Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B84. Mushrooms and growths (cannibal transformation). (.31.) .

After a demonic person (usually a woman chasing a hero) dies, his flesh turns into objects found on trees - mushrooms, tar, fruits, cones.

(Lithuanians), Northern Selkups, Yugi, Kets, Nanais, Koyukon, Lillamook, Steppe Cree, Hurons, Alabama, Koasati, Tunic, Navajo.

(Wed. Baltoscandia. Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2014, No. 93 [9 brothers have left, Elyana's sister is at home, she has a coachman bunny; laume calls to swim: there is a wine well in the middle of the river, at the edge of silk; bunny: a blood well and algae; laume consistently comes out, tears off the bunny's leg, then his head; turns himself into a flea, E. into a louse: whoever comes out of the water faster will put on clothes; a flea is faster than a lice; laume takes the place of E., and that he grazes the horse and sings: laume is sitting at the table, and E. herds the horse; the brothers heard it, returned his sister; they smeared the horse's stomach with resin, glued the laume, the horse smashed it to shreds; when the snow shines in the sun, it glitters fat laume], 94 [when going to war, 9 brothers tell their mother to hang out an ax if a son is born (then they won't come), a spinning wheel if her daughter (then they come); laume-ragana replaced the spinning wheel with an ax; her sister grew up went to her brothers; laume ragana followed her in a trough drawn by a pig; persuaded the girl to get off and wash her face, drove off in her wagon wearing her clothes; the brothers mistook her for a sister, and sent her sister to herd horses; she sings about what happened, her older brother understood; her sister was returned, the laume-ragana was tied to a harrow and the horse was released; the gleam of snow in the winter in the sun is her scattered bones]: 208-210, 210-213; Lebite 1965:84-90 [Sigute's brother went to war; her stepmother gives her a bunch of tow, tells her to hide and sew a shirt; a black cow swallows a tow, spits out her shirt; stepmother spies on her daughter, stepmother decides to burn S., and then Brother S. will return, take revenge; fills the hole under the threshold with hot coals, sprinkles it with earth; the black dog warns S. every time not to go there; her stepmother breaks her paw every day, then pulls her paw out tongue; on the sixth day, S. failed, burned down; the cow licked the ashes, the duck flew out, told his returning brother about the incident; he smeared his horse with tar, told his stepmother to push him, she stuck hands, legs, head; brother tells the horse to scatter his stepmother's bones across the field; snow is her bones turn white], 111-114 [the orphan boy inherited horses, bulls, dogs; after feeding them, he rides down the mountain to sledding, singing a song; limes make a big sleigh, they also ride and sing; they make a bag, catch the boy with a sled, bring him home to fry; the boy cut the bag with a knife, put the sleeping lime instead of himself; it is fried; the boy runs, climbs a tree, the limes begin to cut it; the fox offers to sharpen the axes, blunts them; limes gnaw the trunk with their teeth; the boy calls his animals; horses, bulls, dogs come running, lime is torn, powdered; since then, the snow has been sparkling in the sun - it's lime fat that shines]).

