B83. Unbearable weight.. 23.27.-.
The character tries to pick up a small object or creature that, or that turns out to be gigantic and unbearable. Cf. i87ab motive.
Ancient India (Mahabharata), Macedonians, Russians (Olonets), Ossetians, (Georgians), Bukhara Arabs, Tajiks of Sistan, Scandinavians, Lithuanians, Shors, Khakas, Ilimpic Evenks, Flethead .
South Asia. Ancient India (Mbh.3.147): Vasilkov, Neveleva 1987:300-301 [Hanuman suggests that Bhima push his tail aside to walk along the path; he is unable to lift it even with both hands; realizes that someone powerful in front of him], 672 (comm.).
The Balkans. Macedonians [God, hearing the praise of Kralevich Mark, who is ready to lift the whole earth with his spear, sends him an angel or an old man with a bag equal in weight to the whole earth; Mark cannot raise it and, as a result, loses a significant part of its strength; the rest is enough for him to be taller than almost all other Yunaks]: Putilov 1971:84-85.
Central Europe. Russians: Putilov 1986 (Olonetskaya) [Svyatogor throws a club in the sky and catches it with one hand; sees a bag lying on the ground in the open field and tries to lift it with a chase; the bag does not move; gets off his horse and pulls with one hand; the same; pulls with both hands - the bag does not move, and S. knelt down to the ground; S. asks the horse for help, he hardly pulled S. out of the ground; more about the meeting with Ilya Muromets]: 52-53, 366 [var.], 497 (comm.); Parilova, Soymanov 1941 (Western 1938, Pudozhsky Krai) [Svyatogor sees a buffoon bag in the field; tries to lift it up, but only goes knee-deep into the ground; the horse pulls it out; he goes to the Aararat Mountains; Ilya Muromets sees Svyatogor sleeping, hits him twice with a club - "flies bite"; THEY only knock off their hand; S. puts THEM and his horse in his pocket, goes on; the horse stumbles - it is difficult for him to lead two heroes; they offer them not to fight, but to make friends; S. became the elder, IM his younger brother; there is an oak coffin on the mountains on the Olives; they decided to try on who he is tall; for THEM tells; for S. it's just right; S. asks to cover it with a lid as well; now it's hard for him, asks him to break the lid with a sword; with each blow of the saber IM, another iron hoop appears on the coffin; S. offers IM to bend down - he will breathe strength into him; he refuses: if he has more strength, Mother Cheese will not be able to carry it; S. stayed lying in the damp ground, and IM went to Kiev]: 98-102, 465 [epic about death Svyatogor in his coffin is one of the rare ones (in several records from the northern regions, more often in contact with other stories about Ilya)].
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians [Exiled travels to the afterlife, seeing the torment to which people are subjected; his deceased wife Vedukha gives explanations; three balls of threads are at the horse's feet; V. explains that one embodies the secrets of the universe (the thread is endless), the second is that people will multiply and measure the earth, the third means the intrigues of envious people; in the bag he failed to raise, all the virtues of people]: Libedinsky 1987:215-231; (cf. Georgians: Chikovani 1966:102 [Amirani must raise Ambri (Andrerobi)'s leg; in some cases he did the task, in others he did not, asks his godfather to add strength to him], 302 [the old woman is lucky arbe the body of the murdered Badri, Uncle Amirani; asks A. to raise B.'s hanging hand, put it on the arba; A. could not, the old woman easily sticks her hand with a whip; A. meets the godfather, who adds strength to him]).
Iran - Central Asia. Bukhara Arabs [Aliy converted the residents of the city to Islam, married the daughter of the emir; ordered the name of the son she would give birth to Imam Mehdi; he came to the Prophet himself and spoke about his exploits; prophet: you He did the job like Rustam; A. is insulted: how to compare him with R. (I mean, he is taller than Rustam); A. sees a jug by the road, looked inside; there is a steppe, the grass is tall, the camels are skinny; in another jug: there is no grass, the camels are well-fed; on the mountain the wind almost threw A. off horse, A. tears, confessed; one mountain approached, tilted the top, then passed; the same second; third; man cannot lift a bunch of thorns; then untied it, added more; cannot lift it again; he cannot lift it up again; the elder carries the bag, put it on the ground; asks A. to pick up the bag, put it on his back; A. is unable to lift it (first he tried to lift the horse with a whip, then the horse's tears, pushed, blood from his nose), the elder himself easily picked up; the prophet explains; camels in the fat grass are Muslims, the grass is forbidden; well-fed camels are infidels; in the wind that almost threw off the horse was Rustam; the three mountains that passed by: the dog Rustam, his horse and R. himself; they showed respect; a man with a bunch of thorns: these are sins, he multiplies his sins; in that bag the sins of his co-religionists; I will wear them until the end of the century]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 23: 149-155 (full text), 151-153 (retold episode); Sistan's Tajiks [Muhammad advises Ali to look at Rustam for himself; he sees the mountain riding on the mountain, this is R. on Rahsha's horse; he drops torbu, suggests A. raise; he can hardly lift only to his knees; R. easily whips the torba with a whip; M. explains that the torba weighs how many seven belts of earth and sky; if A. raised it higher, the earth and sky turned upside down; A. summoned R. to a duel, threw him to heaven, R. called out to God to support him; God replied that God had no hands, his hands A.; R. called out to A.; he picked him up; fire-worshiper R. converted to Islam]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1981, No. 23:254-255.
