Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

B65. The intestines turn into vines.. 44.47.72.

Out of mischief, the character imitates other human animals. As a result, his womb is ripped apart, and the fallen intestines turn into vines.

The Midwest. When Trickster sees his guts on the ground, they turn into two types of vines; both serve as food for hungry times. Menominee [Mänyabus sees Marten running on the ice with pebbles tied to his tail; asks him to tie him too; Marten cuts his ass, pulls out his intestines, making them a "tail"]: Bloomfield 1928, No. 82 [Menapus's intestines turn into an edible vine]: 231-233; Hoffman 1896:164 [pieces of skin stick to the rock, turn into something edible (lichen?)] , 207 [Chakekenapok is flint, kills his mother at birth; his older brother Nanabuju chases him, breaking him to pieces; fragments turn into rocks, entrails into vines of all kinds]; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 10:270-271; chippewa [Venebojo sees a Fox with a bell; asks him to sound nice on the run; the fox cuts his ass, ties him to his intestines pebbles; V. runs and rings like many bells; sees and cuts off his intestines]: Barnouw 197:22-23.

Southeast USA. Caddo [the Kishi River comes from a vine called the raccoon's gut]: Swanton 1942:26.

Chaco. Matako: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 48 [Takwah falls upside down from a tree; his intestines turn into vines; he buries his stomach, from which the melon genus emerges], 49 [small lizards run along the branches; Takwah imitates them, rips his stomach open against thorns; jujunum throws his intestines, heart, on a tree, they turn into three types of vines; the stomach and rectum are buried, from they are the genus melon and cassava], 71 [the boy shows women a tree with water and fish inside; Takwah shoots the biggest fish; the tree bursts, it sinks; Kiilah pulls it out of the water his guts, throws them on a tree; from them, the vine of Taqwaha's intestines flows; Taqwah revives]: 117, 153; toba [The fox climbs a thorny tree to join the Lizard; rips open his stomach on the thorns; his intestines turn into a fox vine]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 106:223.