Western Siberia. Northern Selkups (b. Turukhan) [Temnenka (abbreviated for "frog", her antipode Natanka (perfect woman) is a skillful midwife, then steals a newborn to give it to inhuman creatures; she is stupid and childish, not she knows how to manage, she has bugs in her hair instead of lice, fuzzy articulation, a three-toed hand; chasing the hero, T. pulled out pieces of meat from her, threw it at the stalker, they fell into birch trunks, turned into black spots, growths]: Tuchkova 2004:286-287; Yugi: Werner 1997, No. 14 [Fyrgyn has a daughter, Jugin has a son; both sit by the lake looking for lice from each other; F. offers to dive and swim to the opposite bank; Yu dives, and F. takes her son, leaves her daughter; the boy grew up, hunted {obviously met his real mother}; made a large fire to burn a clay vessel, asked F. to take it out, shoved it into the fire; she said that if she knew, she ate it; the young man returned to Yu; threw fat from above into her kitchen pot; the mother went out, splashed milk from her chest, it fell into the young man's chest mouth, she recognized him as a son; he went hunting with his daughter F.; deliberately collected little firewood for the night; at night he got up, supposedly to collect firewood, poured soup into F's daughter's pimas, they froze, burst; he ran away, she followed; cut off and threw her breasts, nose and vulva at him, but they stuck to the trees, turned into tree mushrooms; she froze, he returned to his mother, stayed with her], 21 [Hassynget lives with her blind mother, hunts for her; the chard comes, takes him, leaves her daughter to the woman; H. hunts for the hell, she eats everything; he comes to his mother's house, throws her meat into the cauldron; the woman says someone quit crap, damn daughter - no, meat! H. goes back to hell, says his bow is broken; she says copper is needed here; they put a pot {a crucible full of copper?} to a big fire, H. pushes the devil into the fire, she burns; he comes to his mother; in winter he goes with the devil's daughter into the forest; at night he pours half-eaten soup into her pimas, the pimas freeze; H. runs away, knocks on every tree; the devil's daughter chases, throws one, then the second breast to hit H. in the heart, but freezes in the tree (erfror an einem Baumstamm); the crackling of trees in the cold is the devil crackles; H. returned to his mother; came to see the tree - there is a growth on it], 22 [Hassynget lives with his grandmother, hunts for her; the devil brings his daughter, invites H. and her to dive, who will stay under longer with water, he will live with his grandmother; H. comes up earlier, goes to the hell; breaks the onion, needs copper to fix it; he collects more firewood, puts a pot on the fire {crucible?} ; when the devil bends him to wither, shoves it into the fire; lizards, snakes, mice, frogs, H. crawl out of the fire and throws them into the fire; comes to the grandmother, who sits in the plague with the devil's daughter; H. throws them at pot fat; spends the night with the devil's daughter in the winter forest, pours soup into her pimas at night, runs away; the devil's daughter can't wear frozen pimas, chases barefoot, cuts off, throws one, then the second breast, they fall into trees, turn into growths on the trunk; the devil's daughter freezes, H. returns to her grandmother]: 258-261, 289-273, 274-278; chum salmon: Dulzon 1966, No. 39 [Fyrgyn (devil) and the woman is swimming; while the woman is diving, F. takes her son, leaves his daughter; the son grows up, pushes F. into the fire, comes to his mother; she sprays milk from her chest, falls into her son's mouth, recognizes him; he went hunting with his daughter F., poured soup into her felt boots at night; she chases him, shooting her nose, freezes], 45 [Hasinget lives with her blind mother; Baba Yaga stole it, left her daughter in return; H. grew up, pushed her into the fire, came to her mother; went hunting with daughter B., poured soup into her pimas at night; she chased him barefoot, threw her breasts at him, froze; her breasts became growths in trees]: 115-117, 123-125; 1972, No. 247 [Heung and Sausage bathe; while H. dives, K. takes her son, leaves her daughter; the son hunts, K. does not tell him to go south; he becomes an ermine, hears what his real mother and daughter K. say; tells K. that his kleinitsa has caught fire; K. rushes to take her out of the fire, he shoves her horn into the fire, she burns; returns to his mother; goes with little K. into the forest, pours soup into one pim K. in the evening; she chases him in one pima, pulls a mushroom out of the ground, throws it into it, does not fall; follows him across the river to poles from the plague, watery (?) they drag it into the water, eat it]: 200-201.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais [the husband went to shoot ducks, the wife is alone; an old man is sailing along the river in a boat; she demands that he swim to the shore; threatens: if he does not marry her, he will die; leads to the forest; says to her husband, that the old man is chasing her and is going to take her away; the old man assures that it has nothing to do with it; the husband throws him into the middle of the sea, where foam has appeared, a tree with one branch to the east and the other to the west; toli mirrors, bells instead of seeds; the tongoro topto bird descended to the western branch, and Kanger keku to the eastern branch; well done, threw his wife on this tree; she stuck and became a mouth guard (growth)]: Sem, Sem 2020, No. 57:272-277; (cf. Udege people [poor Jenku-Mafa pretends to be dead, hares tell his wife about it; she tells him to be carried into the house; DM jumps up, kills hares, runs away alone (the old woman hit him with a poker, missed, his ear turned black); rich Bai-Mafa tries to repeat the trick, the escaped hare warns others, they run away; DM smears the tree with resin, birds stick to it; BM sticks to it , followed by his wife and dog; they turn into tree growths (the origin of the growths)]: Sangi 1989:261-284).

Subarctic. Koyukon [brothers disappear one by one; younger Betohoh (then his name is K'etaalkkaanee, "The one who rowed {on a boat} among humans and animals") goes in search (see motive F9); many meetings with people who turn out to be different animals; B. swims to the trap, hides the boat in the forest, lets the trap catch it, hits his nose to shed blood; the cannibal takes the prey, brings it home; B. clings to branches, pushes the ogre with his elbow to make it harder for him to carry; at home he makes sure that the children and wife cannot find the baton; the cannibal follows it into the house himself, but the baton is in the hands of B., he kills her cannibal, his wife and children; the girl remains in a ritual hut under the larch, she is in her first period; she waits in vain for her mother to bring her food; cries, snot turns into larch resin; parents do not allow children to chew it; it rests its head against the trunk, the head turns into an influx on the trunk]: Attla 1990:96-101.

