Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B7B. Water from the vessel. .11.-. (.33.41.).



sea (flood, river) flows out of a small container.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Quaya [old man Mareri (aka Mungura; sometimes the name of God the Creator) and his wife had all the water in the pot; the vessel was kept under the roof of the house; when the daughter-in-law was cooking, her father-in-law gave her water for it; Once I made water for beer, left; my daughter-in-law opened the vessel herself, it fell, crashed, the water spilled around the world]: Huber 1967, no. c: 793-796.

West Africa. Akebu [Earth and Sky quarreled; then Heaven refused to send rain; Earth sent a Wagtail with a calebasa to him; she prostrated herself, said that the Earth recognized the superiority of Heaven; the Sky poured into calebasa of water, made it a condition for the Earth to build a house for its children; the wagtail came down, the calebasa burst, the water spread all over the earth; all people and animals took part in the construction of the house; then thunder thundered to everyone's joy; the Bat refused to build; the birds drove her away; now she is hiding and does not have her own home]: Müller 1908:274; eve [leaked out of the cauldron old woman, the water turned into a snake, writhing to Volta; the water flowed behind the snake, became the Daya River]: Olderogge 1959:163.

Sudan - East Africa. Gbaya [Gbagbas {then some sound marked ç but turned to the left} held all the water in the vessels; Wanto (i.e. Spider) made balls of salted peanut butter, climbed a tree, under which G. and his dogs were sitting with him; began to throw balloons, dogs began to fight over them; G. became interested, tried it, drove away the dogs, began to eat himself, felt thirsty, went to his vessels, got drunk; . traced where the vessels were, broke them, rivers flowed; G. tried to stop the water, it circled it on both sides, so on the Wáam River islands]: Samarin 1966, No. 11:179-181.

Australia. Binjanjara (Great Victoria Desert) [one of the two brothers hides a leather bag of water from the other; the other brother holes it, the water pours out, flooding the ground; female birds are different species build a dam from their roots; it later turns into a rocky coastline]: Berndt, Berndt 1964:340.

Melanesia. Kira [the man has two wives and a mother-in-law; his skin is covered in scab, but in fact he has another; before the holiday, he tells his wives to bring betel and pepper; the wives have gone to the party, and the husband wore beautiful skin and came there too; did not pay attention to the wives, and they noticed a handsome man; surprised that the betel looked like the one they gave to her husband; mother-in-law saw him change his skin; when the wives returned, told them; the husband was furious; told the wives to prepare a sago and let his mother-in-law bring it to him; killed her with an arrow; told the wives to carry the body; water began to pour out of it, the sea formed; local masalai (spirits) Dissatisfied with the noise, so the man told me to take the body to another place; the water poured out there; reeds are growing there now]: Slone 2009:92-94; tolay (east New Britain) [the woman has two sons; once she cut her finger on a sugarcane leaf; put her finger in a stream, but pulled it back: it hurt; put it in my mouth, tasted it; (salty water); filled a bamboo vessel with this water; salted food for the eldest son and did not salt it for the youngest; the brothers spied on her filling the vessel; knocked over the stone from under which the stream flowed; the water poured in a stream and filled the sea]: Slone 2009:134-135; Aoba [a woman forbids her two grandchildren to go outside the house; there she always urinates on a large leaf; grandchildren shoot lizards, an arrow hits a leaf, and water spills out to form a sea]: Codrington 1891, No. 8:372 -373.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Hill Miri [Chabobi's snowy peak is Earth's elder brother Sichi; Hak-Tajum and his wife Sip-Gilli lived there; she gave birth to an egg, it rolled down the slope, crashed, and a river flowed out of it; then all rivers also appeared from other eggs]: Elwin 1958a, No. 7:73.

China - Korea. Chinese (Henan, Wu. Xinzheng) [When the Yellow Lord grew old, he decided to find someone to replace him. Out of a thousand people, two were selected, and both were JW's sons. One was named Xuanxiao and the other was Changyi. WW gave each one a pumpkin vessel and said that if they were uncorked, water would flow out of them and flow for two hundred or two hundred. He will also appoint as his successor someone who can make the water from his vessel flow from the foot of Mount Songshan to the Yingshui River, located three hundred li away. The sons uncorked the vessels, but the water only flowed 200 or more. On the fourth day, S. offered to join forces. The brothers simultaneously uncorked the vessels, after 110 or so the streams merged and reached the Yingshui River. JW succeeded his eldest son S., and C. ordered to help him. The river that flowed from the vessel S. is Zhenshui, and from the vessel C. is Weishui. The part where they join together is called Shuangjihe ("The Double River Reaching {Yingshui}")]: Zhou 2001b, No. 28:36-37.

