B97. The character rewards the bird.
.35.36.41.-.44. (.45.) .46. (.47.) .49.
The character rewards (rarely punishes) a bird living by the water, determining its current appearance (tuft, beak, feather color).
Nganasana, Substone Tunguska Evenks, Northern Alaska Inupiate, Central Yupik, Kuchin, Hea, Tanaina, Helmet, Bellacula, Chilkotin, Quarry, Chippewa, Western Swamp Cree, Northern Ojibwa, Western Ojibwa, Sauk and Fox, Steppe Cree, (Montagnier), Black Legs, Omaha and Ponka, Northern Payutes.
Western Siberia. Nganasana [the fox tricked the wolf; some birds (in various records these are swan; geese, duck, seagull; seagull; other loons; bullfinch; sandpiper) refuse to untie it; loon (in one of buzzard records, hawkish family) unleashes; ending options: 1) the wolf gave his painted park to the loon and put on loons to the park, now the wolves are red (1927-06-25, Chunanchar Sundampte, Lekarenko); 2) The loon gave the wolf white fluff from her chest (1938-10-01 Kokara Ngateshi, Dolgikh); 3) the wolf gave the loon a black collar around his neck, called ngulada madachyo, "wolf gift" (1961-07-27, Dolgikh, Nedya Turdagin)]: M. Momzikova, presentation at EUSP on November 26, 2015 with reference to Dolgikh.
Eastern Siberia. Western Evenks (Baikit District, Chavida River, Western 1923) [Amaka made water, let the birds go; told Gagara to dive, she took out the sand, but did not give it to A., wanted to make the land herself; then A. sent Gogol, who brought sand, gave it to A.; A. made the land, punished Gagar, pulling her legs out of her stomach and sticking them to her tail so that she could not walk on the ground; he decorated Gogol's head with a long feather]: Osharov 1936a: 15 (=1936b, No. 11:279-280).
The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate [a blind young man lives with his grandmother; she teaches him to trap Loon; Loon asks her to let her go because she has chicks; he lets go, the grandmother is angry; tells him to shoot white bear, lies as if his grandson missed; tells him to eat berries and mushrooms; Loon immerses his kayak under water twice, the young man regains sight; throws his grandmother into the water, she turns into a whale, her hair into a whale mustache; in gratitude, the young man puts a necklace of bone arrowheads around Loon's neck; now they're white feathers]: Lynch 1995:21-26; central yupik [Raven marries Black Goose; gives The bride has a necklace, since then these geese have light specks around their necks; Raven is a liar, his wife left him]: Andrew 2007:411.
Subarctic. Kuchin: McKennan 1965 [Giateaquoynt's brother turns into Wolf; drives an elk into the lake; a big fish (she is the mother of both brothers) swallows it; at night, fish play with Wolf and Moose skins ; D. sharpens Kingfisher's beak; he tells him in gratitude about his brother's fate; D. hides in a hollow deck on the shore; the fish go out to play, fall asleep; he kills them, two escape; it starts to rain, the flood; D. sails on a raft; sends the Raven and another bird, both returning without finding land; ties a rope to the Beaver, asking him to dive; he pops up dead; the same with the other two Beavers; Muskrat dives several times; the last time D. pulls her dead, finds earth on his paws; creates land; revives Muskrat; sends the Wolf and the Fox to explore the earth; the Wolf does not return, the Fox reports that the earth is great ]: 103-104; Petitot 1886 [the wife directs her blind husband's arrow at the caribou; lies as if he missed, eats meat herself; he comes to the lake; Loon dives with him, restores his sight; he rewards Loon giving her her dentalium shell necklace; the wife thinks her husband is blind, gives him poisoned water; he kills her]: 84; hea [wife points the arrow of her blind husband at the caribou; lies as if he missed, eats meat by himself; he comes to the lake; Loon dives with him, restores his sight; he rewards her by giving her a necklace of dentium shells; the wife thinks that her husband is blind, gives him dirty water; he kills her]: Petitot 1886, No. 32:226-229; tanaina [people share food with the wife of a blind old man, who hides what she received from her husband; leads him into the forest, makes a fire, tells him to shoot caribou, lies that the husband missed, roasts the meat, tells her husband that it is the smell of greasy stones that have fallen into the fire; next time he leaves her husband in the forest, picking up the onions; the husband goes to Gagara's voice, she dives with him three times, returning sight; he comes home, gouges out his wife's eyes, tells his son that he loved his mother more than he loved him, let him stay with her; he goes to the village himself, tells people that he awarded Gagara a shell necklace dentium (specks on the neck)]: Kalifornsky 1991:145-149 (=Ruppert, Bernet 2001:323-324); helmet [husband is blind, has a wife, son and two daughters; husband asks his wife to aim his arrow at caribou; wife lies, that he missed; gives meat to children, but not to her husband; in the morning he goes with his children to the caribou carcass; the husband hears the voice of the loon, comes to the lake; Loon puts it on his back, dives; after the second dive, vision the man is fully recovering; he ties a colorful handkerchief around Gagara's neck; kills his wife, slaughters children with a club; his wife's brothers came to kill him, but did not, afraid of the hiss of fat, which he fried]: Moore 1999:310-329.
