Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B72A. Mother, baby and swans.. 25.36.37.

The mother (stepmother, foster father) does not give food to the girl or (less commonly) the boy. The child asks migratory birds to take him with them, they give him birds' clothes, and he flies away with them, becoming a bird.

Sym Evenks, Evens, Nanais, Negidals, Nivkhs.

Eastern Siberia. Simsky Evenks (Chirombu) [the younger sister forgot the grandmother toys when she migrated; the older sister and younger brother said they worked and did not know where the toys were; Ostyak said that he poured it out behind; the girl saddled a deer, took the dog, came to the old place, where the Bear; he asked the names of the deer and the dog, tied the girl and dog to a tree; the girl tells the Bear three times that her dead parents did not take a litter from urine and feces, going to fresh the vazhenka (i.e. you have to cook everything away); The bear goes to cut away; Crossbills can not untie the girl's fetters, bent their beaks; Fox freed her, for which the girl promised to paint her tail; the Bear wants to eat the Fox instead of the girl; she suggests that he put her on his lap, cut her with an ax; the fox dodged, the Bear cut himself legs, began to eat her own bone marrow; since then, the tip of the fox tail is white, the bear has no bone marrow; the girl went to the river, began to call her father, mother, uncle; everyone refuses to transport, they say, the girl - crybaby; she tells the rock to slide down, crush them all; the ostyak carves the scoop, carries the girl in a scoop; the bear asks how the girl crossed; she sings - "lower, taller"; the bear enters the water, drowns; orders his heels to become bars, his legs as sharpeners, his back to be soft, his skull to be a stone for rubbing paints, his shoulder blades as a paint stone, his blood red paint, his feces black; now it's all in the mountains; the girl became the wife of Ostyak; carries water, he pours out every time, says that she wears feces and urine; the girl asks the birds to carry her away; cranes, swans refuse, shamanic birds give her gasha feathers to fly with them; the ostyak tells her to fall, promises to make a dress, a bib, an occipital ornament, a hat, a fringe on her belt; she says she does not need it, does not fall; she sits at the old woman's door; She asks where to hide her from her sons; she refuses to hide in the fringes on her belt ("smelly"), hides in a needle; the sons smell it, promise to eat the girl at sunrise, then at sunset; she flies away, catches up with gasha, they swear that their mother released her, shoot her, injure her wing shoulder; Gurivul asks her to fall, promises a storage shed, says on how many stands; when on 10 stands, the girl goes down; they have a son; G. is hunting, gasha came; the woman pretends that the child is dirty, goes out with him, hides in the storage shed; gasha gnaws on the stands; they managed to gnaw three, the woman sang three times, on the third time G. came, killed two gashes, the third ran, leaving his fang; G. comes to people, steps over the fire, everyone laughs; he looks - people have intact teeth; when through the third fire, he sees a toothless man; asks to take out his lice, stabs gash with his own tooth to death in the back of his head, tells others that his grandfather fell asleep, leaves]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 42:45-51; Evens [the girl lived with a rich old man, he tortured her work; in the spring she asked the swans to carry her away; swans: let the geese carry her away; geese: let the ducks; the ducks give the girl their wings; the old man asks her to fall, not to fly away, promises to give a dress then a hat, boots; the girl refuses, flies away]: Novikova 1987:44-45.

Amur-Sakhalin. Nanais: Aurora 1986, No. 5 [mother sent the girl for firewood, locked the door; the girl says she will fit through the facade window; mother: there are devils; through the window on the back wall; the same; etc. (I'll go up the river, down the river, across the river, I'll go to the taiga); mother: devils are everywhere; during this time, the mother ate the cakes she baked; the daughter took two sticks, waved her wings, flew, descended on the horse road; horses are approaching; on the first is a servant, on the second is the Black Mergen, on the third, the Transparent Mergen; the mergens are fighting, Transparent won, took the girl as his wife]: 40; Pevnov 2010, No. 12 [mother died, father took another wife, who does not feed her stepdaughter; stepdaughter tried to take the yukola that her stepmother ate, who stabbed her hands; the girl asked the swans to pick her up; she became a swan, flew away with them ; when the swans returned in the spring, the father asked them to return their daughter; the first told them to ask the middle ones, the middle ones to ask the last; the swan daughter replies that he would not return; the father turned into larch, branches which is like hands raised to the sky]: 61-64; (cf. Shimkevich 1897 [the swan was a girl with many sisters; her mother did not give her water, she left home, became a swan, flew away]: 137; Sternberg 1933 (p. Toron) [mother baked cakes, the neighbor's children came, the mother gave everything to the girl next door; daughter: why did she give everything? the girl cried, ran, her mother hit her on the shoulder, the girl became a swan (kuku), flew away; they don't eat swan meat]: 503); Negidals [Kongardukkan boy went with his mother to the storage shed; mother took Yukola , fish oil, but did not give the boy; the boy went to the lake, cried, tells the ducks that he would like to fly away with them; ducks turn him into a duck, he flies away; mother asks to come back, suck her chest, son refuses]: Khasanova, Pevnov 2003, No. 28:79-80; nivhi [mother died, father took another wife, she does not feed her stepdaughter; stepdaughter tried to take the yukola that her stepmother ate, she stabbed her with a knife hands; the girl asked the swans to pick her up; became a swan, flew away with them; when the swans returned in the spring, the father asked them to return their daughter; the first told them to ask the middle ones, the middle ones to ask the last; daughter- the swan replies that he will not return; the father turned into a larch, the branches of which are like hands raised to the sky]: Pevnov 2010, No. 61-64.