Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B77A. The giant pushed the sky away.


One or more anthropomorphic characters move the sky away from the ground. See motif B77.

Ancient Egypt, Dieri, Watjobaluk, Korowai, Lamotrek (Elato), Gilbert Islands, Nauru, Tuvalu Islands, Tokelau Islands, Niue, Tonga, Samoa, Wallis, Nukumanu, Bellona, Tuamotu, Cook Islands southern (and northern?) , Society Islands, Hawaii, Maori, Mori, Miri, Khrusso, Miniong, Kachin, Vieta, Rigveda, Varley, Kondas, Muria, Semangi, Temuan (Mantra), Dayaki (Sarawak), Clemantan, Murut, Ngaju, Savu, Flores, Roti, tsou, yami, ami, ifugao, ancient China, Chinese (Shaanxi, Gansu, Shanxi, Hunan, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Henan, Shandong), Jino, Miao, Li, Hungarians, Okinawa, Kodiak, Upper Tanana, Helmet, Western Shoshoni, Diegeno, maricopa, havasupai, yavapai, cocopa, aztecs, selknam.

North Africa. Ancient Egypt [Geb Earth, son of Shu and Tefnut, a member of the Heliopolis Enneada, quarreled with his wife, sister Nebom-chickpeas, because she ate her children (heavenly bodies) every day, and then gave birth to them again; S. separated G. and N., leaving G. in a horizontal position, and N. lifting them up]: Antes 1977 [God Shu raised his daughter Nut (sky) over her brother and husband Geb (earth), so only her fingertips and toes were touching the ground; Geb was angry at Nut for constantly devouring her child stars; hence her name "A pig eating its pigs"; so Shu removed her from Geb]: 58, 97; Mathieu 1956:86; Rubinstein 1980:267; Gahlin 2007 [Shu is the father of Nut (heaven) and her brother Geb (earth); raised by N., separating her from her brother; here is a papyrus drawing from the Book of the Dead Tameniu, Third The Intermediate Period, depicting anthropomorphic Geb and Chickpeas]: 51.

Australia. Dieri; Votzhobaluk.

Melanesia. A cow [Yokhemel Yambin woman placed tobacco leaves on a leaf stalk of a sago palm tree, Ginol, "the Little Mouselike", collected dry leaves but could not light it; and the woman's uterus ignited, tobacco leaves caught fire, the whole world burned down; G. turned into a swift; raked up ash, water poured over, Faül boar swam on it, G. killed him, made earth out of sternum bone and meat on his chest (more precisely put it all down), and from the spine, the sky, with arrows from palm leaf cuttings, shoved the sky higher; this spine smeared the dead dog with breast fat; the ratan seeds burst, the youngest came out of them and older brothers, as well as the moon and the sun; the elder cut off the younger penis and testicles, turning him into a woman, began to copulate with her; the elder smeared (vagina) with snake fat - did not like it, fish - the same tree larvae - I liked it, let the woman stay like this; the woman gave birth to snakes, animals, (and obviously people)]: Enk, de Vries 1997:163-170.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Lamotrek (Elato), Gilbert Islands; Nauru; Tuvalu (Vaitapu); Tokelau; Niue; Wallis; Bellona; Nukumanu [The sky lay on coconut palms; 8 characters (listed) tried to raise it unsuccessfully; finally, the coconut crab picked it up]: Sarfert, Damm 1931:437; Tonga; Hawaii; South Cook Islands (Mangaia, Pukapuka) and northern (Manihiki; {but it is possible that Rarotonga is from the southern group}); Society Islands; Maori; Moriori.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Miri; chrusso (aka); miniong; kachin.

Burma - Indochina. Vieta.

