Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B97A. Bird or animal necklace.



strip of light or dark feathers (rarely: wool) on the neck of a bird (animal) is its necklace (handkerchief).

Nganasana, Northern Alaska Inupiat, Central Yupik, Koyukon, Kuchin, Tanaina, Helmet, Hea, Bellacula (?) , chilkotin, quarry, shuswap, western ojibwa, western marsh crees, northern ojibwa, yuchi, northern payut.

Western Siberia. Nganasana [the fox tricked the wolf; some birds (in various records these are swan; geese, duck, seagull; seagull; other loons; bullfinch; sandpiper) refuse to untie it; loon (in one of the buzzard records, hawkish family) unleashes; ending options: 1) the wolf gave his painted park to the loon and put on loons to the park, now the wolves are red (1927-06-25, Chunanchar Sundampte, Lekarenko); 2) The loon gave the wolf white fluff from her chest (1938-10-01 Kokara Ngateshi, Dolgikh); 3) the wolf gave the loon a black collar around his neck, called ngulada madachyo, "wolf gift" (1961-07 -27, Dolgikh, Nedya Turdagin)]: M. Momzikova, presentation at EUSP on November 26, 2015 with reference to Dolgikh.

The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate [a blind young man lives with his grandmother; she teaches him to trap Loon; Loon asks her to let go because she has chicks; he lets go, the grandmother is angry; tells him to shoot white bear, lies as if his grandson missed; tells him to eat berries and mushrooms; Loon immerses his kayak under water twice, the young man regains sight; throws his grandmother into the water, she turns into a whale, her hair into a whale mustache; in gratitude, the young man puts a necklace of bone arrowheads around Loon's neck; now they're white feathers]: Lynch 1995:21-26; central yupik [Raven marries Black Goose; gives The bride has a necklace, since then these geese have light specks around their necks; Raven is a liar, his wife left him]: Andrew 2007:411.

Subarctic. Koyukon [the old man tells his two sons that it is better for them to go alone; they raft on an ice floe down the river; they see a porcupine crying, he does not answer them, they kill it, fry it, eat it; they come to a village where only young women and an old man; his older brother insists on competing in archery; tries to dodge, but women's arrows easily hit him to death; the youngest comes to the nest huge birds; the chick replies that the parents will bring clouds and thunder; the mother will arrive with the rain, the father with hail; the young man kills the chick, then with arrows and a club of both birds; kills a giant porcupine; catches him Lynx, tells me to bring firewood to fry it; he goes farther and farther for firewood; the ermine brings it to his parents; they give the ermine a shell necklace (white stripe around his neck)]: Wright 1908:33-34; Kuchin [wife directs her blind husband's arrow to the Caribbean; lies as if he missed, eats meat herself; he comes to the lake; Loon dives with him, restores his sight; he rewards Loon by giving her a gift her dentalium shell necklace; wife thinks her husband is blind, gives him poisoned water; he kills her]: 84; hea [wife points her blind husband's arrow at the Caribbean; lies like he missed, eats the meat himself; he comes to the lake; the Loon dives with him, gives him back his sight; he rewards her by giving her a necklace of dentalium shells; the wife thinks her husband is blind, gives him dirty water; he kills her]: Petitot 1886: Petitot 1886, No. 32:226-229; tanaina [people share food with the wife of a blind old man, who hides what she received from her husband; leads him into the forest, makes a fire, tells him to shoot caribou, lies that the husband missed, roasts the meat, tells her husband that it is the smell of greasy stones that have fallen into the fire; next time he leaves her husband in the forest, picking up onions; the husband goes to Gagara's voice, she dives with him three times, returning sight; he comes home, gouges out his wife's eyes, tells his son that he loved his mother more than he loved him, let him stay with her; he goes to the village himself, tells people that he awarded Gagara a shell necklace dentarium (specks on the neck)]: Kalifornsky 1991:145-149 (=Ruppert, Bernet 2001:323-324); atna [Raven invites Gagara to paint it; draws her a beautiful necklace; G. is a bad artist, does The crow is black; runs to the middle of the lake; V. throws black mud on her head]: Smelcer 1997:23-24; helmet [husband is blind, has a wife, son and two daughters; husband asks his wife to aim his arrow at caribou; the wife lies that he missed; gives meat to children, but not to her husband; in the morning he goes with the children to the caribou carcass; the husband hears the voice of the loon, comes to the lake; Loon puts it on his back, dives; after the second dive The man's vision is fully restored; he ties a colorful handkerchief around Gagara's neck; kills his wife, slaughs his children with a club; his wife's brothers came to kill him, but did not, afraid of the hiss of fat, that he fried]: Moore 1999:310-329; hea [wife points her blind husband's arrow at caribou; lies like he missed, eats meat herself; he comes to the lake; Loon dives with him, gives him back his sight ; he rewards her by giving her a necklace made of dentalium shells; his wife thinks her husband is blind, gives him dirty water; he kills her]: Petitot 1886, No. 32:226-229.

