Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B7A. Spit out water .

Someone owns water or a drink. Another character swallows the hidden, runs away and spits out the hidden, making water or drink available to everyone.


Baltoscandia. Edda [when making peace, aces and vana went to the bowl and spat in it. From this content, the gods made Kwasir a wise man. He came to visit Carls Fialar and Galar (Hiding and Singing). His blood was poured into the cauldron of Odrörir (Spirit-Driving), mixed with honey; whoever drinks would become a skald or a scientist. Asam was told that Kwasir himself drowned in wisdom. The Carls invited giant Gilling and his wife to visit them. They called Gilling for a boat ride, pointed her at the rocks, and Gilling drowned. The wife weeps, walks out the door, millstones fall on her head, she dies. Their son Suttung grabs the Carls and puts them on a rock that sinks into the sea at high tide. The Carls give a ransom - precious honey. Suttung hides honey in the rocks of Hnitbjörg (Colliding Cliffs), leaves his daughter Gunnled to guard him. Odin met nine slaves mowing hay. I sharpened their braids. They want to buy a sharpener. One threw the sharpener up. They all wanted to grab him and slashed each other's necks with braids. Alone spent the night with giant Bauga, Suttung's son. He complains that his nine slaves stabbed each other and does not know where to get the others. One called himself Bölwerk (Villain) and agreed to work for nine for a sip of Suttung honey. Baugie is willing to help get it. In winter, both went to Suttung, who refused to give honey. Bölwerk gave Baudy a drill and told him to drill the rock. He says it's ready. Deceives. Drills again. This time Bölwerk crawls inside like a snake, Baudy fails to pierce him with a drill. Bölwerk spent three nights with Gunnled, and for this she let him drink three sips of honey. He drained all three vessels, i.e. took all the honey. He turned into an eagle and flew away. Suttung also became an eagle and went in pursuit. The aces put up the bowl, and one eagle spit honey into it. Part is through the anus. This honey wasn't harvested, it's "the rhymoplet share"]: Younger Edda 1970:58-60.

Volga - Perm. See motive B1. Komi [zap. P.G. Doronin in 1927, I knew it since childhood); at first there was no earth, no sky, one swamp; two frogs, blind and sighted, climbed onto the hummock; the sighted one was Yong, the blind was cunning Omel; falling off the hummock, turned into human beings; the sighted one broke two teeth, they turned into horns, all living things appeared from a drop of blood, all living things appeared from a drop of blood; and when they fell into hummocks, they turned into humans; the sighted broke two teeth, they became a woman; she became O.'s wife, met in E., O. beat him; E. tamed pigeons, created the sky, created a hole in the center, released pigeons through it; O. vorona, this one for them the hole is small, O. made the other wider, the crows flew into the sky, killed the pigeons, escaped alone; returned to E. with mud; O. sent a crow, he took the mud, E. grabbed the crow by the throat, squeezed it, the mud fell down, formed land; the water that spilled out of the beak is the sea]: Doronin 2004:392-396 (another translation into Russian in Novikov 1936:40).

SV Asia. Coastal Koryaks [the raven meets Avi crab on the shore; he invites him to visit, feeds him fatty foods, gives him a drink only in exchange for a promise to give his two daughters; K. Drinks water when she returns to land, spews it; rivers form; daughters go beyond Ememkut a and Belukha]: Jochelson 1908, No. 117:311-312.

Subarctic. Tagish: McClelland 1987 [Loon keeps all the water in the cellar; The raven puts Loon to sleep with his stories, puts dog feces in her bed; Loon runs away to wash; The raven swallows water, flies, spitting it out; rivers and lakes with fish appear]: 312-313; 2007, № 36c [Ganook owns water; Raven (Yéil) argues with him who is older; they are sailing in boats, G. wears a "fog cap" J. loses his orientation, admits that he is younger; puts excrement on him, it melted warm, G. believes that he is dirty, runs away to wash, J. drinks all the water with the fish, flies into the chimney; G. tells the spirit of the hearth to grab him, J. turns white black]: 203-204; southern tutchoni [The raven came to the owner of the water, they began to argue which of them was older; the raven began to tell stories the owner fell asleep, the Raven took water into his beak, flew away, spit out water, creating lakes and rivers; the last portion was salt water]: McClelland 2007 (1), No. 1a: 17-18; inner tlingits [The raven comes with birds to the water owner; says that there are enemies in the forest who want to capture slaves {do birds pretend to be enemies in the forest?} ; the owner of the water goes to fight off enemies, the Raven drinks all the water, flies into the chimney; the owner stops him, smokes him, he is made of white black]: McClelland 2007, № 168b.ii-iii: 736-737; taltan [Kanu'gu has fresh water; the white Raven comes to cut wood for him; when K. sleeps, puts excrement in his bed; offers to wash him with urine; splashes urine into his eyes, grabs water (not described how), flies out, but gets stuck in the chimney; K. smokes it, the Raven turns black; finally, the Raven flies out, spreads it (spitting it out of his mouth?) water on earth]: Teit 1919, No. 3:201-203.