South Asia. Rigveda [Father-Heaven and Mother Earth were originally merged and then separated by the efforts of the gods and fortified separately in their places; this feat was attributed to Varuna, Indra, Agni, etc.]: Elizarenkova 1972:399; Ogibenin 1968:14; Varley [Mahadeva and Ganga Gauri created the world; M. called the gods, no one came, then he flooded the earth with a flood for 12 years; then asked Naranadeva and Brahmadeva {then is Barham the same?} bring land from the world of Gunderideva (ghunderi is a fly that collects clay and makes it a nest on the corner of the house; they brought clay, painted on it, made cakes, they began to grow, they turned them into heaven and earth; only Bhimabali was able to lift the sky off the ground; the earth was unstable; to secure it, Mahadeva ordered Naran and Barham to bring stones from the world of patheri (species a small rat, its hole always has a lot of stones); hills and mountains were made of stones; to create vegetation, M. sent N. and B. to the world of squirrels and ants for seeds; they brought them, but not enough; he sent them to the king Lakhapati bring more; M. and Gauri dug a hole to get water at the foot of the date palm tree, got drunk; G.: let no one do it; M. created dense forests, G. created trees in savannas; during the flood on the tree two children were saved; M.: who are you? - Brother and sister; the gods separated them, brought them together - the same thing; so 7 times, but then did not recognize each other and said that husband and wife; people from them; gods created animals; animals and plants multiplied, the earth became it was impossible to bear such a burden; she turned to her brother King Pandu ("white" in Sanskrit and Marathi), but he picked it up and threw it; M. and G. returned, the land complained to them, they called the gods; M. punished Panda by making him master of the lower world; a bull in this world told the cow: Our world will now be the realm of death; Jum Joshi (god of death) sent messengers to P., but P. put them in prison; himself disappeared; JJ sent him poisoned berries and he died; after that, people began to die and the earth felt better; before that, people were like snakes - they changed their skin and renewed themselves]: Dalmia 1988:25-30; conds: Elwin 1954, No. 9 (kuttia) [the sky was so low that the sun burned everything; Paja Jani put the sun on his head (and thus raised the sky)], 7 [the sky was a meter above the ground; Koira and his wife Paira lived in a hole; K. put his hand out and raised the sky, resting his other hand on the ground; Koira was 15 cubits tall and his ears were like an elephant; seeing how strong and terrible K. and P. were, Rani-aru stuffed them back into the hole, crushed them stove; earthquakes occur when they try to get out]: 33, 93-94; muria: Elwin 1949, No. 8 [at first the clouds were close to the ground like husband to wife; people were small, plowed rats, knocked against the clouds with their heads; Lingo and his brothers pushed the clouds away; there was no sun or moon; when the Huppe Piyer tree bloomed, it was a day when it dried up, night; 12 Lingo brothers and 13 Bhimul brothers began to cut it down, in they could sleep and cook in the felling; they almost cut it down, but the tree did not fall because the Gara-surial-pite bird held it at the top; Kosa Kana killed her with an ax, the tree collapsed; local Rajas sent warriors to kill the loggers , but L. killed them, blood nourished the tree; the brothers carved two discs out of wood, lower for the sun, upper for the moon; L. rose in the sky, stole Mahapurub's little son, killed him, and revived his stars with blood; The man sun drank a lot, turned red; the woman-moon was not enough, remained pale; when he saw the Sun, Mahapurub was pleased]: 62-64; 1954, No. 10 [the sky was close to the ground, people and animals were small; made of a tree dupd A couple of children, Ol Raja and Ol Rani, came out; the tiger and the snake took care of them; when they grew up, Ol Raja hit his head against the sky; together with Rani, they pushed the sky away, but died of tension]: 33-34.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangs [after the creation of the land ćebreb (bird? Endicott: a winged insect) raised a sky that had previously rested on earth]: Schebesta 1957:35 in Endicott 1979:202; temuan (mantra); dayaki (b. Sakarran, west of Sarawak) [in the beginning there are only ethereal Loneliness and Soutan (a Malay word for "man," "soul"; they created two birds - bullar and erar; birds flew and created heaven, earth, and rivers; the earth was larger than the sky, they collected the earth in piles with their paws, creating mountains; creating people, first they made them from trees, but unsuccessfully; from stones, people like statues; then they mixed clay with water, sculpted them man and he came to life; his name was Tanacompta; he created (brought to life) a girl, and she gave birth to people; the sky was low; this woman pushed him away with her hand and supported him with columns]: Labuan 1863:27 (retelling in Ling Roth 1896:300); murut; clementan; ngaju; Savu; Flores; Roti.

