Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B77. Low sky, A625.2;A660.


The sky was near the ground, then it rose.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Nyoro: Janssens 1926 [first the sky was near the ground]: 563; Belcher 2005 [Ruhanga created the sun from stone; clouds to burn less; the moon; the sky was low, leaned on a tree, a pole, and an iron beam; Ruhanga's brother Nkya complained that it was hot, he created trees; then sent animals and everything Nkia needed to the land; N.'s three sons became the ancestors of servants, pastoralists, chiefs; the fourth Kantu did not received shares, became Death; R. called N. to his sky, pushing him back and bringing down his supports; the iron beam broke into small pieces, which are used to make guns; grandson N. Baba asked R. to eliminate hunger; after that, people stopped working; R. then sent death; the boy died first; R. took pity, wanted to make death temporary, but N. persuaded him to die final; Baba cursed the country, but Kinta took him away (i.e. he died)]: 170-173; couple [people began to build a tower to heaven to go there to war, but the god Kyumbi caused an earthquake, the tower fell, crushed the builders; then K. removed the sky further from the ground]: Baumann 1936:257-258; nyatura [mother replied to her son that there was no water; the clouds were low; he shot into the clouds, water poured; clouds they moved away from the ground in anger; when they were near the ground, the stones were soft as clay, with marks if anyone stepped on them]: Sick 1915:45; the Comorians [God was the first to create heaven and earth; they fell in love, the sky descended to earth; God pushed them apart, but they reunited; then he created a mountain, a volcano, and a tree, and then the lovers were separated; God convinced them not contradict him; created people, they began to cultivate the land; seeing this, the sky began to cry, (from the rain) vegetation appeared, rivers and the sea were filled with water; the sky suggested: if people stopped injure the earth, they can cut off pieces from it and feed on them; then people stopped working, began to eat pieces of the sky; some cut off so much that they could not eat and the pieces deteriorated; It's God who moved the sky high so that people could not reach it and work; the sky is angry, it's winds and hurricanes, the earth is angry - earthquakes happen]: Hatubou 2004, No. 18:85-87.

West Africa. Nzema [the sky was close to the ground; the old woman pushed fufu (yam food), her pestle hit the sky every time, she told the sky to move away]: Grottanelli 1967:36; biafada [in times when people rested their heads against the sky, and animals lived among people, the beauty promises to marry someone who will quickly reach her house; so that the lion does not overtake everyone, his sleeper will be tied up; animals they ran, the lion rushed in vain, the chameleon offered to untie it, quietly grabbed the tail; when he saw a chameleon at the finish, the lion hit him, since then the chameleon has a flat head]: Nikolnikov 1976:47-49; kpelle [the sky was close to the ground; a pregnant woman pushed a potion into a mortar, hit the sky with the other end of the pestle, the pestle was stuck there, God was angry, pushed the sky away, now we can't see it]: Westermann 1921b, No. 28:533; aquapim [the sky was close to the ground; people knocked on it with sticks; fish fell from there like raindrops]: Abrahamsson 1951:363; snakes [Wulbari (Woolbari) lay on Mother Earth Asase-Ya; the old woman crushed the yam, touched it with a pestle, the smoke from the hearths ate her eyes, people wiped their dirty fingers against the sky, and another old woman cut off a piece from V. every time to make the food tastier; so V. rose up; initially animals lived with him]: Cardinall 1941:15-16 (=Belcher 2005:111, =Scheub 2000:262, =Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 9:41-46); moshi [Wende sky was close to on earth, people cut off pieces from it and ate; once a blind man lit a torch and burned the sky, it moved far from people]: Tauxier 1917:498 (translated into Kotlyar 2009, No. 32:55); eve: Olderogge 1959 [ Togo? ; the sky was close to the ground; the woman could not properly interfere with the porridge, the spoon clung to the sky, the woman splashed hot porridge into the sky, hit Mavu in the face; he left the people, raised the sky with him]: 158 (= Schneider 1857:34 in Fischer 1932; {in Kotlyar 2009, No. 37:57 This text, referring to Frobenius s.a.: 280, is referred to aquapim; see aquapim below, where Frobenius 1909:380; it appears that Kotlyar has an error}) ; Scheub 2000 [Ghana; Mawu sky was near the ground; people wiped dirty fingers on him and insulted M. moved far from the ground; 3) Benin; a woman threw dirty water right off Heaven's face, Sky moved away]: 141; Schneider 1857:34 in Fischer 1932 [people went to heaven for fish, fish fell to the ground like raindrops; one woman crushed fufu grains, asked the sky to rise to work more comfortably pestle; the sky rose, then again; the third time it rose to its current height; now you can't reach God, and the fish don't fall from the sky]: 235; background [the sky was close, 2 m away; Legba all He did it only on the orders of his mother Mawu (the supreme deity associated with the moon), but M. told people that L. was to blame for everything; explained that people should think well about the ruler and his subordinates bad; M. promised to execute whoever would steal from her garden; L. put on M.'s sandals at night, left traces; realizing what the trick was, M. decided to go to heaven; exposed L. was offended, taught an old woman splash the water she used to wash dishes into the sky; M. decided to avoid anxiety, raised the sky to its current height]: Herskovits, Herskovits 1958, No. 12:149-150; borada (Togo) [after eating soup, the child wiped dirty hands on God - Sky Ateburuku; offended Sky rose to its current height]: Derbrunner 1969:552; catch-up [the sky was close to the ground, women touched it with a wooden pestle; one woman shoved it to its current height]: Griaule 1938:48; casena [the sky was low to the ground, preventing the old woman from cooking, she cut off a piece of it, put it in the soup; the sky rose in anger]: Cardinall 1920: 22-23; senufo [Koutielo - the goddess of heaven who separated heaven from earth]: Pinguilly 1997:42; akebu [Earth and Sky were separated because each wanted to be bigger than the other; while they were arguing, it was raining stopped walking; people asked them to send rain; Heaven sent on the condition that a temple would be built for it and Earth would recognize its superiority]: Debrunner 1969:556; bull [people did not work; Sky/God allowed me to cut off pieces and eat them, but forbade mixing them with seasoning made from the ash of certain types of millet; the old woman mixed, the sky moved away]: Schott 1989:260; Ashanti: Anpetkova -Sharova 2010 [the sky was low; people cut off pieces and ate; the old woman cooked fufu, crushed cassava, touched the sky with a pestle, it moved away; the old woman told the children to put their stupas one on top of the other, get to sky, cut off a delicious piece; one stupa was not enough; Ananse's spider offered to take the stupa out from below, place it upstairs; the tower collapsed, the sky remained high]: 37-38; Cardinall 1920 [woman pushed yam, touched pestling for the sky; the sky became angry and moved away]: 23; Scheub 2000:5 [Aberewa woman (this name is called the spirit of the earth Asase Yaa) cooked meals for the children, hitting Nyame ("sky", "God") with the end of the pestle; N. I was tired of it, he retired from Earth; A. decided to be close to him again, put many steps one on top of the other; she needed the last one, she asked the child to give it to her, he did not find it, she ordered to give one of lower hills, then the tower collapsed], 187 [women pestled the grain, asked Nyame to move away, then hit him with their pests; N. left forever]; aquapim [Nyankupong sky, incarnation God Nyang, was close to the ground; it was enough to throw a stick at him when a big fish fell from there; the woman pestled in the fufu mortar, asked N. to move away a little; he got up unchangeably, asked if it was enough; but the woman asked three times and eventually the sky moved very far away; now there are few fish]: Frobenius 1909:380; Yoruba: Scheub 2000 [Olodumare and the sky where it lives, were low; people ate pieces of the sky, wiped their dirty hands on it; then O. and the sky moved off the ground]: 200; Walker, Walker 1980 [when people's eyes were on their feet, not on their faces as they are now, the sky was low, people talked to God; he was so tired of bringing down a downpour on the ground that turned all people into lepers {and obviously pushed the sky away}]: 25; ijo (kalabari) [The turtle is constantly deceives the Dog by forcing it to give it meat; says that enemies will come at night, they will kill everyone; when they hear the strange sounds made by the Turtle, the Dog and its family flee to the land of the dead; the Turtle comes after , sings an offensive song; spirits drive both away; throw burning smut after the Dog, which brings one into the human world; people used to bake meat in the sun; the sun was close to the ground; when fire appeared , the sky moved away because the sun no longer needed to bake meat for people]: Talbot 1932:338-343; Igbo [the sky was low; the woman crushed the yam, hitting the sky with the end of the peste every time, ignoring God's requests to be more careful; God (=heaven) moved away from the ground]: Scheub 2000:32; beanie [the sky was 51 close to the ground, people cut off pieces from it, ate; often cut off more than they could eat threw it away; Heaven did not like to see piles of garbage, it warned that it would punish people; yet the greedy woman cut off a huge piece, called her husband, then the whole village, but could not finish eating; then Heaven rose, people should work ever since]: Beier 1966:51; Hausa: Mariko 1984 (Niger) [the sky was low, people broke off pieces and ate with their hands; old people forbade children to make noise, grind them in a mortar, disturb the sky; one girl began to grind water in her mortar, hitting the sky with the end of the pestle; the sky moved away, people had to eat not semolina from heaven, but grains, old people told women and girls to grind grain]: 5-7; Scheub 2000 [the stars were low, the old woman moved them away from the ground so that the boys would not throw stones at them]: 224; gisiga: Beek 2010 [(about the same in the capsica); sky first close to the ground, people walked bent, ate pieces that they cut off from the sky; the leader's daughter instead picked up grains from the ground, crushed them in a mortar, touching the sky with a pestle; asked Heaven three times move away; twice it moved a little, the third time to its current height; people were able to walk straightened up and farm, but were unable to feed on pieces of the sky]: 53; Lembezat 1950 [at first earth and sky came into contact; Buimulvong told the earth that vegetation was climbing from it, Sky; burned the forest with fire, then flooded everything; water filled all the space to the sky, three years later the day came down; B. told the earth that he was now staining it with excrement; this is how mountains and rivers appeared; then he sent people and animals from heaven to earth]: 56; margie, kilba [Iju was close to the earth, his home, the sky, could be touched; people left Calebasses in front of their homes, I.'s children filled them; one woman left a dirty calebas, because of contact with him the finger of child I. swollen; I. left the ground in anger; then people began to steal corn from the Death Field (Mptu); M. complained to I., I. allowed him to take the lives of several people every year (I. knew he could do them resurrect); the brother of the first deceased went to take revenge on M., found him in the middle of the fire, fought him off, cut off his leg; so M. chrome; var.: I. himself led people to M.'s crops; if they were too close, he dragged them away for the necklaces they wore]: Meek 1931 (Tribal Studies in Northern Nigeria, I: 221) at Abrahamsson 1951:86, Scheub 2000 [only talks about margie]: 75-76; Lele [Kounimo (god rain and thunderstorms) spread the seeds of cultivated plants on the ground; one woman pushed them into a mortar, hit K. with the end of the pestle all the time, told him to move away; one dog could not find a place to fix it in need - crops were growing everywhere; K. went up and took the cereals with him; now they must be grown]: Ruelland, Caprile 1993:19-21.

Sudan-East Africa. The Nubians [1) the sky was close to the ground, the women could not raise a spoon to prevent the porridge, burned their hands, grabbing pots; one woman pushed the sky with a spoon, the sky moved away in anger; 2) the sky was low, people tore off edible pieces from him; the woman shoved it with a spoon, the sky moved away in anger; therefore, the clouds only rain for a short time of the year]: Parrinder 1967:35; Dinka: Lienhardt 1961 [the sky was low, people easily climbed a rope into heaven to communicate with the deity; the deity gave the first man and woman Garanga and Abuk one millet a day, prohibiting grinding more; that was enough; out of greed, the woman began to grind (or sow) many grains at once, for this purpose she took a long pestle (or hoe), it hit the sky; then God sent a blue bird to cut the rope that connected heaven and earth; heaven (=deity) is gone, it has become necessary to work, illness and death have appeared]: 33-34; Scheub 2000:6 [Abuk is the first woman, sometimes wife or mother of the supreme god Deng or other deities; her husband, Garang; D. allowed A. and G. to sow only one millet seed a day; once hungry A. sowed a lot and at that time hit D. on the toe; he cut off the rope that connected heaven and earth, and people have been sick and dying ever since], 177 [same, the supreme deity is Nebo-Nhialik; he warned not to work with a hoe with a long handle; the woman took such a hoe, hit N. with the end of the pen, the sky moved away from the ground]; Stubbs 1934 [Nyalich was not high above the ground; one woman left her husband, went into the forest; began to break the grain, raising the pestle high, hit N. in the stomach; he was angry, left the ground]: 243; nyimang (ama) [the sky was lying on the ground, the ground was suffocating; women had to stir the porridge, bending low over the cauldron, touching the sky with a stirrer; one poked the sky with the upper end of the mixer, the sky, the clouds, the spirits were furious because of this, far from the ground]: Scheub 2000:5; Oromo: Bartels 1983 [The sky (Waqa) lay almost close to the Earth, watering it abundantly with rain; called all the animals complain; everyone was happy, but Mule said W. was lying too close to Earth, kicked him; W. moved away, it didn't rain enough; W. made Mule barren]: 104; Haberland 1967 [Father-Heaven is Mother Earth's husband; snakes and rain are connected to the sky; the Earth was flat, said that it was more important than Heaven; the sky said it was more important, the streams of rain created a rugged landscape; at first they lay close; Sky rose, Earth expressed regret; Heaven then created people on earth; Var.: Earth was the wife of Heaven, their daughter Batto; Heaven withdrew from Earth; B. came together with the black serpent, gave birth to people]: 44-46; duk [Arum created man and the world; after death, people go to the underworld of Arum; the sky was close to the ground, the Birapinya tree reached the sky; the inhabitants of earth and sky visited each other, rose and going down the tree; the old woman was offended, she destroyed the tree; the sky moved away from the ground, people stopped reviving after death]: Scheub 2000:16; conso: Jensen 1936, No. 1 [god (Heaven) created The ground, she became his wife; first they lay close, then he got up; began to irrigate it with rain; there were two calebasses on the ground, one man and the other woman; the man's penis was first on the right index finger, woman's vagina on her right armpit; then the woman asked God to place her genitals where they're not currently visible]: 490-491; Jensen 1950/1955 in Haberland 1967 [first Earth was as flat as her husband Sky; they began to argue who was stronger; the sky began to throw stones on Earth, rained, and she recognized its superiority]: 48; sidamo [Sky Maganno is Earth's husband Batto]: Haberland 1967:48; darasa [the sky was low, houses had to be built low too; the man began to harness his mule, he kicked his back leg, hit Heaven (=God); God made him barren for this]: Jensen 1936, No. 10:499-500; Somalis [the sky was low, protecting people from the heat and cold; two women were millet in mortars, pestling through the sky; the sky tried to stop the women, they did not obey, then has risen to its current height; rays shine through holes - these are stars; when a heavenly girl carries a bucket of water home, water shimmers over the edge and flows down through holes, it rains]: Hanghe 1988, No. 1:110-111 (=Kapchits 1997, No. 1:15-16, narrated in Kotlyar 2009, No. 36:56); the Masai [the sky was close to the ground; the dog was called Lenanu ("something of their own and loved") lived with God in heaven, enjoyed his love and respect; God told her not to tell people about the sheep ("gentle one"); the dog told, advised her to ask God for a sheep; for this, God turned Lenanu into a dog, ordered him to live on earth and serve man, eat crap; the dog asked for scent, agility, etc.; and the man got a sheep]: Kipury 1983, No. 7:37-39; malgashi (bar) [Ndriananahary lived on earth with people and animals; asked whether they want this to continue to be the case, or do they want to live on their own; they chose the latter; he separated heaven from earth, stayed in heaven; told them to go to the holes in which he put food and clothes (feathers, skins) for everyone, everyone chose what they wanted; when it was man's turn, only grain and fish were left; N. appointed him chief among living beings; disappeared forever]: Haring 2007, No. 24:27-29.

North Africa. Ancient Egypt [Geb Earth, son of Shu and Tefnut, a member of the Heliopolis Enneada, quarreled with his wife, sister Nebom-chickpeas, because she ate her children (heavenly bodies) every day, and then gave birth to them again; S. separated G. and N., leaving G. in a horizontal position, and N. lifting them up]: Antes 1977 [God Shu raised his daughter Nut (sky) over her brother and husband Geb (earth), so only her fingertips and toes were touching the ground; Geb was angry at Nut for constantly devouring her child stars; hence her name "A pig eating its pigs"; so Shu removed her from Geb]: 58, 97; Mathieu 1956:86; Rubinstein 1980:267; Gahlin 2007 [Shu is the father of Nut (heaven) and her brother Geb (earth); raised by N., separating her from her brother; here is a papyrus drawing from the Book of the Dead Tameniu, Third The Intermediate Period, depicting anthropomorphic Geb and Chickpeas]: 51.

Western Asia. Sumer: Afanasyeva 1997 [(beginning of the story of the tree Huluppu, Inanna, Gilgamesh, Enkidu's descent into the underworld); when heaven separated from earth, when earth moved away from heaven, when He took the sky away when Enlil took his land, when Ereshkigal was given a gift to the underworld of marriage, when the Father sailed the underground world, when Enki swam the underground world... then, in those days, one a tree, the only tree, a huluppu tree (willow or poplar), planted on the bank of the Euphrates clean, it drinks the waters of the Euphrates, the south wind flies in forcefully, pulls out its roots, breaks its branches, the Euphrates He knocks him down with a wave; his wife, Ana submissive in words, goes, Enlilya is submissive in words, walks, takes a tree with her hand, brings it to Uruk, brings it to the garden, blooming Inanna brings it to the garden...; five years have passed, ten years have passed, the tree he grew up, his bark cannot be split, a snake who does not know spells in his roots, made a nest, Anzud-the bird brought out a chick in its branches, Lilith the Virgin built a house for herself in the middle of it; then I. asks for help his brother Utu, who does not answer; asks Gilgamesh; he girded himself, took a bronze ax, killed a snake, drove Anzud the bird away, the maiden Lilith destroyed her house; he split the branches to make Inanna's bed, from the roots made a magic drum from the branches of a stick]: 215-219; Yemelyanov 2001 []: 103-105; Yemelyanov 1999 [Enki-Ninki - "Mr. Place, Mrs. Place"; spells from Farah and Ebla: "Tamarisk, lonely trunk, tree Ana! From her roots in the land is Enki-Ninka, along her crown is Lord Ana, spread over the | pier | sacred!" ; "Tamarisk, the trunk is righteous, the trunk is clean! Tamarisk roots - Enki-Ninki! Enlil's Tamarisk! Tamarisk! The life of heaven, the life of the earth, the life of Ana, Enki-Ninka (be cursed!)" ; we see that Enki-Ninki lives in the roots of a sacred tree whose trunk belongs to Heaven and the crown to the inhabited world (Enlil); Ur-Nanshe's spell: "Sacred reed, water abyss reeds, reeds Ankie Ninky!" ; Eanatuma's inscription on the "Kite Stele": "Let Ninka turn her foot (=Umma) away from the ground!" ; The Ninki here is the goddess of the earth, depriving violators of the sacred treaty of support; first Heaven-Earth exists undivided, then generations of terrestrial androgynes appear, then Demiurge Enlil with his wife (already separately) followed by Enlil and Ninlil's firstborn, the moon god Nanna; the earliest written tradition considers Enki-Ninki to be the deities who were at the origins of life: they live in the roots of the sacred trees near the water abyss, in Nergal's dwelling, are the parents of 7 (or 6, 9) paired deities and Enlil; Sacred Hill is an embankment of earth to a water source from which the tamarisk celestial tree sprouts, where Enlil's androgynous ancestors live, who arose before the separation of Heaven and Earth]: 100-104; 2001 [Urukagina Lagashsky, XXIV century: "The well has released water. Ahn, Vladyka, stood up in his youth. Ahn and Ki shouted at each other (i.e. split, moved away from each other). At that time, Enki-Ninka was gone, Enlil did not live, Ninlil did not live, the Day did not pass, New Month did not come out." The fragment describes the beginning of the world, when there was only a freshwater spring gushing from the ground and the first conflict between Ana and Ki, which previously existed inseparably, took place; after the separation of Heaven from Earth begins giving the deities of air and earth the attributes of the world order]: 107; Kramer 1965 [after heaven was separated from earth, heaven god Ahn raised heaven and air god Enlil lowered the earth ]: 205-206; Schumer: R.M. Nurullin, personal report, 07.12.2021 ["The Song of the Hoe" (a Sumerian literary text known from Old Babylonian manuscripts): "His Eminence established the original order,/ Vladyka, whose orders are unchanged forever, /Enlil, so that the seed of the country sprouts out of the earth, /He immediately separated the earth from the heaven./So that the sprouts [Letters: heads] should sprout in Uzumua [Letters.: (the place) where flesh grew], /He spent between Dur-Anki, /He hit him with a hoe and the day dawned <... >/In Uzumua, he dug up (the ground) with a hoe, /He placed human sprouts behind the fence, /I The country made its way out of the earth before Enlil. /Enlil looked kindly at his black-headed people./Anunnaki gathered near him/And stood humbly before him./They won his favor with prayers, /People they asked him for themselves./Madam, what gives rise to rulers and kings, /Ninmenna initiated childbirth <... >/Enki praised Enlil's hoe, /The Virgin Nisaba appeared when the decision was made" (trans. . R.M. Nurullina)]; Babylonia [God Aya kills Apsa (noise. Abzu, the embodiment of the pristine water element); Marduk was conceived by E. in the dwelling he built over the victim; his wife A. Tiamat (the appearance is unclear, more of a dragon than an anthropomorphic creature) decides to take revenge; the gods are terrified, M. promises to defeat T. if he is made the supreme god; drives T. The "evil wind", preventing her from closing her mouth, strikes with an arrow, deals with her retinue, cuts her body into two parts, makes the sky from the upper, from the lower earth; divides 600 gods into 300 upper, heavenly and 300 lower, underground]: Afanasyeva 1982a: 110.

