Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B87. Alcor.. 15.-.17.23.26.-.41.43.-.47. (.65.)

Alcor (the faint star next to the second star of the Big Dipper bucket handle) stands out as a separate celestial object.


wolf. Bulgarians, Serbs, Estonians (Võru), Livs.

A dog. Basques, Romanians, Bulgarians, Ukrainians, Mari, Evens (probably), Udege, Orochi, Wilta, Snohomish, Puyallup-Niscually, Twana, Lillouette, Thompson, Vasco, Fox, Mohawki, Delaware, Sarsi, Crowe, Pawnee.

Bowler hat. Khakas, Eastern Khanty (Grigorovsky in Potanin 1883:778), northern and (probably) southern Selkups ("kotomochka"), Chum salmon, Sym Evenks, Yerbogachen Evenks, Evenks Podkamennaya Tunguska, Mikmak, Iroquois , seneca, chirokee.

Rider, driver. Latins, British, French, Walloons, Bretons, Germans (apparently everyone), Hungarians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Poles, Czechs, Luzhitans, Kashubians, Prussians.

A baby with a woman. Gulf Arabs, Macedonians, Japanese, Sioux {degiha branch: Osage, Omaha or Kuapo}, Wichita, Kuapo.


youngest male from the group (boy, boy, driver, kidnapped). Latins, British, French, Walloons, Germans, Ancient China (?) , Bulgarians, Macedonians, Hungarians, Romanians, Kashubians, Kabardian, Ossetians (probably), Shugnans, Altaians, Teleuts, Evenks of Buryatia (probably), Blacklegs, Sheyens, Crowe.

A girl, a young woman. Sicily, Ancient India, Kashmiris, Ancient Greece, Macedonians, Kalmyks (probably), Kabardian, Ossetians, Kumyks, Turks (probably), Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Altaians, Khakas, Alar Buryats, Mongols (Dursurun, Khalha), sarsi, blacklegs.


arrow or spear that pierces the body, or a wound from an arrow or spear. Sym Evenks (possibly), Koyukon, Kuchin, Southern Tutchoni, Tagish, Yellowknife, Timagami Ojibwa, Naskapi.

Miscellaneous stuff. Sumer and Babylonia [fox], Arabs (Suha, uninterpreted), Germans [deer], Ukrainians [mouse, mole; bits], Bolshezemelsky Nenets [reindeer load], Nanai [axe in man's hand], Orochi [ mouse], Chukchi [antlers that fox nibbles], igloolik [caribou deer antlers], crowe [puma].

Southern Europe. Latins [rider; Eques Stellula, Little Star Horseman (Mizar - horse, Alcor - rider)]: Allen 1899:445; Basques: Cerquand 1875 [two thieves stole two oxen a peasant; he sent a servant in pursuit; when he did not return, the maid, then the dog, then went by himself; when he could not find it, he began to swear; as punishment, they all found themselves in heaven, became a constellation Ursa Major; the first two stars are oxen, the third and fourth are thieves; servant, maid, dog, peasant - four stars of the bucket handle (it is clear that Alcor is included)]: 245 (Quail in Krappe 1930:264, =1938 : 149); Kabakova 1998, No. 23 (Gers) [dog; thieves stole a bull and a cow from the barn by thieves; he sent a servant who did not return; then the maid and the dog were the same; he became swear; God turned them into Ursa Major; the first bucket star was a cow, the second was a bull, the third and fourth were thieves, the first pen star was a servant, Mitzar was a servant, Alcor was a dog, the last star of the pen - the driver himself]: 36-38 (same as Vinson in Volpati 1933a: 459); Sicilians [Big Dipper: two oxen (α, β), two thieves who stole them (γ, δ), master chasing thieves (δ), his wife (), her daughter (Alcor), servant (α)]: Volpati 1933a: 458-459 (quoted in Mladenova 2006:84).

Western Europe. English [rider; Jack on the Middle Horse (Mitzar - horse, Alcor - rider) French, German]: Allen 1899:445; French (Gascony) [girl; like in Sicily, with the difference that thieves did not steal two oxen, but a bull and a cow]: Volpati 1933a: 459; the French (Languedoc) [Big Dipper is a pot with a handle; Alcor is a little man who watches when the pan boils; then he will remove it from the fire and the world will come to an end]: Sébillot 1904:31; French: Potanin 1899 (Vivarais) [Big Dipper is a pot; Alcor is a little man watching when the contents start to boil; as it boils, then the end of the world]: 414; Krappe 1938 [(about the same as Papahagi 1979:123 in Mladenova 2006:240); Big Dipper - Chariot boy-s- finger (Char Poucet); he himself (Charretier) is barely noticeable - the asterisk next to the middle drawbar star]: 145-146; Sébillot 1904:30 (Poitou) [King David's chariot carrying souls; Alcor - driver], 31 [Haute-Loire: B. Bears are a four-wheeled wagon, oxen, a driver; Alcor is a rat that gnaws on reins; Moselle (canton of Pays Messin): the cart is drawn by three horses, the driver tries to build them smoothly; when he it will succeed, the world will end]; the walloons [in the constellation Ursa Major, peasants see a cart on four wheels (four bucket stars), three horses (bucket handle stars) and a Pôcé chariot ; - small star above the second star]: Paris 1875:1; Bretons [Big Dipper - "Slanting Cart" because it has wheels of different sizes; it is dragged by three horses, Alcor is a driver]: Sébillot 1904:31; Germans (northern Germany) [der Hinde, deer]: Allen 1899:445; Germans (Rügen Island) ["De Dümk" was so small that he would climb into the horse's ear; he did something bad and people cursed him; now he is a coachman in a heavenly wagon - a star in the Big Dipper - where the bucket handle bends; and rides day and night]: Haas 1903, No. 160:146-147; Germans (northern Germany): Allen 1899 [Hans took the Savior on his cart to heaven; he offered him the kingdom of heaven, but Hans chose to travel forever from east to west; now he sits on horseback his tallest horse; Var.: He was planted there by Christ for failing to perform his duties]: 445; Grimm in Paris 1975 [rider; Dumke, Hans Dümken, Hans Dümkt, dümeke fuhrmann]: 17; Germans, English, French, Walloons [Alcor - little rider]: Andrew 1878:105.

Western Asia. Sumer, Babylonia [The Fox - "The Star Standing on the Cart's Drawbar" (g Ursa Major, Alcor); associated with Erra, the god of war, anarchy, hunger, and plague, identified sometimes with Nergal; the connection with Erra seems to be due to negative attitudes towards the fox in Mesopotamia]: Kurtik 2007:239-240; Arabs: Allen 1899:432-435 [Christian Arabs: funeral stretcher ( bier) Lazarus; three star pens - Maria, Martha and Ellamath following them; Arabs of the Persian Gulf: Al Jadi is the North Star, he killed Na'ash; his children, including daughter, Mitzar and a child -They want revenge with an alcohol in their arms, but Suhail {Canopus?} tries to help; in Syria {Ursa Major} is still called "Funeral Stretcher"; in Arabia, the four stars of the Bucket are the Big Coffin], 445 [Alcor (Suha) and Canopus (Suhel) among Bedouins often opposed as the highest and lowest members in the hierarchy of stars]; the Arabs of Western Asia (without specifying the group) [four stars of the Ursa Major bucket - funeral stretcher, pen stars - Daughters Funeral Stretcher: Leader, Goat and Next to Her Missed (Alcor), Black Horse (at the root of the handle); under the Daughters of the Funeral Stretcher, there are small paired rooms on the legs of the Ursa Major stars - Gazelle jumps (i.e. their hooves); in front of the Daughters of the Burial Stretcher of the Star Ursa Major in the form of a semicircle - Pond]: Biruni 1975:72.

