B92. Flint turns into flints.
Acharacter who has crumbled into small pieces, whose body is firm, turns into flints or other hard stones (the origin of flint).
Danes, shuswap, thompson, tillamook, kutene, clakamas, kalapuya, naskapi, sarsi, crowe, arikara, skidi pawnee, kiova-apache, yurok, pomo, coastal mivok, mountain mivok, northern and Eastern Shoshones, Utah, Navajo, Jicarilla, South Tehuelches.
Baltoscandia. The Danes [the king is lost hunting, the horse drowns in the swamp; the sorcerer promises to help if the king gives him the first male being born; the king returns and has a son Irregang; when he is 15 years old, the sorcerer demands a young man, leaves his stick, the young man flies to him on a stick like a horse; in the house, Maid Misery's maid is a kidnapped princess; the sorcerer tells 1) to cut down the forest in a day (M. raises his apron, the forest falls down; before that and every time thereafter, I. swears that he will remain faithful to M.); 2) clean the sheep's pen (M. tells the shovel to work); 3) drive the stallion to the watering hole (he puffs with fire, M. easily pacifies him); M. hears how the sorcerer agrees with his mother to fry her and I.; leaves the firewood responsible for himself; runs with I., sitting on the sorcerer's horse; M. turns I. into a bush, himself into a pink bud, a horse in a stick, the sorcerer does not recognize, returns; next time: church, priest, churchyard; now the sorcerer's mother is chasing herself; duck, duck, stream; witch throws an apple on a string, to attract the fugitives, but the duck bites the thread; the witch bursts, turns into flints scattered on the shore; M. turns the horse into stone; tells I. to go home first, for 7 years have passed; his mother is dead, the king has a child with his new wife; let no one kiss I.; the dog licks I. in the face, he forgets M.; she turns the stone into a calf, is hired by an employee, she is asked to sew a shirt for the prince for the wedding; the coachman wants to stay with her overnight; she asks him to throw ash in the fire in the hearth, he sticks to the scoop, M. lets him go only in the morning; the next night another servant sticks to hatch; then the groom: take the calf to the barn, it sticks to the tail; in the morning, the wedding carriage is in trouble, everything breaks; each time Prince I. himself is forced to ask the maid (i.e. M.) to replace the glob with a scoop, a broken bolt - a latch, horses - a calf; replacements are great; at a wedding feast, M. throws grains, pigeons flock, begin to tell her story; I. remembers everything; tells a parable about the lost and found key to the box; M. explains that the dog that licked I. became the current bride; M. asks to be thrown into the water; then becomes a normal woman who is unable to witchcraft and her grey calf becomes prince; it was her bewitched brother]: Grundtvig 1879:100-137 (=1920:83-109); Danes [Grundtvig 1878:109-114; father named his 6 sons Elder, Following the Elder, etc.; when they were between 18 and 12, their father sent them into the world to study trade; at the crossroads they parted six roads, agreeing to return to the same place two years later; when they returned, it turned out that everyone had mastered some science: 1) build a self-propelled ship; 2) drive such a ship on land and sea; 3) hear everything; 4) shoot with a marker; 5) climb walls and rocks; 6) steal; the sorcerer stole the princess, the king promises her savior as his wife and half the kingdom; using their abilities, the brothers on a self-propelled ship reached the glass mountain; the climber climbed, the thief stole the princess of a sleeping sorcerer; he woke up, followed him; he can only be killed by hitting a dark speck on his chest; the shooter is hit, the sorcerer fell into thousands of pieces, these are flints {in German translation Grundtvig; Kramer has "shooting stars" for some reason}; neither the king nor the princess knows who her husband should be; God killed the brothers and princess, turning them into the Pleiades; the princess is the brightest, and the thief is weakest star]: Cramer 1919:11-14.