Australia. Aranda [the Ntjikantja brothers threw a bridge of darts into the sky and pushed the sky (pulled it up); related to the origin of the first death]: Waterman 1987, No. 3215:88; votjobaluk [ the sky first rested on the ground, the sun could not move; Magpie backed the sky with a forked stick and now the sun is moving]: Howitt 1904:427 (quoted in Frazer 1939:21; Waterman 1987, No. 6:21); unidentified group [like Watjlbaluk]: Mounford, Roberts 197:16 in Waterman 1987, No. 6:21; Dieri: Pettazzioni 1924:151 [(Gregori 1906:3ff); the sky in the form of thick clouds lay right on trees; monsters descended from heaven to earth; once they fell from trees, a hole formed in the sky, it widened, it turned out to be the current high sky; monsters could not return to heaven], 152 [(Howitt , Siebert 1904:105, 107f); two Malku-Malku-ulu heroes ("two unseen") killed, refreshed kangaroos, stretched their skin on the ground between four pegs, raised it in the middle to form a sky]; New South Wales (upper reaches of the Murrumbidgee River) [everyone used to crawl; when the sky rose, snakes and worms hibernated, slept, so they didn't notice, they still crawl, and the birds were the first to notice and take off after by sky; the chief's wife sat down where it was not allowed, because the men were supposed to carry out corruption; the chief took her to another place, and a stranger came up and she agreed to run away with him; the husband chased them, they swam across the lake; the husband swam on a hollow, pushed it, water poured into the boat; he tried unsuccessfully to block her way with a wicker fence; then he found a sparkling pole in the water, resting on the sky, it became rise and the pole grow; birds have taken off, possums too, have become bats; now, when the leader is tired and lowers the pole, clouds appear or fog envelops the ground; when the sky is closer again to the ground, it's made of blue and white; people got back on their feet, trees began to grow vertically instead of horizontally]: Peck 2010:67-75.

Melanesia. A cow [Yokhemel Yambin woman placed tobacco leaves on a leaf stalk of a sago palm tree, Ginol, "the Little Mouselike", collected dry leaves but could not light it; and the woman's uterus ignited, tobacco leaves caught fire, the whole world burned down; G. turned into a swift; raked up ash, water poured over, Faül boar swam on it, G. killed him, made earth out of sternum bone and meat on his chest (more precisely put it all down), and from the spine, the sky, with arrows from palm leaf cuttings, shoved the sky higher; this spine smeared the dead dog with breast fat; the ratan seeds burst, the youngest came out of them and older brothers, as well as the moon and the sun; the elder cut off the younger penis and testicles, turning him into a woman, began to copulate with her; the elder smeared (vagina) with snake fat - did not like it, fish - the same tree larvae - I liked it, let the woman stay like this; the woman gave birth to snakes, animals, (and obviously people)]: Enk, de Vries 1997:163-170; keraki [first the sky is low; received from the Lizard fire (see motif D4A), Kambel baked the core of a palm tree (not a sago), threw it up, creating clouds that rose high above the ground; threw pieces of bamboo into the sky, they turned into stars; placed the growing ones coconuts in the ground to the top of palm trees]: Williams 1969:304 (retelling in Putilov 1982:284); dougum tribute [Earth is man, Sky is woman; at first Heaven was on the ground; Nakmatugi's first man lived in a cave Huwainmo (5 km east of the dugum territory); he thunted and the sky rose to its current altitude]: Heider 1970:140; Fr. Rossel [The Sun bathed in the warm sea and the Moon in a cold stream; when they rose to the sky, the Sun found the Moon too cold and the Moon the Sun too hot; the creator of Wonajö told them therefore be in the sky at different times; the sky was close to the ground, he pushed it sixth]: Armstrong 1928:128; New Hebrides {central?} [the sky was so low that a woman would hit him with a pestle when she was cooking; she got angry and told him to move away; that's what happened]: Fischer 1932:234.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Lamotrek [at first the world is dark, the sky is close to the water; there is a mother rock in the sea that gave birth to three gods; this is Saulal (Ilal lives in the lower world, lord of the sea and fish), Saur (Souiaur, Mr. Vodukha, responsible for the fruits of the breadfruit) and Alúelap, the upper, supreme deity, his wife Limarauarau is the Sky; according to a version from Elato Island, the mother goddess grew a coconut palm (more precisely a trunk without leaves) , she ran into the low sky; told her son and daughter to climb a palm tree, scatter sand from there, islands appeared; a son named Eluelap raised the sky to its current height, expanded the sky; versions from Lamotrek, daughter of E. Leboupboup (Ligóubub, Legóupup) descended from the sky, scattered sand and stones, created islands, created plants and animals; cut the tip of her finger on her right hand, and blood drops appeared Yat woman and Yol man, people descend from them]: Krämer 1937:143-146; Gilbert Islands: Koch 1966 (Nonouti Atoll, Western 1963-1964): 15-19 [at first neither earth nor sky, everything is as if in the shell on the bulge of which Nareau was; he began to stomp to make the sky and earth hard; saw people lying in the depths of the dark shell, stirred them up with a stone tied to a fishing line, they called his names; he bent their stiff joints with them; raised the sky a little, but it was still low and flat; N. called Katimoi, who caught a squid, cut off two tentacles, made bait out of them, caught it with it Riki (giant eel, moray eel); R. began to raise the sky; N. told K. to support R. in the middle; ordered the stingray to pierce the muscle of the {world shell} with thorns so that it would no longer close and the sky would remain high; cut off the tip of R.'s tail, it made the current moray eel; N. threw the mother-of-pearl shell, it became the sun, the sea snail shell became the moon; N. lives in Samoa, his wife Thunder, both of them son - lightning], 20-21 [the earth and sky were like a closed shell; Nareau cut through east, west, north and south; standing on a bulge, N. spoke, saying the name Riki (big eel, moray eel) the sky and the earth split, people could be seen inside, they began to move; N. told the Nei Aibong woman to catch the Tikutikutaungaunga bird, tied a rope to it, let it go to people, told NA to name them; when he found out them, N. became the master of the people; touched them, they became strong; they raised the sky a little; but it was connected to the ground by a muscle, N. ordered the stingray to pierce it; Ricky did not want to raise the ground, bit the one who came up man; N. caught him with a horn, Ricky raised the sky; N. cut off his tail, he fell, became a moray eel, Ricky himself is the Milky Way]; Maude, Maude 1993, No. 1 [heaven and earth lay close to each other; between They were Baba ma Bono (Fools and Deaf People are immovable slaves); in heaven, a Tangan-nang woman gave birth to a bird, which brought Urua fish, T. put it in a vessel of water; the fish grew, ate a lot, it was released into sea; giant fish returned accompanied by other predatory fish, people fled from the shore; a lizard was born from a tumor on Tabakea's forehead, it was thrown into the fire; T. put ash in the water, an ugly dwarf appeared Nareau; and he was thrown into the fire, a larger dwarf appeared from the ashes; he did not burn in the fire, but grew up, he was made a leader; he grabbed Urua fish with his hand and killed Urua fish; people ate flesh, gave bones to T.; placed in the shell, they emitted thunder and lightning, N. trampled them, crushed them; the giant Auriaria slipped between heaven and earth, found Riki's eel and the Deaf Fools there; they came to life, slightly raised the eel along with the eel sky; then R. pushed the sky far away with his head, and with his tail pushed the earth into the depths of the sea; A. hit the sky with a rod, the pieces broke off, fell, became islands; A. created Samoa, turned two shells into the sun and into the moon; the white body of Ricky's eel is the Milky Way; A. planted a Samoan tree, from whose branches all humans came], 2 [the sky rested on the ground, they rubbed against each other, Tabakea appeared from friction, then Auriaria, Taburimai, Tanuariki, Riki, their sister Tituabine; she gave birth to Tabakea children, they all lived in heaven; Tabakea gave a rod to giant A., who slipped it between heaven and earth, raised the sky; told a stingray cut a gap between the edges of the earth and the sky, and Riki's eel raised the sky; Nareau was Tabakea's youngest son, born from a tumor on his forehead; A. threw one shell to the east, it became the sun, the other to the west - by the moon; the rod stuck in Samoa, it became a branched tree; A. cut off and scattered branches, from which (as well as from the trunk and roots) come from the inhabitants of different islands], 3 [the sky was adjacent to the ground; in the dark and Tarawa was cramped; Nareau grew out of it; N. created the Riki eel, then several more creatures; told R. to raise the sky, who tore it off the ground, resting his tail, raising the sky with his head; the stingray cut through a gap between earth and sky to cut off the roots of the sky; when the sky rose, N. threw R., who fell on Tarawa Island, dividing it in half; N. turned Te Ikawai's right eye ("elder") into the sun, his left eye into the moon; then created several women and a man on Tarawa], 5 [the sky was lying on the ground; Nareau walked on the upper surface of the sky, tapping his staff; where it was loud, made a hole, climbed into it, found an eel Riki, told him to raise the sky; when he lifted it up, the eel fell and turned into rocks; N. planted a tree in Samoa, people descended from it; N. collected in a basket all the dirt from the sky (illness, death, toothache, old age, gray hair, hunger), lowered to the ground], 6 [the sky was lying on the ground; Nareau felt for a booming place with his staff, made a hole, connected the Earth to Water, the Earth gave birth to children, including Ricky's eel; the youngest was born last Nareu; he gave reason and movement to the Deaf and Dumb Fools; they raised the sky, Ricky raised it high; N. cut off R.'s legs (now an eel without legs), and R. himself is the Milky Way; N. killed his father Na Atibu, turned his right eye into the sun, his left eye into the moon, his brain into stars, his spine into the Tamoa tree, his body into stones, his right god into the North, his left eye into the South Solstice]: 14-21, 21-25, 28-29, 32-33, 34-37; Maude, Maude 1994, No. 2 [Heaven and Earth lay close, gave birth to the giant Nareau; he immediately spread them apart; told Eel to raise the sky higher, the Eel became the Milky Way]: 60-61; Nauru [Hambrush 1914:273ff; Areop Enap ("big spider") found a tridacna, discovered it, told the Riki caterpillar to raise its upper leaf, it turned into the sky; the lower one became earth; made the moon and the sun out of the other two shells]: Dobbin 2011:200; islands Tuvalu: Kennedy 1931 (Waitupu) [Te Ali's eel and fish began to raise the sky; they raised it; TA threw the burden; the eel began to fight with TE, made the fish flat, and it was long]: 170; Williamson 1933 (1): 45 [1) Nanumea, Nanumanga: Heaven and Earth were married, lying together; a sea serpent raised the Sky; Nukufetau: the same, but previously the fish gathered for advice on how to raise the sky; 2) Waitupu (by Turner, p.288, 292): steam came out of the rocks, so the sky rose, a man appeared out of the couple, a woman from his sweat; their two sons raised the sky higher; one went north, raised his arm to the height of his outstretched arm; the other to the south, but because he was shorter, he had to climb a hill so that the sky would be at the same height everywhere], 72 [Nanumanga: a sea serpent raised the sky; as a woman, he met with a male land, giving birth to a man Foelangi and a Telahi woman]; Fr. Banaba (Ocean) [heaven and earth lay close, their friction gave rise to Tabakea and his sister Tituabine, they came together, Nakaa's first son became the chief of the rest of the men and women they had born; all men lived on the NW of the island, and all women lived in SE; men had an inexhaustible top and an inexhaustible coconut tree, the Tree of Life; women had their own tree, the Tree was a woman, men were forbidden to approach her; when leaving, N. forbade his brothers to pick flowers from him; but the wind brought the flower, they liked the aroma, they went and picked the flowers; when N. returned, he saw that men and women were in their hair gray hair appeared; he suggested choosing between the Tree of Life and the Woman Tree; they chose the Woman Tree, aka the Tree of Death; N. gave people insects wrapped in pandanus leaves to eat them life (Anell 1964:16 [these insects are gray hair, toothache and other senile ailments]); N. took the tree of life and the inexhaustible peak with him, went west, waiting for the souls of the dead in heaven; looks north, weaves a net, catches souls, looks good, lets go to the Tree of Life, throws bad ones into a heap]: Grimble 1923:370-372 (=Maude, Maude 1994, No. 8:44-46); Nauru: Maude, Maude 1994, No. 1 [heaven and earth were close to each other like two halves of a shell; Buaminirongo was inside; asked Riiki, Abowe, Amwanang, Kawitoro to raise the sky; for Am. and K., the load was excessive; R. and Ab. raised; stone the sky fell, shattered, crushed those who raised, pieces became eels and other animals of land and sea; the old Areou was above the sky, created the Sun, Moon, Thunder and Lightning, Stars; every star is human; Thunder - a bird whose wings flapping causes thunder; Lightning is a woman, A.'s wife], 9 [earth and sky were merged; Nareau felt for a booming place, sent a dragonfly into the crack (?) Babamabono, made the slaves inside raise the sky; they knelt down, then straightened up, he created a tree, together they pushed the sky even further; N. caught the Riiki eel, which pushed it even further sky]: 37-38, 46-49; Tokelau Islands (Fakaofo) [Earth and Sky were almost close to each other, people crawling between them; male Iikiiki and woman Talaga had a boy Lu; he rested his feet against the sky , began to push it away; then took a tree trunk, pushed the sky like a sixth; then climbed a tree and pushed others even higher; then at the twelve corners of the earth he called for help from the winds; 12 winds finally raised sky to its current height]: Burrows 1923:153-154; Wallis [Fuilaoa was Fatuloamaka's wife; met Vaui Otolanga, asked him to raise the sky, he raised it; asked to bring him a drink; Fatuloamaka beat his wife, she left him, then came back]: Burrows 1937:162; Niue: Polina 1986, No. 107 [the sky used to lie on arrowroot stems and tawahi-tattoo bushes; Maui rested his feet on the ground Tuapa and Aliutu, raised the sky (=Williamson 1933 (1) :55)]: 259; Loeb 1926b [the sky was low, lying on an arrowroot stem, so they became flat; Maui raised the sky; where he rested on the ground, you can see traces of this]: 211; Thompson in Williamson 1933 (1) [Langi's sky embraced his wife Earth; their children remained trapped in darkness between their parents; some wanted to kill them, others only to separate them. leaving him nearby; they raised the Sky; L. cries away from his wife, his tears are irrigated to the Earth; in the spring, his terrible complaints are heard {thunder?}] : 25; Rotuma [Heaven and Earth were close to each other; a man of Heaven lay down with the woman of Earth; their son Tangaroa knelt on one knee, pushed Heaven away; yielding to the requests of his parents who wanted to see each other, T. without getting up full length]: Williamson 1933 (1): 44; Samoa (Manua Islands) [atua Tangaloa tells the Rock to split, from which the Firm, Ocean, Sky appear, the first man and woman (they are told to live in the sky), Heavenly Supports (characters supporting the sky); they take over the sky, and it rises high but collapses; the first herbs, Arrorut and Teva (tall grass with bitter onions); nine skies appear sequentially]: Powell 1891 in Polinskaya 1986, No. 23:103-108; Samoa [at first the sky is low, people walked bent; only could push the sky away Tewe (Amorphophallus)]: Brown 1915:179; Tonga [all Maui lived in the lower world of Lolofonua; Maui-atalanga took Maui Kishikishi's son and went to live on the land with him; father went down to work on the property secretly from his son; the son watched, threw away the reeds that closed the road and secretly followed his father; climbed a tree and watched the father weed the site; bit the fruit and threw it at his father's feet; he found out the son's teeth, but does not see him; the same is the second fetus; the son himself called out to his father; lied that when he went down, he closed the descent behind him; the father asked him to weed, forbid him to turn around; he turned around and the grass again grew up; had to weed again; so twice; then the father sent his son to his father Maui-Motua for fire; the son does not know what fire is; grandfather and grandson do not know about their relationship; having received fire, the grandson leaves and deliberately extinguishes it; so twice; the last log remains, only someone from the Maui family can lift it; the grandson picked it up, the grandfather offers to fight, his grandson killed him; when he learned about this, the father also killed his son with a stick; covered his body with grass, now it grows everywhere; the father came to his grandfather, who came to life and ordered his grandson to be revived with another herb; it grows only in heaven and in the lower world; when father and son went back to earth, son He secretly took fire; the father caused a downpour on the ground, but the son hid the fire in the trees; before that, people ate raw food; the sky was low, people walked bent; because the woman let him drink, Maui-kishikishi pushed the sky to its current height; {raising the sky at p. 213, Collocott 1932:48-49; more about the struggle of Maui's father and son against cannibals and monsters}]: Polinskaya 1986, No. 87:204-213; Bellona [out of the water The Nerita shell surfaced, it had soil; the first living creature on the island was the pangati beetle; then the arrowroot grew, the sky rested against it; Tangangoa decided to lift it, but its growth was insufficient; another god pushed the sky away with a priestly rod, propping it up]: Monberg 1966:31; Nukumanu [The sky lay on coconut trees; 8 characters (listed) tried unsuccessfully to raise it ; finally, the coconut crab picked up]: Sarfert, Damm 1931:437; Maori: Makemson 1941 [Rangi-nui (Father Sky) descended to Papa-tua-nuku (Mother Earth), gave birth to Po-Tane and his brothers; those with spells Rangi was lifted up with four pegs to the cardinal points; Tane told the brothers to take out an ax from under their older brother's pillow and use it to make a second one; with these axes T. cut off Ranga's hands, raised it to its current height; Dad with his baby on his chest protested; then she was turned face down; her grown baby lives underground, responsible for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions]: 64-65; Reed 1999, No. 1 [Rangi (Father Sky) and Papa (Mother Earth) were lying close to each other; their children decided to raise the Sky; only Tane (the father of the forest, birds, insects) could do it; planted trees on the ground, placed sun, moon, stars into the sky; stars ("Shining Ones") played, then gathered on the mountain, T. collected them in a basket; the Milky Way - this basket; T. placed, then tore off the red cape; its rest was dawn; gods made a Hine-ahu-one woman out of clay, washed in heavenly waters, married T.; their children inhabited the earth; (translated into Reed 1960:9-17; retelling in Dixon 1916:30-31)]: 11-21; Moriori: Makemson 1941 [sky- Rangi and his wife Earth-Papa were lying in their arms; Rangi-tokona ("Sky-propper") asked them to move away, but they refused; then he spelled the sky off the ground, 10 times ahead of him one peg on top of the other (cf. Altair as Maori's "Sky Support")]: 63-64; Shand 1894 (3) [first Range and Rape, i.e. Heaven and Earth, darkness; Rangitocona was born between them, asked them to split, they refused, he divided them himself. he put 10 pillars, pushed the sky away with them; the sky began to grieve on the Earth, his tears were rain and dew; Rangotocona made man out of the earth - Tu; his descendants were Rongo, Take, Tangaroa, Tiki, etc.; this" heavenly born", children of Heaven; of these, the last Ro Tauira, married Rangimaomao, she gave birth to the Winds, the first to the East]: 121-122; Hawaii [the sky was close to the ground; Maui promised to push him away, if a woman "gives him water from her calebass" (euphemism); she gave, M. raised the sky first to the tops of the trees, then to the height of the mountains, then to the current height]: Beckwith 1970:230 (also Dixon, p.50-51 in Ho 1967, No. 238:238); Tahiti [Ta'aroa was inside the Rumia egg; went out, raised the upper part of the shell into eggs, making it into the sky; at first the sky was close to the ground; the Earth and sky were held by the Great An octopus, its four tentacles supported them on four sides of the world; T. created Atea (Space), the goddess of heaven; created the first pair, Tumu-nui (The Great Foundation) and his wife Paparaharaha (" Rock Base"); from Papa-Tuoi ("Thin Earth") A. gave birth to Sky Builders, who built 10 celestial layers; on the uppermost god Tane; from rua-tupua-nui ("The Source of Great Power") A. gave birth to all heavenly luminaries; her third husband Fa'a-Hotu ("Making Fertile"); she changed sex with him, they gave birth to Ru; he raised the Sky, but not enough; then Maui cut off the octopus tentacles that held the world, they fell into the sea, turned into the Australian Islands; called God Tanya from heaven; he fixed holes in the sky, raised it to its current height]: Henry 1928:336-344 (retelling in Makemson 1941:50-51, 68-69); Tuamotu [ inside the world's egg were Te Tumu ("Foundation") and Te Papa ("Earth"); the egg split, forming three terrestrial and ten celestial tiers; TT and TP remained on the lowest tier of the Earth, giving birth to people, animals and plants; strongmen stood on each other's shoulders and lifted the sky up so that even the tallest palm trees could straighten out; only the Warrior (Aito) and his wife Earth (Fenua) did not want to change horizontal position; people multiplied, pierced holes, first going to the second tier, then to the surface of our land]: Henry 1928:347 (described in Makemson 1941:52-53); Cook Islands, Islands Societies: Dixon 1916 [the sky lay near the ground on the leaves of trees; Ru asked the gods of the night and the gods of the day to help; pushed the sky aside]: 35-36; Mangaia (Cook Islands southern) [the sky was near the earth, lay on the stems of arrowroot; Ru supported the sky in the center of the island and the world with tree trunks; his son Maui began to lift him up, he threw him up to the sky, but M. became a bird, descended to the ground; took giant dimensions, threw his father along with the sky to where the sky is now; Roo is stuck in the sky, his flesh decayed, his bones crumbled, became pieces of pumice]: Gill 1876:58-60; Pukapuka [the sky touched the ground; gods asked the high god Lu to come to Yamoa (Samoa) and raise the sky; he brought the gods Pungao and Yaloa with him; they raised the sky, but not high enough; trying this way, they raised the sky to the height where it was now]: Beaglehole, Beaglehole 1938; Manihiki {or Rarotonga?} [the sky was near the ground; Maui called for help from Ru; rested against the sky in the north, Roux in the south, they raised the sky to its current height; they treated the stone sky with teslami]: Gill 1876:71.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Dhimal [the earth was close to heaven; the old woman was breaking rice and pestling against the mortar so much that the earth settled more and more away from the sky; it became dark at night; people decided to get the moon from the sky; began to tie one bamboo pole to another; one man climbed for the moon; another pole was needed; the others thought he had already taken out the moon, clapped their hands and stopped holding the poles; they collapsed; Dhimals are now called "talipa" - those who want to reach the moon; they don't wear hats because they've lifted their heads and hats hit]: Shrestha 2019:560-561; (cf. garo [after the earth separated from the water, a huge black vessel hung above the ground; Bonépa pushed it away with a pestle, then the sun shone]: Playfair 1909:84); garo [heaven and earth lay almost close to each other; everyone was afraid of being crushed; the old lady was breaking rice, it hit the sky with the end; the old woman shoved the sky in her hearts and it rose to its current height]: Mandal 2009:87-88; (cf. garo [after the earth separated from the water, a huge black vessel hung above the ground; Bonépa pushed it away with a pestle, then the sun shone]: Playfair 1909:84); miji [Shuzanghu met Zumiang- Nui, she gave birth to a Sky Boy and a Earth Girl; they had no place, they fell down, they were swallowed by the Phangnalomang worm; when Z. gave birth to her second child, S. made a playground for him; M. wanted to swallow it too, but was trapped; S. cut it, extracted Heaven and Earth; they married, gave birth to two mountain gods; then Heaven and Earth separated; in the course of this, the Earth gave birth to two more children in the form of frogs; they married, had a son and a daughter; they were like humans but covered in hair; they had three sons]: Elwin 1958a, No. 5:13-14; miri [Earth and Heaven lay close; Earth gave birth to Dige-Wiyu, he pushed the Sky away from her]: Elwin 1958a, No. 1:25 (=Pandey 1999:106); gallong [cloud and fog gave birth to the earth and moon, earth and sky, the creator goddess Jimi-Ane, she has the features of a rhino bird, a deer, monkeys, birds; also gave birth to a young man Opo Tako; he became pregnant with her unnoticed by JA; she gave birth to various spirits, animals, humans, summer and winter, plants; the earth became cramped; JA gave birth to a daughter Mipu, that began to expand the space between heaven and earth; Earth and Sky celebrated and then split; for several days they had to observe taboos; the Earth did not observe taboos, so it was covered with vines, thorns, etc., but the Sky remained clear]: Pandey 1999:47-53; riga [Earth-sedi and Sky-melo lay close like wife and husband; Polung Sabbo buffalo (mitun) was born, his horns began to touch the clouds, he was in angrily threw them high up; when land later appeared, S. wanted to be near M again; but then the Doini sun and the moon Pollo appeared; S. was ashamed to stop rising; the part that had already risen big mountain]: Elwin 1955:123 in Ho 1967, No. 35:229-230; Mori [Earth-Sichi and Sky Nido lay close together; when Earth gave birth to Dige-Wiyu, he moved Sky away from it to its current height]: Elwin 1955:123 in Ho 1967, No. 36:230; lhota [the sky was closer to the ground but gradually moved away from it for some unknown reason]: Mills 1922:172; ao [the sky was close to the ground; one night Noktangsang climbed onto the terrace behind the house, holding his little son in his arms; he reached for the moon to play with her; N. tried to pull the moon closer with a bamboo pole, but she kept moving away; then N. threw buffalo droppings at her]: Mills 1926:301; bori [Sittking-Kedding land and Peddo-Dodum sky lay close, they had a sun daughter Doini and then a month-old son Pollo; the mother was afraid that when she would give birth to Tani, D. would eat him; she shoved the sky up, he took the Sun and the Month with him; when T. was born, D. hid the Sun, the world fell into darkness; they agreed that the Sun would only drink blood (when you drink a lot, it's very hot), and the Month will only drink blood once a month when the moon is red; people come from Tanya, it belongs to the Sun, so the Sun cares about people; Wiyus (gods, first ancestors) come from Taro, it belongs to the Month, so the Month takes care of shamans]: Elwin 1958a, No. 6:40-41; aka [Mung Saslung created two masculine and two female spirits, two for land and for the sky; created a big bird with their help; it began to dig the ground but could not fly because the sky was too low; the sky moved away from the ground to allow it to take off; then MS with four spirits asked heaven and earth to grow; the earth grew bigger than the sky, they asked it to shrink, so the mountains appeared]: Pandey 1999:112-113; miniong [Sedi land and Melo sky got married; people animals and Wiyus (gods, ancestors) are about to decide how not to be crushed; Sedi-Diyor, one of Wiyus's strongest, pushed Heaven far from Earth; she gave birth to two girls, but grieving their lost husband, could not raise them, they found a nanny for them; she died, she was buried, her sisters cried, also died, the light emanating from them was gone; they thought that the nanny had stolen something from the sisters, dug up something the grave, the body decayed, but the eyes were not, they had images of sisters; the master took them out, they became alive girls; the eldest, Bomong, dressed nicely, left, did not return, she was the sun; the youngest Bong went for her, she was just as bright and hot; they decided to kill her, the Frog shot her with a bow, the Rat brought her older sister's body; out of fear and grief, Bomong put a stone on her head, the light faded; Nginu-Botte sent to Bomong is a rat, a wild bird and a rooster; the rooster's huge genitals prevented him from walking, his penis was cut off, it became an earthworm, and his testicles went inside his body; Bomog agreed to return if his sister came to life; the master made the image of Bong, breathed life, Bomong removed the stone, the rooster and the bird sang at dawn, the rat squeaked]: Elwin 1958a, No. 16:48-50; Roy 1960 (padam minyong) [Sedi (earth) and her brother Melo (sky) first they hugged each other, giving birth to many creatures, then parted, the sky moved away from the ground; at the same time they went underground and held it on their shoulders; when they shift the weight from one shoulder to another, they occur at her shoulders; when I am earthquakes]: 242; Kachin: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 24 [paternal origin from heaven and mother from earth merged, gave birth to a man and a woman natov; semi-liquid earth thickened from the fog, the nats made it solid; gave birth to a man and a woman; they first gave birth to all animals, then the human Chave Neinchan Phan Wa Nainshan; he separated heaven from earth, became rule the earth; married Tajamin's daughter, who had descended from heaven; there were nine suns, an eternal day; at the request of C., T. created an alternation of day and night]: 97-99; Elwin 1958b, No. 23 [first heaven is close to earth; Ningun-Chinun gives birth to Middlemen from Tungkam-Waisun, this is Sita (month) and his sister Chan (sun); then LF gives birth to a Machang man, a Wakum pumpkin, a Lung-Nin-Chang stone; playing, the LNF smashed his pumpkin brother people came out of there, rejoiced when the Sun and the Month climbed into heaven; in order not to suffer anymore in the darkness, they cut off the stairs, the stars remained in the sky; the Sun tried unsuccessfully to meet its brother- For a month; he refused, became pale, like a saint]: 58-59; khasi [the sky was close to the ground, held by the umbilical cord; people decided to cut it, the sky rose]: Gurdon, p. 172 in Ho 1967, No. 34:229; drung (Yunnan) [nine steps connected earth and sky; Gamupeng went to heaven to dig gold and silver; ants asked for greaves, G. refused; then they blew up the stairs, she collapsed, the sky separated from the ground; G. asked to build stairs, grow palm trees, tie bamboo poles, but he could not reach the sky; he made golden ropes, could not go down; he wanted to eat and drink, so heavenly spirits celebrate in spring with sacrifices]: Miller 1994:59-60.