Taiwan - Philippines. Yami; ami; tsoo; ifugao.

China - Korea. Ancient China; the Chinese (Hunan, Jiangsu) [heaven and earth lay close together as husband and wife; Pangu divided them and raised the sky]: Eberhard 1937, No. 56:97; Chinese (Shaanxi ) [When Pangu divided Heaven and Earth and the world was ruled by the August Three, the human world was connected to heaven. All injustices could be reported to the Jade Emperor, who sent heavenly spirits to punish the guilty. After Three August, the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan began to rule China. When it came to his grandson, the Black Emperor, there were a lot of people, and the number of complaints increased, and the Black Emperor could not cope. The heavenly spirits Cheung and Lee proposed to break the link between heaven and the human world. The jade emperor told them to separate the sky from the human world. The cunning Cheung suggested that Lee push the ground down, and he himself would push the sky up. As a result, Cheung found himself in heaven and became responsible for the affairs there, and Li remained among the people and began to help the Black Emperor deal with earthly problems]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, No. 1-3; Chinese (Shaanxi) [there was a large stone egg in the world; it rotated, the stone inside crumbled, turned into soil; a man grew out of the soil like a chicken; he lay in a curled position, and so his was called Panren ("curled up man"); he was the first human, so he was popularly called Pangu ("curled up ancient"); when his body was formed, he woke up and found only stone and darkness around him; sculpted an ax out of the ground and began waving it; the stone around it split easily, and the one next did not give in; then P. cried, his tears mixed with breakaway stones and formed mountains; he continued to cry, tears flowed like rain, formed seas; therefore, the sea water was bitter and salty; P. continued to cut the stone, sparks fell, and took off up, turned into stars; one day he hit with all his might, cut off two large stones, they flew up and turned into fireballs - the moon and the sun; the stone egg split and blew through the cracks cold wind; P. strained and began to grow, lifting the upper half of the stone egg, and it turned into a blue sky; while P. grew, the breakaway stones also grew and turned into mountains, and their fragments into yellowness and plains; the sky separated from the ground, P. grew old, he felt lonely, he made many clay men out of yellowland and breathed life into them; one day he injured his hand, and where he dripped it blood, herbs and flowers grew; he was happy and began to water the ground with his blood, but soon died, and his bones turned into trees; when P. raised the Sky, he looked down, saw Mount Jifeng, and stuck it in she has her own ax; the mountain has settled and took its current form with a crevice in the middle]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, No. 2:4; Chinese (Shaanxi) [In ancient times, space was a bunch of energy that rotated in the void until Once upon a time, life did not start there. It was a giant that grew fast, tore the clot into two parts and one with its head, and stepped on the other with its feet, and while it grew fast, these pieces also grew, became thicker, and the distance between them was increasing. The upper piece turned into the sky, and the lower one into the ground. Because the giant was the oldest man, he was named Panga (Curled Up Ancient). This is how he lived, with the sky above his head and the ground under his feet, his breath became wind, his voice became thunder when he blinked, lightning flashed, and when he cried, tears formed rivers. After a few centuries, he grew old. To have offspring, he took two of his ribs, blew on them, and they became man and woman, gave birth to children and grandchildren, and so humanity was born. After Pangu died, his head turned into a mountain, his eyes into the sun and moon, and his body hair into trees]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, no. 2a: 5; Chinese (Gansu, Wu. Jingning) [Once upon a time, heaven and earth were in the same chicken egg and everything was dark and dark. A giant named Pangu appeared, sleeping in this egg for several hundred years. One day he yawned, reached out, heard a rumble, and the egg split. He got out of the dark egg and stood as a pillar, and he was ninety thousand or so tall. He saw that there was nothing around him, stamped his foot angrily, and fragments of the shell fell down. He pushed away from them and rose into the void. The fragments of the egg turned into the ground, and the place where it stood turned into the sky. After heaven and earth separated from each other, the earth was white and white. When