Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B85B. The wind is in the bag .

The wind has been or is in a small container, released from it or leaves it from time to time.

Latins, Niue, Samoa, Maori, Chatham, Sora, Lisu, Ancient Greece, Slovenes, Kalmyks, Ingush, Armenians, Scandinavians, Western Sami, Estonians, Livonians, Lithuanians, Mordovians, Mongols, Kets , Nanais, Netsilics, West Greenland, Khan, Shuswap, Hopi, Mishteks.

Southern Europe. Latins [Ovid's Metamorphoses (line of er): "He says how Aeolus holds the Tusk in the depths, /Hippotadus himself, King Aeolus, that the winds in the dungeon contain. /They, imprisoned in a wineskin, - a noteworthy gift! -/The leader of Dulichia took away; with their breath pass/He passed nine days and saw the desired land./Shortly after Aurora got up, /The companions were prompted by an envious thirst for prey,/ Thinking that the gold was there, the belts were loose in the winds; /As he went back along the waters he had come on, /And the ship returned to the Aeolian king in the harbor" (trans. Sergey Shervinsky)]: Ovid. Met. XIV. 223-232; ["Argonautics" by Valery Flakk (1st century): "This was the case before he showed his formidable will/God is almighty, appointing Vladyka to the winds that were sick. /It was ordered to honor him {i.e. Aeola} ferocious cohort./The stone and steel in the cave of Evres are difficult to tame. /If the king is unable to restrain their incessant roar, /He reveals constipation, humbling their rage with freedom. /Sent to Aeolus Boreas and overthrows him from the throne <... > So he said, and then the winds in the cave roared, /Demanding his will; Aeolus then twisted the hinges, /The powerful unlocked the gate. Thracian horses leave their dungery/Joyfully, Marshmallows with them and wings, /A color like night, Note with a flock of rainy, /Evre, tousled by storms and turned yellow from the sand" (translated under general editorship. A.V. Podosinova)]: Val. Fl. Arg. I. 591-613; ["Myths" attributed to Guy Julius Gigin, who lived at the turn of the eras, but most likely date back to the 1st and 2nd centuries: "From there to Aeolus, the son of Hellin, to whom Jupiter gave power over the winds. He welcomed Ulysses as a guest and gave him wind-filled bellows as a gift. The companions, thinking that they were gold and silver, wanted to separate them, secretly untied their bags and the winds broke out. Ulysses was brought back to Aeolus, who drove him away when he saw that he was hostile to the will of the gods" (trans. D.O. Torshilova)]: Hyg. Fab. 125.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Niue [Leveimatagi grew tarot on the plot; the winds hit, L. caught the wind wrapped in a leaf; told his two sons not to touch the parcel; one made a hole, the wind broke out and now blows on Niue; this type of tarot is called "windy"]: Loeb 1926b: 204-204; Samoa [winds are collected and placed in a boat or coconut]: Dixon 1916:55; Maori [Maui caught the wind or enclosed it in special receptacle]: Dixon 1916:55; Chatham Islands [Tawhaki put winds in the basket]: Dixon 1916:55.

South Asia. Sora [Wind has a house, sometimes he goes out, sleeps at night and goes for a walk during the day]: Krylova, Renkovskaya 2017, field materials.