Burma - Indochina. Karen [Heaven and Earth separated after the goddess of Earth cut the pillar that connected them]: Obayashi 1964b:113; Vietnamese Thais: Nguyên Xuân Hiên et al. 2004:131 [rice flew into the houses by itself; rice grains were stuffed into the widow's eyes and ears; she told them to return to the fields and stay until people came for them; the widow cut the thread that held the sky low above head; the sky rose to return to the fields and stay until they were needed where it is now], 131-132 [the sky was low, touched by it, pestle, ruffled rice, and by shuttle when they weaved; all cultured the plants were large, ricins the size of a pumpkin; rice bins and fish vessels filled themselves as needed; one widow caught on a huge rice plant; she pruned the grains, took rice herbaceous shape; the wife of the deity got angry, cut the thread that attached the sky to the ground, the sky rose high]; Chesnov 1982h [in some Thai myths, an angry woman insulted the sky by hitting it rice pestle]: 488; Zhuang (Yunnan) [the sky was close to the ground, since then the tops of bamboo have been crooked as they rested against the sky; the thunder god emitted lightning, blinking his eyes, creating gusts of wind with wings, kicks - thunder, an ax and a chisel in his hands, destroyed everything with them; came to visit a man named Bubo; after eating and drinking, he decided that he should collect tax from farmers; B. suggested he had a choice of tops and roots; he said he was a celestial, so he chose tops; B. planted a tarot, the thunder got rotten leaves and dry stems; the following year he chose roots, and B. planted rice ; the following year, the thunder promised to pick up both the tops and the roots, but B. planted corn and took the cobs; the thunder told his General Lumeng not to send rain anymore; B. told people to open it slightly the locks of the heavenly river, the water irrigated the fields; then the thunderstorm raised the sky higher, leaving only the tree of the sun and moon to communicate; B. led people to take water from the underground dragon, but he was the thunder's brother and refused ; then B. grabbed him by the horns and told him to pluck his beard; the dragon gave him water; but in the third year there was drought again; the thunder sent General Lumang to repair the locks; B. climbed a tree into the sky, pushed L. into the river; one of the warriors, Qigao, warned that the thunder was going to kill people by drought; B. put his sword to the thunder's throat, making it rain; the thundertaker came down to take revenge, slipped on wet mats, caught and tied up; B. went to get salt to kill the thunder and pickle his meat; tells his children not to let him go, drink him, or give him an ax; the thunder persuaded them (they gave him water with indigo paint) , so he turned blue), gained strength, flew out; gave his tooth, telling him to plant it: only Fuyi and his sister will be saved during the flood; the thunder opened the locks of the heavenly river, and the dragon released the waters of the underground lakes; B. swam in an inverted umbrella; the thunder wanted to hack him with an ax, but B. cut off his legs himself; the thunder was afraid that with the waters of the flood B. would be in the sky, threw off the water; B. fell with his umbrella up the mountain, broke, his heart bounced to the sky and became Venus; F. and his sister escaped in a pumpkin (which grew out of a thunder's tooth); went out when the waters came down; turtle, bamboo: you must get married; brother and sister: if you come alive, get married; kill a turtle, cut a bamboo, they are reborn; Venera-B. also told them to marry: light fires on two mountains, if the columns of smoke merge, then you can; sister gave birth to a piece meat; they cut it and scattered it, people came out of the pieces; the thunder attached cockclaws to his legs instead of the severed feet; after the dragon's beard was pulled out, two pieces were left: his carp children; Qugao has become an earthworm; when he crawls out, the thunder tries to cut him in half; if worms crawl out, it means a thunderstorm; shamans recognize turtle shells and bamboo stems future]: Miller 1994:137-150; black tai: Bourlet 1907 [the earth was with a ficus leaf, the sky was with a snail shell; the earth tried to expand and the sky tried to compress it; the sky was close to earth]: 921; Pitiphat 1980 [the world looked like a mushroom: the hat was the sky where ten spirits lived, the bottom of the leg was the land where people lived; people and tens lived close to each other and quarreled; Pu Chao cut the connection between heaven and earth, the sky went up; the animals could speak; tired of the noise, the ten celestials sent the drought; Pu Chao asked for rain, which led to the flood; the tens put people and animals on pumpkins, so saved; after the flood Tao Soung Tao and Ngern returned to earth, took wives, gave birth to people]: 34; the Viets [getting to their feet, Taen Choo Chei raised the sky above the ground; then he poured a pillar of stones, earth and clay to prop up heaven; the earth became like a square tray, and the sky was like an overturned bowl; when the vault of heaven and the earth dried, the PCH destroyed the pillar, scattered stones; this is how mountains, hills, islands appeared; where he took stones for the pillar, the sea was formed; the remains of the pillar are Mount Thatmon]: Coyaud 2011, No. 1:8-9 (=Nikulin 1982b: 536; same without specifying the character's name in Knorozov 2000:21-22); myongi [initially an undivided lump earth and sky; after a terrible drought, clouds swirled, rain poured in, lightning struck, the sky separated from the ground, and water appeared between them; the ficus (Cây Si, Ficus benjamina) grew and then collapsed; large and small branches became Muong villages, crumbling leaves became birds, roots became fish, and a pair of first ancestor birds Chim Ây and Cáy a emerged from the stump; they laid thousands of eggs, of which various animals and people arose; in the latter (or the last two), two brothers and sister, they are the ancestors of the Muong; the younger brother became the first ruler of the Muongs; he tried to marry the daughter of the Lord of Heaven ; then on the daughter of the lord of the underwater world; then married his sister; because they broke heavenly law, all the children were freaks: without arms, legs, deaf, dumb; the old man advised his brother to go to east and wife to the west; when they meet, let them not recognize each other; let the woman eat in the chicken coop for the time being, and the man in the pigsty, because these are chickens and pigs do not know the prohibition of incest; then it is necessary perform the right marriage ceremony]: Grigoreva 2019:54-57; tyama [there were 12 suns and 12 moons, the sky was low and the earth was thin; goddess Atmyhekat tried to create living creatures, but it was too hot; then Saint Nymaisibaityadong (apparently Shiva, Chamsk. Siwa) knocked down all the suns, the world became dark; Avlahuk (or simply Ku, i.e. Allah), born from dark chaos, was able to make the world brighter 60 years later; A. created Mohammat, who gave birth to Jebrail, the son of D. Ibrahim began to rule the world; Adam and Eve were cast down to earth; gave birth to children, starting the human race; when the ancestors died, everything disappeared, leaving only the tall Mosi tree; A. was born from it, created animals, demons and humans; sent his eldest daughter Po Nagar to rule the earthly world; PN arranged space in accordance with her body; the sun and moon were her eyes, Venus was her heart, and the Big Dipper legs, etc.; created the seeds of the human soul, taught people to cultivate the land; Yama, one of her assistants, taught how to grow rice, make medicine, make fire; in Mecca he married a fairy, their 50 sons went up to the mountains, 50 daughters began to live on the plain; by order of father, PN returned to heaven]: Atnashev 2001:106-107.

