Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B7C. Sprinkled water..

Fresh water, which its sole owner hides in a vessel or pond, is sprayed all over the world.

Australia. Watjobaluk [during a drought, only a turkey owns water, hides it under a rock; Nuthatch discovers this source as the native companion (bird) and the Swan pass by; The Swan flopped into the spring, water poured over the edge, forming a lake]: Waterman 1987, No. 2350 (1): 78; mara [Turkey hides water under a rock; Lark and native companion find this spring, splash in it , fly away; drops falling from their wings form springs and reservoirs]: Waterman 1987, No. 2350 (2): 78.

The coast is the Plateau. Puget Sound [The Gray Eagle owns the sun, moon, stars, fresh water, fire; the raven is snowy white, the Eagle's daughter invites him to her father's house; he steals all valuables; strengthens the stars on sky; splashes water, creating lakes and rivers; smoke from the smut in its beak makes its feathers black; it drops it, the fire stays with the rocks]: Lyman in Clark 1953:150-151.

Big Pool. Chemewevi [The sun was bigger and hotter than it is now; the Rabbit went to sunrise; ran into two rabbit kids (one Cottontail, the other Jackrabbit); they said they were approaching the Immortal The water she rushes at them, they run away, and then drink from the puddles left by the water; the Rabbit told the children to provoke Immortal Water to attack, threw a stone at it, the spray formed all the freshwater water bodies; Immortal Yuka Sate was swimming in the air, the children called her, she rushed at them, they chipped off small pieces of her; the Rabbit ordered to provoke Yucca, threw a stone, she broke into pieces, from which all yucca plants with edible fruits come from; the gap in the rock where the late mother of the rabbits placed seeds closed; the Rabbit opened it, took out all the edible seeds; everything the bushes tell the Rabbit that they are burning, one says that only its leaves burn, the Rabbit makes a hole under him; the Month is the first to rise, the Rabbit allows him to pass, the crows that flew out before sunrise of the Month they sit down for a Month; the Sun rises, the Rabbit hits him with a stone, beats off a piece, the ground lights up; he hides with two rabbits under a non-combustible bush; the sun has been less hot ever since]: Laird 1976:152-154.

SE Brazil. Botokudo: Nimuendaju 1946b [Hummingbird had water, the rest drank only honey; the hummingbird bathed every day; the Mutum bird was sent to trace, but Coluibri flew too fast Mutum did not notice where he was swimming; people started a fire; the irara marten was the last to come because he was collecting honey; offered Hummingbird to exchange water for honey, he refused, went swimming; Marten quietly followed him to a crevice in the rock, rushed behind the Hummingbird into the water, splashed it, the splashes turned into streams and rivers]: 111; Sebestyen 1981, No. 12:160-161; caingang: Baldus 1937a (Rio Grande do Sul) [Hummingbird hid water under a rock (or in a hole in a stone), did not give it to others; the Chekré bird rushed there, sprayed water]: 60; (cf. Henry 1934-1935 (Santa Catarina) [the first ancestors noticed the Bee collecting honey from the rock; all the birds began to hammer, broke their beaks, Toucan and Woodpecker pierced the rock; the Hummingbird did not give honey, he hid the water, covered it a turtle; others followed and began to swim]: 177-178).

The Southern Cone. Selknam [Táita woman (cf. Yitaita, an evil spirit that frightened initiated teenagers) covered all fresh water bodies with skins; killed those trying to approach the water; old Kaux (Owl) sent his grandson Táiyin (Hummingbird) kill a woman; he smashed her head with a sling stone; splashing blood ruined water bodies; Tyin collected this water, threw it north, where there are salt lakes now; continuing to throw stones, he created holes filled with clean water; large cracks separated the islands from the main island of Tierra del Fuego; Tyin continued to splash clean water, creating fresh water bodies; Tyin almost no longer retired north appears (hummingbirds only occasionally fly so far south)]: Gusinde 1931:613-616 (English translation in Wilbert 1975a, No. 17:57-60); yagans [there was no water, only the Fox (Canis seu Cerdocyon magellanicus) knew where the lake was, allowed only his relatives to drink; refused to give others even for good pieces of meat; the Hummingbird kills the Fox with a sling stone, people rushed to drink, drank the whole lake; the Long-eared Owl and Some other birds showed up when the water ran out; they began to throw handfuls of wet clay into the mountains; springs appeared there, streams flowed down]: Wilbert 1977, No. 32:89-90.