South Asia. Ancient and modern India [Shathapatha brahmana (no later than 6th century BC); "After all, they (the Critics, i.e. the Pleiades stars) were formerly wives of the Bears: for the Seven Rishis were originally called Bears. (But) they (the Crittics) were forbidden to (continue) marital relations (with their husbands); and (now the Seven Rishis go back to the north, and they (the Critics) go back to the east..." "Agni them (Critic) lover"; the Mahabharata and Puranas add, or at least for the first time, the motif of the star Alcor as an element associated with the Pleiades; Alcor is Arundhati, faithful Rishi's wife Vasishthi, who remained with him (i.e. under the star Mitsar), while the wives of the other six rishis, after committing real or mental adultery with God Agni, were expelled by their husbands and formed the Pleiades constellation; Agni was considered its patron; during the wedding ritual, the newlywed, when asked if she saw Alcor, had to answer "I see", thereby declaring loyalty to her husband; this the custom persisted in many parts of India, and some other newlyweds were required to look at the North Star as a symbol of constancy]: Vasilkov 2015:15-16; Kashmiris [Alcor (arundati ) is considered the wife of seven rishis (Ursa Major)]: Grierson 1932:44; Bengalis [arundhat ī is a dim star in Ursa Major {probably Alcor}; faithful wife of the sage Vasitha]: Biswas 2000:75; Gujarati or Marathi (Bombay region) [having lost the ability to see the weakest star of the Ursa Major (obviously Alcor is Y.B.), a person will die six months after that]: Enthoven 1924:68).

China - Korea. Ancient China: Sima Qian 2004 (1986): Chapter 27 [Bei-Dou - "North Bucket"; the Dou constellation ("bucket") is the emperor's {heavenly} chariot, it moves in the center and controls four sides { heaven}; Fu-shin (Alcor) is "assistant"; if it moves away and shrinks, managers and subjects move away from each other and weaken]: 115-116, 261-262 (comm.); Allen 1899 [Foo Sing -" supporting star "]: 445.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece: Allen 1899 [Alcor - Electra, the lost Pleiades star that became a fox]: 446; Holmberg 1927 [Elektra, the former ancestor of the Trojans, so I was very worried about the fall of Troy that she left the Pleiades and became a little star (Alcor) next to the second star of the Big Dipper bucket handle]: 428; Bulgarians: Kovachev 1914 in Gibbon 1964 [ kidnapped; robbers kidnapped a peasant (Alcor); a group of peasants (Taurus) chasing them]: 240; Mladenova 2006:78 [Alcor - 1) Vodács (man driving the wagon ); 2) Kravaryat (cow driver)], 239 [four bucket stars are a wagon, two handle stars are two oxen, the third is the owner of the wagon, the other is the dog]; Popov 2003 [ a wolf or bear ate one of the two oxen pulled into the wagon, the owner harnessed him instead of an ox; he still pulls to the side; the star next to the big {obviously Alcor} is "wolf" or" bear "]: 271; Rakovski 1859 [And the stars, peasants and shepherds of sheep know the following. The bright star, which in the evening from the east and seems to move west, is called Vechrna (krvan kran in Turkish). It warms until late in the evening and is not visible after. After her, a star called Moma (Girl) or Virgo, who is in the south, rises in the evening. A third, quadruple star or cross, which also rises in the evening and appears to the south. The other three stars, played by Kolyazi, the Companions, come from the East. After that comes Kokoschka, or Klovachka (Chicken, or Hen), which is seven stars. The so-called Ralitsa (the upper part of the plough) does not follow. These are six stars and they look like a ralitsa. It is followed by a star called Svinar (Swineherd), surrounded by many small stars. They are followed by Zornitsa, or Dennitsa, which expires at dawn. In addition to those, there is a constellation in the North called Cola (Woz); 4 stars are considered a cart, 2 stars are two oxen; the second star, which is slightly south, is human, and the second is smaller, which close to the ox, as if sticking to it, [p. 21] says it's a wolf. They say he returns to the same place in the evening. The second constellation, which rises right above the head of a man from Three Stars, is called Svredil (drill) because it resembles a drill. Another reddish star that rises from the northeast is called Popova Zvezda. When it rises, sheepdogs already eat fast on Friday night to Saturday. Hymen (Myakina) is the name of the aerial phenomenon that stretches across the sky (the Milky Way) and is said that one Christian ran out of chaff and did not go looking for it, but stole a basket her godson's chafs, and while she was carrying it, she woke up, and then to convict him that he had sinned, the chaff was recorded in the sky, these stargazers say about Zornitsa that she had been gone for a long time, and when rises before dawn, shines as long as the month shines]: 20-22; Macedonians: Tsenev 2004:76 and 81-83 [7 stars of the Ursa Major - Aramiya, Ajduci {haiduks}, Komiti (fighters against Turks); Alcor - stolen by them child; in Orache: Aramiit stole a sheep from the godfather and carries it with them; or one of the Pleiades sisters (Vlascites) was stolen], 83 [Ursa Major - Cart, Crooked Cart, Big Cart; in Staro Nagoričani: a four-wheeled carriage drawn by two oxen driven by a woman (Micar) with a child (Alcor)]; Slovenes: Matičetov 1972:66 [first and second stars Big Dipper bucket handles - ox and wolf harnessed into the wagon], 71-73 [Ursa Major - "St. Martin (or St. Naum), on which he was carrying firewood from the forest; attacked by a wolf (bear), ate an ox, St. Martin (Naum) harnessed him instead of an ox; a wolf (bear) pulls him to the forest, the remaining ox from the forest]; the Serbs [the four stars of the bucket are a cart, in front of them two oxen, a man and a wolf]: Janković 1951:144; Hungarians: Allen 1899 [rider on horseback; the Hungarians call the star Göntzol with a something similar tale]: 445; Erdödi 1968 [Alcor - "little driver "]: 113; Mándoki 1965 [gypsy girl (Alcor) carried straw (harl) on Karlovy Voz; scattered along the road, the Milky Way was formed]: 127; Romanians [Alcor - 1) ox driver; 2 ) dog]: Mladenova 2006:78, 239.