South Asia. Ancient India (Rigveda) [Father-Heaven and Mother Earth were originally merged and then separated by the efforts of the gods and fortified separately in their places; this feat was attributed to Varuna, Indra, Agni et al.]: Elizarenkova 1972:399; Ogibenin 1968:14; Varley: Dalmia 1988 [Mahadeva and Ganga Gauri created the world; M. called the gods, no one came, then he flooded the earth with a flood for 12 years; then asked Naranadeva and Brahmadeva {then Barham is the same?} bring land from the world of Gunderideva (ghunderi is a fly that collects clay and makes it a nest on the corner of the house; they brought clay, painted on it, made cakes, they began to grow, they made heaven and land; only Bhimabali was able to lift the sky off the ground; the earth was unstable; to secure it, Mahadeva ordered Naran and Barham to bring stones from the world of patheri (a species of small rat, always at her hole many stones); hills and mountains were made of stones; to create vegetation, M. sent N. and B. to the world of squirrels and ants for seeds; they brought them, but not enough; he sent them to King Lakhapati to bring more; M. and The Gauri dug a hole to get water at the foot of the date palm tree, got drunk; G.: let no one do that; M. created dense forests, G. created trees in savannas; two children were saved in the tree during the flood; M.: who are you ? - Brother and sister; the gods separated them, brought them together - the same thing; so 7 times, but then did not recognize each other and said that husband and wife; people from them; gods created animals; animals and plants multiplied, the earth became it was impossible to bear such a burden; she turned to her brother King Pandu ("white" in Sanskrit and Marathi), but he picked it up and threw it; M. and G. returned, the land complained to them, they called the gods; M. punished Panda by making him master of the lower world; a bull in this world told the cow: Our world will now be the realm of death; Jum Joshi (god of death) sent messengers to P., but P. put them in prison; himself disappeared; JJ sent him poisoned berries and he died; after that, people began to die and the earth felt better; before that, people were like snakes - they changed their skin and renewed themselves]: 25-30; Elwin 1949 [the sky was close to to the ground, touching the water vessels that women carried on their heads; the woman's pestle hit the sky, it moved away]: 79; kannada [the sky and sun were close to the ground, people were dying from the heat; one The farmer just shaved his head, it burst and he died; his daughter was breaking rice, raising the pestle higher; the pestle hit the sky, bounced and killed the girl; her mother cursed the sky: why doesn't it move away? After that, the sky and the sun began to rise; at this time, a donkey carrying a bale of dirty laundry threw it off and ran; laundress donkey: stop, stop! the sky decided that he was asked not to rise higher and stopped at the height where it is now; if it were not for this laundress, the sun and sky would have moved so far that people would die in the absence of rain and light]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 75:212; Sinhales: Parker 1910 [=Perera 1917:50-51; the sky was low, the sun and moon passed right above the roofs, the stars served as lamps; the maid is unhappy that clouds hit her broomstick; hit the sky with a broom, it rose]: 29-30; Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 2 [the rice itself ripened, the cows gave oil, you didn't have to go to the forest for honey; the sky was low, The stars could be grabbed with her hands; the maid was unhappy that the clouds hit her broom's stick; she hit the sky with a broom, she was offended, rose]: 3; santals [Thakur Baba first made rice grow a bush, and ready-made fabrics grew on the cotton; to clean her head of lice, you could take it off and pick it up; the Raja's maid began to feel in need and at the same time began to collect the rice that grew nearby; and when she was cleaning the barn, she wiped her hands on her clothes; TB was angry, the rice ear became small, there was only fiber on the cotton, the head was no longer removable; the sky was low; the woman threw away the dirty leaf, which served as a plate, and the wind carried it to heaven; after that it moved off the ground]: Bompas 1909, No. 160:401-402 (retelling in Elwin 1939:323 (note 1); Ho 1967, No. 47:234); birkhor [the sky was close to the ground; an old woman was breaking rice, accidentally hitting the sky with a pestle and it rose to its current height]: Roy 1925, No. 8:436 (paraphrase in Elwin 1949:79); bondo [the sky was close to the ground and the people below grass; the old woman's broom touched the cloud; she shoved it off in her hearts; the sky rose, people grew up]: Elwin 1954, No. 1:29; muria: Elwin 1949, No. 8 [at first the clouds were close to the ground like husband to wife; people were small, plowed on rats, knocked their heads against the clouds; Lingo and his brothers moved the clouds away; there was no sun or moon; when the Huppe Piyer tree bloomed, there was a day when it dried up, night; 12 brothers Lingo and Bhimul's 13th brother cut it down, they could sleep and cook in the felling; they almost cut it down, but the tree did not fall because it was held at the top by a Gara-surial-pite bird; Kosa Kana killed her with an ax, the tree collapsed; local Rajas sent warriors to kill the loggers, but L. killed them, blood nourished the tree; the brothers carved two discs out of wood, lower for the sun, upper for the moon; L. rose in the sky, stole his little son Mahapurub, killed, revived his stars with his blood; the Man Sun drank a lot, turned red; Moon woman was not enough, remained pale; when Mahapurub saw the Sun, he was pleased]: 62-64; 1954, No. 10 [the sky was close to the ground, people and animals were small; a couple of children, Ol Raja and Ol Rani, came out of the tree dupd; the tiger and the snake took care of them; when they grew up, Ol Raja hit his head against the sky; together with Rani, they pushed sky, but died of tension]: 33-34; gondas [the sky was close to the ground; the old woman swept, hit her head against the sky, shoved it off with a broom in her hearts]: Elwin 1949, No. 5:82; conds: Elwin 1954 , No. 9 (kuttia) [the sky was so low that the sun burned everything; Paja Jani put the sun on his head (and thus raised the sky)], 7 [the sky was a meter above the ground; Koira and his wife Paira lived in a hole; K. put his hand out and raised the sky, resting his other hand on the ground; Koira was 15 cubits tall and his ears were like an elephant; when Rani-aru saw how strong and terrible K. and P. were, Rani-aru stuffed them back into the hole, pressed them down with a stove; earthquakes occur when they try to get out]: 33, 93-94; Assamese (Golagat; relatives of the Garo Kachari lived here in the past) [the sky was close to the ground; an old hunchback hit him with a broom , it moved away]: Elwin 1949:79.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Andamans: Radcliffe-Brown 1933 [the sky was low at tree level; Porokul made a bow, raised it, shoved the sky to its current height]: 200; Roy 2001, No. 27 (Onge) [the sky was low; Then the Sun and the Month were created, they changed places (interchanged their positions), the earth became unbearable, it cracked, people could not leave the house; they decided to shoot at the sky with bows; as a result, the sky returned to its previous height, the Sun and the Month moved away; the arrows that pierced the sky became stars]: 67-68; semangs [after the creation of the land ćebreb (bird? Endicott: a winged insect) raised a sky that had previously rested on earth]: Schebesta 1957:35 in Endicott 1979:202; Temuan (mantra): Hervey 1883 [the sky is low at first, but Blo pushed it away with his hands, because when he was breaking rice, the pest hit the sky]: 190; Skeat, Blagden 1906 [Mertang's older brother and younger B'lo descended to earth from heaven; their mother was a Handful of Earth, their father was a Drop of Water; the sky was low; B. he pushed him away with his hands, because he ruined rice, touched him with a pestle]: 337; bataks [the sky was close to the ground, people talked to the gods; due to human misbehavior, communication was broken, the gods lost interest in earthly affairs]: Warneck 1909:131 in Fischer 1932:222 and Loeb 1935:75; mentawai [the sky was close to the ground, the heat of the sun burned children and women going swimming; men started shooting at the sky, it moved away; arrows pierced star holes]: Schefold 1988:71; Nias [1) the sky was at the level of the roofs of houses; people cut off the leaf with alang-alang leaves; one went to the sky with a knife, arranged it there disorder; Sirao pushed the sky away: 2) people cut off pieces of fat from the sky; the woman, angry with her husband, hit the sky with an ax (and it moved away)]: Schroeder 1917 (1): 503, 506 in Fischer 1932:223; dayaki (b. Sakarran, west of Sarawak) [in the beginning there are only ethereal Loneliness and Soutan (a Malay word for "man," "soul"; they created two birds - bullar and erar; birds flew and created heaven, earth, and rivers; the earth was larger than the sky, they collected the earth in piles with their paws, creating mountains; creating people, first they made them out of trees, but unsuccessfully; from stones, people were like statues; then they mixed clay with water, sculpted man and he came to life; his name was Tanacompta; he created (brought to life) a girl, and she gave birth to people; the sky was low; this woman pushed him away with her hand and supported him with columns]: Labuan 1863:27 (retelling in Ling Roth 1896:300); dusun [The Long-Eared Owl (Puak) was the sweetheart of the Month; the sky was close to the ground, seven Suns were shining; the pregnant woman felt sick from the heat; her husband went to sunrise, shot six Suns from wind gun; the seventh ran, taking the sky, now it is high; the Long-eared Owl at this time came down from the roof of the house to pick up the crest that had fallen to the ground, could not return to heaven, since then plaintively screams when the moon comes out]: Evans 1914:433 (=1923; retelling in MacDonald 2005:79; in Ho 1967, No. 16:220); murut [the sky was low, lying on treetops; the giant Lahangau ("tall") couldn't to straighten up; his son drowned, he rushed to look for him in the gorges, was tired of walking bent over, straightened up, raising the sky to its current height; people complained that they would no longer be able to talk to those who had gone the sky is dead; L. pleaded guilty, asked him to be killed; the weapon does not hurt him; he ordered to make an ax out of porcupine bone and shoulder blade, they hacked him; his legs remained in Membakut, there are good walkers; the stick is in Sook (they make holes in the field with a digging stick); the dog chain is in Permantoman, where dogs are good; the belly is in Tenom, this valley is now full of rice and sago; the chest is in Peluans, they are brave; long-haired head in the Tagul hills, where people wear long hair]: Wooley 1928, No. 21:378-380; clementan [stretching the sago with a wooden pestle, the giant Usai (brother of the owner of the dead) hit the sky At the other end of the pestle, it moved farther from the ground]: Hose, MacDougall 1912 (2): 142; ngaju: Grabowsky 1892 [(only indicated as Dayaki, but the myth is almost identical to that told in Stöhr. Zoetmulder 1965:26-27); first the sky rests on earth; people ate an edible oily substance; Anak Mahatara (son of the supreme deity Mahatara) taught how to grow rice; M. was angry, pushed away from Earth's sky; in the future the sky will split, fall to earth, that too will die, a new world will emerge]: 118; Hardeland 1859:295 in Fischer 1932 [(apparently the same source as Grabowsky; made of oily substance The sky itself consisted, and they ate it; Anak Mahatara, the son of the supreme deity Mahatara, taught how to sow rice; M. in anger raised the sky far from the ground]: 217; Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965 [first the sky is close to the ground; Sangiang Manjamäi, son of the supreme deity Mahatara, taught people how to eat rice; M. became angry, raised the sky; at the end of days it would fall, the world would be renewed]: 26-27; Schärer 1966 [first people lived on the head of a snake resting at the base of the earth; 8 guests came, refused rice, asked them to eat two types of wood - Keang and Mahang; when they left, they left their excrement, ordered them to make it out of the heap to the right of the path is the sky, from the heap to the left of the path the ground; the sky is first near the ground, Kakang Ajus began to raise it; grandmother des Barurong asked higher; finally too high, but not to lower it back; from the remnants the right pile made a man, the left pile made a woman]: 73-74; toraja [(Kruijt 1894:340f); the Creator carved human figures out of stone, blew life into them with the wind; gave fire, but did not teach them to receive it, the fire went out; the sky was close to the ground; people sent the tambooya insect to the sky for fire, in other areas of dali (horsefly, gadfly); the gods promised to fire, but ordered to close their eyes with their hands; T.'s eyes under his arms, he saw how to make fire; brought people, taught people how to receive]: Frazer 1930:93; vana [The sun was huge and the sky was close to the ground; a man exhausted by heat hit the Sun with a dart from blowpipe; the breakaway piece became the Month, small fragments became stars; spots on the moon are a chopper that got there (for some unknown reason) with a dart; others say a banyan can be seen on the moon]: Kruyt 1930: 419 in Maaβ 1933:296; dongo (Sumbawa) [heaven and earth were not far from each other, bamboo rested on the sky with its peaks, and has been growing since then bent; a vine grew from the ground, and rose along it to the upper world; the women there did not know how to give birth, the child was cut out of the mother's womb, she was dying; one young man had a wife in heaven; he brought the child to earth, let his mother feed; when he saw on earth when they give birth, this man called his mother to heaven, who helped a local woman give birth, began to go down accompanied by two dogs; gave them food, they got into a fight, one wanted to bite the other's leg, had a snack on the vine; then the sky rose high, the earth fell]: Arndt 1952:485; mangaray (western Flores) [at first the sky was low and people went up the mountain to enjoy its inhabitants ; then, due to people's fault, the sky moved away]: Arndt 1931:832; central Flores: Arndt 1923 [the sky was close to the ground, rested on a stone pillar; due to human misbehavior, the sky moved away, and the menhir became lower]: 40, 57, 62 (quoted from Fischer 1932:226); 1935 (riung) [Heaven and Earth were close to each other, from the ground you could take a vine to the sky; the dog ate the vine, the sky rose]: 344-345 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:130; Forth 2007 (nage) [the sky was low; Dove said seven men and seven women were enough to populate the earth; the bird Philemon (friarbird, Philemon) replied, that people would constantly die and be born, there would be many of them, and the dead would go to the lower world; The dove wanted bamboo to have one knee at the top and one below, Philemon to have many knees; Dove: night one year and day one year, Philemon - night and day are transient; Dove: one grain of rice for a whole vessel, Philemon - cook many grains, eat many too; Pigeon: red and black threads when spinning { incomprehensible}; Philemon - spinning will be tedious; The pigeon grabbed Philemon, carried to sell to Goa Jawa; the Sunbird bird bought him for the forest fruits that the Pigeon now feeds on; heavy The banyan could not bear fruit; he told both birds to find their own food until the land bore fruit and the stones bloomed; Philemon must voice at dawn, he wanted it to be day]: 509; Suchtelen 1921:158, 158, 159, 161 in Fischer 1932 [1) women pestled against the sky, white boars descended from the sky to ruin vegetable gardens; Pédja Lako cut a machete vine, the sky rose; 2) a man and a woman survived the flood, they are human ancestors; when a woman gave birth for the eighth time, her children were suwanggies; they hid in pits and holes, eating the souls of their sisters and brothers in the evenings, they died; Tuhan Allah I saw it, shouted to the woman to kill these two suwanggies; they also heard it and thought it was the fault of the moon, which was too close to the ground and illuminated everything; they cut off the one tied to the sky vine, the sky has moved away from the ground; now suwanggies are lurking in the dark; 3) people died only on earth, but those who climbed the vine into the sky did not; werewolves cut down the vine, the sky rose to a great height; 4) below water, there is only Mount Keli Ndota tied to the sky by a vine, sitting on it the giant Rabu ria, with his feet in the sea, resting his head against the sky; to straighten up, he cut the vine, the sky rose]: 226-227; ngada (central Flores) [Déva (Sky) and Nitu (Earth) are spouses; heaven and earth used to be close, people have gone far away]: Arndt in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:131-133; Timor: Anonimo 1955a [the sky was close to the ground; a woman from Atsabe went to heaven, lingered to watch the boys play there (this game is with caleic fruits ripening in summer, but they played with silver ones in the sky coins); at this time, the woman's child was crying; an angry husband broke the stairs, the sky rose]: 79; Correia 1973 [the old woman went to heaven for fire; one day she stayed, her son cut off the stairs, the sky moved away from the earth; told his uncle Beiduro that God did this so that the old woman could not return; B. having gathered four more people, waged a war against heaven; God ordered all animals to attack people , but they eventually won, cut off the Stars; since then, the blood of the decapitados has colored the sky (a sangue borbota daqueles corpos decapitados a reluzirem no firmamento)]: 89-90; Pascoal 1967 [ the sky was close to the ground; Dau-Bérek, the sister of six brothers, went there to get fire; one day she was late giving birth; impatiently Brother Bato-Bere cut down the stairs, the sky moved away from the ground, woman remained in the sky; (in the whole publication, instead of "sky", there is always "the sun", but it is about the upper world, not about the sun); the brothers received fire by friction when they saw a drone rub against bamboo]: 116; Vroklage 1962 [1 ) heaven and earth were near; a man from heaven took a woman from earth, and a man from earth took a woman from heaven; they quarreled, God decided to move heaven away from earth; 2) heaven and earth were joined by vines; the old woman climbed into heaven, telling the children to cook only bad corn cobs; when I returned, I saw that they had cooked good ones; the old woman cut off the vines, the sky rose with the naughty children; 3) Wehali; the old woman went to heaven behind the fire, she was gone for a long time; her husband hit the ladder to call her; the stairs fell, the sky moved away; 4) Nekataruik; the man got together with his daughter, both felt ashamed; they {or one of them?} they cut off the ivy that connected heaven and earth, the sky rose; 5) Nekataruik; two brothers quarreled over the girl, the eldest cut off the ivy in anger, the sky left; 6) (Dafala); people pushed the sky aside because they could not to straighten up; it remained bound to the ground by an ivy stalk; people climbed it to heaven and returned; in the sky they played with gold or kaleik fruits; because of the disobedience of Enu Kassoa and Esi Kasse, God interrupted communication, removed the sky; 7) Lassiolat; the old woman climbed ivy for fire into heaven; when God saw her, God made her young; she went down, but her son did not recognize her, cut off ivy in anger; God moved the sky away from the ground, people began to die forever; 8) Lidak; the old woman went to heaven for fire; looked at children who played not with kaleik fruits, as on earth, but with gold; at this time her own children on earth were starving; husband in angrily cut off the ivy that connected heaven and earth]: 129-130; bunak [going east, Laku Leik tells his two pregnant sisters that if they give birth to boys, they must kill them, bury them under with a ladder; he returns, the old woman says that the puppy is buried, the children of Kaloqa and Lobosina are alive; LL calls them to strike iron, makes a spear, sees K. and L. sleeping on the platform, pierces K. with a hot spear; L. saves himself, returns to K.'s body four times, changing garments with him; seven sisters descend from the sky, the youngest revives K., makes him a brother; K. goes down to play, the sisters' mother gives him everything every time the right one (top, disc, dogs, etc.); finally, gives combat roosters; he plays them off against LL roosters, who are injured every time, LL consistently loses property, land, sky, himself; he is thrown into the pig pen; Lobosina becomes the ruler of the earth, K. of the sky; goes to the sky, raising it with him; the sky rests on me and talo tubers with large leaves]: Friedberg 1973:134-141; Sava [ the sky was close to the ground, you could go there; the first man's two sons pushed him away with poles]: Wetering 1926:486-487 in Fischer 1932:229; Roti: Jonker 1905:426, 1911:82 in Fischer 1932 [the sky was close to the ground, women rested on it with pests; the giant raised it with his head or ordered it to move away]: 228; Kratz 1973, No. 60 [the sky was close to the ground, the inhabitants of earth and sky were visiting each other; in the sky near the stairs leading to the ground, a grandmother lived with her two grandchildren; sent them to the ground for fire; they tried to take the fire, but it turned out that it bites and gnawed at everything they were into it wrapped it; when wrapped in a blanket, it caught fire, the stairs also burned down; the brothers turned into pigeons and flew to the sky, but it rose, and the pigeons remained on the ground]: 258-260; Seram ( nusavele, hatuolu, huaulu) [Alahatala man to heaven met Pohun, a woman earth; she gave birth to the first human couple Tomoa and Binawalu; they pushed the sky away; the earth also gave birth to the Male Sun and the Moon- a woman who gave birth to a boy Evening Star and a girl, the Morning Star; Mount Hatuolo is the bosom of the Earth]: Röder 1948 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:139; Western Seram [god of heaven (some believe that he is in the sun) - man, Earth is his wife, they gave birth to all living things; the sky was low; the child asked his mother to get him the moon; when she tried to fit the sixth moon, the sky left]: Stresemann 1923:331 in Maaβ 1933:300; Seram, Tenimber [the sky used to be closer to the ground; the first humans descended from there by tree or vine]: Dixon 1916:167.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tsou: Nevsky 1935:64 [the sky was low, two suns were shining, people were dying from the heat; Oazymy (this is a little bird, p. 76) hit one sun with an arrow; his blood became like the sea, the sky rose, both suns disappeared; the second sun first began to come out briefly, then became like it is now; the wounded sun became the moon; the blackness in its center was the place where the arrow hit], 66 [the moon was close, hers the light and heat are strong; the oayim bird, when he was human, shot at the moon, it lost its luster; dark spots are the mark of the wound]; Ho 1967, No. 29 [the sky was low, the moon was brighter than the sun when it came out, the heat was intolerable; husbands and wives could not copulate; God Hamo, out of sympathy for people, raised the sky to its current height]: 226-227; yami (Immurad) [the sun was low, people suffered from the heat; mother kicked him, the sun died, night and day began to alternate; the giant shoved the sky to its current height]: Ho 1967, No. 30:227; pazeh [the sky was low, the sun was burning unbearably; an angry father shot the sun, it became dark; people performed the ritual, the sun appeared again, but climbed high, stopped burning like that]: Ho 1967, No. 31:227-228; kanakanuwa [the sky fell on the mountain; animals can't do it raise; sent for the bird Vivikulai; she sang, raised the sky]: Ho 1967, No. 32:228; ami: Yamada 2002:50-51 [(two versions); many animals tried, but only tatahciw managed to raise the sky high above the ground], 66 [(de Beauclair 1957:11-12; =Yamada 2009b: 66); the giant separated the sky from the earth, which were initially close to each other; they were then connected by a golden staircase; along it (Kano 1941 data) the first humans descended from the sky; while the sky was near the ground, fish jumped out of the sea and stayed in the sky, forming the Milky Way (=Benedek 1991)]; Ho 1967, No. 33 [the sky was low, humans could hardly straighten up; the gods told the birds to raise the sky; when the Tatschu bird sang, the birds gathered strength, raised the sky to its current height on their wings]: 228; payvan: Coyaud 2012, No. 53 [women they pushed millet, it was hot, one scared off the sun with a pestle, this sun went blind and became the moon; the sky moved away from the ground, turned black; the Sakidadau bird sang and carried one woman to her wife; the woman said S. , what she needed, asked to accompany her; next time S. replied that she should go alone; the woman told her crap to be responsible for her, ran away]: 113-114; Ho 1967, No. 8 [the sky was low, two the suns burned unbearably; two women pushed millet pests on the roof; shoved the sun with pests, one went blind, became the moon; the sky rose with the other sun]: 215; Whitehorn, Earle 2003, No. 8 [two women they pushed a grain on the roof; the sky was low and two suns burned unbearably; the women touched one sun with a pestle, this sun went blind and became the moon, and the sky moved away from the ground; Kidadaw screamed, the women turned On the run, K. caught one and carried her to him, putting her on a grindstone he put on his shoulder; woman: I'm afraid of your needles; but K. brought her home and made her a wife; one day she went to wash, she caught fish, cooked it at home, then she had a stomachache; asked K. to go with her - she needed it out of need; when he was tired of going with her, she told the crap to answer for her, ran away; when K. the third time I heard a vague one, "Oh," he went and saw only crap; he hit a stone with his erected penis and thus cut out a fire], 64 [there were two suns in the sky, the sky was low, people were constantly worked and did not sleep; Tukanivan crushed millet and hit the sky with the end of the pestle; one sun fell and the sky moved away; you can sleep from then on]: 71, 292; apayao [the sky was low, some trees sprouted into it; a woman destroyed rice, touched the sky with a pestle, it got scared, rose, uprooting trees]: Wilson 1947b:20-21; nabaloi [first the sky and the lower world are close to each other; when god The sun created the earth, it was almost close to the sky; it raised the sky, lowered the lower world]: Moss 1924:233 (note 2); a mangian [Mahal Makanaako held a tree in his hands, it gave shade; from a tree to a worm fell on his hand, his bowel movements became earth; other worms appeared in the ground, it grew larger; MM created the brothers Malvay and Dalidali, ordered the earth to be sculpted; M. worked diligently, valleys appeared; D. I was in a hurry - the mountains; a grain of rice was enough to feed everyone; the machete cleared the field himself; people shed their skin and got younger; men gave birth to children from calf legs; the first were born to M.; Doug's woman ("earth") felt sorry for the men, told her brother that women would give birth; stepped over his leg, the baby was in her stomach; the sky was low, it prevented her from breaking rice; D. hit him with the upper end of the pestle, it got up; Wild Chicken gave people eggs; D. ran impatiently to see if there was litter in the basket, Wild Chicken refused to give more eggs; D. watched one rice fill the pot; rice I was ashamed to be looked at, now we need a lot of rice]: Eugenio 1994, No. 25:73-74 (translated to Rybkin 1975, No. 1:27-28); manobo: Eugenio 1994, No. 35 [the sky was low; the woman was destroying rice, hit the sky was pestling, it rose], 48c [the sky was low, the sun was burning terribly at noon; Eve, hitting the sky with a pestle, did not have time to destroy rice when the sun had already risen; asked God to raise it higher; happened]: 90-91, 110; manuva [the low sky prevented the rice from breaking, people asked Manama to pick it up; but the gods (dewata) made a ladder so people could climb it and left food on each on the crossbar to be reinforced along the way; Puhak (scoop) puts a grain (rice?) in his mouth every time , but a lot, that's why it defecates in the sky; his excrement is so stinking that the gods who breathed in the smell died; a bunch of crap fell to the ground, became Mount Puhak; the gods threw P. to the ground, he went to the ground head, a basag palm tree grew there; the gods removed the stairs, moved the sky even further; you can't climb the sky anymore]: Manuel 1977:4-5 in Macdonald 2005:78-79, in Eugenio 1994, No. 50:113; bagobo: Benedict 1913, No. 2 [you could reach the sky with your hand; old woman Mona was breaking rice, hitting the sky with the upper end of the pestle, wishing it to rise; and so it happened (=Eugenio 1994, No. 49a: 111; translated in Rybkin 1975, No. 4:31)], 3 [as in (2), but Mona is the common name for the people who lived at that time; they hid in a hole from the heat of the nearby sun; after the sky rose, people began to give birth to children (Eugenio 1994, No. 49b: 112)], 4 [the sky was low at first, people could not straighten up; so the man in the sky told him to go up]: 16, 16-17, 17; Tagals: Beyer, p.105 in Ho 1967, No. 45 [could be reached to the sky with his hand; people got tired of it, they started throwing stones at him; Bathala got angry, pushed the sky away]: 233; Eugenio 1994, No. 42a [Ingat was hard-working and his brother Daskol was lazy; D. destroyed rice, everyone pests once knocked on the sky; the sky rose]: 103; isneg [the sky was low; the wife was breaking rice slowly; the husband began to raise the pest on a grand scale, touched the sky with its end; the sky rose, taking it with him a necklace (beads became stars), a comb (became the moon), a burning hearth (became the sun), a vessel with a lid; when the moon is full it is a vessel, when it is not there, a lid]: Eugenio 1994, No. 45:106; ilocan: Eugenio 1994, No. 43 [the husband brought a deer; the wife began to break bones with a pestle, placing the comb and necklace on the sky, which was low; the pestle knocked on the sky, she asked the sky to move away every time; the sky rose, the necklace became stars, the comb became the moon], 55 [the same, the husband was breaking the rice; the stove, which became the sun, also rose to the sky]: 104-105, 119; kalinga [the husband brought a deer; the wife began to break with a pestle bones; he knocked on the low sky; she asked the sky to move away every time, the sky rose to its current height]: Eugenio 1994, No. 44:105-106; Hiligaynon [an intoxicated warrior threw a spear at the festival; it pierced the sky, hurt the celestial; then God raised the sky high]: Eugenio 1994, No. 46:107; mamanwa [the sky was low; the old woman told her daughter to cut rice; her pestle hit the sky; the old woman asked for the sky to rise; so it happened, but the old woman died]: Eugenio 1994, No. 47:108; bukidnon [the old maiden destroyed rice by putting a comb and necklace in the sky; the pest rested against the sky, she hit the sky harder, it rose; the comb became the moon, the necklace beads became stars]: Cole 1916:124 (=Eugenio 1994, No. 62:125); Tirurai: Eugenio 1994, No. 48a [woman destroyed rice on a hill, touched for heaven; wished the sky to rise, the earth to fall; so it happened], 161b [the woman cut rice, touched the sky with a pestle, then it moved away from the ground]: 109, 307; moro [the sky was like this it's low that when the sun passed its way, everyone hid home from the heat; they took the moon and stars to play with them, then put them back; one woman broke rice, hit the sky with a pestle, it rose]: Eugenio 1994, No. 48b: 109; blaan [a woman cut rice, hitting the low sky with a pestle; asked him to stand up; remembered that she had put a bag with a baby in the sky; became a bird whose scream means asking him to return bag]: Eugenio 1994, No. 48d: 110-111; subanon [the man was breaking rice, he was tired, he threw a pestle up, the sky rose]: Eugenio 1994, No. 48e: 111; tboli [at d'Wata, son of the supreme god, two wives Hyu We and Sedek We; D.'s sons dug holes for the pillars of his house; D.'s wives sculpted human figures from this land; H. did the right thing, and S.'s nostrils were open upwards, genitals on her knees; S. became break rice, hit the sky with a pestle, it moved away from the ground; S. and H. quarreled, H. hit the figures sculpted by S., their noses and genitals got to where they are now; H. wanted to place the figures on the moon so that they were always children; S. wanted to put them on a stone to be hard as stone; H. disagreed, turned away, then S. put it on a banana; so people multiply like bananas and die; D. revived figures by blowing on them]: Eugenio 1994, No. 182:307-308; Philippines (ethnicity is not a decree.) [the supreme god Maca aco placed a man and a woman in two compartments of bamboo trunks; when Gorlinka sat on bamboo, they went outside; the Macalinog earthquake allowed them to marry, they come from people; they began to crush rice, they pushed away the sky near the ground with long rice cutters]: Povedano Manuscript of 1572 in Eugenio 1994, No. 191a: 316-317; ifugao [The sky was close to the ground, it was cannibal (or did a cannibal live there?) Manaháut, he reached people with a spear; they asked the gods for help; one of them was still sitting, and when he stood up, he raised the sky]: Beyer 1913:105 in Dixon 1916:178, in Fischer 1932:221.

