B5A. A couple of creators: dialogue. .
At the beginning of time, female and male characters meet each other and enter into dialogue with each other.
Malekula, Khakas, Southern Mansi, Nganasans, Kojiki and Nihon-shoki, Skidi Pawnee, Zunyi, Navajo, Jicarilla, Luiseno, Mojave, Guatuso, Yaruro.
Melanesia. Malekula [(three similar versions); a large tree has grown, the roots of which are a kind of sharp buttresses separating western caves from each other; the tree is wrapped around a vine, red whose fruits are a favorite treat; they are the size of a plum; such a fruit fell on a buttress, the two halves rolled to the ground on opposite sides of it, became the first man and woman; they slept for a long time , the woman woke up accidentally poking her elbow at the root, woke the man up; they found out each other's existence; the man asked, Where are you from? - You've been here a long time, haven't you? - Been here a long time. A man sent a woman for fruit to satisfy her hunger; bamboo rubbed against a tree, a fire broke out; a man and a woman build a house, got married]: Layard 1942:82-83.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [Kyrgyz began to fight against the Sagylars, defeated them; in the former nomadic, they had a decrepit old man, and one woman hid in a cave; she came to the nomadic captive Sagylars; Woman, What are you going to do? - If I walk around this mountain, I'll get married; what are you going to do? - If I walk around this mountain, I will get married; the woman took a goatskin with her, went around the mountain; the old man went from the other side; they met with their skin covered, lay down together; after copulating, the old man died; the woman pulled her skin between her legs; joining Pispyyak, Onpyyak, gave birth; the child has goat hair hair, his name is Kinges ("little goat"); his son Sadigas, son of that Saybazah, they are from Saryglar tribe]: Troyakov 1995:275.
Western Siberia. Southern Mansi [Bright Boy (SM), son of the Bright Husband Father (Num-Torum) goes from the sky to the middle world; there is water everywhere; he blew his nose, created a tundra hill out of snot; the devil comes, tries to break the hill, SM takes two loons with iron beaks out of his pocket, they kill the line; sends them to dive underground; the first emerges seven years later, the second seven years later, shakes off, rocky ground appears; its inhabitants are mortal; SM blows out, a snake worm appears, turns into a man; meets a Ruff woman; they ask each other what each other is from arose; he is from the snot of the Bright Husband-Father, she is from black earth; she lies down, pulls him towards her, he has genitals under his arm; she tears them off and puts them in place, the man and E. copulate; E. tells him eat two berries from a three-leaf tree with a leathery membrane coming off it; he and E. give birth to a whole kind of girls and boys]: Lukina 1990, No. 107:291-293; nganasany: Dolgikh 1976, No. 1 [all white man from the ice plague (Syruta-nguo, Ice God) comes to the cloud, finds the mother of all living beings Moo-nguo; she replies that she is a woman, she also wants to play with him; they spent the night together, a blade of grass was born immediately, the grass was covered with ice; the second child was a deer; then gave birth to a man and a woman; a deer cannot defeat another deer at first; it wins when the father gives him horns - stone and mammoth; the earth is growing; he is Mou, the Earth's deer; cleans the horns, the cleans turn into stones that have made the earth heavier and into mammoth bone; The mouse wants a long winter, M. agrees; throws their horns up; from a mammoth - a frosty clear sky, from a stone sky - clouds that bring warmth; thunder - stones rattle, lightning - sparks from them]: 39-44; Popov 1984 [there was only ice; a white man lived in the ice plague ; came to a woman, asked her how to live in an icy world, asked her for a boy; she gave him their child - a tulnik branch with one leaf; the man stuck her in the ice, waited for her to grow up; Illness she spoiled the leaf, sent worms and reptiles; the man brought from the woman their second child, a deer; his father made him one horn out of a mammoth's fang, the other out of stone, the deer killed the reptiles; the peel fell from his horns, having formed the northern (Middendorf) and southern (Byrranga) ridges; the branches of the northern horn are red cloud, northern lights; the southern horn is thunderstorm and snow clouds; we live on the back of this deer; his father - Syrese nguo (white deity), mother - Nemy Nguo (the deity that gives us eyes [Moon])]: 42-43.