NW Coast. Eyak [all birds are white; Raven and Loon paint each other; V. makes Loon a beautiful black necklace; without finishing work, asks to paint it now; G. is a bad artist, V. turns out to be all black; chases her, driving her into the lake; throws black mud on her head]: Smelcer 1993:69-70; bellacula [The raven calls the woman to collect the fruits of a wild apple tree, takes her far away; she climbs a tree, He throws the fruits down, he swallows them immediately; she scolds him; he cuts off her leg with an ax; her leg falls into deep water; the woman promises her necklace to whoever reaches her leg; the Seagull doesn't dive, Loon brings a leg; a woman sticks it with resin, her leg grows (and Loon obviously gets a necklace]: McInwraith 1948 (2): 392-393; poppies [brothers Sun and Month descend from heaven, call everyone creatures that turn them into animals and plants; a thief chief was made a seal to fish himself; a fisherman with a spear - a great blue heron; a fisherman who stole a necklace of shells as a kingfisher; two gutter - crow and crow; son of Blue Jay, who did not want to be either a bird or a mink fish; a fat man - cedar, an old man - fir; eternally dissatisfied - crab apple tree (with sour fruits); thin with with stiff muscles - alder; this is how these two created a world for humans (they turned creatures so that people could make bows and arrows, oars, steam roofs, use them for firewood to make berries, etc.)]: Swan 1869 in Dall 1884:108 and in Edmonds, Clark 1998:12-14.

The coast is the Plateau. Chilkotin [the wife points the arrow of her blind husband, lies that he missed, eats caribou meat herself; Gagara puts the blind man on her back, dives with him, he sees the light; for this he hangs it around her neck shell necklace; kills wife, burns caribou with carcass]: Farrand 1900, No. 21:35-36; quarry [blind man wets his arrows with saliva so they fall into caribou; wife lies that he missed, eats meat herself; throws it; Loon puts him on his back, dives, he gains sight; rewards her with a shell necklace, she still has it]: Morice in Boas 1916:827; shuswap [Loon I lost everything except the dentalium shell necklace; finally, I lost it to the Crane, but did not want to give it back, but dived into the water and was like that; since then, this necklace has been visible around the loon's neck]: Boas 2002, No. I.10:80 ; klallam [The converter turns Kekayash into rotten wood, mountain, sand; he regains his appearance every time; imposes himself as fellow travelers; the old woman makes a necklace, becomes a kingfisher; man makes a necklace out of shells, becomes a deer; all creatures and areas have changed; the octopus swallowed the Transducer; K. let himself be swallowed, cut the octopus from the inside; the pieces turned into ordinary octopuses]: Gunther 1925:143-144.