China - Korea. Ancient China: Yuan Ke 1987, ch. II [(Imperial Review of Tai Ping Encyclopedia, Interpretation of History" by Ma Su, Ren Fan "Description of the Surprising"; the same Ho 1967, No. 49:235); the universe resembled an egg; Pangu was born in it ; he woke up, split the egg with an ax; light and clean rose up, became the sky, heavy and dirty down to the ground; P. rested his head on the sky, grew up, raising the sky higher; when P. died, his sigh became wind and clouds, voice became thunder, left eye became sun, right eye became moon, torso with legs and arms became four countries of the world and five famous mountains, blood into rivers, veins in roads, flesh with soil, hair on the head and mustache with stars, skin and body hair with herbs, flowers, trees, teeth, bones, bone marrow with metals, precious stones, sweat with dew and rain; var: tears are rivers, sigh is wind, voice is thunder, eye glitter is lightning; when happy, the weather is good, when angry, heavy clouds]: 34-35; Yanshina 1984 [(Catalog of the Great Deserts of the West: God ordered the Great (Joon) to raise sky, and Black (Li) to lower the earth]: 137-149; 1977:120; Yuan Mei 1977, No. 241 [a tree that does not sink in the shadow world" grew before Pangu; one day Mount Tiaitaishan collapsed, flew out of the sand a coffin made of this wood; inside was a man of the color of a tree, with the same patterns on his arms and legs; said that when he was born, the sky was not so high; the wind rose, the man petrified]: 221-222; Chinese: Eberhard 1937, No. 56 (Hunan, Jiangsu) [heaven and earth lay close together as husband and wife; Pangu separated them and raised the sky], 90 (Sichuan) [ the sky was close to the ground; children climbed there along the stems of plants and did various outrages; now the plants are not so tall]: 97, 134; Chinese (Gansu, Wu. Gaolan) [When Pangu separated the sky from the earth, they were still closely connected. He told the heavenly spirits to lift the canopy upstairs, and the earth was too heavy. He mixed his saliva with yellowsoil and sculpted a divine bull, breathed life into it, and sent it underground to lay it on his back. However, Pangu was afraid that the bull would become stubborn or fall asleep, and then the earth would collapse. So he made a rooster to look after the bull. After several tens of thousands of years, the bull was really tired and wanted to sleep, but the rooster, following Pangu's instructions, did not allow him to do so. Then the bull cried and blamed the rooster, but he did not give in. The bull closed loudly out of anger, waved his head three times and shook three times, and the ground on his back began to shake with a crash. The mountains and rivers moved and changed their appearance, and people living on earth said that the earth was an earthquake. In fact, Pangu's bull and rooster argued]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001, No. 1:3; Chinese (Gansu, Wu. Jingning) [Once upon a time, heaven and earth were in the same chicken egg and everything was dark and dark. A giant named Pangu appeared, sleeping in this egg for several hundred years. One day he yawned, reached out, heard a rumble, and the egg split. He got out of the dark egg and stood as a pillar, and he was ninety thousand or so tall. He saw that there was nothing around him, stamped his foot angrily, and fragments of the shell fell down. He pushed away from them and rose into the void. The fragments of the egg turned into the ground, and the place where it stood turned into the sky. After heaven and earth separated from each other, the earth was white and white. When Pangu saw this, he became upset and cried. His tears became rain and his sobs became thunder. To this day, when thunder comes, raindrops fall from the sky. The air he breathed out turned into wind and clouds. In the end, he died from sobbing, and one of his eyes turned into the sun and the other into the moon. His body fell on eggshell fragments and turned into mountains, blood vessels into rivers, muscles into roads, hair on his head into trees, and bones and teeth into silver lying underground]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001, No. 2:3-4; Chinese (Gansu, Wu. Huixian) [In ancient times, heaven and earth were glued together. A heavenly ancestor commanded King Pang to take the Mountain-Cutting axe and descend into the world to separate heaven from earth. He went down to the thirtieth layer of the sky, picked up an ax, hit it, came back and reported that he had done the job. His heavenly ancestor smiled to look around, and then Pangu saw that heaven and earth were still glued together because he hit the clouds of the sky and the sky was whole again. Then Pangu descended to the thirty-third layer of the sky, hit him again with an ax, then came back again and said that this time he had definitely done the job. The heavenly ancestor smiled again and told him to go and see. It turned out that he did not hit hard enough, and although there was a crack between heaven and earth, tall people still knocked their heads against the sky. Pang had to go down to the world again, and this time he hit me with urine, the crack between heaven and earth increased, and three layers separated from the sky. Pangu, afraid that heaven and earth would grow together again, ran to Mount Taishan and supported the sky with his head. Since then, the sky no longer falls to earth and King Pangu became the first man on earth]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001, No. 3:4; Chinese (Shaanxi) [When Pangu divided Heaven and Earth and the world was ruled by Three In August, the human world was connected to the sky. All injustices could be reported to the Jade Emperor, who sent heavenly spirits to punish the guilty. After Three August, the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan began to rule China. When it came to his grandson, the Black Emperor, there were a lot of people, and the number of complaints increased, and the Black Emperor could not cope. The heavenly spirits Cheung and Lee proposed to break the link between heaven and the human world. The jade emperor told them to separate the sky from the human world. The cunning Cheung suggested that Lee push the ground down, and he himself would push the sky up. As a result, Cheung found himself in heaven and became responsible for the affairs there, and Li remained among the people and began to help the Black Emperor deal with earthly problems]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, No. 1-3; Chinese (Shaanxi) [In ancient times, space was a bunch of energy that revolved in emptiness until one day life was born in it. It was a giant that grew fast, tore the clot into two parts and one with its head, and stepped on the other with its feet, and while it grew fast, these pieces also grew, became thicker, and the distance between them was increasing. The upper piece turned into the sky, and the lower one into the ground. Because the giant was the oldest man, he was named Panga (Curled Up Ancient). This is how he lived, with the sky above his head and the ground under his feet, his breath became wind, his voice became thunder when he blinked, lightning flashed, and when he cried, tears formed rivers. After a few centuries, he grew old. To have offspring, he took two of his ribs, blew on them, and they became man and woman, gave birth to children and grandchildren, and so humanity was born. After Pangu died, his head turned into a mountain, his eyes into the sun and moon, and his body hair turned into trees]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, no. 2a: 5; Chinese (Shaanxi) [there was a big stone in the world an egg; it rotated, the stone inside crumbled, turned into soil; a man grew out of the soil like a chicken; he lay in a curled position, and therefore he was called Panren ("curled man"); he was the first man, which is why he was popularly called Panga ("curled up ancient"); when his body was formed, he woke up and found only stone and darkness around him; sculpted an ax out of the ground and began waving it; the stone around him split easily, and the one further did not give in; then P. cried, his tears mixed with the breakaway stones and formed mountains; he continued to cry, tears flowed like rain, formed seas; therefore, the sea water was bitter and salty; P. continued to cut the stone, sparks fell, flew up, turned into stars; one day he hit with all his might, cutting off two big ones stone, they flew up and turned into fireballs - the moon and the sun; the stone egg split, and a cold wind blew through the cracks; P. tensed and began to grow, raising the upper half of the stone egg , and it turned into a blue sky; while P. grew, the breakaway stones also grew and turned into mountains, and their fragments into yellowness and plains; the sky separated from the ground, P. grew old, he felt lonely, he He made many clay men out of yellowland and breathed life into them; one day he injured his hand, and where his blood had dripped, herbs and flowers grew; he was happy and began to water the ground with his blood, but soon died, and his bones turned into trees; when P. raised the Sky, he looked down, saw Mount Jifeng and stuck his ax into it; the mountain settled and took on its current form with a crevice in the middle]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, No. 2:4; Chinese (Sichuan): Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 1 (w. Fengtse) [there was no sky and earth in the world, only chaos, fog and darkness; King Pangu took his magic axe that cut through the mountains and separated the sky from the ground; cut chaos and dark fog in half; heavy half went down, and the lung went up; after 18 thousand years, the light half became heaven, and the heavy half became earth; the sky rose, the earth became thicker, King Pangu grew old; when he died, he sighed, and his sigh turned into wind and clouds, and cried out, and his voice turned into thunder, shed a few tears, and they turned to rain; after his death, his left eye turned to the sun and his right eye to the moon, limbs into mountain ranges, blood into rivers, muscles into fields, hair on his head into constellations, hair on his body into grass and trees, his corpse gave rise to all things in the world], 1a (y. Baxian) [at first there was no heaven and earth, they were created by King Pangu; he had a dragon head and the body of a snake; he grew very fast, a day according to Zhang; grew 18 thousand years, grew huge, and then he became create heaven and earth; first created earth and it was flat; then hastily created a sky that looked like a cauldron cover: curved upwards in the center and low at the edges, it covered the ground; when creating the sky, P. forgot to compare the dimensions, the sky came out small and the whole earth did not cover; P. squeezed the ground, and it fit in size, but it had folds; since then there have been mountains and gorges, but there are also plains; King Pangu stood on the ground with his legs wide apart, opened one eye and closed the other; his eyes were the sun and the moon; he sighed, and his sigh turned into wind and clouds, cried out, and his voice turned into thunder; sweat wiped off and it turned to rain, rain fell into the gorges on the ground, so rivers turned; P. threw a few hairs from his head and body on the ground, it turned into trees and grass, threw parasites living on his body and they turned into humans and wildlife], 1b (y. Chongqing) [in times of chaos, the world was filled with a qi ball; although there were ten suns around it, it was dark inside, heaven and earth were not separated, and the sun and moon did not shine; after many tens of thousands years, an embryo suddenly appeared in the balloon; he grew into a giant with a human body and a lion's head; several tens of thousands of years later, his body grew stronger; the balloon was hot, and then the giant became punching in all directions; the ball burst, the light part rose to the top and became the sky, and the heavy part fell down and became earth; after heaven and earth were divided, it became light; the giant began to jump and rejoice, but soon I felt that the earth was hotter than in the balloon; ten suns were warming so much that he soon fell screaming to the ground and died; his blood formed an ocean, his bones formed mountains, skin and meat to soil, hair on his body to grass, hair on his head to trees; his whole body turned into a world with green mountains and blue rivers; tens of thousands of years have passed, and Fusi and his People were created by a sister; then people called him "King Pangu" to honor the memory of the giant who separated heaven from earth; this meant that the world was like a plate (pan), and everything on it came from chaos after the giant's appearance]: 21, 21-22, 22-23; Chinese (Shanxi, Wu. Pingdin) [Pangu separated the sky from the ground; the sky was held on four legs of a sea turtle, and the earth rested on the back of a carp; immortals lived in the sky, and there was no one on earth; Jade Vladyka sent Nuiva to earth to create life; the first day is the Day of the Tree, N. created for flowers, herbs, trees; the second is Water Day, N. populated rivers and lakes with fish, turtles, crayfish; the third is Metal Day , N. populated the mountains with wild animals and birds; the fourth was the day of Fire, N. populated the plains with cattle; the fifth was the day of the Earth; N. began to crumple a ball of clay; the Golden Boy appeared in front of her; said that he had sent him Mother Vanmu, she is afraid that N. will become lazy; N. said, so she does not know what to do next; he promised to report to Mother; N., got angry and sculpted a figure of Youth, 50 of them, out of clay; on the sixth day , Moon Day, N. wanted to lie down, but the Jade Maiden called her a lazy person; N. got angry again, sculpted 50 Virgo figures; laid out male and female figures in pairs and fell asleep; on the seventh day, the day of the Sun , wanted to go back to the Sky Palace, saw that the figures came to life; gave names to everyone, and called the couple who looked most like those Boy and Virgo Fusi brother and sister; they asked what to eat for them, what to wear, where to live; N.: wild herbs and animals, dress in leaves and skins, live in caves; N. returned to heaven; wolves, tigers and leopards and ate 10 pairs of siblings; turned carp supporting the earth, part of the earth collapsed, and 10 more pairs with it; the turtle supporting the sky was tired, jerked its foot, the NW corner of the sky collapsed, 10 more pairs died under the rubble; Vanmu found out, N. return to earth to help people; N. tied the carp with dragon veins, smelted five-colored stones on Mount Fushan and patched the sky, cut off the turtle's paws and made sky supports, drove wild birds away and animals, returned to heaven; but wild animals and birds returned, ate 5 more pairs; the carp blinked an eye, the ground staggered, the mountains shook, volcanoes woke, 5 more pairs died; the turtle that lost its paws became crying in pain, her tears turned into ice and snow, rains and glaciers killed five more pairs; it kept raining, the snow cover was getting thicker, the carp was getting heavier; the ground sank, the turtle's legs trembled, the sky and earth staggered, the ice and snow melted, the seas overflowed their banks; N. sent Vanmu again; she threw her hairpin into the water, it turned into a boat, only Brother and Sister Fusi escaped; the flood it was over, but the land was empty; Mount Fushan, where N. melted stones, was the tallest, N. took her brother and sister there - let them multiply; they were embarrassed; N. gave everyone a millstone, ordered them to roll off mountains; when the millstones rolled down, they lay on top of each other; the eastern and western Millstones in the Chanshigou ravine are those millstones; shame will pass, and if you want to call each other brother and sister, please; newlyweds are still called that]: Zhou Yang et al. 1999, No. 9:12-14; Chinese (Fujian, Wu. Ninghua) [After Pangu separated heaven from earth, the Jade Lord sent people and animals into the world. (See motive h4 below)]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998c, No. 6:10-11; Chinese (Henan, Wu. Tongbai, Erlanshan District, village (Huangjianhe, 1979) [After Pangu separated the sky from the earth, he pacified the dragons that caused the floods; see motive I111]: Henan 2001, No. 5:5-6; the Chinese (Henan, Jiyuan City) [East of Mount Wangu there is another one, on the slope of which the Pangu Monastery is located. Pangu was born there. P. had neither a father nor a mother; he was born inside a huge chicken egg, and after being formed, he slept there for eighteen thousand years. When I woke up, I felt that his body seemed to be connected. He straightened his arms and legs, the egg crumbled. From P.'s movements, chaos began to fluctuate, the lung rose up, turned into a sky, the heavy one fell, became earth, and there was a small crack between heaven and earth. P. saw that the sky was too close, put his hands on the sky with his hands, began to push him up, growing one zhang every day, and the sky was also one zhang taller. It's been like this for another 18,000 years. P. grew by 90,000 or, and the sky rose by ninety thousand. Hence the saying about the "nine-layer sky". From fatigue, P. became sweaty, exhausted and died. Before I died, I thought that heaven and earth were not enough; there must be sun and moon, mountains and rivers, people and animals. But he had already fallen from fatigue and couldn't create them. Before he died, he said he was leaving his body to the world. When he died, one eye turned into the sun, the other into the moon, his breath into wind and clouds, his voice into thunder, his arms and legs into mountains, his bones into ores, his blood into rivers, his hair into flowers, herbs and trees, his soul - into humans, livestock, birds, animals, insects and fish. The egg shell from which P. came out ended up under the mountain and turned into a shining, smooth folded stone. The carcasses made from it do not allow water to pass through. To honor P., a monastery was built on this site. Option (y. Tongbo): When heaven and earth were not yet separated, P. existed dressed and shod in clouds. Once a ball blocked his way, he split it with an ax. Air came out of the balloon and it began to descend. P. stood on him, fell asleep, and when he woke up several tens of thousands of years later, he found that his cloud clothes and shoes had disappeared, the balloon had turned into the ground, and the sky appeared above the ground. P. became the first person]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001b, No. 1:3-4; Miao: Riftin 1993 [Naloyingou separated the sky from the earth, raised the sky, lowered the earth; Renyungulo gave eight wooden pillars and 16 stems millet to prop up the sky; these, as well as the stone and iron supports, are short-lived; old woman Uluoso told N. to pull four of the eight joints out of his legs, prop up the sky on four cardinal points; In this likeness, N. blinded animals four legs each; N. stretched the sky and earth, they expanded; W. gives 12 eggs, N. lets the bird sit; 12 suns hatched, N. placed them in the corners and in the middle of the sky]: 306-312 ; Bender et al. 2006 (Guizhou) [at first heaven and earth were close to each other; the river could not flow east, gold and silver could not be transported to the west; if you stand up, you will rest your head against the sky; grandparents, the creators of the sky, melted what was in the huge crucible, the white particles rose up, the black ones fell down; but Heaven also claimed that it was larger than (Earth), and the Earth was larger than (Heaven); The sky fell, the Earth rose, they met on seven mountains; grandfather Ha Liong's son-in-law killed Li Bo with a sword in heaven, grandmother Vong E's son shot Li Qe on the ground; each of those killed was left with a widow; but Heaven and Earth continued to argue which of them was bigger; long-armed grandmother Niu Dliang was called to measure heaven and earth, she measured the east in girths, the west in steps; it turned out that the Earth was a little longer and the Sky is slightly wider; nowadays, gold pillars firmly support Heaven and silver pillars support the Earth, and then the sky was supported by birch pillars, the earth by wubei wood, Heaven and Earth were wobbling, people They ran to the sides seven times; Je Sang Ngang's grandfather, whose body was seven iron barrel hoops as thick, raised the sky, but it split, a crack appeared; Grandma Yu and Grandpa Sang Ngang were crushed by the Sky; this grandfather became a cicada; a white-nosed pig undermined supports, a white chicken flew east and west, a gust of wind knocked over the supports; the Yang Yu family was rich enough to replace wooden supports 12 gold, each made for 12 years; (hereinafter about the places where the supports were placed); it became light; but the day and hour of installation of the supports were poorly chosen and they fell; they were reinstalled, but one the support broke; it took the fruit of immortality to repair it; the sky was firmly established; Hxu Niu paved riverbeds, Bu Pa cut through mountains; Hxu Nu's body was like a buffalo, head like a lion, tail like a palm front , four legs like an iron rake]: 11-19; Lemoine 1982 [first earth and sky close to each other; reached the sky with their hand; Ndjo Lou Tou and his wife Ngo Ntchi Tii, they have a son R'eng Tcheu (a little distorted Chinese "Lord of Heaven"); he had been in his mother's womb for 6 years; father said it was time to go out; he waited for another 9 years, went out with a knife cut his mother's side; father and son stamped their feet three times, clapped three times in their hands, creating 15 levels of sky, 16 levels of earth; the sky became high, supported in four corners with four iron knives; then they placed a pole to support the sun, and around a road along which the sun moves; when the sun passes from one side of the world to the other, the guards open the doors, the chickens wake up and the rooster sings; the sun bathes and rises; The Lord of Heaven is in charge of it all]: 86-87; Schotter 1911 [the sky was low, covered with a burden of brushwood, a pestle of rice; his great-grandfather picked it up, placing fragrant wood supports in the four corners; stretched out colored canvases, which turned out to be multi-colored clouds and colorful stones; made the sun out of gold, the moon out of silver, stars from colored stones; dwarfs live underground, whose eggshells serve as vessels; giants live in the sky]: 326; Chuan Miao [when King P'an Ku separated heaven from earth, sister Hu Hsi descended from heaven to earth, King Shen Lung descended to control five cereals, Emperor Hsuen Yuen went down to make clothes for people; he created 44 big fish to use when setting the 4 corners of the world; he made 48 pegs out of mutton antlers, using them to make the world strong in four directions; he firmly established heaven and earth and there was yellow gold in the middle of the earth]: Graham 1954:18; Chinese (Shandong, Wu. Liangshan) [heaven and earth were not separated, there were no people; Pangu slept between heaven and earth; grew rapidly in his sleep, reaching ninety thousand in length and width; woke up, opened his eyes and saw darkness; I groped and came across an egg, broke it with one blow, the world changed; heaven and earth split; the squirrel turned into clear sky and white clouds, and the yolk into the ground; P. laughed, and his pores turned into stars, body hairs into forests and grass, eyes into sun and moon, eye sockets into oceans, arms, legs and head into five mountain peaks, bones into mountain ranges, and sweat into rivers; when P. was angry, then he began to breathe intermittently, and his breath turned to wind and rain; sometimes he would stretch out his legs and clap his hands; this is the cause of thunder and lightning, as well as the earthquake]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, no. 1:3; Chinese (Shandong, Wu. Dongming) [when Pangu separated the sky from the ground, mountains appeared a month later, rivers two months later, grass three months later, trees; then insects, fish, birds and animals appeared, and eight months later - people, but the world was in darkness; when P. was lying, his body was in the sea, and his head was on the mountains, when he got up, he rested his feet on the ground and his head against the sky; he saw a ray of light in the east and went to him; when he reached a place called Fusan, he saw two twin sisters; the eldest was called the Moon and the youngest was the Sun; the eldest was calm and serious, and the youngest was lively and mobile; it turned out that the light comes from them, and P. asked them to go to heaven, they agreed; P. told them to go out one by one and the world should always remain illuminated; the next day, on the morning of the first day of the new year In the lunar calendar, the Moon told the Sun that she would be the first to come out and invited the Sun to go out in the evening, but the Sun Sister replied that the evening was dark and scary, so she wanted to go out during the day; the Moon agreed; When she went outside, the Sun Sister found that all the people on earth were looking at her; she turned red in embarrassment and came back; the Moon gave her metal needles to stab the eyes of those who would look at her; the sisters agreed that they would meet once a month, and then Sister Sun came out again and threw needles at people; people no longer dared to look at the Sun, but continued admire the beauty of the Moon; on the morning of the first or second day of every lunar month, the Sun and Moon meet and go part of the way together]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, No. 2:3-4; jino (south Yunnan) [Amoyaobu (equivalent to Pangu) separated heaven from earth]: Miller 1994:68; asi [brother tells sister how heaven was created from a butterfly, sister to brother how the earth was created from another butterflies; the "river of the night sky" served as the rocker arm of the scales on which heaven and earth were weighed; the sky turned out to be lighter, rose up in emptiness; the earth fell down in emptiness]: Vakhtin, Eats 1956:17-24, 168 [ comment]; fox (Burma) [the sky was close, people poked poles at it to attract the removal of spirits and ask for mercy; the spirits were tired of it, they went higher; bears attacked the ground; people built a staircase to the moon, two lamps and two bowls of warm water were placed at the base as a sign of reverence for the spirits; the man got up, brought a moon dog from the moon, it killed most of the bears; the man climbed return the dog to the moon again; at this time, the girl watching the lamps fell asleep; when she woke up, the water in the bowls cooled down, she splashed it out, filled the lamps; the guardian spirit threw away the stairs, man fell, the dog remained on the moon; the moon moved away, decided not to help people anymore; the dog sees if everything on earth is in order; so that the light of the moon does not interfere, throws a bag over the moon, an eclipse occurs; people shoot guns and shout for the dog to know they remember it]: Zapadova 1977:157-159; li (Hainan, w. Ledong) [heaven and earth were only a few zhang apart; there were 7 suns and 7 moons in the sky, the earth was burned; during the day, living beings hid in caves, but did not dare to go out at night leaving the caves only at dawn and dusk, when the sun and moons replaced each other; the mighty spirit decided that people would not be able to live like this, and in one night raised the sky to ten thousand zhang; but still in the sky There were 7 suns and 7 moons; then a mighty spirit made a bow and many arrows; during the day he started shooting at the suns and knocked down 6 of them; people shouted for him to leave the last one; he fulfilled their request; at night the spirit started shooting at the moons, hit 6; when he shot at the seventh, he missed and broke off a piece of it; people started screaming again, the spirit left the last moon as they asked; since then, the moon has been full or flawed; the mighty spirit decided that people could not live without mountains, rivers and forests; took a rainbow from the sky and made it a rocker, took roads from the ground and made them ropes, and used them to carry them from the sea sand on the coast and pour mountains; small and large hills were made of sand waking up from baskets; the spirit scattered the eyes of its hair across the mountains, so hair-like forests appeared; living in the mountains animals and birds began to grow their heads in gratitude for the spirit's creation of habitats for them; the spirit began to draw lines between the mountains with its toes, creating valleys; the sweat from it filled them and they turned into rivers, the largest of which was Changhuajiang, flowing from Mount Wuzhishan to the South Sea; when he finished his work, his spirit ran out of strength and fell to the ground; before he died, he was afraid that the sky would again will approach the ground, open his hand, lift it up and hold the sky; this is Mount Wuzhishan (Mount of Five Fingers)]: Zhou 2002, No. 10:14-15; li (Hainan, Sanya City) [heaven and earth were not separated; the world ruled Heavenly lord; most of all he trusted the heavenly dog; the dog guarded the gates of his palace and handed over his orders; the dog's heavenly maidens respected him, and the daughter of Heavenly Lord named Unyu sympathized with him; the heavenly dog was secretly in love with her; a wasp (bee?) who lived in the heavenly palace decided to help; quietly bit Unyu's leg, the wound became inflamed and began to hurt badly; the wasp told Heavenly Lord that the heavenly dog had a wonderful cure; the Lord ordered the dog to heal W., promised any jewelry as a reward; the dog for the cure W. demanded her as a wife; Heavenly Lord became angry and drove the dog away; meanwhile, W.'s wound began to fester and Heavenly Lord accepted the condition; the dog licked the wound and W. recovered; she came to her father asking for marriage; Heavenly Lord was afraid that his daughter's marriage to his dog would discredit him, and therefore told them to live on earth; waved a magic whip, and the sky separated from lands; the heavenly lord on the cloud went up there, but the heavenly dog and Unyu remained on earth; the heavenly dog turned into a black dog, and he and W. had a son; when he grew up, he loved hunting; The black dog always accompanied him; when the black dog was old, he fell behind; one day in the mountains, his son got angry and killed him; at home, his mother asked where the dog had gone; when her son spoke, she began to cry: the black dog was your father; the mother told her son everything, they began to cry, but suddenly the wind rose, it rained, the flood began, all living things on earth died; only the mother and son survived, who the wind blew her to the top of the mountain; one night, the mother heard the voice of the god of thunder, who commanded her to tattoo her face so that her son would not recognize her and marry him, otherwise humanity would die out; the next day, the mother ran to the mountains and covered her face with a tattoo; the son looked for her everywhere, but did not recognize her when he met her; thunder sounded; the god of thunder told the young man that he had taken his mother to his heavenly palace and sent him a heavenly maiden as his wife; mother and son married and gave birth to sons and daughters; did they go from them; daughters inherited from their mother the custom of covering their faces with tattoos; a similar story was published in an article 1934 g. "Lee [Island] Hainan Tattoo Research"]: Zhou 2002, No. 14:18-20; Koreans: Choi 1979, No. 720 [Heaven and Earth were not separated; Mireuk placed 4 bronze pillars at the four corners earth, separated Sky from Earth; two suns and two moons were shining, it was too hot during the day, too cold at night; M. made stars out of one Sun, North Bucket and Southern Bucket from one Moon], 727 [Sky first and the Earth were together, then divided; under the weight of Heaven, the Earth became flat]: 314, 317.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Euripides, fragments; first earth and sky were one, then separated]: Krappe 1938:78; Greeks: Mladenova 2006 [Ursa Major - bear skin, nailed to the sky when it was still low above the ground]: 79; Schmidt 1877, No. 4 (Arahoba Village, Phocis) [the sky was so close to the ground that oxen could lick it; the sea was shallow and you could walk everywhere wading; one man threw a cow cake at the moon; since then, there have been shadows on the lunar disk; but the sky has become angry and asked the sea to give it height, and it will give the sea depth; since then the sea has become deep and the sky high]: 133, 243 (note) [the idea that the sky used to be near the ground in the narrative of the Thessalian peasants in the Olympus area]; Greek Cypriots (S. Loukas, Philologikaì Episké ; pseis I, 1-3) [the sky was close to the ground; oxen could lick it, and people could see and touch God; to move away from the earth, God agreed with the sea that it would become deeper step by step as God began to move away from the earth; heaven told God that the sea was jealous of him and did not keep the contract; he became angry and tamed the sea with three hairs from the horse's tail; the sea tries to tear the fetters and two hairs have already broken; when the third one breaks, it will flood the ground]: Schmidt 1877:243; Bulgarians: Gura 2006 [the moon was low, at the distance of the stick that the bull is chasing, the stars strong, the night was as bright as day; the girl was knitting a stocking, she wanted to sleep, she could not fall asleep from the bright light, threw a cake of cow dung into the moon; God in anger raised the moon along with the sky on it manure marks remained]: 461; Kovachev 1914 [the sky was low; the reaper wiped the child with her hand and wiped her hand against the sky; the offended sky began to rise, taking with her ears of ears that were before half are covered with grains; the dog jumped and held part of the ear; since then heaven and God are far away, the ear is small, and what the dog eats is halal]: 16; Marinov 2003 [the ear was full of grains from root to head; the woman wiped the child with an ear, God destroyed the ear; returned some when the dog asked to leave some for her]: 88; Serbs [the sky was low; the angel went down to drink water, drank from the devil the spring; the devil chased him, the angel jumped to the moon, the devil hit his foot with his hand; so there is a recess on his foot; God cursed the angel and left him for a month so that people see him injured and not drink water from the devil's source]: Janković 1951:109 (translated to Gura 2006:467-468); Serbs [the sky was low; moved away after 1) the dog gnawed off a piece of the month; 2) the girl threw mud into the Month; 3) a woman, putting bread in the oven, hit the sky with a shovel]: Janković 1951:23; Romanians: Murgoci, Murgoci 1929 [at first the sky is close to the ground, people regularly consulted God; a woman threw dirty things into the sky the baby's diapers, God removed him from the ground as punishment]: 153; Rusu 2009 [first the sky is low; the Sun and Moon asked God to lift it up to walk in the sky rather than move in the air; God placed the sky on spruce branches; God and Satan made a wooden bridge through which the space tree went to the other side (the sky); at both ends the bridge was a gate to heaven; but the Sun and Moon could not carry their light under the bridge {incomprehensible}; then God and Satan raised the sky to its current height on four pillars; the heavens are only seven or nine; once a year at Easter, the sky opens]: 91; Hungarians [before appearing people, the sky is close to the ground; seeing birds flying against it, God shoved it off with all his might with a stick and it rose to its current height]: Erdész 1963:57-58; Gagauz people [the sky was on the height of human height, an ear of wheat went from root to top; the reaper wiped the child against the sky; God raised the sky up, took the harvest with him; the dog grabbed the top of the ear, kept it mouth]: Moshkov 1901:52 (=2004:254).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Nogais [four angels raised the sky up, divided them into seven separate heavens]: Aleinikov 1893:4; Kumyks [the sky was just a stone's throw away, people went up to Allah, talked about their own needs; one woman baked chureks and wiped the fooled child with a piece of churek; in response, Heaven was angry, rose to a high altitude]: Khalidova 2012, No. 3:31; Lezgins [great spirit The four-color Voice first created Heaven and Earth merged together; then created the Red Bull, placed Heaven and Earth on its horns to prevent them from falling into a dark abyss; the Ox's legs swayed in the water, but his head was motionless; CHG fertilized Big Water, it gave birth to the Sun, it rose in a golden chariot drawn by four horses; dirty waters rose behind the chariot, occupied part of the sky; to clear the sky The great father created the god Alpan, gave him a lightning sword; when they saw it, the demons ran away; at the direction of the Great Father, A. waved his sword, separating Heaven from Earth by a lightning sword]: Khalidova 2012, No. 2:30; Armenians: Bagriy 1930 (3) [the sky was close to the ground; a peasant woman baked lavash, wiped a defecated child with it, threw dirty lavash to the sky; for this God raised it high; var: she walked through the field, wiped the child with ears, threw it to the sky]: 124; Lisitsyan 1992 (Nagorno-Karabakh, records of the 1920s) [the sky was so close that it touched the ground, and God walked on the ground and talked to people; cereals reached the sky right from the ground, without stems, in long ears; an old woman with a child in her arms walked through the field; the child defecated; the old woman began to look for something to wipe him off; tore off several ears (according to another version, Dzamdzor, took out lavash bread) and wiped the child with them, but so carelessly threw it back dirty ears that fell into the sky; there was thunder, and the sky rose miserably; God's angry voice was heard: "From now on, none of the people will see me except the righteous"; they reached for the sky up and ears, but the dogs began to howl plaintively; God took pity on them and left a small ear at the tops of the elongated stems]: 167-168; Georgians: Virsaladze 1973, No. 11 [the sky was low; people talked in God, went up to him; the woman baked lavash, wiped the child's lavash; God, with thunder, raised the sky to its current height]: 51; Stepanov 1893 [the sky was closer to the ground, people went to To God for advice]: 129; talysh [the sky was low, the trees rested against it, the carters touched it with a whip, people talked to Allah, heard angels; for people's crimes, Allah removed the sky]: Bagriy 1930 (3), № XXXIII: 20-21 (=Bayramalibekov 2012:206); Hurrites (Hurrit myth in Khet translation) [nine centuries Alalu was king in heaven, Anu was his kravchim; in the tenth century Ana defeated Alala, who fled to the dark ground, Alal Cumarbi's descendant served Ana food; in the tenth century he began to fight Anu, who rushed up into the sky, K. pulled him down, biting off his masculine power; Anu said that K. is now fraught with God Thunderstorms, the Arantsev River and the god Tasmis; K. tried to spit out what is in his mouth, Mount Kantsura formed; the God of the Storm from the womb K. and Anu are talking about how best the God of the Storm should be born; Anu says that the stone will pierce K.'s skull, the God of the Storm will come out through the skull; K. tells God Ea that as soon as the baby is born, he will eat it; K. began to eat, the stone in his mouth knocked out his teeth, pierced his skull, now this stone Cuncunuzzi is in the temple; three gods born from K.'s skull received the Protector Goddess; to defeat the God of the Storm, K. combines ten times with the Rock; the born baby was received by the Goddesses of Destiny and Protector Goddess; K. named him Ullicummi (Ul.); sends a message to the gods Ircirram to place Street on Upelluri's right shoulder (Up.), on which the gods built heaven and earth; stone Street grows on fathom a day, rising like a rock in the middle of the sea; Ishtar began to sing in front of him; stopped when she learned that Ul did not see or hear; Street grew to heaven, the gods could not defeat him; God Ea comes to Op.; he says that he did not know when the gods built Heaven and Earth on it (pp. 138-139), and when they cut Heaven from Earth with a cutter; but now there is something on his right shoulder; Ea tells him to get the saw they sawed off Heaven from Earth (p. 139); (hereinafter, apparently, about how Street was sawn off and the God of the Storm defeated him)]: Ivanov 1977:114-122, 125-140.