China - Korea. The fox [the astrologer helps everyone; his two sons want to kill him, so they have no help; the astrologer tells them to go to a crossroads at dawn; a yellow horseman on a yellow horse galloped by, then white, then black; they killed black - he and the horse were made of iron; they realized that they were made of gold and silver; they became blacksmiths; the dragon is unhappy that they were building a forge near his lake; sent fish (they they grabbed her tail with ticks, since then the fish tail is flat), a frog (their tail was torn off); the dragon went by himself, they grabbed him by the nostrils, began to beat him; he was forced to give up the knife that separates everything, and the crossbow, an arrow from which hits everything; the youngest accidentally pointed the knife wrong, was separated from the elder; came to a country where huge snakes and a falcon killed everyone; killed one with a knife, the other with an arrow, took two girls; brought them to his brother; the youngest was smeared with soot on the face with soot, the older brother chose the eldest; realizing the deception, decided to get rid of the youngest; disguised the hole from which the wind was blowing, took his brother there to hunt; the brother fell into the lower world, where little dwarfs ("ant people"); the frog is an elephant for them, the groundhog is a bear, the bamboo rat is a tiger; the younger brother easily kills such animals, gets a wife, but she is too young for him; the last rat asks her not to kill, tells her to hold on to her tail and not laugh, then she will bring her to the ground; seeing the rat's ass, the younger brother laughs, the end of the tail comes off, they fall; so 8 times; on the ninth they reach the ground; the younger brother gave the rat sharp teeth (cutter") and a flute; the pigeon borrowed it and did not return it, now he plays it; the younger brother met girl, realized that she was his daughter and that his older brother took his wife; hacked the elder, told his daughter and women the whole story]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:329-346.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Aeolus tied the winds in the bull's skin and left it on the ship Odysseus; ordered Zephyr to see the ship off; Odysseus and his companions sailed for nine days, on the tenth day on Ithaca appeared on the horizon; tired Odysseus fell asleep, his companions untied the bag Aeolus had left because they thought it was gold and silver; the winds broke out of the bag, a storm began; the ship carried back to on the island of Eola; when Odysseus came to Aeolus's house, asked for help; Aeolus drove him away]: Hom. Od. X. 19-76; [Alexander by Lycophron (3rd century BC): "Banning all winds together in bull's clothing he {Odyssey}, /But he will be surrounded by misfortunes again, /Yes beach perun will also hit him" (trans. I.E. Surikova)]: Lyc. Alex. 738-740; [On Love Passions by Parthenius (1st century BC): "The story is told by Filet {Philet from Kos Island, ca. 320-270 BC} in Hermes. Odysseus, wandering around Sicily, across the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Sicilian Sea, arrived at Aeolus on the island of Meligunides. He, admired in the glory of his wisdom, welcomed him very warmly; he also asked him about the capture of Troy and how their ships were scattered when they returned from Troy; Aeolus kept Odysseus for a long time time while being hospitable. Odyssey himself enjoyed the delay, as one of Eola Polymela's daughters fell in love and secretly met him. When he set sail, taking the winds in fur with him, he discovers that the girl has some Trojan prey left and tears bitter over these things. Then Aeolus was indignant at Odysseus, although he was far away, and Polymele planned to take revenge. However, it happened that her own brother Dior fell in love with her, who seeks her father's forgiveness and persuades him to marry Polymel" (trans. V.N. Yarkho)]: Parth. Er. Path. II; ["Sailing with his fleet into the open sea, Odysseus docked at the island of Aeolia, where Aeolus reigned. Zeus made him master of the winds, and Aeolus was free to calm the winds and send storms. He welcomed Odysseus warmly and gave him fur made from oxskin and covered him with all the winds. At the same time, Aeolus told Odyssey what winds he should use when sailing and hid the fur on the ship. Using the right winds, Odysseus sailed safely on the sea. Already sailing to Ithaca and seeing the smoke rising above the city. Odysseus lay down and fell asleep. However, his companions, thinking that Odysseus was carrying gold in the fur, discovered it, the winds burst out, and the storm carried them back again. Odysseus came to Aeolus and asked for a fair wind, but Odysseus drove Odysseus off his island, saying that he could not save him against the will of the gods" (trans. V.G. Borukhovich)]: Apollod. Epit. VII. 10-11 (Apollodorus 197:94); Slovenes [the wind imagined an old woman ruling specific winds and vortices and blowing winds out of a hole (when she is angry)]: Kropej 2012:177.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [the wind lives in a huge red hole covered with felt; an old woman watches her; she always covers the top of the pit with felt from the chimney; sometimes the wind throws off the felt and rushes to will; then the old woman takes felt from the house and plugs a hole; this is how it makes the wind subside]: Basangova 2017, No. 14:53-55; Ingush [sage Magal lived in a village in the Shansky Gorge; he kept a "star winds"; she lay in a sturdy chest that no tools could break; Magal's house was inhabited by a white snake; one day Magal went south; after finishing his business there, he went back and along the way I drove into the village of Zator; while eating, I noticed that the goat lying near the hut had a swaying beard; Magal was amazed, because at that time there were no winds in the mountains at all; he remembered the "wind star" rode home; found out that one of his sons was playing with a white snake in his absence and cut off its tail; an angry snake bit the boy and he soon died; when he saw her son, the mother ran around the room and looking for rags for his wound; as a result, she opened the chest (Magal left her the key before leaving), which contained the "wind star", and began to stir up things there; when she picked up the last item that covered The "star" that flew to the sky; since then, almost daily strong winds began to blow in the mountains that had never happened before; when he learned what had happened, Magal promised the snake that he would make it a tail out of gold and silver, and for this he asked for assistance in the return of the "star of the winds"; the snake crawled out of the hole, approached Magal (at which time the "star" fell so low that it could be reached from the roof of the hut), but looking at her tail, changed her mind and crawled back (the "star" soared up again); after Magal's death, he had three sons: Gui, Zickney and Ketlo; Gui was huge and had two mouths: one on his face, and the other on the back of his head; he ate ordinary food with his first mouth and gnawed his bones with his back; Cycni tried to kill him in vain; Guy's sons erected a pole in memory of his father]: Akhriev 1875:15-18; Armenians [by in the corners of the horizon are 8 copper, minted narrow-necked jugs; each filled to the brim with the wind and clogged; God wakes up in the morning, opens one of the jugs and puts it on its side; the wind breaks out freedom and walks on the ground all day; and in the evening he comes back; God reproaches him if he behaved badly, drives him into a jug, clogs him and puts him right, with his neck up; about eight winds, my great-grandmother Teimine told and her prograndmother Nunufar told her]: Abgaryan 2014:188.

