Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B85. Wind pacification..

The wind blows too much and is being forced to calm down.

Sumerians, Ifugao, Mansi, Nanai, Ainu, Kodiak, Koyukon, Tsimshian, Haida, Quakiutl, Nootka, Chilkotin, Thompson, Shuswap, Kurdalen, Puget Sound, Katlamet, Ojibwa, Timagami ojibwa, malesit, penobscot, naskapi, hopi.

Western Asia. The Sumerians [Adapa, the wise man from Erdu, sailed out to sea to catch fish for the sanctuary of Ea; the South Wind drowned his boat, A. cursed him, breaking his wings; the South Wind did not blow for seven days; after learning what was going on, The god of heaven Anu demanded A. to come to him; Ea advises A. on his way to heaven and to Anu's palace to wear her hair loose and dress in mourning; this arouses the curiosity of Tammuz and Gishzid, two heavenly gatekeepers; A. replies to them that he "mourns two gods who disappeared from earth," i.e. T. and G.; they are flattered, standing up for A. before Ana; Ea also ordered not to eat the food of death, not to drink the water of death, which Adape will be offered; but Anu offers him food and water for life; by abandoning them, A. deprived himself and all people of immortality]: Kramer 1977:151-152.

The Philippines. Ifugao [the gods of the wind destroy the fruit trees of a man named Ammotingan; he finds their cave, closes the entrance with a fence, the winds easily carry it; then he builds a new, solid, winds do not can go out; A. rejects jewelry, releases gods when they give him an amulet that makes chickens multiply, enemies dissipate; A. returns home, the wind blows moderately]: Barton 1956:148-153.

Volga - Perm. Komi [when Yong created the wind, it blew indiscriminately, demolishing forests and buildings; Yong said he did not know how to use freedom and chained him]: Fokos-Fuchs 1951, No. 26, IV: 220.

Western Siberia. Muncie (North. Sosva, 1931, Chernetsov) [Louis-vot-Oika (North Wind) blew incessantly, people were dying of the cold; the man went to fight him; they fired arrows at each other for a long time, the man broke the North Wind lower jaw; the wind stopped blowing at all, people began to die from the heat; when the jaw healed, the North Wind began to blow again, but now half its power]: Lukina 1990, No. 111:297.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Nanais [Vanga blows the wind out of a huge stone with a hole; old man Wang Mapa lived there in the past; a little boy killed him with an arrow; if he hadn't, the wind would have blew so hard that humans could not survive; another owner of the wind was Hatuk; a stone was thrown "in the face", standing downstream or upstream and causing a lower or upper wind]: Podmaskin 2013:54; Nanai [blew strong northeast wind; mergen rose to the sky; there the powder hung itself with a wooden hook on the balcony, and a mergen hung by the chin; they are swaying and the wind is getting stronger; the mergen hit them from the ground, unhooked, the wind subsided; another option: the old man and the old woman in the cave are blowing blacksmith's bellows; the boys found the cave, killed the old people, the wind stopped]: Sem, Sem 2020, No. 12:101.

Japan. Ainu [the goddess of the wind stays at home all day sewing; one day, out of boredom, she puts on a beautiful dress, goes outside and starts dancing; the wind rises from her fingers above the ground; When the wind blows on the sea, the bottom of the sea rises and falls; people suffer; Okikurumi goes to the goddess and punishes her; the goddess promises that in the future she will turn quietly to people's land; calm reigns on earth]: Saito 2016:88

The Arctic. Kodiak [the wind is blowing all the time, only one person ventured to leave the village, wearing warm clothes, reinforcing his kayak; went to the NW, saw a man on the rock blowing; shot, went I did not find it to look for his arrow; I found that man in the skin, there were many people around, they did not remove the arrow; the man asked everyone to leave, grabbed an arrow, ran; threw a black arrow, then a red one to his pursuers paint, both times they stopped painting their faces; the man ran to the kayak and sailed away; since then, while dancing, their faces have been painted with black and red paint; the man visited various Winds, filled them with them mouths in moss; so the wind is now blowing and not]: Lantis 1938:137-138.

