Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B64B. Small bones: different fish warfare .

Two types of fish fire arrows at each other. Since then, there have been many small bones in the fish's body or some bones are split.

Komi, Tundra Nenets (Taimyr), Ents, Northern Khanty, Orochi, Nivkh, Western Evenks (Chirinda), Forest Yukaghirs, Northern Alaska Inupiat (Kobuk), Taltan.

Volga - Perm. Komi-Zyryans [pike (sir) was created by Oml, but Yong inserted a cruciate bone into her head, after which pike became considered his creation, and people could catch and eat it; pike and The ides waged war among themselves, shooting at each other with bows; yazi shot pike in the head and pike shot ulcers in the tail; therefore, pike has many bones near the head and ides near the tail]: Konakov 1999:340.

Western Siberia. Entsy: Sorokina, Bolina 2005, No. 30 [Pike bit Sturgeon, Sturgeon hit Pike with his rough body; fired an arrow in her back, so the pike's bones diverge on both sides]: 148; Taimyr Nenets [Perch and Pike got into a fight; Pike could not bite through the scales of the Perch, ran away, the Perch shot after, the arrow went down the back, since then the pike bones in the back have been split]: Nenyang 1997:146-147; northern Khanty: Lukina 2010 (the upper reaches of Kazim, Ai-Kuryokh) [pike fought against partridges, capercaillies and wild deer; you can't eat pike and the one it fought with on the same day ("we eat, but we can't")]: 225; Ulyashev 2011 ["according to Obskougora texts, pike fought with ulcers in mythological times; pike began to win and fired arrows after fleeing ulcers, which is why they are so bony]: 258.

Amur-Sakhalin. The Orochi [Rudd and Herring both want to climb the river, not live only at sea; they fight; Rudd wins; herring arrows remain in the rudd, and rudd arrows in herring]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 7:134; nivhi [the Pike and Rudd dispute ended with bow shots; Rudd's arrows are stuck in Pike's back, and Pike's arrows are still sticking out of Rudd's tail ( Manuscript fund of the East Asian Ethnography Sector of the IIAE FEB RAS. Materials by G.A. Otaina. ITEM 5. L. 1-2)]: Fetisova 2003:180.

SV Asia. Forest Yukaghirs (p. The ridiculous Verkhnekolymsky ulus of Yakutia) [Pike and Wheelchair quarreled, shoot at each other; Pike's arrows at the Wheelchair in the tail, Wheelchair's arrows at Pike in meat; Perch, the chief of fish, stopped the battle]: Nikolaeva et al. 1989, No. 10:47 (=Kurilov 2005, No. 20:263-265).

The Arctic. The Northern Alaska Inupiat (Kobuk River) [Pike and Mudsucker (Gillichthys mirabilis, of the ray-finned family) began firing arrows at each other; the pike was facing and Mudsucker dodged the arrows; all Pike's arrows hit his tail, which now has lots of bones, and his arrows pierced Pike all over his body, and his pike's tail has few bones]: Cleveland 1980:18.

Subarctic. Taltan [fish from the Stickine and Taku rivers meet and fight, injuring each other (the origin of the appearance of different species); sucker bones were broken by a club and now its meat is full small bones]: Teit 1919, No. 20:242.