(Wed. Turkestan. Kazakhs (Tarbagatay) [there was no water on the ground, a blue bull and two shepherds were thirsty; the bull began to dig the ground with its horn, the water went in a bustling spring, formed two reservoirs: Lake Zaisan and the ocean ( tengis)]: Potanin 1881, No. 8c: 153).

(Wed. Subarctic. Tsetsot [at first there were no mountains, rain, snow, wind, people and animals did not differ, the sun was constantly shining; the boy was crying, thirsty; his father gives him fat, he does not want to; father shoots in the mud a mound, all the rivers flowed out of it; the animals gathered to advise on how to get rain and snow; came to the edge of the sky, the Ermine made a hole in the sky, they went to heaven, the hole behind them closed; among the beautiful the plains are a dwelling, in it bags of rain, snow, fog, storm, four winds; in the house, a goose woman ordered to tear bags; clouds came out, everything appeared, including mountains; Ermine gnawed a hole again, everything returned to earth]: Boas 1896, No. 3:260-261).

The coast is the Plateau. The quarry [the chief keeps all the water in a ball-shaped vessel; his daughter Eski keeps the retreat in the back of his house; Estees sneaks into her at night, promises to raise a scandal if it does not give it water; a vessel grabs, runs on the ground; spilled drops turn into lakes and rivers; when Estees throws the vessel on the ground, the remaining water forms the sea]: Jenness 1934, No. 39p: 211; Thompson [man keeps all water and fire in two boxes; tells his son not to open them; The elk comes, opens the box out of curiosity; the fire spreads, the water floods it; ever since There is fire in trees; water has formed streams and rivers]: Teit 1898, No. XIII: 57-58; tillamook [The frog keeps all the water in a wicker bucket; the South Wind hits it, pours water; the Frog peed itself, so in Some rivers have green water]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 39:147.

Southeast USA. Caddo [two sisters go to marry a rich chief; meet Owl, who says it's him; teaches his grandmother how to pretend they are rich; every day the real chief of the meeting uses An owl is like a bench; for this he gives a turkey; Owl tells his wives that he kills turkeys while hunting; wives spy on him, return to their parents; Owl and grandmother hide all the water in the same body of water; the White Raven with catches grasshoppers with noise; people think he found water; disappointed Coyote dumps him in the mud, now the raven is black; the turtle falls into the crack, calls for help; the Coyote hits it so as not to waste It was noisy, now there are cracks on her shell; the flea bites Owl's mother; she overturns the jug, the water flows in all directions; the grateful Coyote allows Flea to live on his fur]: Dorsey 1905, No. 40:67-69.

California. Yurok: Kroeber 1976, No. V1 [the creator urinates in a bowl, splashes it west, the sea appears; next time his urine is weaker; he splashes it east, fresh water appears], BB3 [ The earthquake runs, bending the ground; he and Thunder fill the sink with water, splash into a recessed place; the sea appears] 412, 460-464.

The Big Pool. Chemewevi [Coyote and his men go to war against the Lizard and his men; two Pigeon Brothers in the guise of pigeons fly to their mother captured by the Lizards; fly away, bringing them to the dying of thirst water to the warriors; the Rattlesnake knocked over the vessel, a stream flowed from it; The lizard and its men were killed]: Laird 1976:168-182.

The Great Southwest. Juaneño [Brother Sky descends to Sister Earth, offers to unite; she rejects him, but later gives birth to sand, earth, stones, trees, Oyot 'a; he has many children; his poisoned; his mother makes a potion for him from urine and worms that can heal him; leaves him in the sink; the Coyote overturns the shell with his foot, the flowing liquid forms the sea; worms turn into fish; because of urine , the sea is salty]: Reichlen, Reichlen 1971:244; cocopa [all girls are in love with the Coyote; the moon copulates with him when he bathes; then he becomes an ogre eagle; devours parents and sisters; the Sea Serpent paves the Colorado canyon, puts his back out of the water; the Eagle's claws get stuck in it, the Serpent drowns it; a friend of the Coyote pierces the Snake's testicle with a spear; from there water flows fills the sea]: Crawford 1983, No. 2:37-57.

