Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B75B. The sounds of the era of creation: the creaking of trees..


creaking or crackling of trees is the voice of a transformed character.

Estonians, Yugi, Haida, Tsimshian, quarry, Maue.

Baltoscandia. Estonians (Tõstamaa) [the tree asks the person not to cut it, promises to pay off; the person wants all the barns and chests at home to be full; then he comes again and wants to become the head of the county; landowner; prince; when he wants to become king, the tree replies that this is too much and turns him into a tree; when the trees creak, it is the old man who cries, regretting his recklessness - nutab oma uhkust]: Järv 2016:53-54.

Western Siberia. Yugi [Hassynget lives with a blind mother, hunts for her; the chard comes, picks him up, leaves her daughter to the woman; H. hunts for the hell, she eats everything; he comes to his mother's house, throws meat into her pot; the woman says someone threw the crap, the hell's daughter, no, meat! H. goes back to hell, says his bow is broken; she says copper is needed here; they put a pot {a crucible full of copper?} to a big fire, H. pushes the devil into the fire, she burns; he comes to his mother; in winter he goes with the devil's daughter into the forest; at night he pours half-eaten soup into her pimas, the pimas freeze; H. runs away, knocks on every tree; the devil's daughter chases, throws one, then the second breast to hit H. in the heart, but freezes in the tree (erfror an einem Baumstamm); the crackling of trees in the cold is the devil crackles; H. returned to his mother; came to see the tree - there is a growth on it]: Werner 1997, No. 21:289-273.

NW coast. Hyda (Skidgate) [the man cuts off the head of his wife's lover, hangs it on the door; this young man is the son of the chief of a neighboring village; the chief sends a slave for fire, he notices the head; the warriors of the leader of all they kill, the girl remains with her mother; various animals and birds come to marry her; the offer of the son of Togo-someone in the shining sky is accepted; the son-in-law climbs a steep mountain, tells his mother-in-law not to look; she looks, he slides down; he pulls a branch out of the tree, shoves his mother-in-law into a hole, turns twigs into a creak]: Swanton 1905:341-343; Haida (Masset) [enemies killed the people of the village, left the mother with daughter; Deer, Grizzly, Wolf, Marten, Eagle, bird, another bird ask them to marry their daughter; mother asks what everyone will feed her, refuses; agrees when she hears a voice from heaven; from there the basket comes down, the daughter rises in it; the mother finds some food in front of her house every morning; one day, 9 boys and a girl, grandchildren of an old woman, descend from the sky in a basket; when they return, grandmother tries to get into the basket with them, a voice from heaven forbids them; grandchildren go up, the son-in-law puts the grandmother in the tree, the creaking of trees is her voice; the woman and her sons go down to earth again; sons exterminate the murderers of the mother's brothers, firing arrows that gnaw through the throats of enemies like caresses, return to their master; the brothers become village leaders]: Swanton 1908a, No. 77:728-741; Tsimshian [like Hyde (Skidgate); Heaven's son takes his wife and mother-in-law under his arms, rises to the sky, tells him not to open his eyes; mother-in-law opens, they fall]: Boas 1902:221-224.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry: Jenness 1934, No. 42 [a man cuts off his wife's lover's head, puts her on a spear at the entrance to the house; the lover is a neighboring chief, his slave notices his head; relatives of the deceased destroy village, girl and mother are saved; mother rejects the matchmaking of Rabbit, Caribou, Bear, Grizzly; gives her daughter to the Sun when he shows that she can turn the earth upside down; the Sun rises to the sky carrying his wife with his mother-in-law, but the burden is heavy; he leaves his mother-in-law in the forest, pulling the branch out and shoving it into the hole in the trunk; when the wind shakes the trees, you can hear her happy laugh uh; see motive J1], 47 [enemies of all they kill; the remaining woman cries; tears fall into her bosom, she gives birth to two sons and a lame daughter; the celestial descends, explains that the children are from him; they destroy enemies and monsters; the father raises them up everyone to the sky, but the wife breaks the prohibition to open her eyes, they fall; then her husband shoves her into a tree (as in (42); the creaking of trees is her laughter]: 215-218, 229-231.

Central Amazon. Maue [see J4A motif; Harpy Eagle wears the son of monkeys; he cries, wants fish; The eagle suspects his wife has a lover bringing fish; sends a fly to watch her, kills her lover - Soko's bird, chases his son away; tells his wife to put her hand in the hollow to catch a rat; the hand gets stuck, the wife turns into a creak of trees]: Ugge 1991, No. 2:130-146.