B90. The owner of the wolves.. 16.27.-.
There is an anthropomorphic patron, owner, or mistress of wolves; he usually gives instructions to wolves on a specific day of the year.
French, Germans (Austria), Ancient Greece, Romanians, Slovenes, Croats, Bosnians, Serbs, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Albanians, Gagauz people, Poles, Czechs, Russians (Saratov), Belarusians, Ukrainians, Karachays, Balkarians, Ossetians, Terek Cossacks, Nogais, Armenians, Latvians, Setus, Estonians, Finns, Chuvash, Mari, Baikal and Trans-Baikal Buryats.
Western Europe. The French (Languedoc) []: Seignolle 1960:265-266 in Mencej 2006:101; Germans [spells against wolves mentioning their owner in the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Switzerland]: Mencej 2006:102.
The Balkans. Ancient Greece [painting on a Boeotian amphora, ca. 700 BC; depiction of a full-face goddess outstretched over two wolves facing her on both sides; fish between the goddess's legs, above her arms - two birds in profile]: Gimbutas 1974, fig.141; Romanians: Sveshnikova 1979 [during eclipses, they bite the sun and moon; people make noise and shoot to drive them away; when they are pulled out in the form of dogs they eat the moon, they are under the special protection of St. Peter]: 214-215; 1987:102 [St. George is the owner of wolves, sharing food between wolves], 105 [at St. Andrew (30.IX) distributes his prey for a year, and all wolves howl, asking God to give them food for the whole year]; Uzeneva 2006 (Bukovina, Banat, Muntenia) [working on St. Trifa does not honor a martyr; he will die from wolves; a man left in the forest without bullets climbed a tree from wolves; heard St. Triff dressed in white allowed a lame wolf, left without prey, to eat a man sitting in a tree; escaped, but later fell victim to a wolf]: 512; Croats, Bosnians [name "Wolf Shepherd" has only been recorded once in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ukraine, mainly in the Varachdin district in Croatia]: Mencej 2006:100; Slovenes: Kropej 2012 [Wolf Shepherd is the owner of wolves and patron of cattle; often riding a goat or wolf, usually seen during the 12 days around Christmas (kalikanderi)]: 53-54; Mencej 2006 [spells against wolves mentioning their owner]: 102; Croats, Slovenes: Koleva 1978 [Croats and Slovenes considered St. George the Wolf Shepherd]: 36; Popov 2003 [The Big Dipper - "St. Martin; the name is due to the fact that St. Martin was revered as the master of wolves; he grabbed a predator, harnessed him into a wagon instead of an ox]: 271-272; the Macedonians [St. Mrata commands wolves]: Mencej 2006:101; Bulgarians [November 11 - Dzverinden, in different districts for 3, 5, 7 days; all women's crafts are prohibited; in the village. The pendant is the fifth, last day (November 16) - Kutsulan (the worst, most dangerous wolf); in the village. Brussen is a holiday in honor of Kutsulan on November 21; God gave wolves the right to slaughter cattle; one wolf was short, could not catch anyone, hungry; sat under a pear on which a man collected pears, told the man that will eat it; the man demanded that they go to God; he said that whoever Kutsulan met should eat; others grab and slaughter cattle, and Kutsulan can eat a person; he ate]: Marinov 2003a: 397- 400; Greeks, Albanians []: Mencej 2006:104; Serbs [on St. Sava peasant sees him distributing food to wolves]: Mencej 2006:108; Gagauz people [a hunter climbed a tree, wolves gathered under it; the old man (it was God) told everyone which animal it was can bite; there is only one lame wolf left; the old man said he could eat a man sitting in a tree; left; a man shot a wolf; since then they celebrate Good Wolf Day, but they don't go out in the field, so that wolves don't eat]: Moshkov 1904, No. 139:207.