Baltoscandia. Estonians: ERA II 24, 148 (33) (Türi) [The sky used to be so low that a woman washed clothes, put it on the edge of the sky, then took it from there, started knocking it out (virutama)]; H.Mapp, 125 (1), < Karja, Leisi [the sky is the skin of a bull that a man used to cover himself in the rain; it rose high and became huge].

Volga - Perm. Komi [children were born able to walk and talk; lost this gift after one of them's mother insulted bread and the sky, which could then be reached by wiping the child's ass pancake and sticking it to the sky; after that, people lost super-fertile agriculture, and the sky moved far from the ground]: Konakov 1999:43, 438 (No. 10 [let one ear remain on the ground for the dog]); Udmurts: Moshkov 1900 [the sky was close, the woman baked pancakes, wiped the baby with a pancake, put the pancake in the sky; since then the sky has gone far]: 196; Munkácsi 1887 [a woman threw it to heaven dry the diapers; for this, Inmar pushed them away from the ground; at the same time he took away bread that man did not respect; the man asked to leave at least an ear on the tip of the straw; and bread used to grow all straw]: 53-54 in Vladykin 1994:323, in Perevozchikova 1988:55; Marie: Aktsorin 1991, No. 17 [the clouds were low, it was very hot; the woman removed the baby's feces from the diaper, threw it on the hot cloud; Yima and the Sun told her that she would live in mud to death with only one piece of bread; the clouds rose high], 18 [the sky was low; the woman threw her baby's dirty diapers at him, the sky rose], 19 [the rye had large ears; the gods lived on the treetops; the reaper hung a dirty baby diaper on a branch; the gods were offended, rose high into the sky, only for the sake of the dog and cat left rye had a small ear], 20 [the sky was low; the reaper threw dirt from under the child into the sky; God raised the sky], 115 [10-20 ears grew out of one grain; the woman wiped her dirt with a piece of bread child; Yumo got angry, made rye with one ear]: 51, 51-52, 52-53, 53, 177; Ranstedt 1902 (mountain) [the sky was low; the woman wiped the baby with bread and put bread in heaven; after that it moved away from the ground]: 203; Chuvash: Egorov 1995 [1) as the world tree grows, the sky rises higher above the ground; 2) the giant Ul ă p returned from hunting tired, climbed into the sky like a polaty, fell asleep; his four brothers did not wake him up, supported him with their shoulders from four corners, lifted him high up; the sleeper woke up, went to look for his brothers; he shook under his feet sky, a roar rose, sparks (thunder and lightning) flew; when he realized that he could not go down to earth, he cried - rain; became the supreme god Tour ă]: 116; Meszaros to Ashmarin 2003 [the clouds did not go higher than the mills; when people deteriorated, the cloud became angry at them and roared up; since then it has been far from people; the sky and the cloud are denoted by the same word n ě l ě t]: 295; Messaros, 77-78 in Denisov 1969 [the sky moved off the ground after a woman puts dirty rags in the sky; hangs wet children's horns on the horns of the month diapers; how a ploughman tied oxen to the sky; how a mower hit the sky with a pitchfork]: 120; Rekeev 1896 [it was possible to reach the sky from the roofs of houses; people were treated for external diseases with pieces of the sky; the woman wiped the deceived child, threw a dirty diaper into the sky to dry; for this, God noisily raised the sky high]: 2 (retelling in Salmin 1989:53; in Yukhma 1996:85); Kazan Tatars [the sky was close to the ground; the woman wiped the child's ass with straw and plugged this straw in the sky; the sky was offended, it began to rise; the cat and the dog began to beg him not to move away from the ground; when they heard their pleas, the sky stopped go up, but did not come close to the previous distance]: Gilyazutdinov 2015, No. 268:264; Bashkirs [Sky and Sun were close to the ground; the woman was too lazy to wash the baby's dirty diapers, shoved them in into the wattle fence; Sky and Sun rose high in shame]: Nadrshina 2001, No. 13:184-185.

Turkestan. Dungans [(retelling Abrahamic myth, but with local details); Adan and Haowa were angels, should not have eaten anything; they smelled the scent from the Garden of Eden; they came there by the rainbow bridge ; A. picked two fruits, gave them to H., she immediately ate them, he only bit them himself; at that moment God found them and sent them to earth; they had been in darkness and cold for 500 years and prayed; Allah took pity, separated the sky off the ground; they fell on the ice, prayed for another 500 years, rinsing their mouths and washing hands to wash off contact with the forbidden fruits; God finally forgave them, but Eve's belly became big (she swallowed the fruit whole), the man got Adam's apple, the man's knees and the woman's buttocks became cold after both fell on the ice]: Shujang Li, Luckert 1994:73-75.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols [from hints in prayers, we can conclude that heaven (masculine) and earth (feminine) were merged into one mass like chaos; prayer says to fire that it originated during separation heaven from earth]: Banzarov 2011:105; (quoted in Neklyudov 1981:198); the Baikal Buryats [fire appeared during the separation of heaven from earth; he is the son of Esege Malaan Tengri and the younger brother of the Sun and Moon; the fire was stolen from the sky by a swallow or it fell from the lightning arrow of a heavenly deity (Anthropos 23 (5-6), 1928, S. 970)]: Ivanov 1957:106; Dagurs [the sky was close to the ground, people walked bent; There was no need to work: flour fell instead of snow and vegetable oil instead of rain; Endur saw a woman mix flour and butter, wipe the baby, and throw the cake away when E. hit the face; he left from the ground along with the sky, life became a burden]: Stuart et al. 1994:79.

Western Siberia. Siberian Tatars [the sky was low, the woman baked pancakes out of heavenly flour; wiped the child with a pancake, stuck it all into the sky; God got angry, raised the sky, heavenly food disappeared; the dog said To God, who is not to blame, God left her one spikelet; today's cereals come from it; the dog must be fed, it gave people bread; bread is called "dog bread" (folk etymology: it and itmek )]: Korusenko et al. 2013:181.

Western Siberia. Nganasans (Awam) [{in some places the text is complex and dark}; first water, a stone in the middle; on it two diamadas ("having a throat") were arguing about which of them would get the land; a bird flew in, a nose long, red breast (sandpiper?) ; the diamada did not dive to the bottom, the bird brought grass, moss, earth from the bottom; the Sun came, the bird flew away, the sun was gone, in five days the earth was covered with ice; the bird came back, said that now everyone has The diamada will have five fingers; therefore, it is cold for five days; the Mother Sun has melted the ice; the bird is flying, throwing grass, roots; Mother Earth has become alive; worms have crawled out of it, covered with hair like bears; then the hair fell off, they became like humans, gave birth to children, carved fire out of the flint; they looked like deer; the mother fire began to heat the children (these are stones), they burst; they looked up - the sky completely rose; when the skin became separated; another says: this is the road to my mother; she threw her eyes, he returned from Mother Moon, told me that she told me to collect wool from her head, hair, tie children, throw them around, where they fell, they will live; a voice to them from the sky: we leave you only half of your arms and half your legs so that only half of the people can destroy; one stone has become, which fire gives , the other with a stone that iron gives for fire; one will be Mother Fire, the other will be Fire Father, you will give birth to fire together; a man will get meat, a woman will keep fire]: Simchenko 1996 (1): 18-20.

