B64A. Small bones: the war between fish and birds.. 34.-.36.39. (.50.)
Fish and poultry fight (usually by firing arrows at each other). Since then, many small bones and/or the bird's legs have their current appearance in the body of fish.
Tofalars, Ents, Taimyr Nenets, Kets, Dolgans, Central Yakuts, Western Evenks (Ilimpic in Chirinda, Podkamennotungusky), Evens, Forest Yukaghirs, (series).
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tofalars [Capercaillie and Pike argue who will reach the stone on the opposite side of the lake faster; Capercaillie arrives first; angry Pike shot a stream of water at Capercaillie, hit his feet; c Since then, the capercaillie's leg bones seem to be split and then fused together]: Sherkhunaev 1975:234.
Western Siberia. Entsy [=Barimich 2014:632-633; The partridge shot from the shore at Pike, which shot at the Partridge from below; since then, Pike's back has many bones - Partridge's arrows; there are also many Partridge's back and legs bones - Pike's arrows The partridge shot from the shore at Pike, which shot at the Partridge from below; since then, there are many bones in Pike's back - Partridge's arrows; there are also many bones in the back and legs of the Partridge - Pike's arrows]: Sorokina, Bolina 2005, No. 29:147; Taimyr Nenets [The partridge began to fire arrows at Pike, since then they have been sticking out along the pike's back, it has many small bones in its back - Partridge's arrows; Pike shot at the Partridge from below, small bones in the legs of the partridge are Pike's arrows]: Nenyang 1997:147; chum salmon (pos. Kellogg) [the crucian carp was lazy to get food, swam at the surface, started shooting at the capercaillie; all the arrows hit the capercaillie in the legs, these are numerous claws on his legs; the capercaillie responded by shooting at the crucian carp, arrows hit all parts of the body, now there are a lot of bones in the crucian carp; the crucian carp got scared, dived, began to live in the mud, does not meet capercaillie]: Nikolaeva 2006:170.
Eastern Siberia. Dolgans: Popov 1937 [Pike and Partridges quarreled, fired arrows at each other; pike arrows pierced Partridges's feet, they are no longer meat, only long bones are arrow poles; Partridge arrows pierced the Pike's back; there are now a lot of bones - tips; firing all the arrows, the parties reconciled]: 38; Yermakov in Sangi 1989 [the country of Partridges was covered with snow, they flew to the willow to the riverbank; Pikes say this is their domain; Partridges and Pike fire arrows at each other; then reconcile; the arrows in the backs of the pikes have turned into fork-shaped bones, and the Partridges's legs become fused sinewy bones]: 148-150 (quail in Efremov, Alekseev 2000, No. 4:183-185; Osharov 1936a (western in 1930) [Partridge and Pike are fighting, Partridge has forked arrows, Pike has spear-shaped arrows; forked bones remain in the pike's back, spear-shaped partridge hips]: 95; Yakuts: Kulakovsky 1979 [(zap. Ergis, 1935, Kachikatsky Nasleg; =Sivtsev-Omolloon 1976:218); Shchuka and Grouse fired arrows at each other; the first hit the legs (from under the water), the second in the back; ossified arrows remained in their bodies]: 73; Ergis 1964-1967, No. 28 [as in Kulakovsky]: 96; 1967, No. 40 and 41 [as in Kulakovsky; Pike are fighting Partridges]: 169; (cf. Priklonsky 1890 [Phalaropus rufescens Bris. little cockerels died from pikes; Ai-Toyon told the pike to live in the water; when the cockerels approach the water, there will be thunder so that the pike go deeper and do not touch cockerels]: 169); the Ilimpic Evenks (Chirinda, 2007) [Partridge and pike fought, shot at each other with arrows with bows; since then, the partridge has many bones in its legs and the pike has many bones in its back - this is stuck arrows]: Duvakin 2013; Evenki (Podkamennaya Tunguska): Suvorov 1956:61 [the pike lived in the taiga, killed everyone; the capercaillie shot her in the back, the arrow became her spine; pike arrows pierced capercaillie in the stomach, became his legs; Oxery threw the pike into the water, it stayed there], 64 [the crucian carp started shooting at the capercaillie, now he has many small bones in his legs; the capercaillie also started shooting, the crucian carp has bones now all over their bodies; the crucian carp threw onions and lay down]; Evens [fish used to go to land to eat berries, and partridges swam in the water; they ate seaweed, which caused them to get worms, and many died; pike: you ate moss, you didn't share it with us, we won't go to land again; the pike shot the partridge in the eyes, since then the partridge's eyes have been red; the arrows of the partridges hit the backs of the pikes, so there are bones that look like arrows; pike: I'll go into the water, if you go into the water I'll eat you]: Robbeck 2005:193-194.
SV Asia. Forest Yukaghirs (p. Ridiculous Verkhnekolymsky Ulus of Yakutia): Zhukova, Prokopyeva 1991, No. 4 [fish and birds became enmity; birds shot fish from above and fish at birds from below; those who got more arrows now have a lot bones; fish hit more arrows in a gurney {Russian dial. the name of sturgeon fish: Chukuchan, Catostomidae)}, crucian carp, chebaku - they now have a lot of bones in the back; birds hit arrows the most capercaillie, hazel grouse and partridge]: 147; Nikolaeva et al. 1989, No. 6 [The capercaillie is angry with the fish, shoots them; they respond in kind; now the Capercaillie is stained - these are the arrows of the Wheelchair and Pike; the tail of the Wheelchair - solid bones; Pike is painted with spots - Capercaillie's arrow marks]: 31-33 (=Kurilov 2005, No. 21:265-267).
(Wed. The Great Southwest. Seri [various cacti and seahorse were human; cacti started shooting at the skate, which threw stones back; tying his sandals to his belt and braiding braids, as Seri men do, left into the sea and became a seahorse; cacti have since had holes and furrows from falling stones]: Moser, Marlett s.a.