Central Europe. Lužians [Alcor - "driver"]: Gładyszowa 1960:57; Czechs: Gładyszowa 1960 [Alcor - "driver" next to the "drawbar" (Mitzar)]: 57; Paris 1875 [ paleçki u wosi ("boy with a finger on a wagon")]: 17; Kashubians: Gładyszowa 1960 [Alcor and Mizar, "charioteer on the drawbar")]: 57; Gulgowski 1910 [Big Dipper - "wagon" (vŭz) with a drawbar with a chariot (fŭrmŭn)]: 24-25; Poles: Gładyszowa 1960:57 [(Upper) Silesia: Alcor and Mizar - "the little chariot above the drawbar "); central Poland: "you can see the three horses of Auriga and a cart", which suggests the idea of the Alcor driver; then the transfer of the name Furman (typical for western and southwestern Poland) to everything Ursa Major constellation], 58 (western and southwestern Poland) [driver Lucifer went to hell, broke his drawbar and can't go any further]; Ukrainians: Kostomarov 1847 [In the constellation Bear, people see horses, probably Svantovit. The black dog, the personification of Chernobog, wants to gnaw through the harness every night to destroy the entire body of creation, but does not have time, because before dawn he will run to the student for a drink, and in the meantime the harness grows together]: 54-55; Golovatsky 1860 (Hutsulshchina) [quotes Kostomarov, adding that he heard this from the Hutsuls, whose harness gnaws a knot]: 38; Manzhura 1890 (Alexandrovsky and Novomoskovsk district Yekaterinoslav Gubernia) [The road (Milky Way) leads to Jerusalem and Crimea: as they ran from gentlemen, they followed it. On the Road, it is in Rozsokhy {Branching} that there is Krinitsa {well} - four stars, and the Girl with buckets came from her - three stars. There is also a Woz - four wheels and three horses in a zug. There is a little Woodyla star between the far front and second horse: when they eat, it's the end of the century. The cart, as it rises in the middle of summer, stands up with horses, and by dawn it turns its horses down. The harrow has three stars in one turn, and four in the other, and a three-star breathing hole to it. There are also: Chepigi, Kvochka (Stozhary)]: 148; Potanin 1899 (Kharkiv) [Big Dipper - "Voz"; four bucket stars - wagon wheels; two handle stars - two oxen, the third - a driver; a small star - dog; she tries to gnaw through the harness and thus disrupt the entire structure of the universe, but before the end of the world she will want to drink, run to the water, at which time the belts grow together again]: 414; Grinchenko 1895 ( Kharkovskaya) [retelling in Potanin 1899:414; Do you see seven big stars together? It's called "Woz": four stars are wheels, and the three that seem to stretch are a drawbar. You see, there's still a little star near the middle star. It's called "The Dog". Old people say she's still coming to that middle star, and when she gets to it, she'll gnaw through something there, and then there'll be the Last Judgment. Yes, that's right, it will be soon, because you see how close it is]: 1; Ukrainians: Holy 1961 [Wow - four wheels and three horses drawn; between the far front and the other - a bridle (Alcor); when they "cross over", the world will end; Yekaterinoslavskaya: "A blind man (from the mole family"; Alcor) gnaws at the horse's bridle; when he gnaws, the light is over"; Volyn: Alcor is a field mouse that wants to eat a snack on the buildings near the Wagon, but cannot cope with it and runs to the water from time to time to drink; while drinking, buildings are made again fat; when the mouse has a bite to eat the buildings, the world will end]: 113.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [author's note: seven brothers and sister {Alcor?} went to heaven along the shepherd's road]: Ochirova 1991:193; Kabardian people [boy; Vagozashible, "stars seven brothers"; one prince sent his child to "kana" (pupils) seven brothers; when he was being transported, the Pleiades (Wagoba) attacked, wanting to kill the child; seven brothers saved him; "kan" is a star above the second star B. Bears]: Potanin 1883:714; Kabardian people: Potanin 1919a [Ursa Major and the North Star had a common mother; BM, in addition to seven stars, has an eighth, a pupil; PZ wants her take it away; so the BM stars keep walking around and making sure that the PZ does not drag the pupil]: 84; Madina Pashtova [Vaguezeshible - Big Dipper: Seven Star Brothers; Wague Shu is a "Horseman Star", the second The star located on the "bucket handle" of the Big Dipper (obviously Alcor); Waguetsiykiu ("Little Star") is Alcor. Aba Wagyuekyankii yoje]: personal message 29.04.2013; Ossetians: Miller 1882 [boy; evil Ahsaktemur walked with zeds (angels) across the sky; at certain times of the day he went to the river; he oppressed seven brothers on earth; in order to acquire the protection of Vodyanoy (Donböttär), the brothers took his son as pets; A. killed him; D. invited the brothers to watch A. by the river, but he stopped going to the river, sat down in the middle of the sky, putting two stallions as guards; brothers (stars of the Ursa Major) began to wander crooked towards the river (Milky Way); before dawn they notice the Polar the star and go to it, but every time it disappears in the sunlight]: 300; Ossetian tales 1962 [Akhsah Temur had iron wings, rose to the sky, kidnapped the sister of seven brothers, rose with her to heaven, the brothers began to catch up with him, he left the girlfriend, the middle brother put his sister next to him, all seven are now chasing AT]: 37 on the island in Chibirov 2008:87; Kumyks [ seven Ettiler brothers kidnapped the sister of the seven Ulkerler brothers; then sent a representative to offer peace; Ulkerler refused, still stalking Ettiler; a twinkling star in Ettiler {apparently Alcor} - kidnapped girl]: Khalidova 2012:229; Turks [Seven Big Dipper Brothers stole Pleiades's daughter; the legend has been recorded twice in southern Turkey, but is likely to be more widespread; {Alcor is not mentioned, but given other Turkic variants, it was most likely identified with a stolen girl}]: Mladenova 2006:81.

Iran - Central Asia. Shugnantsy [recorded by student Sultonnazarova Mavluda from her grandmother, a resident of K. Manem (Shugnan) Lutfaliyeva Mushkinoz; seven stars in the sky, similar to each other, are called Seven Brothers; they are sons of Hazrat and Muhammad; when XM passed away, four brothers carried a stretcher (with dead), the fifth performed "falak" behind a stretcher, the sixth carried a sheep, and the latter drove this sheep; if you watch closely, you can see a small star near the sixth star, this is the one sheep; some say {Ursa Major} stars call Seven Brothers because they are always wandering, and the star behind everyone and shining dimly is the youngest of the brothers]: Lashkarbekov, MS

Baltoscandia. Estonians (Võru) [wolf; Big Dipper - "Peedo's Cart"; wolves are commanded to attack oxen in a yoke; Peedu led a wagon with oxen; one was attacked by a wolf; P. harnessed it with the ox, this is Alcor under Mitzar; the wolf pulls into the forest, so the bucket handle is curved]: Hurt ("Eesti astronomia") in Prüller 196:294 (briefly in Kuperjanov 2003:181); the Livs [ wolf; (the informant lived in Saarem); the man decided to go to heaven on a cart drawn by two horses; left out of need; at this time the wolf ate a whole horse and found himself in the harness; the man went on on a cart drawn by a horse and a wolf; the wolf is smaller and weaker; God turned them into the constellation Ursa Major]: Loorits 2000 (4): 153; Prussians [short extracts from German sources of the 17th and 19th centuries; Düneke ("saddles"), Pudinke (one of the etymological variants is "short man") to refer to Alcor]: Avilin 2015:76.