The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [flint tips cover the Grizzly sisters's bodies like wool; Tiisa promises every Grizzly to marry her, they fight each other out of jealousy, the tips crumble; T. gives tips for their brothers, they scatter flint across the country]: Teit 1909a: 645; Thompson [the young man needs arrowheads; he separately tells two old men as if each of them calls the other by bad names; while they are fighting, a white stone for arrows falls from the body of one, black from the body of the other; after gaining enough, the young man tells the old people to make peace]: Teit 1898, â„– XXV: 76; tillamook [ The South Wind wanders, sees a whale carcass on the shore, there is nothing to cut it with; goes to the Copper Man, says that Flintlock Nose spoke ill of him, says that the Bronze Man promised it beat; they fight, pieces of flint fly off, South Wind makes a knife, cuts the carcass; The Copper Man and the Flintlock Nose realize they've been fooled]: Thompson, Egesdal 2008:21-22; coutene [the hero needs flint for arrows; he tells Flint that Diorit promised to break him; the same, but vice versa, says Diorita; the stones fight, both fall to pieces]: Boas 1918, No. 105-107; clackamas [Dwarf flint comes live with Chief Puma; the girl marries Puma; he is not at home, Flint says he is the chief, hides her; Puma realizes the presence of a woman (the seeds are finely ground, finds long hair); they run away; after catching up with Puma, Flint cuts him in half; a woman gives birth to four Flints and a son Puma; her parents lure Flint and his children into the steam room; they burst in the heat, turn into flints; Puma revive]: Jacobs 1958, No. 18:166-179; Kalapuya [Keith's daughter comes to marry Puma; his slave Flint pretends to be the leader, takes the woman, hides, forbids looking at the Puma; she spies, puts down into the porridge of her hair; the cougar realizes that there is a woman in the house, pretends to leave, takes the woman, runs away with her; explains to her that when Flint catches up with them and cuts off his head, she must put it on her body , cover the body only with leaves, leave his weapon nearby; Flint and his wife come to her father; a woman gives birth to little Flint and a son Puma; after a series of unsuccessful attempts to kill Flint, Keith manages to close both Flints in a hot steam room; their hearts explode; Keith says flints will now be used to make arrowheads; the woman returns to the revived Puma]: Gatschet et al. 1945, No. 7:251-261.
Northeast. Nakapi [there were no stones, only one big Boulder; Wolverine invites him to race, kicks him; the Boulder rolls on him, Wolverine calls for help; Ox, Fox say that It's my own fault, Frog, Mouse can't help; Thunder splits the Boulder to pieces, so stones appear]: Millman 1993:24-25.
Plains. Sarsi [The Sleeping Serpent (NW) needs flint to sharpen his father-in-law's horn scraper; he takes his wife, goes south, where the Stone lives; he kills men, takes their women, and has many wives ; two rattlesnakes lie on the sides of the entrance to his tipi; the NW calms them down; he is given a bowl of poison, he blows, the liquid evaporates, he returns the empty bowl; he also removes the rattlesnake from the pipe, smokes it; leaves his amulet (wolverine's tongue) in the doorway, he pierces the Stone's heart; the corpse is placed on the fire, it explodes into pieces of flint; people now have flint]: Curtis 1976 (18): 143-144; Crowe [The rabbit suggests to the Coyote that the first to fall asleep is used by the other for anal sex; The rabbit sleeps with his eyes open and wakes up; then the Coyote falls asleep, the Rabbit gets together, runs away; Rabbits fall out of the Coyote's ass, he catches them with a blanket, they turn into excrement; the Coyote gives the soiled blanket to the Rock; it starts to rain, he takes the blanket back; the Rock rolls after him; the Coyote consistently tells Bear, Bison, Moose that the Rock called them names, speaking ill of their appearance; everyone rushes to the Rock, is killed; the little night bird (apparently, a nightbird - bull-bat) easily breaks hers (the origin of amulet stones around the world); Coyote explained that Scala said that a bird had a small nose and a big mouth]: Lowie 1918:37; aricara [Coyote comes to dancing people; this Rabbits; they take giblets out of the fire; when the Coyote gives them an eagle feather military hat (a status sign), the Rabbits agree to share the secret, throw red willow branches into the fire, sing, burnt the branches turn into bison giblets; after eating, the Coyote asks for his hat for a minute, runs away with it; Rabbits shout that his trick with the branches will not work more than three times; on the fourth branch just burn; Coyote spews rabbits out of their butts; tries to catch them with his cape, but they turn into excrement; gives a soiled cape to the Stone; it rains and hail, the Coyote returns for the cape she turns out to be clean; the Coyote takes the cloak; the Stone rolls after him, the Coyote asks two Kozodoys for help, says that the Stone spoke ill of them; he, the Coyote, allegedly promised to tell them about it and he now wants to kill him; Stone called the Kozodoys the ugliest of the birds with short beaks, broad mouths, short legs, dirty; the Nightjars split the Stone with their intestinal gases; it was the only Stone, from which everyone else in the world arose; the Coyote decorated the Nightclubs with white clay]: Dorsey 1904d, No. 58:144-147; Pawnee (skidi) [Thistles kidnap an orphan's sister; he finds her; Thistles give him their strength; a girl comes and says her grandfather is calling him; this is the Rock, she is following the young man; he flies across the river like a light thistle; the Rock falls, splits; since then The riverbeds are covered with pebbles]: Dorsey 1904b, No. 29:104-105; Kiowa-Apache [the world is dark; the stone monster Nistcré plays against herbivorous animal people; you have to guess who has sticks; Coyote watches the score, always supports the winner; N. loses, Coyote helps throw him off a cliff; he breaks, turns into grindstones; Plantain cuckoo (Geococcys, Road Runner) raises its wings, dawn begins; birds choose which one is better; reject the Raven, choose the Eagle; Coyote throws a tree core into the water, it pops up; so life will be eternal; furious The raven throws a rock, it sinks - death becomes final]: McAllister 1949, No. 2:20-22
California. Yurok [a woman kills men with her bosom; the hero puts hollow sticks on her penis; a woman bites through nine out of ten sticks overnight; the hero runs away; she comes to her mother and wants stop being dangerous; it is placed above the hearth, hot stones are put into the vagina; it explodes; obsidian tips fly across the ground (the origin of obsidian)]: Kroeber 1976, No. F1:278-281; pomo : Oswalt 1964, No. 7 (porridge) [a stone man kills a Hawk; the son of the victim hits the murderer with an arrow at the only vulnerable place - the collarbone; he explodes (the origin of the stones for making stones and pests)]: 71-75; Williams 1954 [The stone-ice giants led by Keb Muti always called birds to race around Clear Lake, mist and won; Gray Squirrel did it in advance in the grass, ran along it, ahead of KM; climbed a tree, then another; when KM fell asleep, Gray Squirrel's grandfather ordered KM to shoot at the big toe with an arrow with a hot stone at the end; water, fire, sand, clay splashed in all directions, so there are a lot of stones between Clear Lake and the sea]: 76-79; coastal mivok [A boulder killed the father of two boys; Coyote told them to kill Boulder; he is rolling for young men, he has four abalone shells around his neck; his younger brother ran to the mountain, the eldest stayed; hit an arrow between the shells; Coyote screamed with joy, said that stones would now be everywhere]: Kelly 1978, No. 16:32-33; mountain meats (Central Sierra) [two women were picking nuts, one is pregnant; they were taken by the cannibal Yayali; they ran away, gave the baby to an old woman, hid in a dugout, Tarantula closed the exit with a stone, sealed it with my secretions; I took the child from the old woman, threw it against the tree, the child became a tree himself; people surrounded him when he climbed the tree to collect pine nuts, set fire to firewood around; he asks which way to die; he is offered, he agrees to die only in the east; his head went there, became obsidian; his body became a rock (Table Mountain Plateau)]: Freeland, Broadbent 1960:58.
Big Pool. Northern Shoshones [The fox tells the Coyote he took the beads from the Rock, but you have to pay for them; the Coyote takes it and does not pay; the Rock rolls up the slope, through the forest, across the river; Snipe says Boo! , breaking the Rock to pieces (now rocks in the Rocky Mountains)]: Lowie 1909b, No. 16 b: 263-264; Eastern Shoshones [like Western Shoshones]: Saint Clair 1909b, No. 3:266-267; Utah (White River) [ people leave Boulder's beads; the Coyote picks him up; the Boulder chases the Coyote, presses the tree and the eagle that gets in the way; the Hawk dives on the Boulder, breaks it to pieces with his chest; the Coyote says now The boulder will be just a boulder, it will be able to roll down the mountain but not uphill, old women will grind seeds on stone graters]: Smith 1992:77-78.
The Great Southwest. Jicarilla: Goddard 1911 [the stone presses and then swallows people; it can be seen now (you can see the open mouth and the arrows with which the hero killed him)], No. 10, 13:204, 206; Mooney 1898a [see motif J60; The rock chases and swallows people; the son of the Sun kills her with an arrow]: 208; Opler 1938, No. 9 [see motif L50; The Enemy Killer destroys monsters; two rolling Rocks, black and white, kill people; UV flees from them as fast as his gaze, like a word, like sunlight, but they catch up; crane, hawks, hummingbirds are also too slow; Spiders catch Rocks in a web, smash them; male and female mountain sheep inside; UA tells them to be simple mountain sheep; cutting blades are made from black stone fragments, and terochniki are made of white stone]; (cf. lipan [birds beat the Big Owl, who hides his heart in his leg, the Lizard hits him there with an arrow; his body turns into flints, an ordinary owl flies out of it, asks for a little darkness lives in caves]: Opler 1940:87-95); Navajo: Klah 1960 [Monster Slayer's fifth feat is the victory over the Rolling Stone; the gods help him by sending a storm, hail, lightning, the Stone explodes, his shards are still scattered in the Grand Canyon]: 15-16; O'Bryan 1956 [the last of four episodes of the extermination of monsters by the Eldest of the twins; mother and grandmother respond to Big Brother that the Rolling Stone is in such a place, but he is dangerous, he presses people; Big Brother collects all the knives, puts the Stone in the way; it rolls on jagged, yellow, blue, black knives, each time they fall off him pieces; Big Brother says people will now use flints]: 92-93.