Subarctic. Koyukon [the wind is blowing more and more, the man goes to calm him down; sees a man waving his axe, it makes the wind; grabs him, takes his axe, becomes quiet; The wind asks for the axe to be returned, promising that the world will be different when a person returns home; let him go to bed with a boat tied to the house; The wind touches the dull blade with his tongue, it becomes sharp again; the person goes home, goes to bed; when it wakes up, there is a flood around, spring]: Attla 1989:21-27 (quail in Ruppert, Bernet 2001:105-107).

NW Coast. Tsimshian [the weather is bad, only the South Wind (SE) is blowing, the fish does not bite, Txámsen (Raven) is starving; T. calls fish; Octopus, Halibut offer to go to South East War; Killer Whale gives participants its boat; The scallop (Cockle) on the bow of the boat always brags that SE will kick down; The halibut lies in the door of the SE house; the scallop enters the house; SE sits with its back to him, the wind constantly blows, the Scallop cannot come up; the Raven calls him back, breaks his sink, eats the bouncer; lit a smoky torch in the South House, he started coughing, went to the exit, slipped on the Halibut, fell on the Killer Whale Boat; the Octopus dug in the boat does not let it into it with suction cups; SE suggests that it be a day of good weather and a bad day; the Raven does not agree; - Two days; - Disagree; - Eternal summer; - Too much, even if four days of good weather in a row; tells the Octopus to let SE go; everyone has gone home, the weather has been good since then]: Boas 1916, No. 20:79-81; Haida [The Raven asks the birds to go with him to the South Wind; Jay is rejected because too old but he still wants to go; the Raven stretches his neck; fails to make a boat out of different types of trees; only a maple one came up]: Boas 1916:658-659; Quakiutl [Omeal (Raven) s brothers are going to war in SE Wind; when captured, South Wind suggests that it should always be quiet; Norka says this is too much; then SE promises to blow no more than four days in a row]: Boas 1916:660; Nooka: Boas 1916 [Tsimshians, Hyda, Quakiutl, Nootka, Poppies have animals, fish or birds hiding in different parts of the South Wind's dwelling; it slides on them, falls]: 658-660 {see evidence motif identities in Eurasian and American versions in Hoebel 1941:5-7}.

The coast is the Plateau. Chilcotin [the wind is constantly blowing violently; the youngest of the chief's two sons catches him in a snare; the wind is a fat, long-haired boy; the chief's son lets him go for promising to blow only from time to time]: Farrand 1900, No. 28:42; Thompson [the wind is blowing a lot, the youngest of three brothers catches him in a snare; frees him for promising not to blow so hard; (hereinafter, p. 87-88, a European fairy tale - a young man gets the leader's wife)]: Teit 1898, No. 34:87 (=Teit 1900:338); shuswap: Reichard 1947 [The wind was caught in a snare, freed for promising not to blow so hard]: 147; Teit 1909a [the wind blew strongly and irregularly, sometimes hot and cold; Sna'naz caught him in a snare and told him to blow weaker]: 598; Puget Sound: Ballard 1929 [Chinook's south wind kept blowing; flounder, stingray, blue jay and others go kill him; the wind is blowing from a high hill; the blue jay and the stingray shot at each other to see who was better - it turned out to be a stingray; they found the south wind lying; he said that if he was killed, Diseases and stench will spread; tells him to be put on his feet; only began to blow for a few days]: 68; Reichard 1947 [people grab Chinook's south wind; now it blows only a few days at a time]: 147; kë ; rdalen [the wind is blowing very hard, Coyote decides to trap (snare the Wind) on a small hill between two big ones; in the morning there is someone with wavy hair, a wide mouth and big eyes; Coyote is going to shoot him, the Wind asks him to spare him; he can't help but walk at all, he must eat; they agree that he will blow for four days and subside; Coyote freed the Wind]: Reichard 1947, No. 21:146; katlamet [five SW winds blow continuously; Blue Jay tells people to sing, the sky goes down, it is tied to the ground; people climb into the sky; Blue Jay and Stingray duel; Stingray turns sideways The jay is wounded by an arrow; the Beaver goes to steal fire; he is caught, scorched, he comes to life, takes the fire away; Malinovka is sent to scout the entrance to the celestial house; she stays warm by the fire, her breast turns red; Skunk is not scouted, returned in fear; Mice and Rats gnawed through bow bowstrings, ties on enemies' women's clothes; Eagle, Owl, Golden Eagle, Turkey, Hawk grab five Winds; four are killed, the youngest slipped away; people return to earth, Blue Jay cuts off the rope, the sky rises again; Stingray stayed there, turned into a constellation]: Boas 1901a, No. 9:67-71.

