Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B78. Shaking off, it produces a blizzard..

When a character shakes off (or shakes clothes, plucks birds, etc.), snow falls from his hair, feathers, fur, bed, clothes, etc.

Germans, French, Latvians, Forest Nenets, Nganasans, Udege, Baffin's Land, Villote, Yuki, Thompson, Penobscot, Santi, Viyot.

Western Europe. Germans [Frau Holle; the widow loves an ugly lazy daughter, she is beautiful and hard-working; she rubbed her hands to blood, went to the well to wash the spindle, dropped it, the widow tells me to get it, girl jumps into a well, finds himself in a meadow; fulfills the request of bread to take it out of the sword, the apple tree to detach it, comes to Mrs. Metelitsa, works well, whips her feather bed, then it snows on the ground; Metelitsa showers her with gold, sends her home; the lazy daughter deliberately scratches her hands, drops the spindle, does not take out her bread, does not shake off the apple tree, is lazy to whip the feather bed, drenched in resin, could not wash it off for the rest of her life]: Grimm, Grimm 1987, No. 24:88-91 (Russian translation in Grimm, Grimm 1987:84-86; =Shustova 1994:326-329); (cf. French [when the Holy Virgin plucks geese, it's snowing]: Joister 2005:504).

Baltoscandia. Latvians [Daina: "Mother of the Snow, shake soon/All your down jackets, /For snow to cover the ground, /For your brothers to go to the forest"]: Abyzov 1984, No. 15:14 (Russian translation), 15 (Latvian original).

Western Siberia. Forest Nenets [A northern bull looks like a human or wild deer, lives on the northern edge of the sky; when it shakes off its back to allow its hair to sleep, it snows; breathes cold; sometimes they say also about the Heat Ox on the southern edge of the sky; it sends warmth, southern wind, rain and snow during a thaw]: Lehtisalo 1998:22; nganasana [Kodu-Nguo is opposed to Thunder (Kadu'o), a carrier of warm weather; evil woman, when she combs her hair, dandruff flies from her hair, turns into snow]: Simchenko 1996 (1): 155.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Udege people [Chinihe, the ruler of the sky, sends snow (on his beard and scalp) and rain (on his eyebrows and eyelashes); if there is no snow, the shaman will let him touch himself with a stick, three days later it snows; once a year C. meets Tagu-Mama (she also lives in the sky); she sends children's souls to people]: Arsenyev to Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 85:435.

The Arctic. Baffin's Land [a man stumbles upon a huge baby whose meat could feed the entire village, on whose penis four men could sit; a baby (this is Sila, spirit weather) warns not to cut it, touch the toe for a test; the person touches it - it starts snowing, touches his head - the blizzard falls off his feet; S. rises into the sky, where he shakes his skin, producing snow]: Millman 2004:30.

The coast is the Plateau. Thompson [The Old Man lives in the high mountains when he scratches his back, it rains or snows (var: when urinating); the lower Thompsons believe that a woman produces rain and snow]: Teit 1900:341.

Northeast. Penobscot [The skunk lived in the Gluskabe wigwam, wanted to know why the snow is falling, goes to strange creatures; sees a bird sitting in the sky (upon the floor of the sky); its fluff falls, turns into snow; a huge eagle stretches its wings, night falls; when it lowers, day comes; the Skunk tied one wing to it, night fell on part of the earth, the other part was day; one the eagle's feather fell on the mountain; the mountain became small, then disappeared altogether]: Speck 1935b, No. 27:74-75.

Plains. Santi [see motif K19B; two girls sleep outside; one wants a big and bright star, the other a weak star; both taken to heaven; a bright star is a big man, a weak star is a young man; the wife of the first pregnant, her husband does not tell her to dig up the rhizomes of Psoralea esculenta; she digs up, falls through the sky, breaks to death, her baby remains alive; an old man picks him up, brings him to his wife; He throws over the tipi, the baby turns into a young man; goes to travel, destroys monsters; the spirit of winter Vazia will take all the bison meat; the young star points at him with his finger, nothing happens; when V. points to the Star, V.'s hands are paralyzed; the Star cuts V.'s blanket, from there the hidden bison meat falls in; V.'s wife repairs the blanket, V. shakes it, the snow falls asleep; the Star the south wind is fanning; the snow is melting, W., his wife and children are dying from the heat; the youngest child is saved]: Riggs 1893:90-94.

California. Villote [first just one water; Gudatrigakwitl ("the old man upstairs") takes dust, blows, it turns into land; creates a man named Chkekowik; then makes a wife for him; an elk, then others animals, birds and fish to feed them; when he shakes his head, snow falls out of his hair, blizzards on the ground; sneezing makes people young, their clothes are made of new suede; chews deer tendons, spits out, a white deer appears; a rich man can see such a deer in the sky]: Kroeber 1906a, No. 7:97-98; Yuki [Pelohot (snowy old man) lives "at the North Pole"; when he shakes his head, it snows]: Foster 1944:233.