Volga - Perm. Marie [The Big Dipper is an elk with its cubs and a hunter with a dog; the latter are condemned to spin the sky forever for killing the first]: Potanin 1883:713.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [stolen girl]: Abishev 1949 [Zheti Karakshy (seven stars of the Ursa Major) is credited with stealing her daughter from the Pleiades; the Arabs called the big star of the bucket handle Mitsar ( horse), and the small one is Alcor (rider); the Kazakhs have Alcor a kidnapped girl]: 12-14; Potanin 1883, No. 35k (at art. Semiyarskaya on the Irtysh) [The Jety-Karaksha had seven brothers; they stole one of their two daughters from Urker (Pleiades); the stolen name was Kalpe, the rest of Zurya]: 200, 784 [(according to Valikhanov, hand); Big Dipper - Jets Karachi, the souls of seven robbers who stole during the day and repented at night, for which they were turned into stars after death; these seven thieves have a kidnapped daughter Pleiades]; 1972b, No. 6 [Big Dipper - Alty Karakchi; the seventh, smaller star is princess; the thief closest to her will marry her]: 55; Kyrgyz [stolen girl]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1963 [seven robbers kidnapped Pleiades's daughter, asked the North Star for help; she told the Pleiades that they could try to get their daughter back themselves, if they wanted; since then Seven (Ursa Major) swirls around the North Star, hiding the kidnapped, the Pleiades chase them]: 340-341; 1989 [seven thieves kidnapped the Pleiades daughter; the Golden Cole refused to catch up with them, the Pleiades are still Since they are chasing the Seven Robbers (Big Dipper), who hide the kidnapped; after losing their daughter, the Pleiades radiate only cold from grief; when seen in the sky, the nights are cold]: 373-374.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians: Verbitsky (words Altaisk and Aladag dialect, 411) [stolen man; seven kings (Jetti-gan) did not have a cook; they stole Ulker (Pleiades) for this position ) one person; now that single star at the tail of Ursa Major; Ulker and Jetti-gan still shun each other] in Potanin 1899:574; Garf, Kuchiyak 1978 [stolen girl ; seven brothers rise to heaven; Ulker-Kaan agrees to give Altyn-Solona's daughter to someone who gets a giant maral with horns with seventy shoots; younger brother receives A.; heavenly army attacks the earth; brothers A. return to heaven, turn into seven stars, next to the youngest - A.; W. tries to come from the rear, but they always turn to face him]: 196-204; Potanin 1883, No. 35c [ demon shulmus; the Pleiades were Kurt-Chulmus ("damn worm"), who was on the ground, eating people and cattle; Dzhetygan (Ursa Major) descended to earth on horseback to kill the monster; horse I must crush him with his hoof, but a cow stepped on Kurt-Chulmus and the monster slipped through her split hoof; J. managed to carry only one of the seven shulmus that consisted of the enemy into heaven ; since then, the Pleiades have been chasing J. forever, and he runs away with his head thrown back], 35i (zap. Yadrintsev in Russian Altai) [stolen girl? ; The Big Dipper is called Titagan, seven rulers; T. took one small star from Mechin (Pleiades)]: 194, 200; Sadalova 1989 [stolen girl? ; The Seven Caans constellation stole one of the Pleiades, so it only follows so that the Pleiades do not find it missing]: 89-90; 2002, No. 22 [stolen girl? ; seven orphan brothers come to the kaan; he allows them to eat enough, they eat a mare in a day; each answers the kaan what he is intended for (to transport others across the river; cleverly steal; protect others from war, fire; sharpshooter; will catch what falls from the sky; kaan promises to make them kaans themselves if they bring another kaan's wife from across the sea; thanks to their abilities, they fulfill the condition; by becoming kaans, they torment other peoples; Yuch-Kurbustan turns them into seven stars; fighting the Pleiades, they take one star, it is sometimes visible; the UK tells them to circle around the Star forever Golden Coke]: 215-223; Teleuts [stolen man? ; Dzhetygan (Ursa Major) and Ukur-Gan (Pleiades; letters. "The Cow Tsar", Potanin 1899:574) were khans; the first had six stars, the second had seven; J. took one star from W.; this is the star that can be seen in Dzhetygan's tail]: Potanin 1883, No. 35a: 193; Khakas [stolen girl; Pleiades seven sisters; stars Ursa Major (Chitigen) seven brothers, stole one of the sisters (star above the second star of the bucket handle); Pleiades are pursuing brothers, but they can't catch up; Pleiades's father, Arcturus, shot the brothers, the arrow nailed the sky, became Polar; perhaps it hit the brothers who are now forced to walk around the North Star]: Butanayev 1975: 234-235; Khakas [pot; Ursa Major - Chettygen; three brothers behind them, two dogs in front of him, two maralukhs in front; the middle brother carries a cauldron on his head to cook meat ( cauldron - an asterisk under the sixth star)]: Radlov 1907, No. 181:273-274; Buryats (Alar) [girl; the poor young man feels sorry to cut down trees, the owner drove him away; while he was sleeping, the old man pricked his tongue, making him able to understand the language of birds; the young man hears the raven telling the crow about the son of the khan, whom the snake has climbed; he will recover if he breathes steam from burning fat; the young man heals Khan's son, takes seven skinny mares as a reward; on the way he meets a strongman, a rumor, a shooter, a thief, a water bread, a runner; with their help he wins competitions in wrestling, shooting, running, and gets a princess; the army pursues them, his water bread drowns; the lama ordered them to roll down the mountain, their heads flew off; God resurrected them, raised them to heaven, made Dolon-Ubugut (Big Dipper); the small star in the middle is their wife]: Potanin 1883, No. 36:200-203; Khalkha-Mongols (Dunsurun) [two brothers want to destroy a third, hard-working man; he leaves; consistently meets and comrades 1) listening to the conversation of sinners in hell; 2) easily catching up with an antelope; 3) knocking down stars from the sky with an arrow; 4) a thief stealing eggs from under a female crow; 5) piling mountains on top of each other; 6) drinking and belching the sea; hero returns to his brothers, they became khans; the thief replaces kegs of good and poisoned wine (one khan survives); the strongman wins the fight; the rest learn about an attempt to blow them up in the palace, prevent them hers; becomes seven stars of the Ursa Major; it was cold, there were 7 stars in Mechin (Pleiades); twins steal one, it gets warmer; the stolen star is visible from the second star of the bucket]: Bennigsen 1912: 55-57; Skorodumova 2003 [poor brother works for a rich man, he feels sorry to cut trees; in a dream, a woodman pierces his tongue with needles, he now understands animal language; Raven tells Raven that Khan's son he fell ill because a snake crawled into his mouth; he must throw the meat of a fatty mare into the fire, breathe smoke; the poor man heals the khan's son, asks for 7 skinny mares and a bad horse under his blanket as a reward; on the way he meets Satellites 1) moving mountains, 2) listening to what's underground, 3) shooting at the sky, 4) quietly changing feathers for crows and magpies, 5) drinking the river, 6) chasing mountain sheep; khan will give his daughter to the winner of the competition; 1) the strongman defeats the wrestler, 2) the shooter falls into the golden circle between heaven and earth, 3) the runner overtakes two old speeders (they put him to sleep by patting him on the head, but he woke up); Khan sent an army, drowned him; friends took to heaven, became the constellation Ursa Major - "Seven Elders"; the little star is the princess]: 5-8.