The Antilles. Central Cuba [Amao is the first man, son of Huion 'a, a Sun man; Guanaroca is the first woman to be the daughter of Maroya (Moon); Amao is the son of A. and G.; A. the child in the mountains, he dies; A. hides the corpse in the fruit of the Guira, hangs it on a tree; G. finds the fruit, drops it, water gushes from it, floods the ground; fish and turtles appear; fish make the rivers of the Jagua region, from turtles - Majagua isthmus, from Guanaroca's salty tears - lake of the same name]: Borodatova 1992:158; Feijoo 1986:13-15; mestizos Oriente [a man kills his son, hides a guira in the fruit, hangs on tree; fruit falls, breaks, water flows out of it, fish in it; rivers form]: Borodatova 1992:158; Taino: Fouchard 1972 [retelling, mainly Pane]: 87-92; Anghiera 1912 (1), dec.1, vol.9 [ Chief Jaia puts his son's corpse in a calabass; when he returns, he sees whales and marine animals inside, tells others that there is a sea in the calabass; four brothers, whose mother died during childbirth, decide to take possession of a pumpkin for fish ; H. takes them by surprise; they drop calebas in fear, the water floods the world, only the islands remain; the brothers run, even though they ask one person for manioc cakes; he spits at the first person who comes in, from him an abscess forms; when an abscess is opened, a woman comes out, becomes the wife of brothers, gives birth to sons and daughters]: 170-171; Pane 1932 [Giaiael wants to kill his father Giaya; he sends He leaves the house, then kills him; puts his bones in a calebass, hangs him from the roof of the house; later he turns him over, fish jump out; Itaba-Tahuuana dies in childbirth, four twin brothers they take her out of her womb; the eldest is Dimivan Caracarakol; only he dares to take Giaya's calebasa and get fish out of her; Giaya returns, the brothers hurry to hang the calebass in his place she falls, water floods the ground, fish in it; DK asks Ayamahuaco for cakes; he throws a bag of powdered tobacco in his shoulder; a female turtle comes out of the inflamed abscess; they take care of her]: 190-191.

The Northern Andes. Guajiro [Pelicaniha keeps the sea in an egg because he wants to eat fish alone; a man breaks an egg, the sea spills widely]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 23:51-52.

Llanos. Cuiva [God floods the earth with a flood, pouring water out of a clay vessel]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 23-27:45-54

Guiana. Calebasa. Carinha [water was in the sky; a heavenly man gave a vessel in which a fish swam in the water; the one who received the vessel wanted to eat, began to get the fish, the water poured out, formed the sea]: Civrieux 1979:77-79; camaracoto [flood]: Simpson 1940:579; 1944:265; Lockono: Brett 1880 [an inverted pumpkin flood; Marerevana was prejudiced, made a boat, took his wife and children into it, stuck to a big one tree]: 10-12; Goeje 1943, № d24 [a woman brings a drink to her son-in-law working on the site; stumbling, she breaks a vessel; water forms a lake; a woman drowns, becomes a water spirit; woven push-up sleeve cassava turns into fish; the monkey plants uruku at this time, runs his hand over his forehead, leaving a red spot; var: two female birds leave the baby by the beer vessel; the turtle teaches him how to break the vessel; Rivers form; yam turns into toads, peppers into scarlet ibises and flamingos, cotton into white herons, Bromelia into blue herons, devil-fishes into old men and ponds]: 110.

Western Amazon. Except for saparo: a flood from a broken pot. Mayhuna: Bellier 1991b, No. 7:208; Sekoya: Sipolletti 1988, No. 4:54; Siona, Sekoya: Vickers 1989:158; Saparo [Calebasa: River]: Reinburg 1921:15.

NW Amazon. Carijona [Calebasa: Lake]: Schindler 1979, No. 33:48

Eastern Amazon. Spiking [there was no water, taitetú owned it from animals; Kuñaríma came to ask him, he gave it once, drove it away the second; Marušáwa kept water in two large vessels; K . sent Brother Aruβiatá to M. (this is their father) for water, he gave the calebas water, but hid where he got it from; angry, K., taking A. with him, came to the vessels; in the big male was the male monster Pai, in the small female there was a female; A. not was able to break, K. broke, the Shingu River poured out of the big one, from the small Iriry; K. turned into a hummingbird, pulled away, A. became another bird, rushed forward, swallowed by the monster; K. began to put obstacles on water paths, this is how rapids appeared; finally caught it; became a crab, took out his brother, revived it; A.'s face left two spots from Pai's teeth; in the form of a hummingbird, the brothers flew home]: Nimuendaju 1920:1016-1018; Juruna [Sinaá's father is a giant jaguar; like S. himself, he sees a pair of eyes on the back of his head; he conceived S. by sticking his penis into the hole where S.'s mother urinated; S. has three sons, the youngest is not his, their mother conceived him with animals; S. tests his sons, wanting to make sure that they are his children; there is no water, the juriti pigeon brought it, once did not bring it; the eldest son decided to go break the water tank; S. warned that in the water dangerous fish; the youngest son smashed but did not bounce to the side, the fish swallowed him, his legs stick out of his mouth, the fish rushes with a stream of water; the brothers run, make dams, the stream blows them away; the last one was not demolished, the elder brother snatched the youngest out of the fish's mouth, revived him; he lost his memory, he had to be taught everything again; S. warned his sons to be careful with the Jabiru stork; the brothers decide to grab him by the beak; the youngest turns into a fish, swims up, is swallowed; the elder turned into a fly, collected blood from his beak, revived the youngest from it; he himself became a fish, swam, became a man, broke off his beak, brought it to his father; S. warns that there is someone who can cut it in half; they come to the man's house; he asks them to take the sand fleas out of his leg; the youngest comes up, he kicks him with his foot, cutting him in half; the elder turns into a wasp, collects blood, revives the youngest from it; approaches that creature; when he tries to kick, breaks off his leg, brings it to his father; S. warns that there are dangerous wild Indians; brothers find them; the youngest turns into pirarara fish to bite off the hook, caught, fried, eaten; the elder turns into a wasp, picks up blood, revives the younger one; becomes a piranha, bites off, carries fisherman's hook, brings to father]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:232-236.

