Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

B87C. Rider..

Alcor (the weak star next to the second star of the Big Dipper bucket handle) is a rider and driver.

Latins, British, Germans (Mecklenburg and probably other regions), French, Walloons, Bretons, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Romanians, Luzhans, Kashubians, Czechs, Poles, Prussians.

Southern Europe. Latins [Rider; Eques Stellula, Little Star Horseman (Mitzar - Horse, Alcor - Rider)]: Allen 1899:445.

Western Europe. English [rider; Jack on the Middle Horse (Mizar - horse, Alcor - rider)]: Allen 1899:445; French [(about the same as Papahagi 1979:123 in Mladenova 2006:240); The Big Dipper - Char Poucet's Chariot; he himself (Charretier) is barely noticeable - an asterisk next to the middle drawbar star]: Krappe 1938:145-146; Sébillot 1904: 30 (Poitou) [King David's chariot carrying souls; Alcor is a driver], 31 (Moselle, Pays Messin) [the wagon is drawn by three horses, the driver tries to build they are smooth; when he succeeds, the world will end]; walloons [in the constellation Ursa Major, peasants see a wagon on four wheels (four bucket stars), three horses (bucket handle stars), and The Pôcé chariot is a small star above the second star]: Paris 1875:1; the Bretons [Big Dipper is "The Slanting Cart" because it has wheels of different sizes; it is dragged by three horses, Alcor - driver]: Sébillot 1904:31; Germans [charioteer; Dumke, Hans Dümken; Hans drove the Savior on his cart to heaven; he offered him the kingdom of heaven, but Hans chose to go from east to west forever; he now sits on his tallest horse; Var.: He is planted there by Christ for failing to perform his duties]: Allen 1899:445; Germans ( Mecklenburg) [Little Chariot in the Ursa Major]: Bartsch 1880, No. 967:201; Germans (Rügen Island) ["De Dümk" was so small that he climbed into the horse's ear; he did something bad and people he has been cursed; now he is a coachman in a heavenly wagon - a star in the Ursa Major - where the bucket handle bends; and rides day and night]: Haas 1903, No. 160:146-147; Germans, British, The French [Alcor is a little chariot]: Andrew 1878:105.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [Alcor - 1) Vodács (wagon manager); 2) Kravaryat (cow driver)]: Mladenova 2006:78; Hungarians: Allen 1899 [rider on horseback; the Hungarians call the star Göntzol with a something similar tale]: 445; Erdödi 1968 [Big Dipper - "Conrad's Cart"; Alcor - Kisbé res, "little carter"]: 113; Mándoki 1965 [a gypsy girl (Alcor) carried straw (harl) on Karlovy Voz; scattered along the road, the Milky Way was formed]: 127; Romanians [Alcor is a driver oxen]: Mladenova 2006:78, 239.

Central Europe. Luzhitans [Alcor - "driver"]: Gładyszowa 1960:57; Czechs [Alcor - "driver" next to the "drawbar" (Mizar)]: Gładyszowa 1960:57; Kashubians [Alcor and Mizar - "chariot on drawbar")]: Gładyszowa 1960:57; Poles: Gładyszowa 1960:57 [(Upper) Silesia: Alcor and Mizar - "little charioteer above the drawbar"); central Poland: "you can see three Auriga horses and a cart" which implies the idea of the Alcor Chiarist; then the transfer of the name Furman (typical for western and southwestern Poland) to the entire constellation Ursa Major], 58 (western and southwestern Poland) [ Lucifer, the driver, was on his way to hell, broke his drawbar and couldn't go on.]

Baltoscandia. Prussians [short extracts from German sources from the 17th and 19th centuries; Düneke ("saddles"), Pudinke (one of the etymological variants is "short man") for Alcor]: Avilin 2015:76.