The Southern Cone. South Tehuelches: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 49 [an ogre killed his wife; a tuko-tuco mouse stole a baby taken from his womb; Mouse's wife raised a young man, this is Elal, she is his grandmother; he shot through his beak to the bird, the grandmother said that it was better for him to avenge his mother; E. asked his father for an arrow, he gave everything the wrong one; E. grabbed everything, scattered it, these are the tips found on the ground; E. flew away from his pursuer father E. on a bird; shooting at the sea, created the islands to rest; the Sun promised E. daughter to marry if he carried out errands; 1) to get off the path of the approaching fire in the aisle, behind which there is a well, and on the sides of the tip ( the bride's maid teaches you to move away with iron soles), 2) get a scraper flake (the flint rock rolls behind E. , he puts a stone, the rock breaks), 3) kill the guanaco murderer (guanaco runs after E., falls into the ditch and drowns); E. marries, a child is born, E. tells him not to cry; the baby cries right away dies; mother drowns in the sea], 50 [The sun burns her daughter's suitors with its heat; Elal flies in a swan, he gets tired, E. goes on to the guanaco; the maid Sparrow warns that 1) The sun offers to sit down, there's a hole below with a lizard at the bottom; E. opened a hole, killed a lizard; 2) kill a guanaco killer (E. creates a swamp, guanaco gets stuck, E. kills him with a bola stone), 3) bring two dangerous nanda eggs (eggs fly up, don't they hit him, he kills nanda with an arrow); guanaco and nanda are relatives of the wife of the Moon Sun, she mourns them; 4) bring flints for scrapers (Mountain is another relative of the Moon; Mountain is rolling for E., that a stone is placed behind him; when he stumbles upon it, Horus explodes, E. takes refuge behind a stone fence, picks up flints); Luna puts two maids to choose from, E. says that these are not her daughters; they are daughter hidden in only, covered with pimples; but E. chooses her; marrying the daughter of the Sun and Moon, E. goes back, swims across the sea; the wife tries to follow him, drowns; on the new moon, the sea is worried, the daughter is happy see mother], 51 [The sun eats his sons-in-law; Elal goes to the sea in guanaco, then flies swans, shoots at the sea, creating islands to rest; 1) sit at the edge of the well (did not fall, killed a lizard), 2) bring nanda eggs (two eggs fly to E. from both sides, break against E.'s stone hat; E. kills nanda, takes eggs), 3) and 4) kill guanacos, bring flints; Mountain shoots flints at E., he hides in stone shelter, picks up flints, brings; grandmother helps E.); all these creatures are relatives of the Moon; The Sun exposes the maid, hides her daughter, covering her body with a rash; E. marries; if he immediately got along with her, both would have died; but during the coitus, her grandmother was there, everything went well (what exactly was the danger is not said); E. left, his wife followed him, drowned in the sea, became a water woman; on the new moon, when sees Mother Moon, makes the sea worry], 52 [Elal flies Swan to the Sun and Moon; the Sun's maid bird warns him of dangers; 1) The sun creates a swamp in the way of those who come, E. dries it by throwing a stone; 2) makes a hot fire, E. blows it out; E. asks their daughter to marry; the Sun demands 3) kill a dangerous guanaco and 4) a bull (E. kills with an arrow), 5) bring a dangerous flint scraper (it is not specified what the danger is, E. brings); The sun makes the daughter ugly and the maid beautiful, but E. makes the right choice, gets a wife; they have a son; the wife gives him the wrong name, so the son rushes into the sea; E. throws his wife after him, she turns into a manatee], 53 [as in (54); 1) not drowning in the quagmire, 2) guanaco and be like (52); after her son throws his wife into the sea], 54 [as in (53); Sun and the Moon lives on earth; the Moon tells you to bring flint scrapers, kill guanaco]: 74-76, 77-81, 82-87, 88-90, 91-92, 93-95.