Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B75C. The sounds of the era of creation: the sound of water.. 21.43.74.

The sound of the surf or water on the rapids has been heard since creation.

Kachin, Lower Chinook, Yagans.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kachin [the elder brother is rich, sows rice, corn, etc. in the field; the youngest does not have grain, sows crushed buffalo bone, buffaloes grow; the eldest smears them with rice broth at night; the youngest agrees so that white-stained buffaloes go to the elder, because he knows that all buffaloes are black; the elder provokes the younger to sacrifice the remaining natam ("You look sick", etc.); suggests cutting down wood, make a bed for the younger one; invites the youngest to climb into the hollowed out deck, try it on; the recess is small; when more, the youngest asks the elder to show, he climbs in, the youngest covers it with a lid, binds, throws into the river; on the river rapids, the elder's spirit still moans; the youngest became natom, the ancestor of the princes; brothers are asked for fertility and animal health]: Gilhodes 1909, No. 30: 113-114

Coast - Plateau. The lower chinook [the youngest of five brothers feels that the Glutter is coming; the brothers run, dig a hole in the ground, tell their female to show the monster a different path; but he catches up, eats four brothers; the fifth runs to the river; Thunder stretches his long leg like a bridge when a man calls him not grandfather, uncle, but father-in-law; warns not to touch his leg with a stick; when a monster crosses, he touches, Thunder bends his leg, the monster falls, is carried to the sea, turns into the sound of the surf during a storm; a man marries the daughter of Thunder; he does not tell you to watch him catch whales; man watches the whale leave the Thunder net; the man's wife gives birth to two boys; Thunder demands that his son-in-law 1) bring the wolves (then bears; grizzlies) with whom Thunder played as a child (son-in-law brings, they bite father-in-law) 2) help split the log (father-in-law takes out a wedge, pinches his son-in-law, he tears the log), 3) bring metas shot by powerful people (son-in-law steals metas at night, he is chased with torches; daughter Thunder tells the children to beat their grandfather; The thunder urinates, it rains, the torches go out); the son-in-law goes to the village, lives with two old mice; loses a shooting competition to the locals; his hair is cut off, hung in chimney; his children come with their meth and arrows; win; turn the local chief into a sturgeon, his messenger into a blue jay; revive their father]: Boas 1894a, No. 2:31-36.

The Southern Cone. Yagans [the hiss of water spilled on the hearth in the ritual hut during the struggle between female and male ancestors can still be heard during the surf; the surf itself is waves, rolling as a result of those events]: Gusinde 1937:1342; Wilbert 1977, No. 65:190.