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians: Gubanov et al. 2008 [episode of The Khrolva Pedestrian Saga, preserved in 33 lists, the earliest of which dates back to the second half of the 14th century: "Möndul took the lead. He wore a black coat that completely covered his body. In one hand he held a large leather bag with reindeer skin on the inside and yellow cloth on the outside. He had a bow and quiver in his other hand. Everyone thought his gear was weird. Grim took to the battlefield. <... > Finally, the opponents gave a battle cry and moved against each other. Grim's roar drowned out the cries of all the other warriors. He ran forward and shook his bag, so that a cloud of black dust flew out towards Khrolv's troops. When Möndul saw this, he also stepped forward and shook his bag, from which a strong wind blew towards the cloud, and the dust flew right into the eyes of Grim's people. They immediately went blind, fell to the ground and were trampled by their own people. Grim became angry, put an arrow on the string and shot at Möndul. But he shot back. Their arrows collided with their tips and both fell to the ground. And this happened three times"]: 106-107; Grimm 2019 (2) [Ohautan, like Aeola, had "wind furs" (veđrbelgr): when he shook them, a storm broke out with a stormy wind {"The Torstein Son of the Viking Saga"} ; the same is true about Möndull {"The Hroll the Pedestrian Saga"}]: 68; the Western Sami [son of Peive (the Sun), accompanied by noble friends, travels to the land of giants north of the North Star; the daughter of a blind giant falls in love with him, helps him pass the tests offered by her father; instead of his hand, a man gives an iron anchor; a wedding gift - a barrel of oil, a barrel of resin, a horse; a giant drinks, eats it, falls asleep; man and wife sail away, their wife's brothers chase them; she unties containers with the wind, the storm; at sunrise, the brothers turn into mountains]: Billson 1918:180-182; Estonians [while God is away, a young man opens a bag of wind, a storm begins]: Aarne 1918, No. 9:140; the Livs [while the mother of the wind or God is gone, her children open a bag of wind or a windmill ]: Loorits 1926, No. 7:38; Lithuanians [a woman released a wind that was locked in a chest]: Kerbelite 2001:98.

