Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B76. Frozen waves..


sea waves instantly petrified, forming a land with mountain ranges on it.

North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco (Tangier) [When God sent Adam to earth, it swayed like a ship on the waves; God turned the waves into mountains and they began to hold the earth like pillars]: Thay Thay 2001, No. 11:15.

Western Asia. The Palestinians [Allah created water and a huge pearl the size of heaven and earth; A.'s voice spread it to the first waters, they began to boil, then everything subsided; then A. created his throne, placing it on the waters; created a winged Wind, telling him to support the waters; a snake lying in a ring around the Throne; his head was a white pearl, his body was gold, his eyes were sapphires; then A. told the Wind to stir up the sea; from foam has formed dry land on the surface of the waters, splashes and steam have become clouds; frozen waves have formed mountains; mountains prevent the earth from floating on the waters, their roots go to Mount Kaf, which encircles and holds the world contents; A. turned surface waters into seven concentric seas separated by the same number of continents, but connected by straits and bays]: Hanauer 1977:3-5.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangs (batek) [two sisters built a canopy on the Keniyam River (on the eastern edge of Batek Territory) and built it up until it reached the sky; because of this, the sea advanced westward and flooded the upper reaches of the Aring and Lebir rivers; the Arachnothera longirostra (arachnothera) bird sat on a canopy, turning it into a stone pillar; the waves of the sea turned into hills]: Endicott 1979:42.

Baltoscandia. Karely (Olonetskaya Gubernia) [at first only water and wind; God was tired of their noise, shouted for the waves to petrify; the waves became mountains, the splashes became stones; later the rain changed the shape of the mountains, filled the seas and lakes]: Kulikovsky 1891:196.

Amur-Sakhalin. The Orochi [the land has just cooled down, covered with water; a family of eagles and a family of ravens are flying above it; they find a rock, become like people, eagles give birth to a son, crows a daughter; the sea is receding, the land it grows; the water that covered the earth was worried, so the mountains were like waves]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 48:194-195 (=Medvedev 1992:368-370); nivhi [there was no land; during the storm, the waves froze, Sakhalin was formed with mountain ranges on it]: Kreinovich 1929:81.

Subarctic. Koyukon: Jette 1908-1909 [a girl rejects her suitors; a young man comes to her with his four nephews; makes her fall into the ground; a man and a woman give him theirs a baby girl; the mother of the deceased girl causes a flood; only a young man and a girl escape; he throws a harpoon into a wave, she turns into a mountain, into a new land; the girl grows up immediately; they come from new people; the young man is a Raven]: 312-313; Nelson 1983:34 [(by Jetté 1908:312-13, but this is clearly another option); the Raven asked the girl, she refused, he drowned her; her mother sent two brown bears, those drove a wave on the lake; the Raven paved a path of quiet water in front of him, swam along it; threw a harpoon at the crest of the wave, it turned into a land with forests; threw it into a big wave, it became Mount McKinley]

NW Coast. Hyda (Masset) [The raven sees big waves, tells them to freeze, now they're mountains]: Swanton 1908a: 296.

The coast is the Plateau. StSeélis [the four sons of the Black Bear, their name QEqals, travel, turning people they meet into stones; the man replies that he sharpens the bone to deal with Q; they stabbed her in his head instead of ears, they turned him into a deer; there were big waves in one place, Q. turned them into stones, they are still visible]: Hill-Tout 1904b: 360-362.