Japan. At the beginning of time, seven generations of gods appear, the first two are alone, the rest are in pairs, brother and sister; the last couple is Izanagi and his younger sister Izanami; they stand up On the Sky Floating Bridge (probably a rainbow), an island emerges from a drop of water that falls from their spear; they build a pole and chambers; I-gi: How does your body work? - I grew up, did not grow in one place; - Mine has grown too much in one place; you have to put what I grew up into where you did not grow up, have children; I-mi goes around the pole on the right, I-gi on the left; when I meet, I first says: What a handsome young man; I-gi answers: What a beautiful girl; they give birth to a leech child; heavenly gods It is advised to repeat the wedding ceremony so that he is the first to say the words I-gi; now they give birth to the islands of Japan, gods and goddesses (wind, rivers, sea, trees, mountains, plains, food, etc.); giving birth to a fire god, I-mi dies: Kojiki 1994, vol.1-6:38-45; Nihon Shoki 1997, scroll 1:118-120; (cf. Okinawa [The Ryukyu Shinto Chronicles (Ryukyu Shintoki), 17th century, contains a legend about how a man and a woman, Shinerikyu and Amamikyu, first descended from the sky to Okinawa; the island was small, carried over the waves, but they managed to secure it by planting trees and other plants; is there a sequel?] : Ryukyu Shintoki in Yermakov 1988:74).
Plains. Throw off Pawnee [there was a man in the east, the Morning Star, in the west, a woman, the Evening Star; in the east, creation began, ended in the west; what the stars did reflected on the earth; so creation was completed, the Evening Star should have been defeated; she also placed obstacles in the way of the Morning Star; a serpent with its mouth open appeared out of the waters; the Morning Star took the fireball out of his bag and hit her; the same happened with subsequent obstacles; overcoming them, the Morning Star said that he had overcome his grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister - only ten obstacles (cacti, thorns, etc.); this is how he reached the dwellings of the Evening Star, defeated her; she gave him everything she owned; both gave their power to the other for the benefit of people; the power of the Morning Star was a scattering of flint, the Evening Star put the storm; the Morning Star put flint in the storms, so lightning turned out; gave axes and weapons to people; received a pebble from the Evening, threw it into the water; after a long time, the earth emerges from the pebble; the four gods of the cardinal points hit (on the surface of the sea?) hands, the earth rose to the sides of the water; the Morning Star throws a fireball into the sky, creates the sun; The evening gives birth to a daughter, gives her all the seeds from her garden, mother corn, plants on a cloud, sends sow the land]: Chamberlain 1982:22-26.
California. Luiseño [in primal darkness, the supreme deity creates a man in heaven and a woman on earth]: Dubois 1906, No. 1 [the world is empty at first, there is only Ke-vish-a-tak-wish; several eras go by eventless; finally, K. creates a man, heaven and an earth-woman; "Who are you?" - the man asked. "I'm To-Mai-yo-vit. And you?" "I'm Took-Meath." "Then you're my brother." "You are my sister"; siblings get married, a woman produces many things, from sacred pointed flints to equip the chiefs' sword-shaped rods to stone vessels; also gives birth to people, trees, rocks, sun, etc.]: 52-53; 1908:128-132 [Kivish Atakwish is first in the void; Waikut Piukut ("whitish-gray") appears, creates two creatures who get to know each other; according to some informants, they are a man and a woman born from two eggs; Wykut Piukut leaves; creatures argue about which one is older; a man sighs a woman to sleep, makes her a mother; ashamed of what she has done, turns into heaven, and she creates earth from a small piece; gives birth to people, stone vessels, wampum, bear, eagle, funeral pole, pine, oak etc. (15 names in total); The sun lives among people; it is too hot; it is sent east, three days later the sun rises; a woman lies down with her arms and legs spread out; she is the earth], 138-143 [first Kiwish man and woman Atakwish appeared; then Omai man ("not to be" about animated objects) and woman Yamai ("not to be" about inanimate objects); brother and sister realize each other's existence; a man thinks of a woman first as a sister, then his form of conversion changes; Woman: "Who are you?" Man: "I'm Kivish, I'm Kivish, I'm Kivish, khan-n-n-n-n" [ceremonial groan while singing sacred narratives]; what do you have to say?" Woman: "I am Atakwish, I am Atakwish, I am Atakwish, khan-n-n-n-n-n." Man: "Omai i, Omai i, Omai i han-n-n-n-n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Woman: "Yamai I, Yamai me, Yamai i, khan-n-n-n-n-n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Chatutai - woman, earth; or: were Tukmit (sky) and Tomayovit (earth); from here the story follows smoothly again; Tomayovit lies, head north, legs south; brother She sits to her right; he asks who she is and hears a poetic description of the land in response ("I am the one that stretches to the horizon; the one that trembles and rumbles," etc.); then she asks and receives a response a description of the sky, ending with Tukmit's statement "I am death"; everything happens in the dark; he touches her right hand. "What is this part of your body?" - "My right hand." - "And this one?" - "My left hand." The head, hair, hair parting, skull, temples, eyebrows, eyelashes, cheekbones, teeth, etc. are similarly listed. Apparently, it ends in the genitals, after which brother and sister have sexual intercourse; burden Tomayovit's womb is so huge that she falls on her back, and Tukmit takes a sacred stick with a flintlock knife at the end and rips her body open from her breasts down; one by one, the children are born; their list reaches 29 numbers and consists of randomly listing different objects].
The Great Southwest. Zunyi [the creator of Awonawilona appeared as the sun, flooded the space with light, the fog descended to form an ocean; collecting flesh {mud?} from his body, A. fertilized the waters, from which the four-layer Mother Earth and the all-covering Father-Sky arose; lying on the waters, they gave rise to earthly life; then the Earth pushed Heaven away; holding in his hands a water-filled bowl with stepped protrusions on its four sides (terraced bowl), she spat in it, interfered with her finger, foam gathered on the stepped ledges; these are the clouds that are under Sky's cold breath, they'll rain; Sky responded by putting seven corn kernels there]: Cushing 1896:379 in Thompson 2000:17-19; Navajo [first man comes from the east, first woman with of the West; he has white crystal in his hand, she has green turquoise]: O'Bryan 1956 [man is dawn, life and heaven, woman is darkness, death, earth; When they meet, each of them says: I saw you wander and kept wondering why you didn't come to me; the light from his crystal is stronger than the light from her turquoise; so she goes to live with him, not he goes to her]: 2-3, 21; Goddard 1933 [its colors are black and white (=night and day), her yellow and blue; he invites her to live together, she agrees; spiders, ants, hornets appear; the first ancestors leave them up, going through the blue world, the yellow world, then going to earth]: 127; hicarilla [Haksin's spirits make Mother Earth in the form of a woman facing upwards; the Father Sun in the form of a man face down; Earth and Sky say to each other: How are we going to create humans? ]: Opler 1938, No. 1:1; mojave [fertilized by a male sky, a female earth gives birth to the god Kukumac and his brother Tochipa; their other children Matyavela and his sister Katenya; M. creates them in his flesh, son and daughter; son gives people tobacco, corn, mesquite; during a flood, he holds people on his hand]: Bourke 1889:178-179.
Honduras vs Panama. Guatuso [first male, then female deities come into the house (=world); everyone asks: Where did they come from? Everyone says: I've been around for a long time. The male deity then thinks (=creates) other characters]: Constela Umaña 1993:119.
Llanos. Yaruro [Kumañí created a white horse, but the Indians did not dare to ride it; K. said they would not have horses during their lifetime but would be in paradise; Ichiaí created the land, had no parents, came from a lump of earth; asked K. if she was alive, K. replied that she was alive; he asked where she came from, she asked who he was; K. wanted food to be easily available, I. wanted people to hunt; K.: let people easily go to heaven; I.: let them get sick before death; I. created mosquitoes, put them in a closed calebass; let them feed on people and animals; K. was against it, told the man to throw the calebass into the river; he discovered the calebas out of curiosity; mosquitoes stuck to him, he rushed into the river, became a capybara]: 1990c, No. 12:34-35.