was dead; the cranes would form the bridge, joined by their beaks, the head would fall into the water; the old man took his older brother into the boat, the youngest remained on the shore, became a wolf; the elder became the old man's son-in-law; in winter he burned his clothes in the forest, and the next time his son-in-law burned his father-in-law's clothes; that is, the old man thought he was throwing his son-in-law's clothes into the fire, which was his own; in the cold old man turned into larch]; Jones 1916, No. 33a [hunter returns without prey; his wife feeds his son and daughter bear fat; daughter gives fat to her father, he watches his wife; she knocks on wood, crawls out a serpent, turns into a man, copulates with her; a husband kills his wife, burns; his son kills a chikadi; a father tells him to burn him, bury his ashes; says that if the sky turns red, then he is dead; the children watch how their mother's ghost rises from the ashes of the chikadi; they run; the girl mistakenly throws the flint given by her father in front of her; they cross the pond; the girl marries an unknown young man; his father gives it Brother club, tells him to kill him and his men; these people were Thunder]: 380-382; Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 40 [the hunter returns empty-handed; his wife's lover supplies her with meat; one day her daughter brings meat to the father; he cuts off his wife's head, gives the son and daughter an awl and flint, rises to the sky; the mother's head chases the children; they throw an awl and flint, creating a forest, a big fire; the kingfisher agrees transport children across the lake if they remove his lice; when he carries his head, he pushes it into the water; the sky turns red, the children realize that their father is dead]: 142-143; Barnouw 1977, No. 15 (chippewa) [ Oshkikve and Machikevis sisters look at the sky; O. wants a dim star, the old man thinks it, M. wants a bright star; the dim turns out to be young, the bright one is old; the stars raise their sisters to heaven; M. looks down, both sisters fall from the sky on a tree; Wolverine lowers them to the ground; M. falls, breaks her leg; The mouse says O.: Your sister wants you to be married; O. leaves the axe responsible for her, runs away ; a person cuts an ice-hole, O. asks for help; a person tells him to walk between his legs; M. runs after her, he hits her with an ice ax, shoves it under the ice; the crackling of ice in the cold - M.; red winter sunset - O.]: 101-104; Eastern Ojibwa (Southern Ontario)] [the hunter notices that his wife is embellished; the eldest son tells him that every time he goes hunting, his mother also leaves home; the hunter watches his wife ; sees how she came to the tree, knocked, and a handsome man came out; when he returned home, the hunter taught the children (both boys) what to do; when his wife returned, her husband killed her, burned her body; said children: if there is a red sunset, it means that her mother's lover killed her; when they saw the red sunset, the children ran; the mother (i.e. her spirit?) pursues; they threw a pebble (mountain), a thorn (thorny thickets), an awl (many awls pointing upwards); the mother overcame everything; by the river, the children asked a large snail to transport them to the other side; that stretched out and they crossed; when the stalker asked for the same thing, the snail clenched in the middle of the river and the woman drowned; the brothers settled by the lake; a man in the boat swam up; asked the younger one to shoot, the arrow fell into the boat; asked the elder to pick it up and sailed away with him; kept it in his house; once offered to roll down the mountain in a sleigh; the young man refused to sit in front, sat behind; the sleigh rides on stumps and stones, the young man picked up a stone and killed a man; came to where he left his younger brother; he turned into a wolf (or half a wolf); this is how wolves appeared]: Laidlaw 1915, No. 7:6-7; Steppe Ojibwa [ dressed up, the woman goes to the forest, knocks on wood; a man comes out of the trunk, they copulate; the husband finds them, kills his lover, cuts off his wife's head; gives the eldest son an awl, a needle, a piece of thread, a knife; says that if the sunset is red, then he is dead; the body is chasing her husband, the head of his sons; the elder carries the youngest on the back; abandoned objects turn into a mountain (The head finds a gorge), prickly thickets (The head is entangled with hair; the worm gnaws at them, for which the Head allows it to have sex with it through the occipital foramen), the Horned Serpent (he passes the Head for the same fee), the river; the Head asks the Pelican to transport her for the same fee; the Pelican warns not to touch a certain place on his neck; the ban is broken, he throws his Head into the river; the eldest son breaks the Head with a stone; at the same evening the sky turns red in the west]: Skinner 1919, No. 2:291-292; fox [three brothers chase a bear, find themselves in the sky; kill it in autumn, put it on oak and sumac branches for cutting; the foliage of these trees turn red with blood in autumn; pieces of the bear's body are stars that can be seen in winter; the bear is B. Bear's bucket, hunters are the bucket handle; the asterisk next to one of them is their dog]: Jones 1907, No. 4:71-75.