Amur-Sakhalin. Udege people: Arsenyev 1995 (3) [the sky was close, it was very hot on the ground; a month, a man and a Woman Sun walked across the sky together; the tops of old tall larches were bent to one side because when the sky was low, they could not grow straight; people born in winter and summer died from the heat; three old men shot ice arrows in the sun, they melted; iron ones did not reach the sun; bone arrows the lights were turned off; the Sun said to the Month: "Why does man offend me?" A month said, "Because we both shine on the ground at the same time and everything burns down there." The sun invited the Month to shine at night, and it began to shine during the day; the Month began to hide so that people could count the time; the sky rose higher, it became not so hot; (quail in Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 81:454 )]: 173-174; Podmaskin 1991, No. 2 [two suns were shining; the sky was almost converging with the ground; the sun was close to the ground; there was no moon in the sky; the trees were short, but their crowns sometimes touched the sky; if the child was born in the summer, he did not survive; a strong man shot one sun with a bow, it became the moon]: 118-119; Manchus [when the sky was still separated from the ground, there was a flood; youngest daughter God Arbuka, Gege Baiyun (Gege - "highly revered princess") stole two boxes, hid sand in them; A. in anger told the snow god to freeze it and that's it; GB turned into a silver birch tree in the forest near Changbaishan, where there has been a lot of snow and strong winds since then]: Wei et al. 2001, No. 4.5:196.

Japan. Okinawa {all publications obviously go back to the same source}: Matsumoto 1928 [the sky was near the ground, people walked bent on all fours; god Amanchrested on the rock, pushed back the sky with his hands; his footprints are still visible]: 125 (=Obayashi, p. 78 in Ho 1967, No. 37:230); Maruyama 2009 (Nago Island) [the sky was near the ground, people couldn't straighten up, crawled like worms; giant Amamikyo pushed him back; Haji and Makiya show his footprints; similar variants are recorded at several locations on Okinawa's main island]: 32; Nihon Shoki 1997 (1), scroll 1, 4.6 - 5.6 [{the summary of several versions of the original}; Izanaki and Izanami got married; Izanaki began giving birth to various objects and creatures; the placenta is the islands of Apadi no Sima and Apa no Sima; a leech child Piruco; the sea, rivers, mountains, the ancestor of trees, the ancestor of herbs; Heaven-Earth had not yet been divorced and were not far from each other; after giving birth to sungirls to a male moon, Izanaki-Izanami sent them to heaven; god- the leech was planted on the Sky Ship made of stone camphor and allowed to sail at the will of the wind; after giving birth to Susanovo no Mikoto, they expelled him to Stana Korney, because he cried and angry, which caused the people to die, and the mountains dried up; when Izanami gave birth to fire deity Kagutuchi, her bosom scorched and she died; during agony, her vomiting, urine, and bowel movements became goddesses; Izanagi cut K. into three parts with a sword in anger; blood with the blades turned into a pile of sacred stones; blood from other parts of the sword also became deities]: 121-124.

The Arctic. Kodiak [stones were scattered on the floor of the big drums; people threw them into the sky and they became stars; the sky was like the earth, but its inhabitants did not die; at first the sky was close to the ground, then rose]: Pinart in Lantis 1938:136.

Subarctic. Upper Tanana: Kari 1996 [the hunter climbed into the porcupine hole, the giant Yaachoh blocked the exit with a stone; had to go with him; his family was killed by giant Gol'; they fight, look the same, Gol shouts that he was the "grandfather" of man; Joachoch cut his veins, killed him; got together with his wife, a river flowed out of it, lice like muskrats; Yochi told the man to throw them in his mouth; killed Gol's wife; killed them children, piercing their heads with his finger and sucking their brains; the man took the beaver's tail for himself; the sky is low, Joachoch rubs his head against him, bald; he picked it up (after he got up in the sky, the sky had to move higher up); ants attacked; he {it is not clear whether a giant or a hunter} cut an ant, so ants have a drooping ass and a narrow waist; the giant gave the man a stick where it would fall, the house that way; the hunter comes home, where they celebrate a memorial ceremony]: 47-52; McKennan 1959 [the giant Goath kills the giant Yatko's family; the Chicadi man hides from Y. in a porcupine hole; agrees to help Y. when he threatens to block the exit with his excrement; moose for Y. rabbits; Chickady becomes Y.'s friend; giants fight, Chickady cuts G.'s tendons; the same episode with G.'s wife; killing the giantess, J. copulates with her; Chickady almost drowns in a stream of sperm I.; the lice on my head are muskrat; I shove the sky away from the ground to where it is now; Chickady returns home]: 197-199; helmet [because . the sky was low, the ground was cold; the giant could only crawl; he raises the sky until he gets up to his full height; it gets warmer; he goes to the upper world; the rain is his tears]: Teit 1917a, #6:445.

NW Coast. Nootka [the girl swims in the lake, takes her breath away with a second person on the back of her head; one of them is always watching her; she gives birth to his son; every time one of her ten brothers comes after her, The son tells his father that he kills the young man; the brothers' mother cries, her tears and snot turn into a boy Anthtine; he kills the monster and his son with arrows; the sky was close to the ground; A. makes a chain of arrows climbs into heaven; quietly takes food from two blind snail women; restores their sight; they help him overcome challenges and marry the daughter of a heavenly leader; see motif K27]: Boas 1895, No. XIII/12:116- 117.

The coast is the Plateau. Snohomish [The creator stopped at Puget Sound, decided to distribute all the languages there (that's why the Salish have so many of them); the sky was low, trees were climbing into the sky; people were pushing him with poles up; this moment three hunters chased moose where heaven and earth converge; stayed in the sky; hunters - Big Bear bucket handle (dim star - dog); bucket - four moose]: Clark 1953:148-149 (not completely baked in Monroe, Williamson 1987:25-27); catlamet [five SW winds are blowing continuously; Blue Jay tells people to sing, the sky goes down, it is tied to the ground; people climb into the sky; Blue Jay and Stingray duel; Stingray turns sideways, Jay is wounded by an arrow; Beaver goes to steal fire; he is caught, scorched, he comes to life, carries fire; Malinovka is sent to scout the entrance to the celestial house; she remains basking by the fire, her breast turns red; Skunk did not scout, returned in fear; Mice and Rats gnawed through bow bowstrings, ties on enemies' women's clothes; Eagle, Owl, Golden Eagle, Turkey, Hawk they grab five Winds; four are being killed, the youngest has slipped away; people return to earth, Blue Jay cuts off the rope, the sky rises again; Stingray stayed there, turned into a constellation]: Boas 1901a, No. 9: 67-71.

California. Yuki [when the twins were playing, their father Thunder (Taikomol) shot a butterfly with a sling, the balloon split the sky; the twins' grandmother Krotikha supported the sky with her front legs, joined her paws; her paws bent back and the sky moved farther off the ground than before]: Foster 1944:207; Nisenan [the sky once rested on a rock in the Sam Hoyt mountain range]: Beals 1933:384.

The Big Pool. Western Shoshones (Elko, Nevada) [the sky is too low, the Sun is too hot; the Rabbit and his brother Sand Rabbit went east to kill the Sun; the brother does not listen to the Rabbit, digs a hole straight, not turns; Rabbit's arrows burn in the air, but he hits the Sun with sedge bark (sage bark); The sun has fallen, the earth has caught fire, the brother burns, the Rabbit only has a burnt neck and limbs; The rabbit wanted to do a new Sun from the old gallbladder, but it had green spots, so he turned it into a moon, and a new sun from the Sun's bladder; he pushed the sky higher with his head, put the sun there; On the way home, the Rabbit comes to people without a mouth; they smell fat with their noses over the fire; he cut through one flint's mouth, the others cut through themselves, speak; two hunters can't hit with arrows to Rabbit; at home he takes paint from his sister, paints his face, comes to the girls' house; their brothers look in, are frightened; sisters ask to erase paint; brothers come in, everyone roasts rabbits, fat passes from others on the one the Rabbit roasts; The rabbit ties the young men's hair, burns it in the house, pulls their sisters out; they accuse him, he throws them into the fire too; the old woman weaves the water basket; the Rabbit braids it inside the basket, she rolls, she dies; the girls on the rock laugh at the Rabbit; he makes a fire around them, turns them into marmots that people will fry; kills snowbirds; tells Coyote that ripped out and threw his pubic hair, which became oatmeal; Coyote turns a few of his hairs into bunting; wants more, pulls out his insides, dies; envious of two girls, the Rabbit turns into little boy, picked up; at night he feels the girls' breasts, wants milk; in the morning he takes a digger, digs a ditch, turns a layer of earth over with the camp, everyone dies; Rattlesnakes shoot at the Rabbit, he turns them into rattlesnakes; two boys say water and trees rush at them; Rabbit shoots; willows rush at them, don't give sugar from their trunks; Rabbit makes it possible for everyone use; these boys were Hummingbird, they politely addressed Rabbit, he liked it]: Steward 1943a: 278-281.

The Great Southwest. Hopi: Cushing 1896 [life on earth was conceived by the coition of Mother Earth and Father Heaven; then Earth pushed Heaven away from itself, getting bigger and sinking deeper into the waters]: 379; Powell 1881 (Oraibi) [people get out of the lower world, but the sky is low; Matsito raises it higher; seven virgins weave the moon out of cotton, the wind raises it to the sky, the remnants of yarn turn into stars; sun M. makes from seven buffalo skins]: 25-26; zunyi [the creator of Awonawilona appeared as the sun, flooded the space with light, the fog fell to form the ocean; collecting flesh {dirt?} from his body, A. fertilized the waters, from which the four-layer Mother Earth and the all-covering Father-Sky arose; lying on the waters, they gave rise to earthly life; then the Earth pushed Heaven away; holding in his hands a water-filled bowl with stepped protrusions on its four sides (terraced bowl), she spat in it, interfered with her finger, foam gathered on the stepped ledges; these are the clouds that are under Sky's cold breath will rain; Sky responded by putting seven corn kernels there]: Cushing 1896:379 in Thompson 2000:17-19; Navajo: O'Bryan 1956 [The First Man Told Earth She must be the wife of Heaven; she will face east, and the husband above her to the west; when the Earth is enveloped in fog, Heaven visits her; after that they put up four pillars of heaven and stretched it into four directions; raised the Sun and Moon; at first the Sun was unbearably hot; then they stretched the sky again in four directions and the Sun was farther from the earth; to achieve its current position, they I had to do this four times]: 21-22; Stevenson 1891 [people make the sun by circling turquoise and white shell beads with crystal sprinkled with corn pollen; they raise the sun with poles; it's too low , everything is burning; twelve men on four sides of the earth make the world wider, the sun rises higher; Ahsonutli (turquoise hermaphrodite) tells them to continue supporting the sky]: 275-277; (cf. . Western Apaches (White Mountain) [first the Sun is low, the earth is unbearable heat; the first ancestors pushed it away, then where the Sun is now; they also pushed the Moon away]: Goodwin 1994, No. 1:2); havasupai [people live underground; one of the two brothers planted a vine near the pond, it grew in a spiral; people climbed one turn in a day, after a long time they came to the ground; one girl slept with all men, but no one married her; turned into a tobacco plant; when they smoked, she became a woman again, laughed, left; women noticed scars on her head; she jumped in the pond became a frog, the water began to rise; the elder brother created the moon, calling it the sun; the younger sent the real sun to the sky; the sky was low, the sun was moving too fast; the younger brother He pushed the sky sixth; by this time the water in the lower world had risen, poured to the ground; people had placed a girl, water, food, birds, animals in an empty log; the rest of the people drowned; the woodpecker clung to the sky, the water soaked his tail; the water came down, the log fell to the ground at the waterfalls in Little Colorado; the girl put her vagina in the sun, then splashed at the waterfall, gave birth to a daughter (var: she became pregnant by a woodpecker); told her to do what she did, her daughter gave birth to a boy; he grew up; arrow reeds grew behind the crushing rocks; the young man managed to slip through, take the reeds, slip back; smeared his clothes with blood, the eagle carried him to into his nest; he killed 8 big eagles, 4 eagles; blew, the rock became sand, he went down, bringing feathers for arrows; his father gave him a horse; cut it, put lightning in his son; said that he was water and sun; his father showed him the world; the young man went east, his grandmother went west]: Smithson, Euler 1994:36-39; Western yavapai [people live in a dugout; the older brother, on the advice of his younger brother, makes a ball out of lime, paints red, puts a dugout on the roof, but it gives little light; then the younger brother makes the ball, it gives a lot of light and heat; to make it cooler, the younger one tells the elder to raise the roof of the dugout with a cane, that he did it; when he died, the elder brother said that the moon would shine at night, and the sun would shine during the day, that the stars should count months; people decide to go up to the upper world; they plant a spruce and a vine together, in led by his younger brother go upstairs]: Gifford 1933a: 402-403; maricopa, a cocopa [the creator of Cipa pushed the sky away from the ground with his hand, his fingerprint remained; the constellation "Sipa's Hand" appears above the horizon in December, possibly North Crown or Boopas]: Miller 1997:199; Diegueño: Curtis 1976 (15) [Earth was female, Water was male; had two sons - Chakopá ( elder) and Chakomát; they got up and pushed the water up, it formed the sky; made the sun, moon, stars; the youngest successively threw the disc in four directions of the world, it settled in the east; too hot; the elder picked it up, the heat became moderate; the same with the moon (the cold is moderate); people summoned a huge snake (Heavenly Moon) from the sea, it crawled into the fence, it was burned, all the songs and rituals were taken out of it, tongues, they spread around the world; the older brother fell ill and died; the Coyote was sent to bring fire to the fire; at that time they lit the fire; the Coyote came back, jumped over Badger, grabbed his heart, ran away, ate; blood became red minerals; younger brother went to heaven, became ball lightning, taking souls away, causing death]: 121-123; Gifford 1931 (kamia) [Heaven and Earth lay dense to each other; between them Chiuy, Chiyi, Pukumat, Mastambo, the White Woman were; the earth was wet; Chiyyuk and Chiyi went west, where heaven and earth converge, brought a handful of red ants from there, rubbed the ground, it dried up; appointed P. their son and head of the people; when P. died, M. took his place; Chiyi was the first to leave the ground with the red fox; answered Chiyyuk that he came out with his eyes open; he did so, Chiyi threw him at sand eyes, Chiyyuk went blind; both began to make birds; because Chiyyuk was blind, making them too large-mouth and long-legged; both brothers put green leaves in the water, the sick birds drank and recovered; both said P. that they made birds; Chiyyuk went out with the brown fox, Chiyi changed the fox; when he learned of this, Chiyyuk went to the ground, wanted to tear down everything on the ground; Chiyi wrapped around it, but his illnesses passed through his fingers; a month later Chiyyuk ascended to the east, left again a month later; this is the constellation Chiyuk - a month is visible, the other is not; Chiyi made all living beings (except humans), they looked like human beings; handed them over to P.; that night divorced fire, all created, gathered for the fire; the month said it would go east, in 4 days it would revive in the west; announced the names of 6 months; the hanuchip bird told the kwasaman bird that the dead bird it will no longer be reborn and the same will happen to people, otherwise the earth will overflow; the lizard spoke and died at sunrise, the corpse was burned; daughter P. The frog let another Frog swallow his hair from his head; P. fell ill, died; the Coyote ran to the sun for the fire, at which time the others lit the funeral fire; Coyote returned, jumped over those around him the fire took away and ate P.'s heart; M. ordered the first ancestors to become animals, told who to do; sculpted 10 people of each tribe out of clay; they were small, then grew up; the White Woman descended from heaven , gave birth to many people; M. invited the Mayihauchawit sea serpent to a memorial ceremony; it was created by Chiyyuk and Chiyi, it is speckled; the houses where the serpent crawled, burned, and ritual came out of the body of the snake songs from different tribes; different tribes went to their habitats]: 75-81; (cf. kiliwa [it was night; Metipá took water in his mouth, spat south, north; took more, spat west (sea arose), east (Gulf of California); smoked, the sea grew; created four mountains, on each with a mountain ram (on NE, SE, NW, SW); sheep horns, respectively (the informant does not remember who is in which direction) dark brown and blue, yellow and oak bark (tan), silver and gray, red and white; took off his skin, pulled it over his horns, but it sagged; told the Mole to dig a passage around the world; a ridge formed, over which M. pulled his skin, and the Mole raised his head and paws (pushed) skin around the perimeter of the world; to make the sun, M. removed it from his elbow, thigh, head - unsuccessfully; then it turned out from his mouth, but it was too hot; told the Rattlesnake to push the sun higher; M . fell ill, died; he was burned]: Meigs 1939:64-66).

NW Mexico. Huichol [The sun was in the underworld and was so tired that he could not climb to the upper five tiers, began to fall, dragging the sky with him; burrowing animals have been digging them since they tried to that's the time to escape the heat; Tatewari put five palm trees (brazil trees) to support the sky]: Furst, Auguiano 1976:118.

Mesoamerica The Aztecs: Garibay 1965 [rain flooded the earth, the sky fell, everyone died; the gods created four men (Cuatemoc, Itzoatl, Itzmali, Tenexuchitl), and Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca became two trees; these four and two trees raised the sky with stars to its current height, and Tonacatecutli made them lords of the sky and stars; Tezcatlipoca and Huitzilopochtli paved the way through the sky there]: 32; Histoyre du Mechique 1905, ch. 7 [after the destruction of the first world, the goddess Tlaltentl (Tlalteutli) was the land itself, which some say is a woman and others say she is a man; Tezcatlipuca went inside her through her mouth, and Ehecatl through her navel, both penetrated her heart in the depths of the earth, raised the sky, helped them with this by other gods; Eecatl (according to Mendiet-Solotl, approx. 6 at p. 26) descended to hell to Mitlantentli ? carried the ashes of the dead and a huge bone from there, but it broke on the ground, so the new people turned out to be small, and the people of the first world were giants; the gods sprinkled blood from their tongue, created man and woman; according to another version (pp. 28-29), the goddess of the earth was Atlalteutli (=Ilamatecutli, the "old goddess", she had eyes and mouths in all her joints, she bit them like a predatory creature; Quetzalcoatl (aka Eecatl) and Tezcatlipoca took her one by the right hand and left leg, the other by her left arm and right leg, tore her, made the earth out of one half, and the sky out of the other; to comfort her, they said that her hair would become trees, herbs and flowers, her skin would become low grass and little flowers, her mouths would become rivers and large caves, her nose would become valleys, her shoulders would become mountains; this goddess cries at night and did not calms down until it is given people (to eat) and bears fruit unless it is irrigated with human blood]: 25-29; chol [the sky was low, people poked at it with sticks, eagles took the sky to current height]: Whittaker, Warkentin 1965, No. 11:58-60; Masateks [when the world was formed, the earth was soft; the earth agreed to be mistreated, but it had to pay for it; it had to be paid for it; it had to find a tree whose smoke would make the earth hard; only Opossum found digging; the first ancestors fired by friction, smoke began, the earth hardened; before it was possible to throw stones at the stars, they were not so high; {there is no direct mention of raising the sky, but the whole text is generally chaotic, jumping from one topic to another}]: Portal 1986:45; juice [the sky was low; the first ancestors began to shove it was a long pole made of a tree trunk; then another was tied to it, then another one, shoved it higher, but still not enough; the village where this happened was called "el pueblo de" amarra palos")]: Sulvarán López 2007:36-37; (cf. Reconstruction of the Olmec myth [the primordial deity God IV, depicted as a monster with heads at both ends of the body {it is characteristic that depicted without a lower jaw}, raises the sky; then at the place of creation (probably on a sacred mountain) he plants corn, corn turns into God of Corn, i.e. God II; he was depicted in the same way like God IV, but with a plant protruding from a slit on the head; God IV is connected to heaven, God II is connected to the earth]: Cach Avenado 2005:67-85); (cf. shank [God created a Sun man; there were many bad and strange creatures in the darkness, and when the Sun appeared, they hid underground; first, the Sun, going to rest, burned trees; then the Creator placed it far from the ground to shine from afar]: López Ramírez 2007:109).

Honduras - Panama. Hikake [the sky and clouds were close to the ground; the clouds moved higher because they were irritated by smoke from areas where vegetation was burned for corn crops]: Chapman 1982, No. 2:59.