Western Siberia. The Eastern Khanty [pot; the Big Dipper is called Elk; the Tungus, Ostyak and Samoyed decided to kill the elk; the Samoyed wanted to roast meat on a spit, eat the Tungus raw, the ostyak boiled; at the beginning of the chase, Ostyak returned for the pot, overtook the Samoyed; the Tungus was ready to hit the elk with a palm tree (horn); asked the spirits to live in the land of the Tungus from now on, for which he promised to kill Ostyak and Samoyed; the Ostyak managed to kill the elk with an arrow, breaking the spell of the Tungus; therefore, moose are found in the ground of the Ostyaks; the four stars of the bucket are the legs of the elk; the first star of the tail is the Tungus, then the ostyak, which leaned to the right, shooting; next to him is a bowler hat; the last star is a Samoyed; three stars in front of the bucket are an arrow; if the Elk goes faster than other constellations, spring is early, there are many fish and animals]: Grigorovsky in Potanin 1883:778; the northern Selkups [bowler hat; the Big Dipper was an elk, there is a legend about him; Yurak, Selkup, Tungus met an elk; the Selkup and the Tungus had bows, the yurak had a spear; before shooting, The Selkup ran after the pot; in his absence, the Tungus wounded the elk; the Selkup returned and killed him; in versions where Selkup, Kat and Yurak operate, the first two are a friendly couple against Yurak]: Prokofiev 1961: 64-65; 1976:198; southern Selkups (upper Ket, 1964, AI Kuzmin) [four stars of the Bear and small ones in front are elk; three stars {bucket handles} - Ite, his father-in-law, and son-in-law from the Tym River; y the last star is "like a bag" {does the second one have it?}] : Tuchkova, Wagner-Nagy 2015, No. 46:195; Nenets (Bolshezemelskaya tundra) [Ursa Major bucket is a reindeer team; the extreme star of the handle is a woman, the second (Mitsar) is a man, Alcor is the nearest cargo to the bucket, the star of the handle is part of the team]: Nikolay Aleksandrovich Taleev, shaman, born in 1969, personal message 22.09.2011; chum salmon: Alekseenko 1976 [bowler hat; ket, selkup and evenk chased an elk; Selkup, then Ket overtook Evenk, but Ket returned for the forgotten pot and fell behind; Evenk refused to shoot, said he would kill with a stick; Selkup missed, ket wounded the moose in the shoulder blade; everyone was in the sky; the four stars of the Ursa Major bucket are the legs of the elk, the left front (knocked down) is slightly moved to the side; the three stars in front are the nose and ears of the elk; the bucket handle is selkup, ket, even (last); dot near the middle star (Alcor) - a bowler hat; six stars (three outside B. Bear) - arrows; Ursa Minor - also an elk that was hunted before]: 84-85; Davletshin, Duvakin 2009 [Marya Maksimovna Irikova, August 2009; my father told the informant: "One star, see? He runs, talks, and there's such a small spot on his back. This is a hunter with a bag running after deer"; that they run to kill deer, chase them]: personal report.

Eastern Siberia. Sym Evenks (b. Ket) [Evenk, Selkup and Russian drove the elk, he ran to heaven; the Russian fell behind, then the ostyak (i.e. Selkup); Evenk shot the elk's leg, took the cauldron, began to cook meat; they can still be seen in the sky; Milky The path is a ski track, on the other side of the ski track there is a shot leg; the little star is a bowler hat; it is seen by someone with good eyesight]: Lukina 2004, No. 3.6:70-71; Yerbogachen Evenks [ pot; Hasty (extreme star B. Bears) and Khvastun chase an elk (four bucket stars); Khvastun (middle star B. Bears) has a bowler hat behind him (a weak star nearby; Mangy-Döromgo (Orion) goes with them, crosses the sky on skis, kills a moose with an arrow (three stars from Orion to B. Bear) under the shoulder blade; calf (first star B. Bears) fell, found himself on the ground, the current moose come from it]: Pezhemsky in Vasilevich 1936, No. 2:274-275; Evenki (Podkamennaya Tunguska) [the boastful hunter first goes first, but when they they begin to chase the beast, he is the last; he is followed by a hunter carrying a bowler hat; the smallest one who walks behind chases the moose first; these are the three stars of the bucket handle; the four stars of the bucket are himself Moose]: Vasilevich 1959:162-163; Sym Evenks [hero Chakiptylan wanted to kill a sky moose, chased, fired an arrow, it hit the leg of an elk; Akshary (the spirit master of the upper world) for being wanted to kill a sky moose, stopped it and made it rot in one place; four stars of the Ursa Major were an elk, three were its shadow, a small star near the lower right was Chakipta's arrow - dana; Tulngudek Milky Way is the "Chakiptylan ski route", between the Milky Way and the Ursa Major, a small group of stars is the ever-rotting Chakiptylan]: Vasilevich 1959:163; Evenks of Buryatia ( Bount) [riddle: Seven men walk with one son (Big Dipper)]: Voskoboynikov 1958, No. 67:165; Evens [even, Evenk and Yukagir (or Chukcha, h eek) We decided to find out which of them is stronger, faster and more enduring; we agreed that whoever finds the biggest and fastest animal and brings home the whole thing will be considered the strongest, fastest and a hardy hunter in the middle world; chased an unknown animal; where he stepped with his foot, a lake appeared, where hunters were skiing, rivers appeared, and where they ran, a river (roll); an animal ran north, from where frost comes from and where the sky is closer to the ground; left traces in the form of lakes (so there are many lakes in the tundra); this animal, i.e. moose, began to be called toki ("coming or trail the hunters did not notice how they found themselves in the upper world; there Havek turned an elk, three hunters (even, evenk and yukaghir) and a dog into stars for climbing into stars without Havek's permission the upper world; the four stars of the Big Dipper are the four legs of an elk; star-turned hunters froze near these four stars, and not far from these seven stars, another often flashing "North Star" {The North Star does not blink and is far to the side; almost certainly Alcor} is a hunting dog]: Keimetinov 2000:125-127.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Udege, the Orochi [dog; the four stars of the bucket are a barn on stilts; a bear creeps up on him and is hunted by Egda and his brother, who make up the handle of the bucket; little star visible only in good weather - hunters' dog]: Arseniev (archive) in Bereznitsky 2003:80; Udege people [Ursa Major - Zali Bangnyani, food barn; four stars the bucket is the barn itself, the three stars of the handle are three hunters filling the barn with meat; one day the bear climbed into the barn, one counter squinted; since then, the owner of the barn and the dog have been chasing the bear; hunters and that's it people worship Zali Bangnyani, asking him for health and well-being]: Podmaskin, Kireyeva 2010:15-16; Orochi (Tumninsky) [Big Dipper is a barn with a ladder, climbs a ladder into the barn mouse]: Skorinov 2005, hands.: 2; Wilta ["The Dog" is the star in the tail of the Ursa Major {obviously Alcor}]: Missonova 2013:197; Nanais (Manchuria) [the fisherman's friend is a hunter; when he died, the fisherman took his son into his care; the young man was stupid and lazy, and did not know how to fish at all; once a fisherman told a young man to put fish dryers - four pillars and crossbars on top, on which They hang the fish; when he was about to hang the fish, it turned out that the young man had just put up the poles, and crooked; furiously, the fisherman grabbed the ax, the young man ran away from it, and the fisherman's wife rushed to stop her husband; they ran, found themselves in the sky, became the stars of the Big Dipper's bucket handle; the brightest star is a fisherman, the star next to him {obviously Alcor} is an ax in his hand; in front is a dull young man, behind fisherman's wife; four bucket stars - drying stakes]: Bäcker 1988, No. 30:210-211.