NW Coast. Bellacula [The raven calls the woman to collect the fruits of the wild apple tree, takes him far away; she climbs a tree, drops the fruit down, he immediately swallows them; she scolds him; he cuts off her leg with an ax; leg falls into deep water; a woman promises her necklace to whoever reaches her leg; The seagull does not dive, Loon brings her leg; a woman glues it with resin, her leg grows (and Loon obviously gets necklace]: McInwraith 1948 (2) :392-393.
The coast is the Plateau. Chilkotin [the wife points the arrow of her blind husband, lies that he missed, eats caribou meat herself; Gagara puts the blind man on her back, dives with him, he sees the light; for this he hangs it around her neck shell necklace; kills wife, burns caribou with carcass]: Farrand 1900, No. 21:35-36; quarry [blind man wets his arrows with saliva so they fall into caribou; wife lies that he missed, eats meat herself; throws it; Loon puts him on his back, dives, he gains sight; rewards her with a shell necklace, she still has it]: Morice in Boas 1916:827.
The Midwest. Western Ojibwa (chippewa) [Wolf is Venebojo's younger brother; underwater snakes kill him; crawl out to bask on the beach; V. pretends to be a stump, injures two snake leaders; an old woman walks them heal; V. puts on her skin, kills snakes, driving arrows deeper into their bodies; water chases V., he climbs a tree on the mountain]: Barnouw 1977, No. 1 [Kingfisher tells W. he waits for them to emerge Wolf's insides; V. promises to hang a Wolf necklace around his neck, wants to kill, Kingfisher manages to fly away, black specks of beads around his neck remain; V. asks Otter to dive, then Beaver; both pop up dead, V. revives them; Beaver says he saw the earth; Muskrat brings earth in his mouth and paws; V. throws the earth into the water, it grows; sends Caribou to find out if it is big; Caribou returns - small ; V. throws more land; this time Caribou does not return], 3 [V. finds the Wolf's necklace, promises to give it to Kingfisher if he tells us who killed the Wolf]: 30-41, 64-69; Western Ojibwa: Radin 1914, No. 9 [Nenebozho paints Kingfisher's feathers; for this he reports that water Pumas killed Brother N.; N. turns into a rotten stump; beats Pum who have come out of the water to lie on the beach; water pursues N.; he climbs a tree, makes a raft; Otter, Beaver emerge without bringing sand; Muskrat brings earth in his paws and mouth; N. makes land; sends the Raven, he does not return; Hawk, that reports that the Raven is biting corpses; for this now eats only stolen goods; N. sends Caribou; he says that the earth is not large enough; N. blows sand from the horn into the water again; tells the Ducks to dance, closing eyes; see motif M53]: 19-21; Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 3 [while Vissekejak is hunting, his younger brother M. disappears; V. gives the Crane a white stripe around his neck; for this, he tells how Minito Sea Lions killed M., hung his skin in their doorway; V. turns into a stump on the shore, where minito go out to warm up, shoots a black minito in the shade, injuring him; the water rushes after V., he makes a boat; further as in (2); the Fox instead of the Ferret; then the episode with the Frog Healer; V. runs away, carrying M.'s skin and the body of a murdered minito; hides in a groundhog hole], 5 [M. lives with his grandmother; Sea Lion lives on an island surrounded by resin; M. covers the boat with fat, swims on resin; during the Battle of Blue Jay advises M. to shoot at the little finger on the enemy's leg, M. kills the Sea Lion; takes the young Wolf as his comrades, warns not to jump over streams; The wolf chases the moose, jumps across the stream, that turns into a turbulent stream, carries it away; then in (3), Wolf instead of M., Kingfisher instead of Crane, minito Snakes; water rises but falls; the episode with the Frog and the Minito's murder; Beaver, Otter, Loon, Muskrat dive; Raven, Dove are sent to find out if the land is large; the Raven returns in four days, the Dove does not return; now M. lives in the east]: 63-67, 70-76; western marshes Cree (northern Manitoba) [Wesukechak