B74. Red-eyed capercaillie.. 34.-.37.
Thecapercaillie or grouse's eyes turned red with tears.
Altaians, Chelkans, Tofalars, Shors, Eastern Khanty, Kets, Northern Selkups, Western Evenks (Turukhan, Yenisei), Sym Evenks, Baikal Evenks, Far Eastern Evenks (upper reaches of Zeya), Evens, Nivhi (?).
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians: Khokholkov 1997 [birds gather and decide to fly to warm lands; Capercaillie did not come, the birds flew away without him; he cried, his eyes turned red]: 6; Verbitsky 1893 [The capercaillie was first pugnacious man; then turned into a bird the size of a bull but with the same character; God distributed its meat to other ankle birds; the white meat in them is from a capercaillie; Capercaillie cries for loss, eyes blushed]: 165; Garf, Kuchiyak 1978 [birds are going south; Capercaillie is sorry to leave nuts and berries; Golden eagle tells me to fly without him; left alone, Capercaillie cries, his eyebrows turn red]: 60-61; Chelkan residents : Kandarakova 1978:164 [the capercaillie toed, got into a noose, began to cry, his eyes turned red, became a red-eyed capercaillie], 164-165 [capercaillie used to be a migratory bird; one day he fell asleep, and when he woke up, the other birds had already flown away; began to cry; God told him to spend the winter, eating pine needles and cones]; Tofalars: Rassadin 1996, No. 22 [The ducks told Capercaillie that he would not be able to fly south with them; he became cry, his eyes turned red; Ducks added feathers to him for the winter], 23 [Ducks and Geese tell Capercaillie and Hazel Grouse they can't take them south; they cry, their eyes turn red; when the Ducks flew back, the Cuckoo cut Capercaillie's tail with scissors, burkhan turned her into a cuckoo]: 50-51, 52-53; Sherkhunaev 1977 [at first it was always warm, then autumn came; Ducks and Geese were going to fly south, did not wait for the Capercaillies and Ryabchikov, who cannot fly at night; they stayed for the winter, cried, their eyes turned red]: 225-246; Shors: Dyrenkova 1940, No. 51 [in autumn, the birds gathered to set a departure time; Capercaillie did not came, stayed alone in the taiga; began to cry, his eyes turned red]: 283; Totysh 1959 [The capercaillie was big, decides to become a khan, ruin his nests; the birds beat him, he cries, his eyes turned red]: 6-9.
Western Siberia. Eastern Khanty [the birds decided to fly south; the capercaillie spent the night separately, did not know about the decision, was left alone, cried, his eyes turned red; overwintered; the hog bird decided not to fly away for the winter; the waterfowl did not understand Capercaillie, decided to fly away]: Lukina 1990, No. 17:76; chum salmon: Alekseenko 2001, No. 22 [The capercaillie decided to stay for the winter; other birds began to pull him with them, could not pull him away; Eat told him to spend the winter at home], 23 [The capercaillie decided to stay for the winter; the Duck and Goose began to pull him with them, he cried, his eyebrows turned red; they flew away, he stayed there], 24 [Capercaillie and Kosach agreed fly south with migratory birds; in the south they are hot, they have nothing to eat, they cry, their eyes are red; the Hawk has made holes in their throat, tied them, flew back with them; they are happy, they eat pine needles in winter; the Hawk is now hunts capercaillies and killer whales]: 79-81; Nikolaeva 2006 (said Serkov, village. Serkovo, Turukhansky District) [in autumn, Duck and Goose offer Capercaillie to fly with him; he refuses, they carried him by force, he cried, his eyes turned red with tears, Duck and Goose left him, flew south themselves] : 41; Osharov 1936a (Farkovo, western 1931) [The Duck and Goose first persuade, then forcibly try to drag Capercaillie south; he cried, his eyebrows turned red, they abandoned him, flew south]: 144-145; Porotova 1982 [=Alekseenko, No. 24]: 52- 53; the northern Selkups [the capercaillie wanted to fly south with other birds; he was not taken because his feathers on his wings had not changed by the time he left; he cried, his eyelids turned red with tears]: Tuchkova 2004:264.
