Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B75d. The sounds of the era of creation: the sound of foliage..

The sound of leaves or grass shaken by the wind has been heard since creation.

Cabecar, dorasque, guajiro, paresi, maca, nivacle.

Honduras-Panama. Cabecar [the sound of the sea is the sound of the wind in the leaves from when the sea was a huge tree that later fell]: Stone 1962:56-57; dorasca [the family has many children; husband each day hunting; one day he comes back staggered, his hair falls on his face, the wife doubts whether it is her husband; he says he will take his eldest son and eldest daughter with him tomorrow and take them to his parents; so every day, the youngest daughter and son and baby girl were left; Ushidó (it was him, an evil spirit who killed a man and took his form) brought them to the house of spirits; the girl saw her heads on the stakes siblings; they also tried to pull her hair out to eat her brain later, but she escaped and ran; her brother ran after her; she tore her necklaces and threw seeds and dry fruits behind her, from which the necklaces were made; the Ushidó stalker picked them up and wasted time; the mother dug a hole in the house, hid her daughter in it, covered it with a large grain grater; hid the boy in addition to corn; She made a fire and put stones in it; Ushidó, tired, lay down in a hammock, fell asleep face up; the woman threw hot stones into his open mouth, and seeds into the fire, which caused odorous smoke; hid where her daughter hid; other spirits that came running asked the parrot where the people were, but he only repeated: "Karal, Karal"; the spirits left, unable to withstand the smell of seeds thrown into the fire; the woman with children ran to a clean river; a woman and a girl became a river old man, a boy a stone in her upper reaches, a parrot a grass that makes the sound of "caral, karal" when the wind shakes her]: Miranda de Cabal 1974, No. 6:23-24.

The Northern Andes. Guajiro [the sound of the wind in the leaves is the voices of girls who later turned into pumpkins]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (2), No. 68:685.

Southern Amazon. Paresi [the sound of the forest is a sound that sounds in the branches of the forefather of trees when he was cut down]: Pereira 1986, No. 2:91.

Chaco. Maca [royal vulture (CS) killed the boy's parents; he began to burn down from seeds and run; when he returned faster than the fluff had time to burn out, he decided that he was sufficiently trained; came to CS children, they play with the bones of the dead; want to be like a young man painted red and yellow; agree to have him pierce their tongue; CS's eldest son: are the brothers dead? the young man puts spiders under his arms, the eldest son of the CS believes that their hands are moving; the youngest boy did not kill, asks him when his father will arrive; CS son: usually arrives at noon, at which time the strong one will go rain; young man: point your father north, south, west, east when he looks for me; the young man is covered with yellow butterflies; hiding in tree trunks; grandmother's bottle tree opened, but it's soft, CS punched through it; the carandá tree clamped the CS, its branches began to make noise; this noise in the branches of the carand á tree can still be heard; when the young man rested, the tree released The COP and the young man killed him; he came to his grandmother, the turtle, asked him to look for lice; she sees the CS pen in the young man's hair, began to dance with joy; the wives and husbands of all the other victims also began to dance]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 11:46-50; nivacle: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 164 [Stavuun - royal vulture (S.) took the hunters to eat to his wife; his children played with their bones; Ajti'ta became train running with cuts; vulture children's place of play is the Milky Way; it used to be below, but heaven and earth changed places because the sky was very dirty at that time; two bright spots in the night sky {Magellanic clouds?} - this is where two menstruating women relieved themselves; when the earth and sky changed places, the people of heaven fell into the underworld; with a stick with a fork in A. pressed the vulture's grandmother to the ground; she said that the royal vulture is very angry; but A. promised to kill him; killed his children; when the COP began to approach, it began to rain; the sound of rain was heard approaching; the COP asks the vulture grandmother where A.; that consistently points to 4 cardinal directions and at the zenith; S. rushes to these directions; from the zenith he sees that A. has gone underground; digs the ground; finding a snake, asks his grandmother - is it him? - No; then A. ran, followed by S.; A. took the form of trees; then asked the bottle tree to hide it, it opened, but said that only Palo Mataco would hide it; Palo Mataco opened, and when S. tried to enter it, it closed; so when the wind blows, you can hear kuuunnn; A. killed S., who almost killed humans; all kinds of animals came and took a piece by piece S. flesh; this flesh suited the deer well; the birds too; the birds also bathed in blood, took on color; some immediately shook off the blood, leaving only specks, others retained their red color], 165 [ the royal vulture (S.; Sarcoramphus papa) hunts humans, his wife Kafók (K.), a black-headed vulture (Coragyps atratus); their daughters played with bones eaten; now these daughters are wasps; grandson K ., Axtitá, trained to kill S.; cut his body and ran through the fire; when the blood stopped flowing, he realized he was ready; K. lived on earth and S. lived in the sky; K. replied that S. will come from the south, but she does not know when exactly; but there will be a signal: it will rain; S.'s children asked A. why he painted himself so beautifully; A.: you have to cut off your tongue and paint yourself with your tongue; they allowed K. cut off everyone's tongues (and there were many of their children) and died; but A. shamanically made them look alive; asked K. to answer S. that the murderer of his children (and S. immediately realized that the children were dead) fled to north, south, east, west; A. himself dug into a hole; going up into the sky, S. realized that he killed children in the ground; began to dig; as he dug, different types of lizards appeared, then snakes, then grass in dew, then butterflies; he killed them all; now A. jumped out and ran, S. after him; palo flojo replied A. that his wood is too soft to cover A., let him hide at palo mataco; palo mataco opened to A., it went {through?} , and S. was clamped; when the wind blows, palo mataco was buzzing - it was S. moving inside him; A. attached an S pen to his head, which was like a knife, he killed people with it, came to her grandmother; told her not to eat any more people; all the birds raced to where S. was killed; the turtle too, but could not get over the fallen tree; the birds had long beaks but became shorter they broke them off about S. because they were their axes; the little woodpecker (Picumnus cirrhatus) managed to chop S.; blood poured in and the birds colored with it; those without red feathers did not spray; some shook off some of the blood; K. did not paint, remained black; the stork (Jabiru mycteria) painted only the neck; this is how all the birds acquired their current appearance]: 388-392, 393-398.