and his brother Wolf live together; Wolf hunts successfully; animals ask the Sea Lion to eliminate the hunter; V. warns not to approach the water, not to jump over the stream; The wolf drives the deer into the water, the Sea Lions kill him; V. repairs Kingfisher's broken beak, gives him a white necklace; for this he says that Sea Lions play with the Wolf's tail on Sea Lions Island; V. crosses on a raft to an island, turns into a stump; Sea Lions go ashore to sleep; V. hits them with a spear; the flood begins, the animals climb on V.'s raft; the Muskrat, the Beaver dive, do not reach the bottom, the Otter dives, barely alive, V. pulls her out by the rope, there is some clay on her paw; V. rolls it into a ball, blows it, throws it, land appears; V. sends Wolverine to find out if the earth is big, she returns after 20 days; V. again blows, the earth expands, Wolverine runs away and does not return; since then he has been wandering forever; snakes have made riverbeds, the wolf pushed through the basins of lakes with his paws, the ground has been forged with his nose, mountains have risen; V. ordered to appear vegetation]: Clay 1978:14-23; Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [Oh-ma-ma-ma, Mother Earth, gives birth to Visakajak 'a, Wolf and other world spirits; V. knows that a water monster Mishipizhiv and his two sons will kill the Wolf; Kingfisher talks about the death of the Wolf, V. paints his throat red; hides on the beach, shoots monsters; the Frog goes to heal them; V. kills her, puts it on skin, M. hurts his heart, runs away; the flood begins; V. ties ropes to the Beaver, Otter, Muskrat; animals dive one by one, emerge dead; clay on Muskrat's paws; V. revives animals, creates land; sends Wolverine to see if it is big; the third time Wolverine does not return, the earth is ready; V. puts clay on the turtle's back, makes blacks first, then whites, then Indians; animals get theirs habits; The raven climbs without waiting in line, eating carrion for it; the dog wins the running competition, lives with a person for it; dogs are speechless not to be sent messages]: Ray, Stevens 1971: 20-26; sauk, fox [Visakya and Kshyapatya are sons of the supreme deity; Snakes kill K.; the spirit of the killed man comes to his brother; he does not let him in, tells him to go west; the dead they will go to him; the bird tells V. that two killer manners are underground; V. paints her feathers under her eyes red; injures the Snakes with arrows; the Toad goes to treat them; V. persuades the Toad return; he comes under the guise of a Toad Healer, finishes off the wounded; other Snakes first cause a world fire, then a flood; V. escapes in a boat or at the top of a pine tree; sends the Pigeon to bring a branch, tells Muskrat dive, get the earth from the bottom; both complete tasks but fall or emerge dead; V. revives them; puts a branch of clay on the water, creates earth]: Andrew 1871:231 in Dahnhardt 1907 [no details .; V. tells big fish to bring clay from the bottom, creates the earth]; Jones 1901:226-235; 1907, No. 17 [without episodes of the Toad sent and the world fire; the brothers' mother is Earth (Mother All Earth )]: 337-379; Steppe Cree [see motif K27, motif L5; two brothers flee from their mother chasing their head; Waimesosiv takes the elder named Vesakaiczak into his boat, leaves the youngest; he turns into a Wolf; his brother finds him; tells him not to go to the shore; he comes; the Kingfisher tells Vesakaicak that the Water Pumas killed the Wolf; Vesakaicak is beautiful paints it; turns into a log on the shore, kills Pum who have come out of the water; the wounded rush into the water; the Toad goes to heal them; he kills the Toad, puts on its skin, finishes off the wounded; the remaining Pumas are summoned flood; Otter, Beaver, Muskrat dive, emerge dead, he revives them; finds a tree leaf under the claw of the Muskrat; he dives again, brings clay from the bottom on his foot; Vesakaicak puts it on the water, makes the earth grow; sends the Wolf twice to see if it is big; the Wolf returns; sends the Raven, it doesn't come back; the earth is big]: Ahenakew 1929:320-327.