Pangu saw this, he became upset and cried. His tears became rain and his sobs became thunder. To this day, when thunder comes, raindrops fall from the sky. The air he breathed out turned into wind and clouds. In the end, he died from sobbing, and one of his eyes turned into the sun and the other into the moon. His body fell on eggshell fragments and turned into mountains, blood vessels into rivers, muscles into roads, hair on his head into trees, and bones and teeth into silver lying underground]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001, No. 2:3-4; Chinese (Sichuan): Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 1 (wu. Fengtse) [there was no sky and earth in the world, only chaos, fog and darkness; King Pangu took his magic axe that cut through the mountains and separated the sky from the ground; cut chaos and dark fog in half; heavy half went down, and the lung went up; after 18 thousand years, the light half became heaven, and the heavy half became earth; the sky rose, the earth became thicker, King Pangu grew old; when he died, he sighed, and his sigh turned into wind and clouds, and cried out, and his voice turned into thunder, shed a few tears, and they turned to rain; after his death, his left eye turned to the sun and his right eye to the moon, limbs into mountain ranges, blood into rivers, muscles into fields, hair on his head into constellations, hair on his body into grass and trees, his corpse gave rise to all things in the world], 1a (y. Baxian) [at first there was no heaven and earth, they were created by King Pangu; he had a dragon head and the body of a snake; he grew very fast, a day according to Zhang; grew 18 thousand years, grew huge, and then he became create heaven and earth; first created earth and it was flat; then hastily created a sky that looked like a cauldron cover: curved upwards in the center and low at the edges, it covered the ground; when creating the sky, P. forgot to compare the dimensions, the sky came out small and the whole earth did not cover; P. squeezed the ground, and it fit in size, but it had folds; since then there have been mountains and gorges, but there are also plains; King Pangu stood on the ground with his legs wide apart, opened one eye and closed the other; his eyes were the sun and the moon; he sighed, and his sigh turned into wind and clouds, cried out, and his voice turned into thunder; sweat wiped off and it turned to rain, rain fell into the gorges on the ground, so rivers turned; P. threw a few hairs from his head and body on the ground, it turned into trees and grass, threw parasites living on his body and they turned into humans and wildlife], 1b (y. Chongqing) [in times of chaos, the world was filled with a qi ball; although there were ten suns around it, it was dark inside, heaven and earth were not separated, and the sun and moon did not shine; after many tens of thousands years, an embryo suddenly appeared in the balloon; he grew into a giant with a human body and a lion's head; several tens of thousands of years later, his body grew stronger; the balloon was hot, and then the giant became punching in all directions; the ball burst, the light part rose to the top and became the sky, and the heavy part fell down and became earth; after heaven and earth were divided, it became light; the giant began to jump and rejoice, but soon I felt that the earth was hotter than in the balloon; ten suns were warming so much that he soon fell screaming to the ground and died; his blood formed an ocean, his bones formed mountains, skin and meat to soil, hair on his body to grass, hair on his head to trees; his whole body turned into a world with green mountains and blue rivers; tens of thousands of years have passed, and Fusi and his People were created by a sister; then people called him "King Pangu" to honor the memory of the giant who separated heaven from earth; this meant that the world was like a plate (pan), and everything on it came from chaos after the appearance of the giant], 3 (y. Dai) [A long time ago, there was no light in the world, darkness was everywhere, and all living things existed in darkness. People did not know what to do about it, they were starving, they were ill, and there were few of them left. Among the rest were husband and wife, very strong and brave, and everyone called them Brave Strong Deities. One day, several old people dying of hunger told them that a ray of light could be seen in a swampy lowland, and the couple, when they heard this, went after it. They walked for a long time, overcame many dangers, and finally found the place. They were very happy and ran up to the ray and saw it coming from a small cave. They crawled inside, straightened themselves up, raised the cave ceiling and supported it with both