Central Europe. Russians: Bulashev 1992 [proverb: Egory gave what a wolf has in his teeth]: 334; Zavaritsky 1916, No. 8 (Saratov) [a person has a dog, he catches any animal; he goes with it to the field, sees a lot wolves and their owner named Saint Egor Harabel; he is on a white horse, tells them to approach; suggests showing how the dog eats wolves; points to two, it eats; E. advises the dog to strangle, otherwise it will kill the owner, she has a poisonous snake under her skin from tail to head; E. tells the wolves to disperse, three remain, they have not yet been assigned prey; E. tells them to eat the poor widow's cow; explains what God wants test her faith; if she does not complain, she will reward her; there really is a snake under the dog's skin, its head is in the dog's mouth; you can't complain if wolves eat]: 80-82; Mencej 2006 [The owner of Wolves is usually are St. George or St. Nikolay]: 101; Ukrainians: Bulashev 1992 [St. Yuri; they only eat those he gives them to eat; these are "Yuriev dogs"]: 334; Chubinsky 1872 (Kharkiv Uyezd) [the woman went out the door, saw Yuri on a white horse, followed by wolves, told her husband; he went into the forest, climbed a tree; Yuri showed each wolf his prey, to the last old man sitting on the tree; the wolf left, the man hid in the sawflies; in the morning they found that the wolf had taken him away]: 52-53; Pankeev 1992 (Chernigov) [wolves report to their master St. Yuri about his affairs; one ate the poor man's bread; as punishment, St. Yuri sends a wolf to work for a poor man; the wolf takes the form of a young blacksmith, works for a person, they get rich; he forges an old dog for a young one; then he makes many people young, but He did not teach the owner this art; he left; the pan demands that the man reforge his father, the man is forced to throw the old man into the oven, he burned down; they want to hang him; The wolf replaces him with a kul, a deck; a man left alone]: 337-340; Czechs, Poles, Belarusians [spells against wolves mentioning their owner in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland]: Mencej 2006:102; Belarusians [ A girl, wolves and St. Yuri: the pan orders to torture the serf girl whom Panych loves; a magic handkerchief saves her; a magic ball leads the girl to the wolves and their shepherd Yuri; she rides a wolf back to the Pan estate; wolves deal with Mr. and his henchmen]: SUS 1979, No. 481*: 142.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays, Balkarians [the owner of wolves is Ashtotur, Totur (from St. Fedor of Tyrsky); can send wolves to a herd of a person he does not like]: Dzhurtubayev 1991:120; Ossetians: Britayev, Kaloev 1959 [Týtyr is the patron saint of wolves]: 22; Dzadziev, Kaloev 1994 [Tutyr is the owner of wolves, the patron saint of people who steal cattle; to propitiate him, they arranged the first three days of Great Lent a holiday in his honor, they slaughtered a goat or a ram, asked T. not to allow his wolves to enter the herds]: 143-144; Chursin 1925 [Tutyr is a wolf shepherd, without his will, no wolf dares to touch an animal; wishing punish someone, T. tells the wolves to destroy his cattle and even himself; the author's note: one of the three brothers overheard T.'s conversation in the form of a red man with wolves; T. told them to destroy who is eavesdropping now; the brothers put him in the middle, tied him to them with ropes, but he was gone in the morning]: 59-60; Nogais [Totyr (Tutar) is the patron saint of wolves; when wolves attacked people or for a herd, people sought his patronage; Shopan-Ata, the patron saint of sheep, does not shake hands with him]: Kapaev 2012:354; Terek Cossacks (no place of recording) [a short wolf is going to eat a tailor; he promises to sew him a fur coat; the wolf agrees; the tailor tells him to turn his back to measure; grabs the wolf for the rest of his tail and hits him with an iron arshin; the wolf runs away; complains to other wolves; they chase together after the tailor; he climbs a tree; wolves stand on top of each other to get it; a short wolf stands at the very bottom; the tailor threatens; the short wolf gets scared, starts tossing and turning; the rest of the wolves they fall; they rush at the little one; he breaks out; complains to St. George to the tailor and wolves; says he is hungry; St. George tells me to eat the Popov pig; the wolf finds it; the pig: "It's better to grab my ear and go to the village together - there you will be appointed judge and fed with piglets"; the wolf agrees; in they beat him to the village; he again complains to St. George; he tells me to eat the Popov sheep; the ram: "Just stand under the mountain and open your mouth, and I'll run into it - you will swallow me"; the wolf agrees; the ram runs away and hits him in the forehead; the wolf complains to St. George; he replies that he is tired of the wolf and tells him to eat the Popov horse; the horse: "But you'd better skin me first, and then pop me: grab my tail and pull me!" ; the wolf grabs her tail; the horse hits him with its hind hooves; the wolf dies]: Baranov 1899, No. 1:197-200; Armenians: Harutyunyan 1982c [Sarkis took over the functions of the deity of wind and storm; lord zoomorphic fog spirits; master of wolves]: 410; Petrosyan 2011 [Lalayan 1983:270-272, in Armenian; one man was surrounded by wolves; he turned to Sarkis; saw a mighty husband dispersing wolves with a spear; later saw that wolves were petrified]: 81.