The coast is the Plateau. Lillouette [old Kaiyam took caviar out of salmon, turned it into a girl, then a short part of the caviar into a second; they grow up, K. pretends to be dying, tells her to leave her with all her possessions; comes disguised as a man, covers her toothless mouth; at night he uses a pestle instead of a penis; in the morning, the sisters have swollen genitals, they suspect deception; at night they tickle their imaginary husband, the old woman confesses, they they tickle her to death; they came to a blind old woman sitting by the baby's cradle; pretended to wash him, took him away, put a block; the old woman's husband took her on her back, almost caught up with the kidnappers, but as soon as threw her off, the path was slow; he threw his wife face against a log, told her to become an edible plant {a mushroom?} , growing on fallen trees; the daughter of the elderly returns, squeezes the diapers of the stolen baby, makes a new one out of squeezed out; the brothers meet, get to know each other; the elder throws the kidnappers to the ground ( they are his wives), turning the eldest into a grizzly, the youngest into a black bear; returns to his mother]: Hill-Tout 1905:185-189; tillamook [Wild Woman's raccoon grandson eats all the roots in her basket, leaves her excrement; for this she burns his tail (stripes still); he leaves; she feels sorry for him, she follows him; people think she wants to kill him, hide that he was seen; on the riverbank, a Woman He dives for his reflection, then sees his grandson in a tree; he throws berries at her, asks her to close her eyes; kills by throwing off his branch; carries a corpse; every time he passes under a fallen tree, his burden It gets lighter until it disappears altogether; all of the Wild Woman's flesh remains on the trunks in the form of mushrooms]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 19:70-72.

The Midwest. Steppe Cree [Badger and his wife Skunk give their daughter for a Grizzly; he takes all their meat; Skunk cooks a clot of bison blood, he turns into a boy; he grows up, beats Grizzly to death and his sons; flies his arrow to the village of Chief Bear; tells the buffalo to come out of the ground; becomes an ugly mess; the Bear's eldest daughter rejects him, the youngest takes him as her husband; now he is again handsome; the older sister asks his mother to disgrace him; the old woman asks him to carry her across the stream, refuses to get down; he turns into blood, she releases it; he turns it into a pig-vermilion plant; throws her eldest daughter against a tree, she becomes an inedible tree fungus; turns the Bear and his people into bears, wolves, foxes and other animals; returns with her wife to her parents; turns them into a badger and a skunk, his wife into a wild cat, turns into blood himself]: Bloomfield 1930, No. 17:110-120.

Northeast. Hurons [the hero comes to play, the bet is life; he uses his pebbles, wins, cuts off the opponent's head, throws it against a tree; the head turns into a growth on the trunk; of these pebble vessels have since been cut out]: Barbeau 1960, No. 34:29.

Southeast USA. Alabama: Martin 1977 [a man cuts a cannibal; her heart throws against a tree trunk; it turns into a tree fungus, her guts into vines]: 45; Swanton 1929, No. 13 [so far five brothers they hunt, the sixth looks for a tuber that has fallen into the water, finds a baby girl tied to the board; she becomes the brothers' sister; Sharp Ass comes to her in their absence, putting his finger in her and holding her over with fire, lie on his stomach, her back serves as a plate for him; it kills her; comes to life; so twice; the third time the brothers stay, put fish on the sharp ass of the spirit, fry, eat fish on his back, he dies, they drop the corpse down the river in a boat; the boat is spinning in one place, five brothers go one by one to find out why they disappear; the sixth climbs the persimmon, the ogre who comes up tells them to go down, fight her; he kills her with a baton, cuts off her head; she grows, but for the fourth time the cannibal dies; he throws her heart, it turns into a tree fungus; her intestines into vines; he cuts it off nose; comes to her daughters, says it's not a nose, but a smoking pipe; told her to lie down, promising to tickle, killed her with a club; throwing an arrow up, revived the dead from the bones; they looked around, turned into a lynx, crow, hawk, etc.]: 129-131; koasati [like Alabama]: Swanton 1929, No. 10:169; tunic [an ogre owl comes to the village every night; the young woman's husband found himself living in the water of Belaya A cougar; her two sons go through the forest, want to kill the cardinal's bird, who says that the Owl killed their relatives; the brothers come to an empty village; there is only an Old Toad; the Owl swallows it every night, but regurgitates; brothers kill him with arrows, burn him; his testicles exploded, turned into growths on a tree - "mammoth testicles"]: Haas 1950, No. 10:83-87.

The Great Southwest. Navajo [against her brothers' wishes, the girl marries Coyote; he dies because of his stupidity, she accuses her brothers of killing him; makes her teeth out of bone awls, turns into The bear; the arrows bounce off her, she keeps her heart under a pile of leaves; her brothers hide the youngest under the hearth, run themselves; she catches up and kills them, finds the youngest; he runs to the place where it is hidden her heart hits him with an arrow; cuts her body to pieces, throws them, they turn into pignons, yuca fruits, bears, porcupines, etc.; see G23B motif]: Haile 1984, No. 16-17:82-88; Matthews 1994:99- 103; O'Bryan 1956 [genitals turn into pine resin, breasts turn into pignons]: 44-48.