Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

B95. Burnt sphincter.. 44.50.

The appearance of the sphincter or buttocks is due to the fact that a character burned his ass.

Winnebago, menominee, eastern marsh crees, kiliwa.

The Midwest. Winnebago [foxes steal meat; Wakjunkaga puts burning smut in his ass; finds pieces of fat on the trail; this is his giblets; he ties his anus (the origin of wrinkles on human sphincter)]: Radin 1956, No. 13-14:16-18; menominee [Myanyabush dives, ties the legs of waterfowl; they lift him into the air, he falls; calls birds to participate in ceremonies; his tambourine hits on its own, his hands are free; Winnebago gives his anus a red bandage for silence; Myanyabush puts a burning smut in his anus]: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 8:267-270; eastern marsh crees (Albany) [Wicágatcak fills the bag with moss, tells waterfowl what the singing teepee is carrying, tells them to dance with his eyes closed; strangles birds with arcana; Loon opens his eyes ; he kicks her (the origin of the shape of a loon tail); bakes meat, goes to bed, tells his ass to guard; someone comes up, his ass beeps, the thief immediately hides; twice; the third time V. does not react; Seeing that the meat has been stolen, he sits on a hot stone; since then, people's buttocks have been dismembered; V. constantly blows the winds, scaring away the game, starving; pieces of his gut fall out; he thinks it's dried meat, eats; The squirrel laughs; he throws a piece of intestine into the birch tree (the origin of the growths on the birch tree); hits the birch tree with a stick (stripes on birch bark)]: Skinner 1911:84-86.

The Great Southwest. Kiliva [Metipá came out of the land, from a small red mountain; created four sons and a moon (month?) ; to make the sun, he took it out of his stomach through his mouth, then took it out of his genitals - both times unsuccessfully; then out of his ass - hung in the east; since then, people's sphincter seemed to be burned; M. died and was burned, returned to the ground again; his bones are the veins of rock]: Meigs 1939:66-67.