The Midwest. Eastern ojibwa (timagami): Speck 1915d, No. 1 [girl goes beyond the Sun, gives birth to five sons; the first winds in four directions; the fifth Nenebuk suppresses the western wind, which was too violent; kills geese; people take meat away; anus warns, but N. tells him not to disturb him; sits down in a fire; finds burnt pieces of his ass on the trail, eats them thinking it's someone's meat] 1b [the girl sees the Sun in a dream, now she can't look at it, goes to live for the Sun; after 4 days, four boys, one with horns, find themselves in the remaining wooden bowl of the house, the grandfather sends them to 4 sides of the world; these are 4 winds; the fifth is Nenebuc; all summer the West Wind (SV) blows so hard that N. cannot fish; hunger begins; N. tells his grandfather that he will go to kill SV; he advises not to do so, but only tell the SV to blow only from time to time; N. goes west, breaks his brother (i.e. SV) one of his two horns, returns; SV warned his three Wind Brothers of the danger, they fearfully decided do not blow at all; stagnant water has begun to rot, it is impossible to fish again; the grandfather asks if N. SV; N. goes to tell you to send the wind from time to time; the desired balance is established]: 28-29, 30-31.

Northeast. Malesit [The raven is the chief, his son-in-law is the Turtle and the Caribou boys among his people; for many days the wind has been blowing so much that you cannot hunt or fish; Gluskap told the Raven that it is a Wind Bird flaps his wings too much; the Raven sent the Caribou guys, who knocked down the Wind with a stone, tied them up; at first everyone rejoiced in the quiet weather, but then the stagnant waters began to rot, it got too hot; G. advised Send the Caribbean again to untie the bird one thing hid; it's normal; when a bird tries to escape, the wind is too strong]: Mechling 1914, No. 5:45; penobscot [Gluscabe makes a boat out stone, but because of the constant strong wind, he cannot hunt ducks; his grandmother tells him that the wind source is far away; G. goes there, loses all his hair from the wind, sees a bird flapping its wings; calling it grandfather, asks to make the wind stronger, for this purpose he is called to take the bird to the top of the mountain, drops, the bird breaks its wing; now there is no wind at all, the waters are covered with stagnant foam; G. returns unrecognized ( his hair has grown), heals the wing of the Wind Bird, asks not to wave constantly, but only for a day or two in a row]: Speck 1935b, No. 4:40-41; drip [of the four Wind Brothers, the West is the youngest and most ferocious, The North is the oldest and quietest; told the West to blow quieter, otherwise their mother would be killed; the brothers decided that they should look after people, not destroy them with the wind]: Speck 1915c, No. 2:74.

The Great Southwest. Hopi [Yaapontsa wind blows excessively, destroying plants and blowing away fertile soil; the chief invites the children of the Old Spider Woman Pöqangwhoya and Palöngawhoya to go tame him; the Spider teaches how to wall up the gap in which he lives; it gets quiet, unbearably hot; brothers go to the Wind again, open the hole enough to be just right]: Malotki, Gary 2001, No. 28:252-257.