Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B58. Red turkey neck.. 59.62.70.

After the first ancestors steal the original fire, a partrige-sized forest bird (Penelope sp.; Anhima cornuta; etc.; jacu, paujil) swallows hot coal. As a result (except for andoque), her neck turns red.

Guiana. Akawai: Brett 1880:132; Im Thurn 1966 [see motif B37; after a flood, a man makes fire by friction; a Penelope marail turkey swallows a spark, flies away, its throat remains red; people think that Cayman has swallowed fire, his tongue is being pulled out; since then, Cayman has been the enemy of all animals]: 379-381; taruma [after Duid caught his wife in the river, he and his older brother Ajijeko began to live in different huts, but worked together; if the food was raw, but they knew that a woman ate only fruit raw; she hid where the fire came from; when she had many children and was old, A. came to visit her; at sunset went back, leaving the bag, asked the woman to bring it, told her to come closer, grabbed it, threatened to rape her if she did not reveal the secret of the fire; she sat down, spread her legs, the fire rolled out of her vagina; he was cold; to make it hot, A. mixed it with hot bark, fruits, pepper; let Duid store; he sat by the river, Cayman swam out and swallowed the fire; returned it at the request of A.; the fire burned him tongue; soon the maroudi bird fell off the fire, flew away; returned at the request of A., his burnt throat remained red; D. left the fire on the trail; Jaguar stepped, burned his legs, now tiptoes; Tapir burned his legs harder, they turned into hooves]: Farabee 1918:145-147; trio: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 22 [the Përëru toad was the master of the fire; the shaman spent the night in the forest, P. offered him a the choice is eternal smokeless, or ordinary fire; the marasi (marail bird) bird grabbed and carried away blind fire (since then his throat is red); P. said that people will now have to collect firewood; swallowed the eternal fire and gone]: 96-98; Magaña 1987, No. 23 [the red throat of the Anhima bird is fire, the motive for swallowing is not clear]: 136; oyampi [during the flood, a man escaped at the top of the caumou tree; threw fruits down to see if the water had come down; after the flood, the vultures had fire; the Prionites momota bird set fire to its tail, carried away the fire, but it went out; the partridge (penelope) carries the fire in its beak, with Since then she has a red throat, the fire has gone out again; another bird brings fire]: Grenada 1982, No. 9:113-117.

NW Amazon. Andoque [Canoa-de-Opaí (Merganetta armata duck, note at p. 79) in a leaf boat and a Hummingbird Egg (born from an egg laid by a woman who copulated with a snake) went to the mouth of the river ( east) get fire; the girl picked up the Hummingbird Egg; told her parents it was a chick; they replied that it was a Hummingbird Egg, it was already old, but she still planted it to warm up by the hearth; parents are tight they closed the door, hung a net in the back of the Maloki; the Hummingbird Egg grabbed the coal, burned the net, flew away; returned to the upper reaches, where Paul grabbed and swallowed the coal; but the fire came out with excrement, turned into a fire stone; (without a red throat motif)]: Landaburu, Pineda 1981:69-70; 1984:76-77.

Eastern Brazil. Suya: Frikel 1990 [people bake meat and fish in the sun; old people Sun (Mbyut) and Month (Myudroa) learn that the Otter owns fire; the Sun turns into trout, the Month turns into battleship; Otter's son catches trout, throws it into the fire; Trout escapes with fire through the battleship's hole; the Sun and the Month bring fire to people; part of the forest burns out, turns into savannah; the bird to Jacques (Penelope marail) swallows coal, since then her throat has been red]: 19-20; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 37 (baiso de Pau) [the boy's sister's husband called him to get the mako chicks; he climbed the tree on the side pole; When asked what the feathers of the chicks are, he replies that it is like the pubic hair of his uncle's wife; he threw away the pole, left; the Jaguar asked for the chicks, the boy threw them off; the Jaguar brought him home, there was fire; the boy returned to the village; animal people went to get the fire; while Jaguar and Jaguariha were sleeping, their eyes were waxed; they carried a smoldering log; Nanda handed the Deer, that Frog, she dropped fire into the water went out; but Toucan, Kirikiri, Sokreste and Kurassu, who now have red feathers on their throats, swallowed the coals, then spewed them out; Tapir carried a log; everyone in the village received their share; they no longer ate rotten wood , began to cook meat, fish, cassava]: 108-110; kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 63:182; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 43:135; Apinaye: Wilbert 1978, No. 60 [only Jaguar owns fire; he saves the young man, leads to his home, promises to fire people; a young man comes home, people go to pick up fire; a Jaguar calls animals to help; rejects bakers, wild pigs, deer, lets two tapirs carry a smoldering log; birds swallow sparks; the coal gets stuck in the guan's throat, it's red ever since], 61 [Nimuendaju 1939:154-158; a man tells his wife's brother to get the macaw chicks out of the crevice in the rock; the boy is afraid to take them, son-in-law pushed the pole away, left; for 5 days the boy suffers from hunger, thirst, mud; the Jaguar tries to catch his shadow; the boy spat, the Jaguar noticed him; ordered to throw off the chicks, ate both; lowered the boy, led to river; to his home; he has fire; Jaguar's wife grins her teeth; Jaguar makes a bow and arrow to the boy, tells him to kill Jaguariha if he threatens; the boy kills; the Jaguar gave him roasted meat, told him to kill him on his way home to answer the call of a rock and a solid aroeira tree, not to respond to rotten; the boy answered all three calls, now life is short; the boy answers the call of the forest spirit (megalō) Kamdúre; that asks who the boy is calling; - Father; - Am I not your father? ; -Father has long hair, ear inserts; MK returns with long hair, inserts, takes the boy in the basket; while MG was resting, the boy put a stone instead of himself, on top of the coati, ran away; MK children did not found the prey; the boy came to the village; animal people went to get the fire; the Jaguar gave it voluntarily, the smoldering trunk was carried by Tapir; Jacques (Penelope marail) and Jaho (Grypturus sp.) swallow coals, now they have red throat]: 168-176; sherente [the man led his wife's younger brother to ruin the arar's nest in the hollow; he climbed the pole, said that there were no chicks, only eggs, showed hidden in a white pebble in his mouth; the man asked him to throw it down, it turned into an egg, it fell to the ground, broke; the man removed the pole and left; five days later, Jaguar came; the boy threw him two Arar chicks, He jumped, the Jaguar picked him up, took him to him; said that you can't drink from the stream, it belongs to the urubu vulture; the other to little birds; from the third, the boy got drunk and drank it all; it was Cayman's stream, He scolded the boy; the Jaguar fed the boy grilled meat; when he went to the forest, Jaguar's wife growled at the boy; when he returned, the Jaguar scolded her; took the boy home with two baskets of roast meat; gave her onions, ordered Jaguariha to climb a tree and shoot him if she pursued him; the boy shot him, brought meat to the village; first said that the meat was baked in the sun; his uncle admitted that it was on fire; everyone went Take his smoldering log from Jaguar; Mutum and waterfowl brought it, and Penelope marail picked it up and swallowed the fallen coals, now his throat is red]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 41:129-131 .