B64C. Small bones: fish fall from the sky.. 43.
Fish, along with other terrestrial inhabitants, are at war against the inhabitants of the sky. When they fall to the ground, they break their bones, so fish have a lot of small bones in their bodies. See motif B64.
Shuswap, sanpual, okanagon, yakima, kutene.
The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [Fish and Birds, led by Black Bear and Wolverine, fight against the inhabitants of the sky; only Wren's arrow pierces the sky; Earth's warriors climb a chain of arrows; Bear quarrels with Wolverine, knocks him down on the ground; earthlings are broken, the stairs fall, Pisces and Birds jump down; Pisces who fall on the rocks are crippled: the skull of the sematsai fish has flattened, kwaak has broken his jaw, tcoktcitcin bleeds his mouth, sucker broke all bones (the origin of the anatomical features of fish species); those left in the sky are killed and become stars]: Boas 1895, No. 3 (ntlakyapamuk) [short version]: 17; Teit 1909a, No. 57:749; sanpual [fire in the upper world; Woodpecker or Chickady shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows; The bear is the last to climb, breaks the chain; returning to earth with fire, people- animals fall; arrows pierce fish, they now have lots of bones]: Clark 1953 [in different versions of Chickady, Little Woodpecker, Great Woodpecker, Flycatcher makes a chain of arrows; Eagle Chief sends a Dog to scout and the Frog, those lazy, do not find fire; the Beaver pretends to be dead, hides the coal under his claw, puts fire in trees on the ground]: 189-192; Ray 1933, No. 11 [the fire was in heaven; the leader gathers animal people, orders to shoot at the sky, make a ladder out of arrows; arrows do not reach the sky; Woodpecker does not participate, makes a bow from an elk's rib, arrows from Canadian irgi branches (Amelanchier arborea, serviceberry); reports To the Golden Eagle, that the Bald Eagle says nasty things about him and vice versa; Eagles fight, feathers fly, Woodpecker uses them to feather arrows; to make tips, his grandmother sends him to Flint and Solid Stone; Woodpecker tells everyone that the other speaks ill of him; Stones fight, shards fly, Woodpecker uses them; when the chief tells them to shoot at the sky again, the Woodpecker hits, his arrows form a chain; everything climbed into the sky, the Golden Eagle was ahead, the Grizzly was the last; he took a heavy bag of food, the lower arrows broke off, the Grizzly remained on the ground; everyone in the sky found fire; the hosts chased, that the chain of arrows was broken; the eagle ordered each of the birds to put an animal on its back and lower it; the woodpecker (Sphyrapicus varins, Sapsucker) did not fly off, but jumped, broke his nose, since then he had he was flat; the fish slipped from Magpie's back; he had arrows with him, they pierced his body, so the fish had a lot of bones; the Chief and Grizzly shared the fire, gave Firefly and Hummingbird, who smashed world], 12 [excrement is sent for fire first; dogs eat it in the sky; Beaver pretends to be dead, grabs coals; fire owners urinate to extinguish the fire; it's raining, but the fire is kept], 13 [how in (12); Excrement and the Dog are sent first, one eats the other]: 152-153; Okanagon: Teit 1917c, No. 5 [the inhabitants of the earth decide to go to war against the inhabitants of the sky; only Chickady (Wren?) you manage to plunge an arrow into the sky, then shoot arrows one at the other's tail to make a chain; Black Bear and Grizzly quarrel, the chain breaks to half; the Earth's inhabitants are defeated, start to descend, see that the chain does not reach the ground; fall, break or maim; fish are particularly affected, Sucker has broken all his bones]: 85; Hill-Tout 1911 [people decide to get fire with sky; only the Tsiskakena bird manages to make a chain of arrows; when the Snake climbed, he was asked where the Frog was, he pointed to his stomach; the Beaver lets himself be caught; when it starts to fresh, the Eagle flies by, distracting the attention of the inhabitants of the sky, the Beaver blows away the fire; when they climbed down, the chain broke; the catfish fell, crushing its jaw; Sucker smashed his head to pieces, all the animals hit him to the bone to repair the head]: 146; yakima [The eel, on whose side snakes, worms, and salmon play against bone fish; the bet is dice; the fish win, so they have a lot of bones and the eel is boneless]: Hines 1992, No. 10:49; coutenay: Boas 1918, No. 50 [Brother Muskrat's widow rejects him; he kills her, lies that the unusual arrow that hit her was fired from the sky; Coyote and others are shooting, their arrows are not they reach the sky; only the Hawk Brothers arrow has pierced the sky; they make a chain of arrows; it is a little short, the Raven puts its beak instead of the lowest step; everyone goes up, not waiting for Wolverine; he breaks the stairs; Muskrat builds a village in the sky, fires arrows as if there are many enemies in the village; the deception is revealed, the Muskrat is killed; those who come catch the Thunderbird and kill the Thunderbird; those who become after that birds, get its feathers and go down; Bats and Flying Squirrels plan on blankets, Coyote on their tail; Catostomus commersonii has jumped, crashed, so it now has many small ones bones; Little Woodpecker and some of the other warriors return across the horizon]: 73-77 (Quail in Clark 1966:146-149).