Japan. The Japanese [The heroine is the daughter of the Ursa Major Constellation, who went down to earth to help the man who buried her father pay off the funeral debt: she weaves the canvas, he sells it and covers it thus debts. He violates her ban not to look at the night sky and sees that one star is missing. She returns to heaven with her child; since she has already defiled herself on earth, she gives way to her younger sister, and she fits second in the constellation with her child. That's why another star comes second from above]: L.M. Yermakova, personal report 20.06.2013 {i.e. Alcor is probably a child}.

SV Asia. Chukchi [antlers; Ursa Major - six slingers; seventh double star (Mitsar and Alcor?) - brown fox nibbling on a pair of deer antlers]: Bogoras 1902:593; Bogoraz 1939:25.

The Arctic. Igloolik [(western 1990); four stars of the Ursa Major (bucket handle and first bucket star) - caribou body, three bucket stars - its horns; Alcor - caribou horns]: MacDonald 1998: 81.

Subarctic. Koyukon [Big Dipper is "the one who spins"; this is the character from whom the Raven stole the sun and moon; they killed each other and came amicably to the land of the dead; there one began to measure time, the other became a Raven; the Raven pierced him between his shoulders with a spear, so his back twisted; the first star of the bucket handle was his head, Mitzar hit him with a spear {obviously a wound or spear is Alcor}; legs - small stars, the last two stars of the bucket are the buttocks; in February-January it turns its head east]: Jetté, Jones 2000:500; Kuchin [Yati, the Seat), Little Bear - yatiqvl ("small bench"), Dragon - "hook, fork" (gaigvlsvt, the Crotch); Bench and Little Bench started fighting; Hook separated them by stepping between them, so his legs are wide placed apart; he threw his spear into the Bench, hitting him in the back and almost tearing off his tail; a star in the constellation Ursa Major {obviously Alcor} is a spear wound]: McKennan 1965:73; tagish [ The Big Dipper is a big-headed man who took rabbits out of the trap, saying Hoo, hoo; one man shot him in the back; the arrow was a faint star near the second star bucket; Big Dipper once said the world would end when it stopped walking in circles and turned upside down]: McClelland 1975 (1): 78; southern tutchoni [checking traps for rabbits, young man sees that someone has stolen prey; after the third time he ambushes him; on a moonlit night, a big-headed man approaches silently, makes sounds reminiscent of an owl hooting; the young man hits him with an arrow at spine; he says that the next night the young man will see him in the north; the next night, the Big Bear rises, and the pierced arrow, Alcor, a story that everyone in the Yukon knows]: McClelland 2007, No. 12:78-80; Yellowknife [yéhdaa/yehdaa is an anthropomorphic constellation consisting of the stars Boopas and Ursa Major; it is used to determine time and pray to it; betl'á, Fkmrfbl (buttocks); wek'aehta (bek'arelka) - "the place where y éhdaa was hit with an arrow" - Alcor; "back" - Alcor, Aliot, Merak, Fad; "right hand" - Dubhe et al.; "left hand" - Merak et al.; character's wife - 6 main stars of Cassiopeia]: Cannon 2015.

The coast is the Plateau. Snohomish [dog; The creator stopped at Puget Sound, decided to distribute all the languages there (that's why the Salish have so many); the sky was low, trees were climbing into the sky; people push it with poles up; at that moment three hunters drove an elk where heaven and earth converge; remained in the sky; hunters - the handle of the Big Dipper bucket (a dim star is a dog); the bucket is four moose]: Clark 1953:148-149; puyallup niscually [stars are people; there are rivers in the sky, but informants did not talk about the Milky Way; meteors are star people on the road; in the interior, 4 bucket stars Big Dipper is an elk, 3 star pens are three hunters, Alcor is a dog; they don't know about an elk on the coast, Ursa Major is a "vessel with a handle"]: Smith 1940:134; twana [dog; the Big Dipper is a group of moose walking along a winding mountain path; the star next to the last star of the bucket handle is a stalker dog]: Elmendorf 1960:537; lillouette [dog; the four stars of the Big Dipper bucket are the Bear; the three stars of the bucket handle are hunters; the asterisk next to one of them is a dog]: Elliott 1931:180; Thompson [Ursa Major -" Grizzly"; three stars of the bucket handle - three hunters chasing bears; the first is brave and fast, about to catch up with the beast; the second walked slower, next to him the dog was a small star; the third is cowardly, afraid to approach the bear]: Teit 1900:341-342; Vasco [dog; five Wolf Brothers hunt, Coyote lives with them; they agree to tell him what they see two Grizzlies in the sky; the Coyote shoots arrows into the sky, makes a ladder out of them; they all go up to heaven; the Coyote decides that the Grizzly and Wolves look beautiful together, leaves them in the sky, goes down, breaking them a ladder; three older Wolves are the handle of the Ursa Major bucket; the oldest is the middle star, followed by a small one is his dog; two younger Wolves are part of the bucket closer to the handle; two Grizzlies are the opposite part of the bucket; Lark tells Coyote that stars are rising, ready to fall, then the earth will die from the cold; Coyote climbs back into the sky, arranges stars differently; the Milky Way is the Coyote's trail]: Clark 1953:153- 155; Hines 1996, No. 5:32-35.

The Midwest. Fox [three brothers chase a bear, find themselves in the sky; their dog is next to their second brother; in the fall they kill a bear, put them on oak and sumac branches for cutting; the foliage of these trees in autumn it turns red with blood; the pieces of the bear's body are stars that can be seen in winter; the bear is the Big Dipper's bucket, the hunters are the bucket handle; the asterisk next to the second star of the handle is their dog]: Jones 1907, No. 4:71-75 (quail in Lankford 2007:129-130); ojibwa (timagami) [arrow wound; man catches and binds little birds; they can't bring summer; puts Freshwater Herring as a watchman; fisher, mustela pennati seals Herring's mouth with resin, frees birds; a man chases a fishing marten, who runs to heaven, turns into the Big Dipper; the arrow hits his tail (the bend of the bucket handle; the wound is Alcor)]: Speck 1915d, No. 11:63-64.