hands. After a long time, their mouths bleed and they, first their wife and then husband, died, but they continued to stand and support the cave ceiling. This is how the world was lit and people were saved. The part of the cave that the husband and wife had raised was called heaven, and the part on which they stood was called earth. It is said that the red light at dawn and dusk is colored with this couple's blood]: 21, 21-22, 22-23, 24-25; Chinese (Shanxi, w. Pingdin) [Pangu separated the sky from the ground; the sky was held on four legs of a sea turtle, and the earth rested on the back of a carp; immortals lived in the sky, and there was no one on earth; Jade Vladyka sent Nuiva to earth to create life; the first day is the Day of the Tree, N. created for flowers, herbs, trees; the second is Water Day, N. populated rivers and lakes with fish, turtles, crayfish; the third is Metal Day , N. populated the mountains with wild animals and birds; the fourth was the day of Fire, N. populated the plains with cattle; the fifth was the day of the Earth; N. began to crumple a ball of clay; the Golden Boy appeared in front of her; said that he had sent him Mother Vanmu, she is afraid that N. will become lazy; N. said, so she does not know what to do next; he promised to report to Mother; N., got angry and sculpted a figure of Youth, 50 of them, out of clay; on the sixth day , Moon Day, N. wanted to lie down, but the Jade Maiden called her a lazy person; N. got angry again, sculpted 50 Virgo figures; laid out male and female figures in pairs and fell asleep; on the seventh day, the day of the Sun , wanted to go back to the Sky Palace, saw that the figures came to life; gave names to everyone, and called the couple who looked the most like those Boy and Virgo Fusi brother and sister; they asked what to eat, what to wear, where to live; N.: wild herbs and animals, dress in leaves and skins, live in caves; N. returned to heaven; wolves, tigers and leopards and ate 10 pairs of siblings; turned carp supporting the earth, part of the earth collapsed, and 10 more pairs with it; the turtle supporting the sky was tired, jerked its foot, the NW corner of the sky collapsed, 10 more pairs died under the rubble; Wannmu found out, N. return to earth to help people; N. tied the carp with dragon veins, smelted five-colored stones on Mount Fushan and patched the sky, cut off the turtle's paws and made sky supports, drove wild birds away and animals, returned to heaven; but wild animals and birds returned, ate 5 more pairs; the carp blinked an eye, the ground staggered, the mountains shook, volcanoes woke, 5 more pairs died; the turtle that lost its paws became crying in pain, her tears turned into ice and snow, the rains and glaciers killed five more pairs; it kept raining, the snow cover was getting thicker, the carp was getting heavier; the ground sank, the turtle's legs trembled the sky and earth staggered, the ice and snow melted, the seas overflowed their banks; N. sent Vanmu again; she threw her hairpin into the water, it turned into a boat, only Brother and Sister Fusi escaped; the flood it was over, but the land was empty; Mount Fushan, where N. melted stones, was the tallest, N. took her brother and sister there - let them multiply; they were embarrassed; N. gave everyone a millstone, ordered them to roll off mountains; when the millstones rolled down, they lay on top of each other; the eastern and western Millstones in the Chanshigou ravine are those millstones; shame will pass, and if you want to call each other brother and sister, please; the newlyweds are still called that]: Zhou Yang et al. 1999, No. 9:12-14; Chinese (Henan, Jiyuan City) [There is another one east of Mount Wangu, on the slope of which Pangu Monastery is located. Pangu was born there. P. had neither a father nor a mother; he was born inside a huge chicken egg, and after being formed, he slept there for eighteen thousand years. When I woke up, I felt that his body seemed to be connected. He straightened his arms and legs, the egg crumbled. From P.'s movements, chaos began to fluctuate, the lung rose up, turned into a sky, the heavy one fell, became earth, and there was a small crack between heaven and earth. P. saw that the sky was too close, put his hands on the sky with his hands, began to push him up, growing one zhang every day, and the sky was also one zhang taller. It's been like this for another 18,000 years. P. grew by 90,000 lei, and the sky rose by ninety thousand. Hence the saying about the "nine-layer sky". From fatigue, P. became sweaty, exhausted and died. Before I died, I thought that heaven and earth were not enough; there must be sun and moon, mountains and rivers, people and animals. But he had already fallen from fatigue and couldn't create