Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B7D. The water flows from the seed .62.66.

Water pours out of a broken bone, flooding the ground.

Carijona, Yukuna, Andoque, Bora, Kashinahua.

NW Amazon. Carijona [a woman takes Jaguar as a lover, allows him to kill her husband; when she is two years old, her son Months asks his mother how his father died; Missing in the woods; boy wanders through the woods, Forest says he did not kill his father; Fell off a tree; boy jumped off a tree, fell slowly; Earth; Didn't kill; - Drowned fishing; boy swims in a hollow over rapids, Water: She did not kill; the boy took a hummingbird egg, from which his younger brother Tukučimobi ("hummingbird egg first") was born; he is the Sun, smarter than the Month on the third day; The Month brings a lot of meat, but the mother gives everything to Jaguar; brothers kill birds to tell them about their father's death; the woodpecker who hammered the tree in which the Jaguar and the Night Monkey lived told; brothers revive dead birds; spy on how a mother dressed as a girl brings food, calls Jaguar, knocking a vine on wood, copulates; when she leaves, the brothers call Jaguar with the same signal, kill him with poisoned arrows; T. made his fangs necklace, wears it for war; when the Month wears the necklace, the hunters have a lot of prey; the mother takes a palm larva as lovers, the brothers burn the palm tree, the larva dies; the mother causes T.'s eye disease (then but after the murder of Jaguar); the forest chicken screams about it; T. tells all the birds to voice, finds a chicken by voice, brings it to its mother to fry; she witches to pour out of the bone broken while eating water, flooded the earth with a flood; T. uses a magic calebass to stop the flood; see motif J4]: Schindler 1979, No. 1:21-33; yukuna [see motifs K1, M30, I14; (not mentioned Kawarivi's father, the story begins with a conflict between brothers K. and younger Maotchi); Wolves (Martens?) Kawarimi's wife was stolen, Mother Komarov was left in return; K. killed her, mosquitoes flew out of her; K. took his wife, hid with her in a tree, took the fire from the Wolves, threw a stone, they became wolves; K. returns to mother; her husband is a Jaguar, they have a daughter; she rushed to K., but did not eat it; K. kills her (it does not say how), turns her into a paka, told her mother to cook for Jaguar; he eats, understands, K. climbs a tree, creates termite mound around the trunk, kills Jaguar; tells the mother that he brought her eggs with a toad, tells her to open her mouth wider, throws hot eggs (possibly hevea latex), her mother dies; K. kills a toucan, tells her cousin Hipu look into the hollow, the toucan pecked out his eye; they began to fish, the fish swallowed H., K. frees him; Crax ruba laughs at X., who has a swam eye; K. takes turns asking the birds how they sing finds a mocker; he warns not to eat his left half; H. eats, threw a bone, water poured out of it, a flood; the water came down; K. killed the Nothocrax urumutum mutum), he fell into the water, H. climbed to get it, swallowed by an anaconda; H. cut through her belly with a comb with piranha teeth, went out; so three times; K. and H. invented fire, began to live in the river; (episode with the flood p. 158-160)]: Jacopin 1981:148-162; andoque [ The source of abundance (aka the Middle Heron, the Good Ruler) went underground when his wife Yellow Leaf (aka "Cassava for Making a Cassava Drink") did not make him cassava; the sons were offended for father, she also left; the youngest licked the pot in which the cassava drink was made, the eldest did not feel hungry; coca grows up, through her father says that a flood of fire will come from the east; Hummingbird Egg ( born from an egg laid by a woman who had sex with a snake) brought the dead pauhil to the brothers, ordered them not to suck on the bones because they contain a lot of water; contrary to the warning of his older brother, the younger brother the bone breaks, water gushes out of it, it rains, the flood floods the ground; the brothers grew a tree from a seed on a hill in advance, sat on it; Canoa-de-Opaí (Merganetta armata duck, approx. 79) in a leaf boat and the Hummingbird Egg went to the mouth of the river (east) to get fire; the girl picked up the Hummingbird Egg; told her parents it was a chick; they replied that it was a Hummingbird Egg, he was already old, but she was all but she planted him to warm up by the hearth; his parents closed the door tightly, hung a net in the back of the maloka; the Hummingbird egg grabbed the coal, burned the net, flew away; returned to the upper reaches, where Paul grabbed and swallowed coal, but the fire came out with excrement, it was swallowed by the fish, it came out again, turned into flint to carve fire; the fish swam, broke the dam, the water began to fall; as it came out of the pod seeds fell (turning into different types of wild chickens?) , it was dawn; the flood was both water and fiery; the eagle dammed the waters, but the real flood began when the brothers broke the pauhil bone]: Landaburu, Pineda 1981:66-71, 80 (=1984:73-77); bora [a person eats a bird, breaks a bone, water gushes out of it, floods the whole earth; someone has built a dam to prevent water from flowing down; a hummingbird breaks a dam; in the form of a hummingbird, he allows himself to be caught by his daughter builder; she plants a bird to warm up by the fire; he blows away the fire; people come from Hummingbird and his sister]: Wavrin 1932:141; 1937:636.

Montagna - Jurua. Kashinahua [old woman Yauchiku nawa owns fire and cultivated plants; her gardens are guarded by wasps, scorpions and snakes; Kashinahua roasts meat in the sun; the father of black iguanas stole grain corn, hidden in the hollow of a tooth; the ancestor of the tyontyon songbirds stole the cassava shoot; var.: cassava was stolen by the caiman father; the hornets guarding the field bit his eyebrows; he threw himself into the water, became a caiman, He still has swollen eyebrows; the ancestor of the little black-headed parrots began to cry plaintively near YAN; she threw coal into him, thought it was extinguished; the parrot brought coal to people, his beak turned black; people made a fire; YAN began to hit the bone of a creature drowned in the flood, it began to rain; bird people spread their wings, saved the fire; people, turning into battleships, dug an underground passage (into a hole No one could get in the little one, the big battleship dug a good move); the bird people killed YAN, painted her with blood and bile, killed snakes and scorpions, took bananas, cotton, corn, peanuts, cassava; maize was first planted with cobs, cassava with branches, peanuts with pods, roofs covered with leaves that let water through; Kumau taught me how to do things right]: Capistrano de Abreu in Tastevin 1926:164-166.