(Wed. Northeast. Montagnier [see motif M53; Mesh companions Wolf; he says he dreamed that he could not chase the Caribbean by swimming across the lake; M. insists that the Wolf sail; Wolf disappears; The bird {apparently kingfisher} says that during the day, lake stones raise the Wolf to the island, and at night they pull him back; M. rewards the Bird by giving it fish; hides in the hollow of a tree on the island; when the stones fall asleep, hits them with a spear, runs away with the Wolf; the Frog goes to heal the wounded stones; M. asks her what she is does, kills, stretches her skin; whistles, pours cold water on the stones, the stones do not recover, but die; M. meets women, they say they sew bags for the bodies of the stones killed by M.; he kills them themselves, gives them to their daughters; they find them inside their mothers' bodies; see motif L33, racing against Boulder]: Savard 1979, No. 7:28-30).
Plains. Blacklegs: Grinnell 1962:15 f; Linderman 1995 [Napi ("The Old Man") is afraid to be alone, so he tells Wolf to be careful when chasing otters; he chases them on the ice, drowns; N. cries like woman, Kingfisher laughs at him, N. Launches him with a baton that ruffled the feathers on his head; the tuft is forever]: 10-12; Omaha, ponka [two water monsters killed Haxige's younger brother, hung his skin at the doorway; invited all the animals to the feast, giving each the meat of the victim; looking for a brother, H. got to the two Ducks in leaf form; one says she was given only a little finger, so she would tell H. talks to him about a Vulture Shaman healing monsters; H. rewards this Duck by giving (hitting her on the head) a tuft, making white feathers near his eyes; H.'s tears formed rivers; H. asked Vulture to sing it a shamanic song, killed, took his rattle, iron rod, bag; two of the four servants, carrying H. in buffalo skin, disgrace deception; as in pp. 204-205; Bobrikha, without recognizing H., explains that the gods (i.e. water monsters) took her to help them fight X.; they would send a flood and she would gnaw through the bottom of his boat; then they would send darkness and snakes; H. says who he is, breaks her skull; on the fourth day, the steam room makes sure that his brother cannot be revived; tells him to become a young deer, he becomes a wolf himself]: Dorsey 1888b: 205-206; 1890 (=1888b]: 238-253).
(Wed. Southeast USA. Yuchi [Loon dives, lacks the bottom; the necklace around her neck is pressed into her skin, you can still see it; The beaver pops up dead; The shrimp brings clay from the bottom in its claws; the Creator sprinkles it on the water, makes ground; Vulture flies above the still soft ground, flapping its wings; mountains appear]: Gatschet 1893:279-280).
Big Pool. Northern Payut [Tabats is the main god, Shinob is his brother; the world has already been created, but all without a form or name; this is especially true for a stone boulder that has fallen off the mountain; animals laugh at how it is turns and falls, jokingly put beaded legs and a striped blanket in front of him, believing that he would not be able to take them; S. took them, and the boulder followed him; S. called for help from the crow and the puma, but the boulder crushed them; the rabbit put a hard stone in the way, but repulsed only a piece of the boulder; the nightjar began to descend rapidly on the boulder again and again, and it eventually split; S. ordered that from now on, the stones, even if they rolled down the slope, fell to pieces; the nightjar was covered with bruises and bruises; S. decorated his shoulders and chest with beads, and rewound his wings and throat with stripes carved from that cape]: Palmer 1946:20-24.