Eastern Siberia. Western Evenks (Oskoba, upper reaches of Podkamennaya Tunguska, western 1925) [The capercaillie persuaded Teterev not to fly away for the winter, and when he tried to fly away, he grabbed his tail, his tail feathers wrapped to the sides; Grouse cried for his land, even his eyebrows turned red from tears]: Osharov 1936a: 42-43; Western Evenks (Yenisei) [Flying south, the Swans reluctantly take Capercaillie, pull him on a rope, but he gets tired, left him; so as not to protest, the Swan gives him white peppers for jewelry; Capercaillie cries, eyebrows and eyes turned red with tears]: Rychkov 193, â„–: 266; Western Evenks (Podkamennaya Tunguska) [it was warm, the birds did not fly away; when it got cold, the mother of the birds advised ducks and geese fly closer to the sun; the black grouse was also ready, his mother did not let him in]: Suvorov 1956:63-64; Sym Evenks (b. Ket) [the black grouse used to fly away for the winter with the ducks; became friends with the capercaillie; when it snowed, he decided to fly away, but the capercaillie grabbed his tail, his feathers wrapped; the black grouse began to cry, his eyes turned red; he cried, eyebrows, eyes turned red, began to break out, tail doubled]: Lukina 2004, No. 3. 11:72; Baikal Evenks (Buryatia): Voskoboynikov 1958 [Capercaillie began to persuade Teterev not to fly south; he agreed, but when the frost came, he decided to fly; the Capercaillie did not let him in, grabbing his tail, it twisted; Teterev's eyebrows turned red because of tears]: 54-55; 1973 (Bauntovsky District, Buryatia), No. 11 [ in autumn, the capercaillie asked to go south with swans; one agreed to take him with him, dragged him on a rope, but could not fly for a long time; gave some of his feathers, they are now in wings; the capercaillie cried, he had eyebrows turned red], 12 [in spring Grouse returns with other birds; Capercaillie wintered; Capercaillie convinced Grouse to stay in autumn, did not let go, holding his tail; feathers in his tail bent; Grouse cried, his eyebrows turned red]: 40, 40-41; Vasilevich 1959 [the capercaillie has red eyes with tears - he cried because he appointed a cold country as his fresh place of life; he has white feathers from his wing on his sides the swan he gave him to live in the cold country; the grouse has curls on its tail feathers because the capercaillie grabbed his tail when he was about to fly south; the grouse around his eyes red rims because he cried when the birds flew away]: 184; Romanova, Myreeva 1971, No. 10 [to prevent the Capercaillie from flying south with the rest of the birds, the Swan gave him white feathers; he cried alone with since then, the eyes are red]: 327; Baikal Evenks (north of Transbaikalia, p. Chapo-Ologo, 1949) [the birds choose their chief; someone proposed a crane, but the duck objected; the crane began to trample on it; they chose an eagle; he tells the crane to accompany the ducks to warm lands and back as punishment; capercaillies, partridges and hazel grouses were told to stay in the northern taiga forever; they cried and their eyes turned red; the eagle ordered the owl to sew shaggy boots to also winter in the taiga]: Pinegina 2019:63; Far Eastern Evenks (upper reaches of Zeya: Upper Aldan or Uchursko-Zeisky) [the birds did not take the capercaillie with them to warm countries, he cried heavily, so his eyes are red]: Dzevenis 1961:86; Evens: Bolshakova, Chaiko 2015 [the birds gathered in warm lands, the capercaillie did not appear; the kite sent a jay for him, then a hawk, and he peels off all the cones, does not want to hurry; seeing that the birds have flown away, the capercaillie cried and his eyes turned red]: 61-63; Novikova 1958 [The capercaillie refuses to fly south with the birds, regretting throwing half-eaten nuts; when he decides it's time, the birds have already flown away; he cries left alone, eyebrows turned red]: 30.
Amur - Sakhalin. Nivkhi {C.M. Dachshund could really process the Nivkh tales, but he could, under the guise of the Nivkh, retelling publications on Evenks} [in autumn, the capercaillie begs the swans to take it with them; alone the swan agreed to drag it on a rope (the swan has one end in its beak, the capercaillie has the other); seeing that the capercaillie did not have enough strength, the swan, which was also tired of dragging it, descended into the clearing before flying over the sea; gave the capercaillie some of his feathers, they are now in wings; the capercaillie was crying, his eyebrows turned red]: Dachshunds 1975:10-11.