Baltoscandia. Latvians [Wolf Master protects cattle from them]: Mencej 2006:101; Seto (village. Lytina, 1932) [the poor man is hired to squeeze rye before sunset; he almost has time, is left without food and without a salary; is hired as a shepherd, receives a cow as payment, ties Nikolin's day at church, lights a candle to St. Nikolai, at that time the cow was stolen; he is hired to herd horses, for which he was promised a foal; on the night of St. Egoria wolves ask Egory what they eat, he points to the foal; so that the wolves do not know their share, the poor man smears the foal's nose in a different color; then Egory tells them to eat the shepherd, he has to give the foal; the witch doctor tells the poor man that his luck is a blue rug in the bushes in the forest; the poor man pulls it out, throws it on the road, he asks him not to leave him, turns into a girl; she tells him to visit her father, gives a ball, he rolls into the house of the owner of the Sun; father-in-law tells his son-in-law to stop the sun instead of him at noon, explains how to do it; on the way, the man beat St. Nicholas and St. Egoria; caught and beat the Sun; the owner of the Sun sent him, rewarded him, the poor man began to live with his wife in a rich house]: Loorits 2005:225-227; Lithuanians, Finns [holy day rituals]: Mencej 2006: 104; Estonians: Jakobson 1954 [a farmhand ended up in the woods when the Thunderstorm (Pikse) distributed food from the sky to wolves; he also receives a slice of bread from him and then instructs him to put the crumbs on the shelf; every morning they then grow into new bread; the owner asks why the farmhand is no longer hungry; when he finds out, he also goes to the forest; the Thunder tells the last wolf that his share is in the bushes; the wolf agrees not to eat humans for promising to give what he sees first at home at the gate; the best bull comes out, the wolf kills him]: 162-165; Mencej 2006 [St. George from heaven distributes food to wolves on St. Michael or on February 2]: 108.
Volga - Perm. Chuvashi: Meszaros 2000 (1906-1908) [in the southern Chuvash, Pihampar is the master of wolves; wolves are P.'s dogs who listen only to him; when they see the wolf, they pray for salvation: "Pihampar, hold your dog" (d. Ulkhash Simbirsky y. Simbirsk Gubernia); the northern Chuvash call it Phampar; during the beer sacrifice, they beg: "... ah, Phampar, have mercy, keep your dogs, do not kill the cattle..." (village Vompukassi, Cheboksary Uyezd, Kazan Gubernia)]: 32, 84; Salmin 2007 [Pikhampara's dog was lost, he did not reach it, told her to continue wandering, she became a wolf; P. in the form of a white wolf is the leader wolves; var.: P. is a deity, leader, prince of wolves; wolf is Pihampara's dog; if a wolf drags a sheep, Pihampar is given a propitiatory sacrifice in the form of porridge]: 149; marie [Wonderful piece: the poor brother goes to the forest to be eaten by wolves, climbs a tree and watches the old god divide bread between wolves; he gives the last crap to his poor brother and thereby saves him from hunger (no matter how much they eat, it does not decrease); a rich and envious brother imitates the poor and dies (he is torn apart by wolves)]: Sabitov 1989, No. 613D: 37-38.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Baikal and Trans-Baikal Buryats: Barannikova et al. 1973, No. 1 (Tunkinsky) [the orphan earned a horse, it was eaten by wolves; he undertakes to cut four firewood in a day; there is not much left the orphan asks the Sun to hesitate, but the Sun goes down; he works again for a year, gets seed grain, in the fall his harvest was broken by hail; he goes to the sea to fish and catch animals in the snare; sees how 7 swans have arrived , took off their clothes, became girls, began to swim; the poor man hides the most beautiful clothes; she asks for return, promises to recognize the kidnapper as father, if he is old, husband if young; the orphan returns her dress, keeps a handkerchief; everyone admires his wife; so that her husband does not get bored, she paints a portrait for him; the wind blows him away, the soldiers bring it to Abaahai Khan, who tells him to find a woman; they go into the orphan's house to fry bird; do not take