Northeast. Wyandot [A deer fights a Bear, puts horns in its belly; blood drips from its antlers onto trees, coloring autumn leaves red]: Walker 1995, No. 9:95-99; Seneca [one of seven brothers are lazy, pretends to be sick, others carry him on a stretcher; throw him, chase a bear; a lazy man overtakes everyone with fresh energy, kills a bear; brothers do not notice how they gradually rise to the sky; turn into Ursa Major; one in his hands has a bowler hat (an asterisk next to the bucket); the bear is a star in the lower corner of the constellation; in autumn, at the first frost, droplets of fat are visible on oak leaves (and not water!) and the blood of a dead bear]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 54:276-277 (=Curtin 2001:503-504); Mohawks [a big bear disperses game near the village; three brothers and a dog drove him; arrows pierce the beast , blood drips, paints yellow and red fallen maple leaves; the bear climbs the mountain, from there to the sky; becomes four stars of the Ursa Major; the hunter - three stars of the bucket handle; the dog - Ji-e star (dog name)]: Rustige 1988:32-34; Iroquois (band not specified) [hunters chase bear; stone giants kill hunters; three remain alive with the bear find themselves in the sky; the first has a bow in his hands, the second has a pot, the third picks up brushwood; hunters' arrows pierce the bear only in autumn; blood stains the foliage]: Smith 1883:81; mikmaq [in spring seven hunters begin to chase the bear; in early autumn, first two Owls, then Blue Jay and Dove lose their trail; Malinovka, Chikadi, Moose Bird continue their chase; in mid-autumn, Malinovka kills a bear with an arrow; blood stains autumn leaves; Ursa Major bucket - bear, bucket handle and Boopas - hunters]: Hagar 1900:93-97; penobscot [hunter chases until mid-September behind the bear; pierces his heart with an arrow; chikadi fills the bucket with blood; the bucket falls to the ground, coloring autumn leaves; white bear fat drips, turns into snow that covers the ground]: Speck 1935b: 19.
Plains. Osage [three brothers go hunting in different directions; the youngest kills a bear; sees a red swan on the lake; all arrows fly by; returns for his father's three magic arrows; the latter hits the swan; it flies west; the sky has since been red at sunset]: DeVoe 1904:27-28.
NW Amazon. Kabiyari [Yakamukute (Sky) did not have an anus; (his umbilical cord connected to the navel, the Banesteriopsis caapi vine; the Hehechu Jaguar was her process; this is only in the retelling of Bonnemère 2001 : 40); Hehechu is associated with land; I came to dance with H.'s children, killed them; one escaped, became a bird; I threw the other into boiling water like a worm; H. collected pieces of his body, joined them with cotton wool, he turned into the monkey (mico); I pretended to know nothing; invited Y. to dance; blew the winds loudly; I asked him to make an anus; H. pierced his anus, he died; his body exploded, becoming the sky, i.e. the sky has separated from the earth; the remains of H. turn into a hill, blood has become clay; from the other remains, the sons of Y., four cultural heroes of Munully, have emerged; they measure the land to determine where its center is; they build the first maloka by cutting down the only Teviji tree, there are no others yet; the roof is flat, falling after the first rain; M. take the night out from the Karu toad; at first they do not pay, K. hands them a vessel with wounds; demands gold; having received night, M. carelessly open the vessel, darkness sets in; M. create nocturnal animals screaming at a certain time; when dawn comes, the sun rises; M. receive from Mapitare worm is a vessel with earth, inadvertently opened, the earth is dispersed; the water in Pira-Parana is hot, fish cannot be eaten, it causes disease, and there are no other rivers yet; M. come to a tree in which water and fish, owned by Kamanatana, the wife of the Mapitare worm; brothers eat ants and Kamanatana feeds them with tapioca; the youngest of M. (his name is Mamitiri) spies, sees that this tapioca is Mapitare sperm; Mamitiri, in the form of a hummingbird, finds a tree owned by Kamanatana; M. opens a hole in which she kept animals and animals spread through the forest; M. dazzle Kamanatana, send them down the river to the rapids; they cut down trees that turn into different rivers; when a tree owned by Kamanatana is cut down, it does not fall, it is suspended for the vines; they send the white Maniritare squirrel to cut them down; the fallen tree turns into Apaporis, the vine turns into the Cananarí River; the sky at sunset is colored with squirrel blood; the brothers tell the snake to make a channel rivers winding; brothers turn into parrots, fly to Thunder, replace its lightning with a parrot's tail, carry it away, distribute it to all communities]: Bourgue 1976:121-131 [summary with comments and interpretations] 138-143 [exact summary].