The Northern Andes. Embera (katio?) [people climbed a ladder into the sky from the stems of a beautiful plant, the sky was near; people were not allowed to pick flowers in the Caragabí sky; one woman with a baby in her arms did not notice her child tore off a flower; the staircase broke; its base is still visible on a smooth cliff at the confluence of the Atrato River with Andágueda; it is a place where many myths unfold]: Pineda Giraldo, Gutierrez de Pineda 1958:438; nonama: Wassen 1935, No. 8 [two people were born from a woman's leg; at night they turned into waura ("wooden dolls"), preserving their human appearance, killing people, drinking blood; asked mother who killed their father; Snake; killed all snakes in the forest; El Sierpe (giant snake); rafted to El Sierpe, but the guacamayo warned her, she crawled away; the brothers put them on a raft firewood, the snake swallowed them; they put a pole between their jaws, made a fire in their womb; the snake was half-dead, one came out through the anus, found himself in the lower world, nothing is known about him; the other through his mouth, continued suck blood; the sky was close to the ground; the man made clothes out of vegetable fluff, took off; a woodpecker flew out at sunrise, hit him in the face; the man fell, but managed to scar the face of the moon; fell there where the sun goes down; a boy was playing on the beach, gave fruit from the caimito tree, said that his father owned them, he would be today; it was the Sun; came white, wearing a gold hat; promised to take the man home; the boy throws fruits into the water, the fish ate them; distracted the fish so that they would not eat the Sun; the Sun and the man dived into the underworld; the Sun left him at the huts, promised to pick him up on the way back; sinculos ( people without anus) said that the kuna wanted to kill them; the man began to make onions and arrows; the kuna turned out to be shrimps; now the "British"; they are crayfish; the man explained that in his world these enemies are eaten; went out of need, two boys asked to have anuses for them, died; the Sun brought a man to earth; a man asked his deceased brother-in-law, who replied that he could not be cured; people decided to kill who came not to drink more blood; they crushed corn, mixed it with water, doused it at night, the man became a stone; he was broken, the fragments turned into mosquitoes, which fell into the water into leeches]: 133-137.

Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 20 [while their Tsamani parents are working on the site, the children drink the juice of the fruit from the sky, dance, become lighter, ascend from the mountain to the sky; the sky at that time it was close to the ground; parents shoot at the sky, making a chain of arrows, becoming termites and climbing into heaven; Yaseritsa tells them that the thunder Ekonai took the children, shows the way to him; parents meet children, everyone is happy, they dance in the sky], 44 [the boy asks his grandmother to buy him in a trough; produces starch; people tell him to swim in the river, collect starch; when angry, the boy tells him to swim in the river, collect starch; when angry, the boy tells him Grandmother is awake to hear a rumble; she falls asleep; only Kinkaju hears it and knows where the Kalievirne tree grew; see motif G5; people cut it down; after the tree falls, people die; Chamani tells you to dance to find ease and go to another world; old Ibarruua breaks her abstinence, takes Cayman as a lover; summons him by putting an inverted calebass on the water and tapping on her; people kill her lover, let I. eat his penis; I. tells the fish to swallow C.; his brothers set rapids on the river to stop the fish; revive the regurgitated C., who tells the hawk to kill the fish; they shoot up, only a virgin manages to fix an arrow in the sky and make a chain of arrows; the sky was low at that time; in the guise of termites, C.'s people climb into the sky; the thunder Yamahyonë lives there ; C. replaces his club, I. cannot kill people, C. kills him; his wife tells ants to collect pieces of his flesh, I. revives; I. and C. reconcile; people continue to climb the chain of arrows; The Bat cuts it off, the fallen ones turn into turtles, parrots]: 100-104, 191-201; Yépez 1984 [the sky was low; Kuwait caught Cwepi, entangled in the sky, he fell off the hook; Kwepi's body was the flesh of all fish; three types of ducks heal him, but he dies; the body is fried, crushed, the flour is put in a vessel to populate the rivers with fish; Sikiriri lies to the Seagulls that he is K.'s brother, asks him to be buried next to the vessel, in which the brother's ashes, but leave his head outside; eats flour; does not give it to his sister, so the sister complained to Tsamani; he flew in the form of a hummingbird, threw flour into the water, all kinds of fish appeared; from flour poured corn has grown into a hole in the ground; Kajuyali takes a vessel of fish into a boat to populate all rivers with fish; S. tells his son to show where his father's harpoon is, otherwise he will eat him; harpoons the biggest fish; she breaks the vessel, jumps into Orinoco; they try to delay it (the origin of the rapids); the fish is now unevenly distributed]: 13-16; cuiva [the sky and sun were close to the ground, the stork or ibis pushed back his farther away (no details)]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 6:28.

Southern Venezuela. Makiritar [at first heaven and earth were not separated, earth was part of the sky]: Civrieux 1980:21.

Guiana. Oyampy [the sky used to be low, then rose]: Greenland 1982, No. 11:129.

Western Amazon. Maihuna [the sky was in the place of the earth, the earth was in the place of heaven, they were close to each other; the sky did not want to be like this, changed places with the earth; earthworms and centipedes were in the sky; Maineno went to heaven, it was better there; the sky was close to the ground; M. told Goukuko to shoot, he made a chain of arrows, it turned into Maineno miime ("Maineno vine"); people went up to see M.; worms they also climbed, G. cut off the vine, M. said that only the dead would come to see him; after the sky was in place of the earth, people were crushed in the underworld; according to M. began to get to the ground; a menstruating woman climbed along with everyone; those who climbed after her stopped and came back]: Bellier 1991b, No. 2:171-173; sekoya [men's menstruation first; Nyanyo (Month) takes her son out of his knee, puts him in a pot; his wife breastfeeds the boy only at night; her sister opens the lid, breaking the leg of the Parrot placed by the watchman; the boy cries, N. comes running from the field, throws red achiote paint at his sister; since then, women's periods; the boy continues to cry; parents put the pot on the fire; the boy plays the flute, flies to the sky, sleeps By the Sun; another person Toayo (Wanyo) also sits into the fire, becomes the second sun (now he is with the first one; without details); first the sun burns everything; N. pushes the sky away with a stick farther from the ground, reducing the heat; The battleship manages to extinguish the second sun, but its tail burns]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 7:65-68; Koreguache: Jimenez 1989, No. 16 [there was no water, people squeezed it out of vines ; a man saw a battleship chew through the root, water poured out from there; this man began to use water alone; others traced, found the tree from which this root was; the Parrot axes were blunt; Other types of parrots are finishing their work; falling chips turn into water; the sky was low, the top of the tree was entangled; the squirrel rose, cut off the branch, now it's raining from this branch; the tree turned into the sea, branches into rivers; the water continued to rise, it was necessary to cross the sea by log; the menstruating woman was supposed to go last, but went in the middle; when she stepped on the log, it sank into the water with those who did not have time to reach the opposite bank; so there were few Indians; there was an anaconda at the core of that tree], 41 [when Painsao quarreled, turned the opponent into an animal; that's how they stayed he and his companion; the sky was low; when menstruating women knocked on him, it moved away; P. and his companion made a chain of reeds (reed darts?) , sticking them one into the other; P. climbed half way, returned, told the companion to climb; he climbed into the Month; P. climbed into the vessel, where he lit the fire, ascended to heaven by the Sun]: 33-35, 91-92.

NW Amazon. Baniva (curripaco) [the world was small, you could touch the low sky with a stick; Iñápirrikúli's four sons put an insect (cigarrón) in a vessel, saying they had Kuw ái; a big man came, explained that K. was himself, ordered him to fast, flogged, all members of his body sounded like sacred flutes at that time; the mother was surprised that his sons they refused to eat, he followed, told his wife that K. was a dangerous cannibal; invited him to the village, K. agreed that all women would leave at that time; K. came, playing the flute, which made powerful sounds; then the world became big, people, animals, and everything else appeared in it; 5 days before the end of fasting, K. climbed a tree for fruit, and the young men began to secretly bake and eat the fallen fruits; Feeling the smoke, K. went down, told him to show his mouth, found out that four were eating, but Hérri did not, called for a drink, turned his mouth into a house, the young men hid there from the rain, K. closed his mouth, ate them; belching, placed them in vessels, brought I.; H. explained what had happened; I. ordered wooden statues of the dead to be made as if they were alive; H. called K., said that I. was not angry because the young men were alive; K. told H. that his only fire can kill; K. came, soplaba (apparently inhaled the drug) with his younger brother I. Dzúli, intoxicated, fell into the fire, he was burned; the world became small again for a while; but in 4 days matica de Yébaro grew up and next to macanilla; on her, the squirrel cut its paw and bleed tags, enough to make flutes; the world was big again, its owner was I.]: Domínguez Méndez 1986:148-152; kabiyari [Yakamukute (Sky) did not have an anus; (his umbilical cord connected to Pupuchu is a Banesteriopsis caapi vine; Hehechu Jaguar was her process; this is only in Bonnemère's paraphrase 2001:40); Hechechu is associated with land; I came to dance with H.'s children, killed them; alone I escaped, became a bird; I threw the other into boiling water like a worm; H. collected pieces of his body, joined him with cotton wool, he turned into a monkey (mico); I pretended to know nothing; invited Me to dance; loudly I started the winds; I asked him to make an anus; H. pierced his anus, he died; his body exploded, becoming the sky, that is, the sky separated from the ground; the remains of H. turn into a hill, the blood became clay; from others The remains were the sons of Y. - Munully's four cultural heroes; they measure the land to determine where its center is; they build the first maloka by cutting down the only Teviji tree, the others are not yet; the roof flat, falls after the first rain; M. takes the night at the Karu toad; at first they do not pay, K. hands them a vessel with wounds; demands gold; after receiving the night, M. carelessly open the vessel, darkness sets in; M. create nocturnal animals screaming at a certain time; when dawn comes, the sun rises; M. receives a vessel with earth from the Mapitare worm, opened inadvertently, the earth is dispersed; water Pira-Parana is hot, fish cannot be eaten, it is sick, and there are no other rivers yet; M. come to a tree with water and fish, owned by Kamanatana, the wife of the Mapitare worm; brothers eat ants, and Camanatana feeds them with tapioca; the youngest is M. (his name is Mamitiri) spies, sees that this tapioca is Mapitare sperm; Mamitiri, in the form of a hummingbird, finds a tree owned by Kamanatana; M. opens a hole in which she kept animals and animals spread through the forest; M. dazzle Kamanatana, send them down the river to the rapids; they cut down trees that turn into different rivers; when a tree owned by Kamanatana is cut down, it does not fall, it is suspended for the vines; they send the white Maniritare squirrel to cut them down; the fallen tree turns into Apaporis, the vine turns into the Cananarí River; the sky at sunset is colored with squirrel's blood; the brothers tell the snake to make a channel rivers winding; brothers turn into parrots, fly to Thunder, replace its lightning with a parrot's tail, carry it away, distribute it to all communities]: Bourgue 1976:121-131 [exposition with comments and interpretations] 138-143 [exact summary]; okaina [the land created by Falcon was tiny, then grew; the sky was close to the ground; a single woman met a man, gave birth to a daughter, then twin sons; in the time of the flood they climbed into heaven; the Sun man stayed there; after the flood, the sky was far removed from the earth]: Wavrin 1932:143-144; 1937:639; chikuna [(it is not directly mentioned about the removal of the sky, but p. 110 it is noted that now the sky seems completely unattainable); Topetine, Grandma Dioy, had Bechi-Nati's adopted son ("Father of Warts"), covered in warts; D. laughed at him; then T. took B., on a log with she went with him to heaven with notches, taking the fire; D. followed him, took the form of B., pretended to be frozen, asked T. to let him warm up by the fire; when T. left, D. ran away, bringing fire to the ground; trying it stop, T. cut off the stairs; Var.: D. destroyed the stairs himself to prevent people from going to heaven]: Nimuendaju 1952:130.

Central Amazon. Munduruku [Karusakaibë puts a stone on the head of the battleship man Daiir, the stone began to grow and turned into the sky; roots grew from D.'s nose, it turned into a huge one tree]: Murphy 1958, No. 4:78.

Eastern Amazon. Paracana [men first menstruated; when the sky separated from the ground and the cultural hero went to live in heaven, the battleship shot at the moon, then, sending arrows one at the tail of the other, made a chain of arrows from heaven to earth; different animals tried to climb it, but the chain broke under the weight of a tapir; different types of living beings became inhabitants of the corresponding loci; when to the moon they shot, the men told the women not to leave their homes; but they went out, the blood of the moon spilled on them and they had their periods]: Fausto 2012:65-66; tenetehara [the sky was close to the ground; birds decided to pick it up; the Bat refused to work with everyone; for this he now hangs upside down; it was eternal day; Azang (demon, forest spirit) had two black vessels; people carry them away, hear voices from within owls and night monkeys; break a smaller vessel, the night spreads around the world, but too short; decided to break a big one; the night follows the running, Uruwawa did not have time to escape, turned into a night bird]: Nimuendaju 1915, No. 4:289-290 (quail in Koch-Grünberg 1920, No. 66:187-188; retelling in Hatt 1949:55); urubu [the sky fell, it became dark; ancestors began to hammer the sky, five people went out upstairs; then the sky rose again]: Huxley 1956:214.

Montagna - Jurua. Amouesha [the sun Yompor Ror asked him to be raised into the sky; the Pentellac hummingbird offered to do so, but people laughed at him, he left; they could not raise the Sun themselves; they turned to the Hummingbird; he raised the Sun so high in anger that his voice was no longer heard and people were left without their Father's guidance]: Santos-Granero 1992:116; Ashaninka: Weiss 1975:389-390 and 397 [the sky was close to the ground; the Sun told the bird to fix the vine staircase there, climbed into heaven with his son and daughter; three ferocious warriors followed; the Sun dropped the rope, the warriors fell to become Porcupine (his arrows - needles), Sloth, Wasp; the sky moved away from the ground], 406 [the sky was tied to the ground with a rope, at the level of the roofs of houses; the warrior Porínkari (Orion) climbed a rope, running away from the warrior Sáni ("wasp"); was wounded by an arrow in the leg, cut off the rope, the sky went away]; ashaninka [the sky supports the tree; Pachacama supports the lower world, the entrance to which is in the lower reaches of the river; the gods first lived on earth, but then fled to heaven, fearing warriors raging on earth; earth and sky were close to each other and it was possible to climb the vine; when they rose, the gods cut off the vine so that the warriors would not followed, and the distance between earth and sky increased]: Zolezzi 2014:98; machigenga [the sky was close to the ground, they were connected by stairs; when a drunkard tried to follow the sky for good people, the inhabitants of the sky cut it off; the sky rises, the earth goes down; the drunkard falls, his arrows pierce his body, he turns into a hedgehog]: Alvárez 1940:22-24 in Sebastiani 1990:232-233; kanamari: Carvalho 2002 [originally the sky was close to the ground; when the hunter missed, the arrow remained in the sky and disappeared; Tamakori told the Piyoyom shooter to push the sky away away; var.: P. was a very small but good shooter; boasted to his companion that he would fall into the sky; the sky fell, many people died, P. and his companion and family hid under a tree; var.: former the sky became the current earth, then a new sky appeared; as the sky fell on trees of different sizes, the current land is not flat as before, but hilly; P.'s people became animals, he himself is a toad; Matso from a small koschach predator turned into a jaguar]: 276-280; Costa 2006 [after the fall of the old sky and the emergence of the modern world, the distance from earth to sky has increased significantly]; conibo, shipibo [pano on Ucayali has the motive "the sky was close to earth"]: Weiss 1975:482 (by Tessmann 1928:199?) ; kashibo [at first the sky was a few meters above the ground; the first ancestors planted huge trees, they grew and pushed the sky away]: Frank et al. 1990:47, 51; matses [there is an Orpheus motif]: Wistrand MS in Erikson 1994:79; character [the sky was low, hunters constantly hit it with arrows; it got angry and rose higher]: Calífano, Gonzalo 1995:183.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [the sky was close to the ground, people were afraid of it, everything could be heard from there; the rainbow snake Suse-Nai-Bakua (she has heads at both ends of her body, a jagged back) and Grandma Beba-Zarara separate them; the rainbow snake arches its back, raising the sky; people are no longer afraid of the sky]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 31:77; chimane [the sky was low; a woman catches an iguana; brings home, holds son; the Iguana grows, the woman transfers her to increasingly larger vessels; when one day she falls asleep, Iguana raises the sky higher, turns into the Milky Way]: Hissink, Hahn 1989, No. 6:64; surui [ when the shaman was killed, the sky fell out of grief or revenge; men began to perform ritual dances, hit the ground with palm leaves, the sky began to rise; two grandchildren fled to heaven from the grandmother who killed them mother, became Thunder; cut off the stairs from the vine; then the sky (even more?) moved away, his connection with the earth was permanently broken]: Mindlin 1995, No. 25:82.

Southern Amazon. Bakairi [first the bakairi lived in the sky, which was like earth; Keri told heaven that his people were dying here, so don't stay here; but the sky said it didn't want to leave; then Keri descended with people to earth, and the sky rose to its current height from the ground (retelling in Oberg 1953:79)]: Steinen 1897:304, 325.

SE Brazil. Botokudo [Tarú (Sky), he has a daughter and son-in-law; T. had otter skin; if hung on a tree, it is good to pick Lecythis ollaria nuts; Ngan-Nhin's son-in-law asked for permission to take it with him into the forest; T. ordered to clear the area around him well; NN cleared badly; began to throw nuts from the tree, the skin began to beat against the tree, causing thunder; it began to rain, water clogged from under the tree, carried NN to the sky; Maret (which is the common name for spirits) sheltered NN in the sky; otter skin is also in the sky, if it moves, a thunderstorm occurs; after that, the sky has moved away from the ground]: Nimuendaju 1946b: 110-111.

Chaco. Ayoreo [Heaven and Earth lived together; Sky decided to go up so as not to be stained with garbage; {in English, "sky" means "he", "earth" is "she"}]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 2 [Sky and The Earth was together; Heaven decided to rise, tired of what people do; they argue which one is bigger, the Sky is bigger than Earth], 3 [Heaven lived on earth, but out of disgust that the Earth is dirty, that people pee on him, rose], 4 [Heaven decided to rise, Stars with him, they are happy; those who remain on Earth are happy too], 5 [Heaven lived on Earth, rose because of aversion to human garbage; Earth said she was also disgusted, but she stayed; the Sun, the Month and the Stars rose with the sky, the Stars were hunters, hunted in the rain, so now they appear in the rainy season; the ones at their zenith, are called Dayade and Dayojideo, and the ones low above the horizon are Ghigina-Piagode, "my house door"]: 27-28, 29, 29-30, 30; chamacoco: Escobar 2007:189-190 [coming out of the ground and seeing the first seven women, Dúkusy perfumes became their lovers; women gave birth to dumb children with piranha teeth and rare feathers on their bodies; the men were going to kill these women, they climbed a palm tree and from there to the sky, which was low; they became the Pleiades; men also killed spirits, they turned into nanda ostriches], 222 [people climbed wood into the sky to collect honey; daughter of a shaman widow Laguylta complained about them to her mother; she turned into a termite, gnawed on a tree, it swayed and collapsed; people on the branches were scattered, they became different groups of chamacoco (Ebytoso, Tomáraho, Horio); daughter L. ran away, became a source of disease; the sky had previously rested on tree branches, has now risen; The sun opposite has descended closer to the ground]; Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 2 [the sky was close to on the ground, people went there to hunt for honey, climbing wood (quebracho blanco or bottle tree); the old woman and her orphans were given almost nothing; she became a locust-like insect , gnawed through the tree trunk; when it fell, the Sun and the Month rose to heaven; people who did not have time to descend became stars], 38 [when the sky was still close to the ground, it fell; four people probably those who lived in heaven held him; one stands in the north, the other in the south], 75 [Cordeu 1984:237-238; three brothers caught a newborn eel; their mother leaves him to grow up; sees his penis and takes it in lovers; he gives her his caviar {maloki?} ; sons smell a strange taste in wild beans; which the mother collects; the youngest spies, sees the mother whistling an eel, copulates with it, which gives her caviar under the guise of beans; sons killed an eel, gave its mother its roasted meat, ran to heaven; the youngest shot into the sky to descend; the elders immediately went into the hole in the sky, the youngest commanded the sky to rise, but the leg had not yet been removed; mother saw the reflection of his foot into the water, asked the birds to cut off his leg; only the falcon (he eats only live prey) managed to fly to the sky, which had already risen high, cut off his leg; tells the woman to prepare the vessels in them blood of different colors is shed; the woman paints the birds the way they want; then paints herself black, turning into a karau (Mesembrinibus cayenensis), screams, grieving for lost children] 77 [the husband brought Lalhorha's wife a small eel, let their child play with it; L. placed the eel in a pot on the edge of the swamp; the eel grew; the woman knocked on the pot, the eel came out, copulated with it; instead sperm spewed eggs; she cooked and ate it, fed the child with it; he does not like these "berries"; he watches his mother, tells his father; the father causes an eel with the same signal (hitting the pot), cuts off the tail; cooks other eels with meat, gives it to his wife, tells her son not to eat; the wife guesses she finds a dead eel; the village is empty, everyone has run away, the youngest son is the last to run away; the sky was low; firing arrows, the boys pushed him away; pierced a hole, climbed into the sky; when the last one climbed, the hole closed, the boy's leg remained hanging; the mother saw her reflection in the water, then looked up; tells the birds cut off a leg; a hawk bites his leg, first red blood flows into the placed vessel, then black and white; when the hawk cut off his leg, the sky closed forever; the woman painted the birds depending on did they sing well; the vulture sang poorly, it was painted with black and white stripes]: 31-34, 126, 263-269, 270-272; nivakle [the sky fell; those who took refuge under the molle tree escaped, it did not break; alone man cut the sky with the tooth of a tuko-tuco animal; immediately after that, the sky turned into smoke, rose up]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 35:101-102.

The Southern Cone. Selknam: Gusinde 1931 [the ground was first flat, the sky was close to the ground; Kenós made ancestors out of clods of earth; then they turned into mountains, rocks, rivers, lakes, animals, birds, wind, stars; the most powerful shaman became the sea; the Milky Way - many ancestors close to each other]: 177-180; Wilbert 1975a, No. 3 [the sky was close to the ground; Kenós raised it to make room for people; K. seen as a star in the sky]: 26; the Yagans [when the Sun, Rainbow, and other ancestors lived on earth and women ruled men, the sky was closer to earth than it is now]: Gusinde 1937:1158.