Northeast. Nascapi (mistasini) [arrow wound; boy cries, requires summer birds to shoot at them; people go hunting for Summer; do not want to take fishing marten with them ( fisher, mustela pennati), who is funny; Muskrat gnaws on the oars of Summer owners; launches a tree resembling an elk with horns on the water; Summer owners rush to catch it; only Sucker and Sturgeon remain guarded by Summer; their mouths are sealed, Summer is carried away; the owners start chasing, but their oars break; they catch up with the Fisherman's Marten; he says that the enemies themselves will die if they try to burn it or hit; pretends to be afraid of water; he is thrown into the river; his pursuers shoot at him; he runs from a tree to the sky, turns into Ursa Major; the second star of the bucket handle has a place where an arrow hit]: Speck 1925:28-31; 1935a: 66-69; mikmaq [bowler hat; in spring, seven hunters begin to chase a bear; in early autumn, two Owls first, then the Blue Jay and The pigeon loses its trail; Robin, Chikady, Moose Bird, continue to chase; in mid-autumn, Malinovka kills a bear with an arrow; blood stains autumn leaves; the Big Dipper bucket is a bear, a bucket handle and Boopas - hunters, Alcor - pot]: Hagar 1900:93-97; Iroquois (group not specified) [pot; hunters chase bear; stone giants kill hunters; three remain alive, find themselves in the sky with the bear; the first has a bow in his hand, the second has a pot, the third picks up brushwood; hunters' arrows pierce the bear only in autumn; blood stains the foliage]: Smith 1883:81; seneca [bowler hat; one of the seven brothers is lazy, pretends to be sick, others carry it on a stretcher; throw it, chase a bear; a lazy man overtakes everyone with fresh energy, kills a bear; brothers do not notice how they gradually rise to the sky; turn into Ursa Major; one holding a bowler hat (an asterisk next to the bucket); the bear is a star in the lower corner of the constellation; in autumn at the first frosts show droplets of fat (not water!) on oak leaves! and the blood of a dead bear]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 54:276-277 (=Curtin 2001:503-504); mohawks [dog; huge bear chases game away; three brothers and a dog drove him; into the beast arrows pierce, blood drips, paints yellow and red fallen maple leaves; the bear climbs the mountain, from there to the sky; becomes four stars of the Ursa Major; the hunter - three stars of the pen bucket; dog - star Ji-e (dog name)]: Rustige 1988:32-34; delaware [dog; three hunters with a dog (Alcor star) chase a bear, find themselves in the sky; body bear - four stars of the Ursa Major bucket]: Speck 1945 in Gibbon 1972:243.