NW Coast. Eyak [The raven steals water (no details); flies, spitting it out of his mouth, creating lakes and rivers; where he slept, saliva turns into sea]: Birket-Smith, Laguna 1938:258-259 (=Johnson 1988 : 13; translated into Romanova 1997, No. 2:26); Tlingit [The Petrel owns fresh water; the Raven puts dog feces in his bed, says he is dirty; the Petrel runs out of the house, Raven drinks water; gets stuck in the chimney; the Petrel makes a smoky fire, the Raven turns white black; frees himself, flies, spitting out water; streams and rivers with salmon appear]: Kamensky 1906 [Kanuk invites Elya to his island, treats him with fresh water; E. talks about the creation of the world, K. falls asleep; E. puts dog droppings in his bed; K. got dirty, ran to wash; E. took water into his beak, rushed into the smoke hole, got stuck; K. smoked it until it turned black, then let it go; E. flew spewing water, so all lakes and rivers appeared]: 77-78 (English per. Kamenskii 1985 [Ganook, Yéil]: 62)]; Veniaminov 1840 in Romanova 1997:513-514; Golder 1907c: 293-295; De Laguna 1972:847; Smelcer 1992:45-46; 1993:34; Swanton 1909, No. 1, 31:4, 83; Haida ( Skydegate): Swanton 1905:115-116 [The eagle keeps all the fresh water in the basket; pretends to be drinking seawater; the raven scares the Eagle, telling a pile of brushwood to fall into the fire, grabs a basket of water, flies away; The eagle follows; water spills out of the basket, forming rivers; the Eagle stops pursuing; the raven pours out the remaining water from his mouth, creating lakes and rivers], 146 [water at the Beaver; the Raven comes under the guise of poor ugly man; swallows water, flies up a tree; animals gnaw on the trunk; The raven flies, spitting out water; rivers form]; Haida (Masset) [Eagle had fresh water; the Raven asked for him; when refused, drank unnoticed, flew, spit out, rivers formed]: Swanton 1908a: 293-294; Tsimshian [(summary of several versions); The raven puts the owner of fresh water to sleep (usually the Raven), Makes him think he has stained his bed; threatening to tell others about it, he gets permission to drink water; takes water away, spits it out on the fly; this is how rivers appear]: Boas 1916:651-652; Heiltzuk [the leader has all the water; the raven hides the empty intestine of a sea lion under his cape; comes disguised as an old man, asks for a drink, drains all the water from the bucket into the gut, flies above the ground, splashing water]: Boas 1895, No. XXI.1.2:232 (=2002:481-482); uvikino [there is water only under the roots of the dervias; the old man has a bucket of clean water, gives others a throat; the raven puts cedar bark on his tongue, shows that his mouth dried up; everything drinks, flies away, spits out water, creating lakes and rivers]: Boas 1895, No. XX.1.2:209 (=2002:445); Quakiutl: Boas 1895, No. XVIII.1.10 (neveti group, tlatlasicoala subgroup) [ Omeatl (Raven) comes to his sister, who has fresh water; asks for a drink, sprinkles ash on his tongue as if it is dry; when he drinks almost everything, he flies above the ground, regurgitating water, creating lakes and rivers]: 174 (=1916, No. 2:892-894; =2002:383); 1910, No. 14 [people drink juice from the roots, water from one woman; The inventor stains her bed (like the Tsimshians); sails away in a boat; urinates, creating rivers, splashes water, creating streams], 18 [a virgin owns water; an omeal (a raven) stains her bed (like a Tsimshian); flies above the ground, creating water (without details); a virgin turns into a blue jay]: 167- 169, 225-227; Wallace, Whitaker 1981 [The water is owned by a woman; a raven comes to her supposedly for fire, asks for permission to drink, drinks all the water, flies away, spits out, creating lakes and rivers; out of two drops The Fraser River arose, of three - Colombia]: 92-93; Nootka [The raven owns fresh water, people lick wet roots; Jackdaw comes to the Raven, carries water, flies above the ground and spits out, creating lakes and rivers]: Boas 1895, No. XIII.3.9:108 (=2002:260).

Southern Amazon. Kamayura [Uvaiacá drinks a potion to become strong; imperceptibly from him, the pigeon drinks from the same vessel; W.'s mother throws out the pigeon, it flies, regurgitates the swallowed water, all the water in it inhabitants and monsters; a lake forms on the site of the village, fish eat W., his wife and children; his brother wants to be eaten too; makes a platform, shoots fish from it, kills their leader's son; finally, two fish I managed to jump, grab him by the ears, drag him into the water; he was eaten, everyone was painted with the colors he used to paint his body, this is how the fish take color]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:201-205.