Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B87C. Rider..

Alcor (the weak star next to the second star of the Big Dipper bucket handle) is a rider and driver.

Latins, British, Germans (Mecklenburg and probably other regions), French, Walloons, Bretons, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Romanians, Luzhans, Kashubians, Czechs, Poles, Prussians.

Southern Europe. Latins [Rider; Eques Stellula, Little Star Horseman (Mitzar - Horse, Alcor - Rider)]: Allen 1899:445.

Western Europe. English [rider; Jack on the Middle Horse (Mizar - horse, Alcor - rider)]: Allen 1899:445; French [(about the same as Papahagi 1979:123 in Mladenova 2006:240); The Big Dipper - Char Poucet's Chariot; he himself (Charretier) is barely noticeable - an asterisk next to the middle drawbar star]: Krappe 1938:145-146; Sébillot 1904: 30 (Poitou) [King David's chariot carrying souls; Alcor is a driver], 31 (Moselle, Pays Messin) [the wagon is drawn by three horses, the driver tries to build they are smooth; when he succeeds, the world will end]; walloons [in the constellation Ursa Major, peasants see a wagon on four wheels (four bucket stars), three horses (bucket handle stars), and The Pôcé chariot is a small star above the second star]: Paris 1875:1; the Bretons [Big Dipper is "The Slanting Cart" because it has wheels of different sizes; it is dragged by three horses, Alcor - driver]: Sébillot 1904:31; Germans [charioteer; Dumke, Hans Dümken; Hans drove the Savior on his cart to heaven; he offered him the kingdom of heaven, but Hans chose to go from east to west forever; he now sits on his tallest horse; Var.: He is planted there by Christ for failing to perform his duties]: Allen 1899:445; Germans ( Mecklenburg) [Little Chariot in the Ursa Major]: Bartsch 1880, No. 967:201; Germans (Rügen Island) ["De Dümk" was so small that he climbed into the horse's ear; he did something bad and people he has been cursed; now he is a coachman in a heavenly wagon - a star in the Ursa Major - where the bucket handle bends; and rides day and night]: Haas 1903, No. 160:146-147; Germans, British, The French [Alcor is a little chariot]: Andrew 1878:105.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [Alcor - 1) Vodács (wagon manager); 2) Kravaryat (cow driver)]: Mladenova 2006:78; Hungarians: Allen 1899 [rider on horseback; the Hungarians call the star Göntzol with a something similar tale]: 445; Erdödi 1968 [Big Dipper - "Conrad's Cart"; Alcor - Kisbé res, "little carter"]: 113; Mándoki 1965 [a gypsy girl (Alcor) carried straw (harl) on Karlovy Voz; scattered along the road, the Milky Way was formed]: 127; Romanians [Alcor is a driver oxen]: Mladenova 2006:78, 239.

Central Europe. Luzhitans [Alcor - "driver"]: Gładyszowa 1960:57; Czechs [Alcor - "driver" next to the "drawbar" (Mizar)]: Gładyszowa 1960:57; Kashubians [Alcor and Mizar - "chariot on drawbar")]: Gładyszowa 1960:57; Poles: Gładyszowa 1960:57 [(Upper) Silesia: Alcor and Mizar - "little charioteer above the drawbar"); central Poland: "you can see three Auriga horses and a cart" which implies the idea of the Alcor Chiarist; then the transfer of the name Furman (typical for western and southwestern Poland) to the entire constellation Ursa Major], 58 (western and southwestern Poland) [ Lucifer, the driver, was on his way to hell, broke his drawbar and couldn't go on.]

Baltoscandia. Prussians [short extracts from German sources from the 17th and 19th centuries; Düneke ("saddles"), Pudinke (one of the etymological variants is "short man") for Alcor]: Avilin 2015:76.