Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B74A. Red rags in front of our eyes.. 35.36.39.

The character is sewn red rags (threads, eyelids red) to his eyes or he does it himself. He sees everything in red or his eyes are permanently red.

Entsy, Evens, Chukchi, Kereks, coastal Koryaks, Itelmen.

Western Siberia. Entsy [the partridge came into the house - no one; saw a bag with a piece of red cloth in it; she took it; one day a woman went to check her snare: pieces of cloth hang on the eyelids of one partridge; so the partridge's eyelids have turned red]: Barmich 2014:632.

Eastern Siberia. Evens [a little boy lives with two sisters; the old man agrees to shake him on a swing; he invites him to his sisters' yurt; they feed him meat; when he falls asleep, they glue him to his eyelashes red deer dyed hair; at home he screams that the yurt is on fire, his wife rushes to extinguish it; discovers wool on her husband's eyelashes; next time the sisters paint the old man's face with charcoal and red paint; he looks into the water, takes his reflection for a woman; kills his wife, throws his property into the water, throws himself, drowns]: Novikova 1958:73-75 (=1987:77-78).

SV Asia. Chukchi: Portugalov 2009 [mouse girls found a seal, the raven filled it, told Mitteay to cook it; they ate, fell asleep; the mouse girls ate the remaining meat, stuck needles, M. pricked; the raven wants to kill mice, they offer to comb his hair, blindfold him with red material, he thinks it's a fire; they comb the crow's hair, make it on his face (tattoos?) , lead to the river, he sees his reflection, thinks she is beautiful, swam to her]: 10-11; Van Deusen 1999 [The mice painted the sleeping Crow's eyelids red, he woke up, thought it was a fire; they put him on the girl's face was tattooed; he looked into the water, thought it was beautiful, threw her belt, then her sleeping skins, then rushed himself; at the mouth of the river he changed his head with the birds; at home Mitya asked where he had he had such a head; he said he would die, ordered him to be buried in an old dugout, left a lot of caviar with him; the fox tells Mitya that her husband is alive and eats caviar; the fox went, smeared himself with alder juice, pretended wounded; Bear came and said he was wounded, Lil replied that he too; that he would cure the Bear by putting hot stones in his wounds; the Bear was dead]: 68-69; Kereki: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 119 [ Kukki takes the seal they have found from the Mice; falls asleep; The mice defecate into his mouth, carry the meat out of the cauldron; K. comes to them, feeds him, he falls asleep, they tangle his eyelashes; he comes back, screams Mitya's wife that the fire {obviously his eyelashes were colored red}; M. tears off his eyelashes; next time the Mice paint him; he looks into the river, takes his reflection for a woman, throws her his property, rushes himself; takes it out to sea; M. finds it on the shore, brings it home]: 374-378; Baboshina 1958, No. 31 [Raven has 11 sons and evil, old and angry, but his wife is good; the mice played on on the shore, they found a seal, dragged it home; when they saw the Raven, they buried it in the sand, but the Raven found it, dragged it towards him; the grandmother of the mice takes a tambourine - there is no good for those who take prey from children; the Raven's wife hears refuses to cook the stolen goods; the raven cooks himself, falls asleep; the mice took the meat, put an old dog in the cauldron; the raven ran to the mice with the cauldron; the grandmother says she cooked food for him; the raven ate and he fell asleep, and the mice hung red algae in his eyes; the raven woke up, thought the earth was burning; his wife took off the seaweed; the raven came back to the mice, fed him again, he fell asleep again; he was painted face; he leaned over the water - woman; tells his wife that she will not leave her, but will now run to marry; wife brings with her a stone hammer and a stone to break bones, a wooden tray, a small yaranga; a raven throws gifts into the water; only the tray does not sink, so you didn't accept it? The raven wrapped the yaranga over himself, threw himself into the water; his wife then pulled her out of the water; Raven: don't stop me from getting married; wife: go, fool, the children are waiting]: 76-80; coastal Koryaks: Jochelson 1908, No. 88 [Big The Kikkinyaku raven takes the seal from the Mice; they drag the meat back; feed him berries, he falls asleep; for the first time they sew a bubble to his ass (he can't find his excrement), the second to The eyelashes are red wool; he thinks his house is on fire, tells Mitty to tear one of their sons in half, extinguish it with blood; she does so, then notices the eyelashes sewn on; now Mice they paint K.'s face with charcoal; he takes his reflection for a woman, throws a hammer into the river, jumps himself, is carried away by the current; he is cared for by an orphan girl; he sends his son Ememkut to marry her] , 130 [as in No. 88; without killing a child; K. drowns in the river]: 260-264, 324-326; itelmen: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 180 [Kutkh and Ememkut lived with their wives; K. went to see how his mouse granddaughters live; those are his fed, he asked him to look in his head, fell asleep; the mice sewed a duffel bag below his back; K. went, something was rattling behind him, he did not know that it was his litter in the bag; running up to the house, Mitty shouts that The Koryaks catch up with him; M. feels the stench, shows the bag; K. promises to kill the mice; but the mice fed him again and put him to sleep, sewed red to his eyes; when he came home, K. thinks it was a fire; for the third time, the mice painted K.'s face; he sees his reflection in the ice-hole, thinks that there is a girl there, brought and threw her a wooden pestle, a trough; they are swimming on the water; threw a stone pestle; decided that the girl took gift, rushed into the ice-hole himself, drowned], 202 [Kutkh takes the seal from the mouse, the mice drag the meat back; K. comes to the mice, they feed him, sew red rags to his eyelashes; K. meets his son, he thinks that his son is burning; his wife notices rags, rips off; now mice paint his face; he takes his reflection for a woman, throws himself into the water with property, drowns; =Orlova 1999:154-155] : 538-540, 586-587; Steller 1999:151-154.