Bolivia - Guaporé. Chimane [the dead go to the country "under the sky", i.e. to the clouds; drink dirty bloody water; the mother meets the murdered son; he asks her to take clean water with her, sit on his back, brings her to the world the dead; everything is in bloody colors; the red sunset is the blood shed by the dead]: Daillant 2003:255 in Hirtzel 2013:99.
Southern Amazon. Paresi [see motif J42B for full text; four orphan brothers living with old woman Alawrir learn that Jaguar and Jaguariha ate all the men in the village, and the Eagle ate all the women; Jaguariha razed mouth, people entered it; brothers turn into hummingbirds, cut Jaguarihu from the inside with a knife, go out; the male Jaguar has two stone clubs in the house, the brothers swapped the dangerous and ordinary; the same is two spears; hid in the Jaguar's house; they met various animals on the way to it (alma-de-gato long-tailed cuckoo, Canis jubatus Maned Wolf, Euchroma gigantea beetle, Anolis punctatus Iguana, Hemidactyluc lizard mabonia); everyone asks where they are going; when they receive the answer that to kill the Jaguar, they join, hide in the house; The lizard stains the fire sticks with a lot of peca fruits; The maned wolf left his bowel movements; brothers place the caiman's rat head and tail on the threshold; the Jaguar, seeing traces of each object hidden or left behind, perceives them as a sign of his death; brothers giggle, Jaguar the club is enough, but it is not fatal, the brothers kill it; Europeans arose from ash and coal and various groups of Indians are not paresi (which of the burnt objects is listed); the brothers shot at the sky tree, climbed a chain of arrows (or a thread lowered, at A.'s request, from the sky tree); all the animals wanted to climb too; Canis jubatus and Dusicyon thous climbed, but the thread broke or the Europeans cut off the chain of arrows; the two fell; in the sky, A. and the brothers play ball with the head of the jaguariha, the tail of the caiman, the head of a rat (A. gave them to the brothers with her); the red sunset is the blood of the jaguariha's head ]: Pereira 1986, No. 8:159-169.
Chaco. Ayoreo [people try to kill the Sun, cut it to pieces, but it recovers; gets its heat (and eventually rises to the sky) by being burned in the hole where they started the fire and scalded in boiling water where he was thrown; red sunset and dawn are the blood of the Sun when they tried to kill him]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 8:32-33; caduveo [three kids always play late; painted vessel with flowers descend from the sky in it; children climb after them, the vessel begins to rise; the mother clings to the last boy's leg; her leg comes off; blood stains the sky, since then red on the horizon stripe (at sunset); white birds come to swim in a pool of blood, take on color; Vulture can't withstand the heat, wipes off with coals, turns black]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 30:55-56.
Southern Brazil. Guarani (prov. Misiones, probably caigua) [when a boy and girl are about to get married, a storm begins; this means that Tupá is dissatisfied; they throw themselves into the river to swim across to the island; but people let them in arrows, kill; at this time the sun goes down; since then, the sunset has been red with shed blood]: Morales 1979:82-84.
The Southern Cone. Tehuelche [giant Nishtech kidnaps and kills a cloud woman; dawn has been red ever since]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 14:30; Samitier 1950:189.