Plains. Sarsi: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 39 [a woman warns her young son not to pretend to be a bear when playing with other children; he pretends to be a bear three times, scaring others, on the fourth he really does become a bear, kills almost everyone; men shot him, but this made his mother angry, she roared four times, became a bear herself, told his younger sister to hide behind an angry dog, killed everyone at the camp; told her sister to cook, dissatisfied, threatened to kill her; the girl went to get water, met seven brothers returning from the war, they all ran away; on the fourth day the bear began to catch up, the elder brother ordered the bear's giblets to be thrown, a rocky cliff appeared, then the scar was a dense forest, the bubble was a lake, but the bear swam across it; the brothers closed their eyes and went up to the sky, turned into seven stars of the Ursa Major; two stars next to each other near the Bear's tail - a girl and a dog {it seems that the ideas about Alcore the girl and Alcore Dog}]: 48-49; Simms 1904 [husband notices that when he returns from the forest with brushwood, his wife is covered in mud; watches her, sees her copulating with the Bear, kills him, lets her skin off him; she keeps her; tells her younger sister to keep the angriest dog with her; wearing the skin, he becomes a Bear, kills everyone; only the dog protects the sister; six siblings return from war; at the source the younger sister tells them what happened; they learn from her that the Bear's legs are vulnerable; they dig up pegs near the house; the bear steps on them, they try to burn her, she chases them; brothers with their younger sister go up into the sky, become the seven stars of the Ursa Major; the star next to her is the sister's dog; the bear turns into stone]: 181-182; Crowe: Lowie 1918:126 [seven brothers wonder what to become; mountains (sometimes burn), rocks (split), water (ice? - melts) rejected; they turn into Seven Stars; the boy is a separate star nearby], 205-211 [playing, the younger sister asks the older sister to become a bear; she replies that she will become a bear real, the youngest insists; the eldest turns, devours people; tells the youngest to get the rabbit; her six brothers give it to her; show how to convince the Bear that she killed him herself; Bear stalks her younger sister; brothers tell her to throw a porcupine behind the needle, the Bear spends time picking them up; give manifold {?} , then a piece of bison's stomach; she throws it behind her, manifold turns into rock, stomach into holes; older sister gets stuck in the last one; brothers ask what they can all become; sister suggests what the smoking pipe points to - to the Big Dipper; they are now seven stars of the Ursa Major, the sister is accompanied by a dog]; McCleary 1997:65-69 [Yellow Greaves climbed into a hole to catch eagles with bait; a stone rolled down and closed the exit; JN asked the mouse for help, she led him down the hole into another world; there the old man White Owl gave the only arrow and ordered him to be killed a monstrous moose; ZhN did not eat the soup served - there was a human hand in it; the bullfinch advised to contact the moles; the mole dug an underground passage under the moose - where his heart was; JN pierced the moose with an arrow and ran; the elk plowed the ground with a horn, rushed after him, but fell dead; ZHN brought the tip of the horn to the old man; he asked to bring the head of the Red-haired; the bullfinch advises to contact an ant woman; JN swapped bodies with her, gave her a louse; Red-haired and her mother live on the island; the ant gave a corn pemmican for the dog, which transported it to the island; while the dog was swimming, JN put pemmican in her mouth; Red-haired's mother suspects deception, but the son lay down with the imaginary ant woman at night; she avoided copulation, and when Red-haired fell asleep, she cut off his head and put a louse in her place; she answered Red-haired mother, and when her voice weakened, the mother came in, saw her son killed, rushed in pursuit; JN managed to swim across to the ant; the stalker came, her forehead was like a spear, she began to hammer a typical rock, inside which an ant with JN, but the ant immediately repaired damage with its saliva; they opened the door slightly, the pursuer stuck her head, they slammed the door shut, cutting off her head; changed with their bodies back, but not under the arms, so women's armpits are more muscular than those of men; the ant advises asking the old man for his strength; JN received the power of an owl and a deer; on the way back, JN meets three women who turn into an otter, a deer and an elk, run away; the fourth remains a female wife of JN; she has seven brothers; JN and his wife came to the youngest; when the others came, they became to tease his son-in-law with their limbs; JN called an owl, which began to torment the deer, the brothers were in pain, left JN alone; the younger brother gave his son-in-law a bear, since then the relatives wives give gifts to her husband; everyone began to think what to become; - Trees? - They're dying. - Rocks? - They crumble from time to time. - Water? - It dries up. To the stars {Ursa Major}! The younger brother took his pet cougar, this is an asterisk near the handle of the bucket {Alcor}], 69-71 [seven brothers and younger sister live together; older brothers disappear one by one; younger comes to the young man, he says that his brothers are kept by an old woman, her strength is in her digging stick; the owner of the next house gives the young man yellow, black, blue, red arrows; the young man shoots them, rushes for them; a kind old woman gives a pemmican, explains what to do; by the river, a young man feeds a pemmican to a dog, which takes it to the other side; he picks up the brothers, they feed the dog again, cross, with They arrive home with the last arrow; an old stalker puts a digging stick across the river; when she reaches the middle, her brothers turn it over, she falls into the water; the brothers wonder what to become so that the old woman does not catch up with them; each time the sister says that her mother uses the item; trees (for firewood), water (to soak their skins), stones (to make skin scrapers); they decide to become what the ends of the tubes indicate; - But the stars are falling! - We'll join hands and not fall; they turn into Big Dipper; the star at the handle of the bucket is a sister with a puppy], 71-72 [seven shaman brothers are wondering what to turn into, so as not to be disturbed; one suggests elms (but their grandmother uses trees for firewood), the second into stones (but the grandmother makes cutting tools out of them); then what the ends of the pipes indicate, i.e. in stars to which smoke rises from pipes; elder brother rises first, turns into North Star]; blacklegs [girl; man has seven sons, two daughters; elder takes the Grizzly as a lover; his father tells him to be killed; the older brothers go camping; the sister takes a piece of Grizzly skin, turns into a Grizzly herself, kills everyone except Sinopa's younger sister and younger sister Brother Okinai; takes human form again; older brothers return; let younger sister scatter prickly fruits in front of the elder's house; brothers and younger sister flee; older sister steps at prickly fruits, turns into a Grizzly, chases; O. waves his pen, creating a thicket, a lake, a tree; everyone climbs a tree; O. shoots arrows into the sky; with each arrow, one of the brothers flies to heaven; they turn into B. The bear; the dim star on one side is S.; the four stars of the bucket are brothers who were pulled down from the tree by the Grizzly]: Spence 1985:182-184; Sheena: Erdoes, Ortiz 1984 [boy; a young girl sews seven beautiful sets of men's clothes and shoes, the last one is the smallest; tells her mother that she has seven brothers in the north; her mother accompanies her, then comes back, the girl comes to seven brothers; Bisons demand it for themselves; the younger brother shoots arrows up, each time the tree the brothers and the girl climb grows; with the fifth arrow they go to heaven, and a giant bison knocks down a tree; those who have risen become the Big Dipper; the girl is the brightest star, the younger brother is the star at the end of the bucket handle]: 205-209; Grinnell 1926 [the girl took a name for herself Possible Sack (hereinafter PS), made 7 sets of clothes and 7 pairs of moccasins for her seven brothers (the youngest is still a little boy), went to look for brothers; the mother first goes with her, then returns, telling the PS to send his dog home when he reaches the brothers, and pick up the dog prepared for the brothers from the leveller and carry it on their shoulders; six brothers went hunting, only the youngest M in the house k'ss (hereinafter M.); a log house with a passage {i.e. not tipi, but like sedentary Indians}; having received his clothes and moccasins, he runs out to meet his brothers, says that his sister has come; the elder objects , demands her as his wife, but the next oldest tells the youngest that the elder was joking; in the morning, the older brothers leave again, telling the younger to protect her sister; she warns M. that if she is taken away, she will throw red and yellow porcupine needles along the way (apparently, penetrations from these needles); one day M. chased the bird, went far; the bison came, told the PS to leave; it went to the far corner; the bison scattered the logs, said that his name was Double-Teethed Bull; she had to follow him; to meet his family and all the bisons; when they found out what had happened, the brothers cried, for this bison could not be killed; when they went to the river, beyond which the bison, one of the brothers turned blackbird skin into blackbird, sent it to PS, but the bison understood what was going on, told the bird to get out; then the same thing: coyote, raven; yellow bird small, quietly told PS that brothers nearby; M. magically sedated the bison; turned the gopher's skin into a gopher, he dug an underground passage, M. took his sister away, her cape remained on her digging stick; the bison woke up, looked for PS, but lost track; M. fired an arrow to the house and immediately followed her there; the brothers and sister were already there; they entered a pre-built fortified corral; M. killed four messengers of the main bison with arrows ; the brothers and sister climbed the willow, the bison surrounded them; M. shot the chief, the bison ran away; M. cut, trampled the chief's body into dust; six brothers and sister turn into the Big Dipper ( sister in front); M. - into a small star {clearly Alcor}]: 220-231; Sioux (degiha branch - Osage, Omaha or Kuapo) ["According to James Dorsey, the four stars of the Big Dipper bucket are funerary a stretcher carried by four people, followed by mourners; the second star of the bucket handle is the little sister (Little Sister) with the baby {Alcor} in her arms]: McClintock 1910:523; kuapo [the Big Dipper bucket is the body of the deceased in the grave; the pen star closest to the bucket is the man who brought food to the deceased; the second star is a woman who came for food, followed by her crying child {obviously Alcor - see Sioux}]: Dorsey 1895:130; Pawnee: Lankford 2007 [based on archival material by Dorsey et al., Chamberlain 1982:109-111 showed that the four stars of the bucket are porters. carrying a funeral stretcher are a shaman, his wife, and Errand Man; Alcor is a shaman's wife's dog]: 154; Wedel 1977 [on the star map in the skin of a bison (Field Museum of Natural History) Pleiades, Lyra, Crown North, Ursa Major and Minor, Veronica's Hair, Andromeda are depicted approximately as we imagine them; two binary stars are marked: one between Lyra and the North Crown near Milky Way, the other in Ursa Major; {in Ursa Major it can only be Alcor and Mizar}]: 133; wichita [child; a woman has seven brothers; Coyote tells her that will send his daughter; he does not have a daughter, he turns into a girl himself; brothers marry her; she gives birth to a child, leaves with him; brothers chase her, take the child, go up to heaven, turn into Big Dipper; near her older brother there is a child (a weak star); her sister is a star at a distance; at night, a coyote howls with longing for a child]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 10:74-80.

Southeast USA. Chiroki [pot; of the seven stars of the Ursa Major, four, forming a bucket, a bear, three stars of the handle are hunters; the middle one carries a pot to cook a bear; from a den (Corona Borealis?) he comes out in spring; in summer, hunters drive him across the sky, kill him in August; at this time, honeydew falls, his fat heated over the fire]: Hagar 1906:357.

(Wed. The Central Andes. Aymara [Big Dipper - Junthhall-Pakheri (Junthhall is a rough woolen shawl with which women cover their heads, Pakheri - "shine"); Alcor - Pallka-Wara ("double star")]: Eyzaguirre 1956:92; Sergio Cangahuala, personal report 15.06.2010: pallka is not a "double" but rather a "fork"; it is almost incredible that Aymara would be singled out by Alcor).