B65. The intestines turn into vines.. 44.47.72.
Out of mischief, the character imitates other human animals. As a result, his womb is ripped apart, and the fallen intestines turn into vines.
The Midwest. When Trickster sees his guts on the ground, they turn into two types of vines; both serve as food for hungry times. Menominee [Mänyabus sees Marten running on the ice with pebbles tied to his tail; asks him to tie him too; Marten cuts his ass, pulls out his intestines, making them a "tail"]: Bloomfield 1928, No. 82 [Menapus's intestines turn into an edible vine]: 231-233; Hoffman 1896:164 [pieces of skin stick to the rock, turn into something edible (lichen?)] , 207 [Chakekenapok is flint, kills his mother at birth; his older brother Nanabuju chases him, breaking him to pieces; fragments turn into rocks, entrails into vines of all kinds]; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 10:270-271; chippewa [Venebojo sees a Fox with a bell; asks him to sound nice on the run; the fox cuts his ass, ties him to his intestines pebbles; V. runs and rings like many bells; sees and cuts off his intestines]: Barnouw 197:22-23.
Southeast USA. Caddo [the Kishi River comes from a vine called the raccoon's gut]: Swanton 1942:26.
Chaco. Matako: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 48 [Takwah falls upside down from a tree; his intestines turn into vines; he buries his stomach, from which the melon genus emerges], 49 [small lizards run along the branches; Takwah imitates them, rips his stomach open against thorns; jujunum throws his intestines, heart, on a tree, they turn into three types of vines; the stomach and rectum are buried, from they are the genus melon and cassava], 71 [the boy shows women a tree with water and fish inside; Takwah shoots the biggest fish; the tree bursts, it sinks; Kiilah pulls it out of the water his guts, throws them on a tree; from them, the vine of Taqwaha's intestines flows; Taqwah revives]: 117, 153; toba [The fox climbs a thorny tree to join the Lizard; rips open his stomach on the thorns; his intestines turn into a fox vine]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 106:223.