Baltoscandia. The Scandinavians [Eku-Tor in his goat-drawn chariot and Loki set off and spent the night with one man; Thor stabbed and cooked his goats, and invited the owner, son and daughter for dinner; ordered the bones to be thrown on the skins; Tialvi, the master's son, split his femur and picked up his brain; in the morning Thor revived the goats, but one limped; Thor was angry about killing them all, but agreed to take them all in the form of a ransom for the owner's children Tyalvi and Ryskva; they now follow him; on their way to the land of giants, Thor and his companions entered the forest, reached a house; at night they heard a rumble; in the morning they see that A giant lies next to him and snores; Thor is surrounded by the Belt of Power, the giant woke up and said his name is Scrumir (bragger?) ; the house with the extension in which they spent the night was Scrumir's mitten; S. asked for travel companions, took a bag of food; fell asleep at rest, and Thor could not untie a single knot and open the bag; hit S. Mjollner on the head; he: didn't the leaf fall? At night, Thor hits the giant on the head with a hammer and hears: has the acorn fallen? In the morning he hit his temple, the hammer went deep. - Didn't the knot fall? It's time to go, Utgard is coming, there are a lot of people there and bigger than me]; Scrumnir goes north, and Thor and his companions move further east and see the city in the middle of the field; squeeze between the gate bars and greet the king; that: what art do you dare to show yourself in? Loki: No one eats their share faster than me. He competes with Logie (flame); both eat from both ends of the trough, meet in the middle, Logi ate both bones and troughs; Tialvi competes to run with Hoogie (thought) and loses; Thor drinks from the horns that locals drink in one, a lot in two or three sips, but when Thor takes two sips, there is almost no less water in the horn; Torah is offered to pick up the cat; he tries, the cat bends, but he can only tear one of her legs off the ground; Thor: Let them fight me! Utgarda-Loki: No one will consider it worthwhile, let old Ellie (old age) try it; Thor fell to one knee; Utgarda-Loki takes aces well, and letting them go says if he I knew how strong Thor was, I wouldn't let them into Utgard. - I met you in the woods, and the bag was tied in magic iron; you hit the rock, not me; Loki and Tialvi couldn't argue with With Fire and Thought. The other end of the horn was in the sea: what you drank is now called low tide. A cat is a global serpent, you raised it to the sky. There was no man who would defeat Old Age; Thor brought his hammer to strike, but Utgarda-Loki and his city were instantly gone]: Younger Edda 1963: Younger Edda 1970:41-46; Lithuanians [ a person finds a child/cat and cannot raise it]: Kerbelite 2001:502.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Shors [one hero boasts to raise and hold the ground, the other that his blow swings the sky; the old man suggests raising and putting a bag on the horse's back; the first hero could not, the second one picked up; old man: you were born too early; I will turn you into an iron pole, stick you in the middle of the earth; when you rust, you are born again, it will be your time; this pillar on Mount Abygan means middle of the earth]: Chudoyakov 2002:126-127; Khakas [White Khan (i.e. Russian Tsar Peter the Great) decided to see the lands of Khakass Khan Amyr-San; on the way they met the White Elder and asked raise a large sum from the ground; the White Khan failed to move it, and Amyr-Sana calmly put his bag on his horse; the White Elder said that the Khakass man is the strongest man in the world, because he, the White the elder, put half the weight of the earth in his bag; Amyr-Sana laughed, the White Elder said that he would pay for his words; the Russian tsar and AU saw a hollowed out coffin at the top of Mount Khan Son; AU, playing, lay down at him, he slammed shut and wrapped himself in iron hoops; the Khakas came under the rule of the White Khan]: Butanayev, Butanayeva 2001:107 (another retelling in Butanayev 2003:116-117).
Eastern Siberia. Ilympic Evenks [the old man leaves for three years, comes back; the old woman has a boy, she says she found him on the bed; he grows up, tells him to fill eight bags with earth, throws him over a yurt, they turn into horses that defecate with other horses; the old people get rich, the son leaves, kills many heroes; the horse warns that the owner is proud; to meet the dwarf, says that you will have to humble the proud man; to meet the giant, asks to raise his staff; the hero tries to do this, cannot, goes to the ground up to his neck; tells his head to become a table mountain, his back - mountain range, arms and legs with other ridges]: Vasiliev 1936, No. 3:255-257.
The coast is the Plateau. Flethead [The creator invites Coyote to pick up the stone; he can't even move it; this stone is the whole world; the Creator created the Coyote to destroy monsters, opposed the evil Amteep, lord of the lower world]: Clark 1966:69-70.