Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

B63A. Elemental Brothers (.21.22.65.)

Several brothers turn into Thunder, Storm and other elements.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Bugun: Elwin 1958a, No. 4 [Apuphulma's wife complained on the riverbank that he was old, married by a water spirit; A. married a girl with one ear, one eye, no nose, no chin; she gave birth to strange children, whom the couple threw away; when thrown away, everyone said who he was and what he would do; 1) a stone (they would build on it, it also has rivers, they will have fish); 2) Thunder (there will be fight a sky snake that delays the rain; lightning is its burning smut); 3) Earthquake; 4) Rain (will send rain from the sky): 5) Wind; 6) Rainbow (this is a serpent, it will live in rivers, in drought will appear in the sky to call rain); 7) a poisonous snake (bitten by his mother, A. revived her, the snake began to live in the forest in a hole); 8) Diseases (parents fell ill, the hornet cured them); 9) Death (parents died, son went to others, brought death to everyone); some children were good, others were bad because their mother was good at one half, bad at the other]: 10-13; 1958b, No. 5 [Apuphulwa and Muinini had a son Assanga and daughter Arangma; they lived on the slope of two different mountains; the bee carried a piece of dirt from her brother's skin to her sister's skin, and vice versa, they were passionate about each other, got married; Assanga went to West looking for another wife, met only an old woman with one eye, one nostril, half mouth, one hand, one chest, one leg, married her; she gave birth to 1) stone, 2) thunder Haklum, 3) god Sakatung's death (he went underground, shakes it), 4) water god Khawai (Abuja), 5) rainmaker Chakmao, lightning daughter Halia]: 112-114.

Burma - Indochina. Zyaray [childless husband and wife have lots of rice, vegetables, etc.; they ask Heaven to give them children; the wife gives birth to seven twin brothers, who eat all the supplies; the wife sends her husband to destroy the children on stone scree, then knock down a tree on them; they escape; parents defecate in containers of rice and vegetables that the returning children take; when they see that they are not needed, the brothers turn into Rain, Wind, Clouds, Heat, Thunder, etc.]: Dournes 1982:158.

The Central Andes. Brothers turn into wind, hail and frost. Wanka [an old woman sends her three sons across the river to work in the fields; they have fun telling their mother that they worked hard every time; they live in a hut, take wives; they leave them when they run out of food; brothers are starving; they come to their mother, demand meat; she cuts off the flesh from their buttocks, gives them an animal under the guise of meat; when they put it in their mouths, the ground shudders; the mother tells them that they ate; turns them into Frost (senior), Hail, Wind; god Huallallo turns mother into fertile land]: Villanes Cairo 1978:113-117; Aymara (dep. Puno): Albó, Layme 1992 [a woman sends her three grandchildren to plant potatoes; they do nothing; when it comes time to harvest, they tell her grandmother to dig potatoes on the best plot; the owner beats them a woman, tells her the truth; she blames her grandchildren; the eldest turns into hail, the middle one turns into frost, the youngest into the wind]: 63-65; Lopez, Sayritupa Asqui 1990 [widow sends three sons to process potato field; they just play, tell their mother every night that they are tired of working; when to harvest, they say that their field is the best; mother digs potatoes in the best field, its owner scolds her, explains that her field is the worst; her mother beats her sons, pulls out her elder's hair, breaks her middle leg, knocks out the youngest's eye; for several days she does not feed her sons; the elder turns into the wind, medium in hail, younger in frost; they destroy crops in neighboring fields]: 63-67; Mendoza 1981, No. 1 [the widow sends her two sons to work in the fields; they only play, each time they lie to their mothers that worked; they refuse to go to harvest, saying they are tired; they send the mother to a better field; the neighbor accuses her of stealing, explains what happened; the mother returns in tears; the sons decide to take revenge people for her tears, the eldest turns into hail, the youngest turns into frost]: 49-52; aymara (no recording) [the widow's three sons do not work; their mother digs potatoes in the neighbor's field, thinking that this is her; the owner punishes her; she cuts off and cooks a piece of her own flesh, feeds her sons with soup; they take revenge on their neighbors for their mother, turning into wind (older brother), hail (medium), frost (younger)]: Ochoa Villanueva 1975 in Souffez 1985b: 173.