their eyes off the hostess, the bird is burnt; the hostess makes it unburnt, tells her not to tell that they were in charge; the bird satisfies the hunger of AH and three soldiers; AH tells her to stay in these places; on the next day, the soldiers do not look at the woman, they fry the bird, she tastes normal, AH beats them, making them tell everything; locks the orphan and his wife in an iron barn; tells the orphan 1) to bring an evil one from the east yellow dog; wife gives a hook, orphan pacifies the dog with them; 2) clear the bottom of hot hell; wife gives a red thread to get out of hell; it is impossible to cleanse hell, but the orphan offers AH to check for himself, go down ; 3) pay tribute from the son of the Star and the son of the Sun; the wife gives a thread to climb into heaven, show her handkerchief to her mother, she recognizes her as a matchmaker; then the guard climbs, the orphan shakes him off, he falls; resting at mother-in-law, an orphan comes to the wife of the son of the Star, she hides him in a hot cellar; when the son of the Star comes, everything cools down; the son of the Star sends him to the son of the Sun; on the way 1) two roosters ask him to know why he is fighting ; 2) woman - why is she sitting on the horns of a cow; 3) another woman - why is she lying, water flows into her mouth, flowing out from behind; the wife of the son of the Sun hides an orphan in a cold cellar; he begged the son of the Sun send him on a daytrip on Altan Sharga's horse instead of himself; at noon he should dine on an 88-legged silver table; the old man lying face down replies that he is looking at his seven dogs on the ground to show them the cattle they can eat; an orphan breaks his arm, knocks his eye out for giving wolves to eat his horse, for which he worked for a year; another old man replies that tries to blow back the stone hail and the rain that passes through the heavenly doors; an orphan beats him, breaks his arm, knocks his eye out for destroying his crops; in the evening, the son of the Sun gives an orphan golden cane for AH; says that a woman lying on the ground did not give mothers milk for newborns; another beat a cow that was milked in honor of the Eastern bunts; roosters should be swung at with a cane, they will turn into gold and silver; AH wants to kill an orphan, he swings his cane at him and his warriors, they fall dead; the orphan was chosen khan, the daughter of the Tanegeri is khansha]: 29-31 (=Barannikova and others 1993, No. 2:37-61); 1993, No. 21 (Yeravninsky district of Buryatia) [the orphan received a pound of grain for his work, he was beaten by hail; for another job he received a foal, he was eaten by a wolf; the third rich man gave a torn net for work; an orphan caught a goldfish, felt sorry for it, lay down on the shore with the fish under his head; woke up in the palace, next to the daughter of the Sun; Khartaganan Khan offers to hide, the winner will get another's wife; wife turns an orphan into a cow's last, into a head, into a needle, H. does not find it; tells her husband that H. will turn into a lamb, a horse, an onion; does not advise him to go for the khan's wife; the orphan still goes, the wife does not tell eat, drink and say yes; the orphan violates the prohibitions, agrees to H.'s offer to first return the horse and the cast silver saddle from Shara-hubun; the wife says this is impossible; tells me to go to her father, ask for a rainbow; an orphan climbs a mountain, barely alive; comes to the Sun; he sends it around the mountain instead; an orphan in the form of the Sun beats a black man, then a white man; eats what is cooked on the afternoon meal table, pushes the table down; the beaten come to complain, but the Sun admits that the son-in-law is right (the black one has beaten the crops with hail, the white one let his dogs go, because the wolves are orphans on the foal; The father-in-law himself did not help his son-in-law when he climbed the mountain); the orphan receives a rainbow, sees only one horse riding at his former camp, under it a letter from his wife: H. took her away; an orphan comes to H. in poor clothes, pulls out the rainbow, H. dies immediately; the orphan took the good and the wife]: 255-269.