them. Before he died, he said he was leaving his body to the world. When he died, one eye turned into the sun, the other into the moon, his breath into wind and clouds, his voice into thunder, his arms and legs into mountains, his bones into ores, his blood into rivers, his hair into flowers, herbs and trees, his soul - into humans, livestock, birds, animals, insects and fish. The egg shell from which P. came out ended up under the mountain and turned into a shining, smooth folded stone. The carcasses made from it do not allow water to pass through. To honor P., a monastery was built on this site. Option (y. Tongbo): When heaven and earth were not yet separated, P. existed dressed and shod in clouds. Once a ball blocked his way, he split it with an ax. Air came out of the balloon and it began to descend. P. stood on him, fell asleep, and when he woke up several tens of thousands of years later, he found that his cloud clothes and shoes had disappeared, the balloon had turned into the ground, and the sky appeared above the ground. P. became the first person]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001b, No. 1:3-4; Chinese (Shandong, Wu. Liangshan) [heaven and earth were not separated, there were no people; Pangu slept between heaven and earth; grew rapidly in his sleep, reaching ninety thousand in length and width; woke up, opened his eyes and saw darkness; I groped and came across an egg, broke it with one blow, the world changed; heaven and earth split; the squirrel turned into clear sky and white clouds, and the yolk into the ground; P. laughed, and his pores turned into stars, body hairs into forests and grass, eyes into sun and moon, eye sockets into oceans, arms, legs and head into five mountain peaks, bones into mountain ranges, and sweat into rivers; when P. was angry, then he began to breathe intermittently, and his breath turned to wind and rain; sometimes he would stretch out his legs and clap his hands; this is the cause of thunder and lightning, as well as the earthquake]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, no. 1:3; Chinese (Shandong, Wu. Dongming) [when Pangu separated the sky from the ground, mountains appeared a month later, rivers two months later, grass three months later, trees; then insects, fish, birds and animals appeared, and eight months later - people, but the world was in darkness; when P. was lying, his body was in the sea, and his head was on the mountains, when he got up, he rested his feet on the ground and his head against the sky; he saw a ray of light in the east and went to him; when he reached a place called Fusan, he saw two twin sisters; the eldest was called the Moon and the youngest was the Sun; the eldest was calm and serious, and the youngest was lively and mobile; it turned out that the light comes from them, and P. asked them to go to heaven, they agreed; P. told them to go out one by one and the world should always remain lit; the next day, on the morning of the first day of the new year, In the lunar calendar, the Moon told the Sun that she would be the first to come out and invited the Sun to go out in the evening, but the Sun Sister replied that the evening was dark and scary, so she wanted to go out during the day; the Moon agreed; When she went outside, the Sun Sister found that all the people on earth were looking at her; she turned red in embarrassment and came back; the Moon gave her metal needles to stab the eyes of those who would look at her; the sisters agreed to meet once a month, and then Sister Sun came out again and threw needles at people; people no longer dared to look at the Sun, but continued admire the beauty of the Moon; on the morning of the first or second day of every lunar month, the Sun and Moon meet and go part of the way together]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, No. 2:3-4; jino (south Yunnan) [Amoyaobu (equivalent to Pangu) separated heaven from earth]: Miller 1994:68; Miao: Riftin 1993 [Naloyingou separated the sky from the ground, raised the sky, lowered the earth; Renyungulo gave eight wooden pillars and 16 millet stalks to prop up the sky; these, as well as the stone and iron supports, are short-lived; old woman Uluoso told N. to pull four of the eight joints out of his legs, support the sky four at a time to the cardinal points; in this likeness, N. blinded animals four legs each; N. stretched the sky and earth, they expanded; W. gives 12 eggs, N. lets the bird sit them; 12 suns hatched, N. placed them in the corners and in the middle of the sky]: 306-312; Bender et al. 2006 (Guizhou) [at first heaven and earth were close to each other; the river could not flow east, gold and silver could not be carried to the west; if you stand up, you'll rest your head against the sky; grandparents, the