Volga - Perm. Mordvians [the earth is rounded (in the form of a bowl), washed by the oceans, or quadrangular; in every corner there is a silver pole, a barrel on it; in them, the wind god Varmava sits in turn; what a barrel now open, from there the wind (Harva 1952:141)]: Devyatkina 2004:26.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Mongols {group not specified} [the old woman in the sky keeps the wind in her bag; if she is angry, she opens the bag, releasing the wind to the ground; the wider she opens, the stronger the wind; if in a good mood, closes the bag, it gets quiet]: Nassen-Bayer, Stuart 1992:329.

Western Siberia. Kety [Et's family went to bed, the woodpecker is tied in the kitchen, the raven is sitting next to him; screams that the woodpecker is snacking a rope; the old man tells the old woman to go look; the woodpecker sits quietly; the same for the second time; the old man He orders to remove the crow, he is a deceiver; the woodpecker ate the rope, tore the bags, the blizzard has gone, it's warm]: Alekseenko 2001, No. 142:254-255.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais: Podmaskin 2013:50 [Buchu is an anthropomorphic wind spirit with a bird's head and wings; opens and closes a hole in the cave from which the wind is blowing], 54 [Vanga blows the wind out of a huge stone with a hole; old man Wang Map lived there in the past; a little boy killed him with an arrow; if he hadn't, the wind would blow so hard that people could not survive; another owner the winds were Hatuka; a stone was thrown "in his face", standing downstream or upstream and causing a lower or upper wind], 105 [Mom and Mapa are old and old woman, masters of the wind; in September they were approached by fishermen with asking to pacify the north wind; M. and M. blow the wind with furs in a mountain cave]; Nanais [a strong northeast wind was blowing; the boys came to the cave; the old man and the old woman are blowing in it blacksmith's bellows; boys killed old people, the wind stopped]: Sam, Sem 2020, No. 12:101.

The Arctic. Netsilic (Pally Bay) [giant Inugpasugsuk adopts a young man; they come to a frozen lake, where another giant, Inuaruvligasugsuk, is fishing; he has two teeth; giants they fight; a young man helps kill the second and then his wife, cutting their tendons on their legs; their little son rises to heaven, becomes Sila (Narsuk), the owner of bad weather, snow, It rains; four women can sit side by side on his penis; the winds hit when he unleashes the belt with which his fur diapers are pulled; someday he will kick down the pillars of the world]: Rasmussen 1935 [brief version]: 182-183; Rasmussen 1931:229-231; West Greenland (Nuuq) [a person asks the Polar Bear what's in his bag; the bear replies it's crap; the person does not believe, puts the Bear to sleep, the wind breaks into the world; a man offers Bear his wife for a month, but it's impossible to bring the wind back]: Millman 2004:33.

Subarctic. Han (Eagle) [there was no wind, the bear carried a bag; when he fell asleep, one man untied it out of curiosity, the wind came out of there]: Schmitter 1910:21 (=1985:31).

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [people live in the north who send a cold wind, and in the south they keep the wind in bags at home, the northern ones try to destroy the southern ones, and vice versa; the strength of the wind depends on how hard it was squeezed out of the bag; the southern people kept the warm wind of the chinook in the bag; the fox and the hare stole the bag and released the wind; in revenge, the southern people burned almost the entire land with fire; it was then extinguished ( some say built by a muskrat or beaver), many people died in water or fire]: Teit 1909a: 597-598.

The Great Southwest. Hopi [Yaapontsa wind blows excessively, destroying plants and blowing away fertile soil; the chief invites the children of the Old Spider Woman Pöqangwhoya and Palöngawhoya to go tame him; the Spider teaches how to wall up the gap in which he lives; it gets quiet, unbearably hot; brothers go to the Wind again, open the hole enough to be just right]: Malotki, Gary 2001, No. 28:252-257.

Mesoamerica Mixteca [is the devil's house, and when his door is open, the wind breaks out and blows heavily]: Dyk 1959:171.