The Central Andes. Central (?) The coast of Peru [Pachacamac created the sea, put it in a vessel, gave it to a man and a woman for storage; they broke the vessel, the water filled the sea; P. turned the man into a monkey (from which the current ones come from) a woman into a fox (from her current ones)]: Calvete de la Estrella 1964, ch. 4:301.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Yurakare [see motive J16; a pregnant woman goes to the Jaguars; they tell them to take out their poisonous ants and eat them; the mother of the Jaguars gives her pumpkin seeds to pretend to eat; The chief Jaguar, who has a second pair of eyes on the back of his head, notices a deception, kills a woman; the Jaguar mother finds a boy Tiree in her womb, hides her in a pot; he considers her his mother; hunts for a pack, that tells him the truth; T. kills all the Jaguars except the four-eyed one; he hides in the moon; T. makes brother Kara from his thumb nail; the bird calls them to visit; K. knocks them over a pot of chicha, it floods the ground, K. sinks; T. revives it from its remains]: Orbigny 1844:210-213; moseten [calebasa (?) : rivers]: Nordenskiöld 1924:142.

Southern Amazon. Pots: rivers. Camayura: Agostinho 1974, No. 4:178; Münzel 1973:106-107; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Canutsipém owned water, kept it in vessels in a man's house; when the Sun and the Month came, he invited them to swim, but in dirty water; later gave the calebass clean; they brought her home to Morena, the wives liked it; the inhabitants of Morena wore perfume masks, and came to K. along with the Sun and the Month, he was frightened, they broke the vessels; the last month was broken, swallowed by the animal inside; a lake formed on the site of the mansion; each participant led the river; the Sun was Ronuro, Vanivaní - Maritsauá River, Kanaratê - Paranajuva River, Tracaja Turtle - Culuene; The Sun began to kill fish, look for the Month in their bellies; akará asked her not to kill, said that Jacunaum swallowed for months; the Sun asked Swallow for a hook, tied a cigar in the forest, Akará let Jacunaum smoke it, signaled when he took it in his mouth, the Sun pulled Jacunaum out, found bones inside Months, folded, grew flesh; Tinam, Gorlinka failed, Mosquito revived the Month; The Sun was the first shaman]: 157-162; Kalapalo: Basso 1987:141-152; Trumay: Monod Becquelin 1975, No. 4:50- 51; bakairi [Ewaki sent her nephews Keri (Sun) and Kame (Month), then about 8 years old, to get water; on the third day they found three pots owned by the Ochobi water snake; in two there was good water, in the third you would die; it was not touched, the other two were broken; the Paranatinga River flowed from one, Keri led it, and from the other, the more difficult Ronuro (var.: and Kuliseu), took it by Kame; Keri saw that Kuliseu had stopped, went to look for Kame; he was swallowed by jahú fish; Keri found his brother's bones in the stomach of the third jahú caught, put them on a leaf, blew, revived him; Keri told the duck to lead Ronuro went on and his brother returned to Paranatinga; they reached the waterfall, and told ducks, pigeons and other birds to lead the river below]: Steinen 1897:325 (detailed retelling in Oberg 1953:79).

Araguaia. Karazha [carazha hunted pigs and caught them to holes, holes; began to dig, taking out pigs; found tapir, then deer, then white deer, then human legs; the shaman pulled Anatiué (Baldus: Ehrenreich is called Naxivé); he has a long body and a thick stomach; he began to demand tobacco for smoking, got high to the point of insensitivity, began singing again in the village; people fled; A. turned into a huge piranha, carried calebasses with water, smashed one by one, water flooded the ground; people hid on two mountains; A. ordered the fish to overturn the mountain, only a few carages escaped]: Baldus 1937a: 202-203; Ehrenreich 1891, No. 5:40-41

Eastern Brazil. Suya [only the Hummingbird owns water, does not give the Sun (Mbyut) and the Month (Mbydro); the Sun breaks the vessel, the water pours out, fills the sea; animals carry it across the ground, creating lakes and rivers; Anaconda creeps, creating the winding Paranajubu River]: Frikel 1990:18-19.