creators of the sky, melted what was in the huge crucible, the white particles rose up, the black ones fell down; but the Sky also claimed to be larger than (Earth), and Earth is bigger (Heaven); The sky has fallen, the Earth has risen, they met on seven mountains; grandfather Ha Liong's son-in-law killed Li Bo in heaven with a sword, grandmother's son Vong E's shot Li Qe on the ground; everyone a widow remained among the dead; but Heaven and Earth continued to argue which of them was bigger; the long-legged long-armed grandmother Niu Dliang was called to measure heaven and earth, she measured the east in girths, the west in steps; it turned out that the Earth is slightly longer and the Sky is slightly wider; nowadays, gold pillars firmly support Heaven, and silver pillars support the Earth, and then the sky was supported by birch pillars, the earth was supported by wubei wood, Heaven and Earth were wobbling, people ran to the sides seven times; Je Sang Ngang's grandfather, whose body was seven iron barrel hoops as thick, raised the sky, but it split, a crack appeared; Grandma Yu and Grandpa Sang Ngang was crushed by the Sky; this grandfather became a cicada; a white-nosed pig undermined supports, a white chicken flew east and west, a gust of wind knocked over the supports; the Yang Yu family was rich enough to replace wooden supports with 12 gold ones, each was done for 12 years; (hereinafter about the places where the supports were placed); it became light; but the day and hour of installation of the supports were not chosen well and they fell; they were reinstalled, but one support broke; it took the fruit of immortality to take her initiative; the sky is firmly established; Hxu Niu paved riverbeds, Bu Pa cut through mountains; Hxu Nu's body is like a buffalo, head like a lion, a tail like a palm front, four legs like an iron rake]: 11-19; Schotter 1911 [the sky was low, he was hit by a burden of brushwood, a pestle of rice; his great-grandfather picked it up with four the corners of the support are made of fragrant wood; stretched out colored canvases, which made multi-colored clouds and multi-colored stones; made the sun out of gold, the moon out of silver, stars from colored stones; they live underground dwarfs, whose eggshells serve as vessels; giants live in the sky]: 326; Chuan Miao [when King P'an Ku separated heaven from earth, sister Hu Hsi descended from heaven to earth, King Shen Lung descended To control five cereals, Emperor Hsuen Yuen went down to make people clothes; he created 44 big fish to use in setting the 4 corners of the world; he made 48 pegs out of mutton antlers using them to make the world strong in four directions; he firmly established heaven and earth and there was yellow gold in the middle of the earth]: Graham 1954:18; li (Hainan, wu. Ledong) [heaven and earth were only a few zhang apart; there were 7 suns and 7 moons in the sky, the earth was burned; during the day, living beings hid in caves, but did not dare to go out at night, leaving the caves only at dawn and dusk, when the sun and moons replaced each other; the mighty spirit decided that people would not be able to live like this, and in one night raised the sky to ten thousand zhang; but still in the sky There were 7 suns and 7 moons; then a mighty spirit made a bow and many arrows; during the day he started shooting at the suns and knocked down 6 of them; people shouted for him to leave the last one; he fulfilled their request; at night the spirit started shooting at the moons, hit 6; when he shot the seventh, missed and broke off a piece of it; people started screaming again, the spirit left the last moon as they asked; since then, the moon has been full or full flawed; the mighty spirit decided that people could not live without mountains, rivers and forests; took a rainbow from the sky and made it a rocker, took roads from the ground and made them ropes, and used them to carry them from the sea sand on the coast and pour mountains; small and large hills were made of sand waking up from baskets; the spirit scattered the eyes of its hair across the mountains, so hair-like forests appeared; living in the mountains animals and birds began to grow their heads in gratitude for the spirit's creation of habitats for them; the spirit began to draw lines between the mountains with its toes, creating valleys; the sweat from it filled them and they turned into rivers, the largest of which was Changhuajiang, flowing from Mount Wuzhishan to the South Sea; when he finished his work, his spirit ran out of strength and fell to the ground; before he died, he was afraid that the sky would again will approach the ground, open his hand, raise it, and hold the sky; this is Mount Wuzhishan (Five Finger Mountain)]: Zhou 2002, No. 10:14-15.

