Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B61. Mole's foot.. 48.50.


mole had to hold the fallen sky and the sun. Usually, since then, his paw (arm) has been sprained back.

California. Villot: Kroeber 1906, No. 11 [the sky has fallen; The mole supports him with his hand; his arm is arched and remains sprained]: 99; Reichard 1925, No. 25 [Southwest-Young-Man comes, he is given baked tuber; The mole says the little one will fall; Yuyu that the big one will fall; the sky is falling, the Mole tries to hold it with its paw, it bent]: 185; Teeter 1964, No. 4 [Descending to the West: Let it be small will fall! takes the tuber, gives half to the mole; the same again; the mole: let the big one fall! the sky fell, the mole could not hold it, its legs bent]: 139; (cf. yurok [trickster's sister Vohpekumeu was afraid to climb up from the ground with him; turned into a mole, her paw remained twisted]: Kroeber 1976, No. F3, P1:289, 359-360; synkion [two the women were in the house, pushing the seeds alone, heard thunder, twisted her arms back in fear, they were left twisted at the mole]: Kroeber 1919, No. 10:349); yuki: Foster 1944 [when the twins dabbled, their father Thunder (Taikomol) shot a butterfly with a sling, a balloon split the sky; the grandmother of the twins Krotikh supported the sky with her front legs, joined it; her paws bent back, and the sky moved away from Earth farther than before]: 207; Kroeber 1932b [Thunder twins break off the leashes of the sky; their mother Krotiha holds the sky with her hand, tells him to stay in place; since then her hand has been turned out]: 929; screw [ The mole wanted to build the highest mountain (Mount Shasta), but dislocated his arm; it remained sprained]: Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 71:395; achomavi [the sun fell from the sky; the mole held it until then until others took the sky back; the wormfoot has been sprained ever since]: Dixon 1908, No. 9:169.

The Great Southwest. Kiliwa [it was night; Metip√° took water in his mouth, spat south, north; took more, spat west (sea arose), east (Gulf of California); smoked, the sea grew; created four mountains, each has a mountain ram (on NE, SE, NW, SW); sheep horns, respectively (the informant does not remember who is in which direction) are dark brown and blue, yellow and oak bark (tan), silver and gray, red and white; took off his skin, pulled it over his horns, but it sagged; told the Mole to dig a passage around the world; a ridge formed, over which M. pulled his skin, and the Mole raised his head and paws (pushed) skin around the perimeter of the world; to make the sun, M. removed it from his elbow, thigh, head - unsuccessfully; then it turned out from his mouth, but it was too hot; told the Rattlesnake to push the sun higher; M . fell ill, died; he was burned]: Meigs 1939:64-66.