The Balkans. Hungarians.

Japan. Okinawa.

The Arctic. Kodiak [The raven brings light into the world; at the same time a bubble falls from the sky, with a man and a woman in it; they blow, the bubble grows; they stretch out their legs and arms, mountains appear; the man scratches over head with mountains, hair falls, mountains are covered with forest, animals grow in them; the sea arises from a woman's urine; a man pulls ditches and holes, a woman spits in them, lakes and rivers appear; a woman pulls one a tooth, the man made an ax out of it, began to cut wood; fish arose from chips that fell into the water; from the fragrant cypress, pink salmon, from the red cypress, coho salmon; their eldest son played with stone, and Kodiak appeared from the stone; putting a man and a female on him, he shoved the island to its present place, where people then divorced]: Lisyansky 1812 (2): 77; Lisiansky 1814:197-198 in Lantis 1938, No. 1:131, in Oswalt 196:212.

Subarctic. Upper Tanana: Kari 1996 [the hunter climbed into the porcupine hole, the giant Yaachoh blocked the exit with a stone; had to go with him; his family was killed by giant Gol'; they fight, look the same, Gol shouts that he was the "grandfather" of man; Joachoch cut his veins, killed him; got together with his wife, a river flowed out of it, lice like muskrats; Yochi told the man to throw them in his mouth; killed Gol's wife; killed them children, piercing their heads with his finger and sucking their brains; the man took the beaver's tail for himself; the sky is low, Joachoch rubs his head against him, bald; he picked it up (after he got up in the sky, the sky had to move higher up); ants attacked; he {it is not clear whether a giant or a hunter} cut an ant, so ants have a drooping ass and a narrow waist; the giant gave the man a stick where it would fall, the house that way; the hunter comes home, where they celebrate a memorial ceremony]: 47-52; McKennan 1959 [the giant Goath kills the giant Yatko's family; the Chicadi man hides from Y. in a porcupine hole; agrees to help Y. when he threatens to block the exit with his excrement; moose for Y. rabbits; Chickady becomes Y.'s friend; giants fight, Chickady cuts G.'s tendons; the same episode with G.'s wife; killing the giantess, J. copulates with her; Chickady almost drowns in a stream of sperm I.; the lice on my head are muskrat; I shove the sky away from the ground to where it is now; Chickady returns home]: 197-199; helmet [because . the sky was low, the ground was cold; the giant could only crawl; he raises the sky until he gets up to his full height; it gets warmer; he goes to the upper world; the rain is his tears]: Teit 1917a, #6:445.

Big Pool. Western Shoshones (Elko, Nevada) [The rabbit pushed the sky with his head].

The Great Southwest. Diegeño; maricopa; cocopa; havasupai; yavapai.

Mesoamerica The Aztecs.

The Southern Cone. Selknam.