The Midwest. Western Ojibwa (chippewa) [Wolf is Venebojo's younger brother; underwater snakes kill him; crawl out to bask on the beach; V. pretends to be a stump, injures two snake leaders; an old woman walks them heal; V. puts on her skin, kills snakes, driving arrows deeper into their bodies; water chases V., he climbs a tree on the mountain]: Barnouw 1977, No. 1 [Kingfisher tells W. he waits for them to emerge Wolf's insides; V. promises to hang a Wolf necklace around his neck, wants to kill, Kingfisher manages to fly away, black specks of beads around his neck remain; V. asks Otter to dive, then Beaver; both pop up dead, V. revives them; Beaver says he saw the earth; Muskrat brings earth in his mouth and paws; V. throws the earth into the water, it grows; sends Caribou to find out if it is big; Caribou returns - small ; V. throws more land; this time Caribou does not return], 3 [V. finds the Wolf's necklace, promises to give it to Kingfisher if he tells us who killed the Wolf]: 30-41, 64-69; Western Ojibwa: Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 3 [While Vissekejaq is hunting, his younger brother M. disappears; W. gives the Crane a white stripe around his neck; for this, he tells how Minito Sea Lions killed M., hung his skin in their doorway; V. turns into a stump on the shore, where minito go out to warm up, shoots a black minito in the shade, injuring him; the water rushes after V., he makes a boat; then in (2); the Fox instead of the Ferret; then the episode with the Frog Healer; V. runs away, carrying M.'s skin and the body of a murdered minito; hides in a groundhog hole], 5 [M. lives with his grandmother; Sea Lion lives on an island surrounded by resin; M. covers the boat with fat, swims on resin; during the Battle of Blue Jay advises M. to shoot at the little finger on the enemy's leg, M. kills the Sea Lion; takes the young Wolf as his comrades, warns not to jump over streams; The wolf chases the moose, jumps across the stream, that turns into a turbulent stream, carries it away; then in (3), Wolf instead of M., Kingfisher instead of Crane, minito Snakes; water rises but falls; the episode with the Frog and the Kill minito; Beaver, Otter, Loon, Muskrat dive; Raven, Dove are sent to find out if the land is big; the Raven returns in four days, the Dove does not return; now M. lives in the east]: 63-67, 70-76; Western Swamp Cree (northern Manitoba) [Wesukechak and his brother Wolf live together; Wolf hunts successfully; animals ask the Sea Lion to eliminate the hunter; V. warns not to approach the water, not jump across a stream; Wolf drives a deer into the water, Sea Lions kill him; V. repairs Kingfisher's broken beak, gives him a white necklace; for this he says that Sea Lions play with their tail on Sea Lions Island Wolf; V. rafts to the island, turns into a stump; Sea Lions go ashore to sleep; V. hits them with a spear; the flood begins, the animals climb V.'s raft; the Muskrat, the Beaver dive, do not reach the bottom, the Otter dives, barely alive, V. pulls it out by the rope, there is some clay on his paw; V. rolls it into a ball, blows it, throws it, land appears; V. sends Wolverine to find out if the earth is big, it returns after 20 days; V. blows again, the earth expands, Wolverine runs away and does not return; since then he has been wandering forever; snakes have made riverbeds, the wolf pushed through the lake basins with his paws, forged the ground with his nose, stood up mountains; V. ordered vegetation to appear]: Clay 1978:14-23; Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [Oh-ma-ma-ma, Mother Earth, gives birth to Visakajak 'a, Wolf and other world spirits; V. knows that the water monster Mishipizhiv and his two sons will kill the Wolf; Kingfisher talks about the death of the Wolf, V. paints his throat red; hides on the beach, shoots monsters; The frog goes to heal them; V. kills her, puts on her skin, hurts M.'s heart, runs away; the flood begins; V. ties ropes to Beaver, Otter, Muskrat; animals dive one by one, emerge dead; clay on Muskrat's paws; V. revives animals, creates land; sends Wolverine to see if it is big; for the third time Wolverine does not return, the earth is ready; V. puts clay on the turtle's back, makes blacks first, then whites, then Indians; animals get their habits; the raven climbs without waiting in line, for which he eats carrion; Dog wins a running competition, lives with a person for it; dogs are speechless not to be sent messages]: Ray, Stevens 1971:20-26.

Southeast USA. Yuchi [Loon dives, lacks the bottom; the necklace around her neck is pressed into her skin, you can still see it; The beaver pops up dead; The shrimp brings clay from the bottom in its claws; the Creator sprinkles it on the water, makes ground; A vulture flies above the still soft ground, flapping its wings; mountains arise]: Gatschet 1893:279-280.

Big Pool. Northern Payut [Tabats is the main god, Shinob is his brother; the world has already been created, but all without a form or name; this is especially true for a stone boulder that has fallen off the mountain; animals laugh at how it is turns and falls, jokingly put beaded legs and a striped blanket in front of him, believing that he would not be able to take them; S. took them, and the boulder followed him; S. called for help from the crow and the puma, but the boulder crushed them; the rabbit put a hard stone in the way, but repulsed only a piece of the boulder; the nightjar began to descend rapidly on the boulder again and again, and it eventually split; S. ordered that from now on, the stones, even if they rolled down the slope, fell to pieces; the nightjar was covered with bruises and bruises; S. decorated his shoulders and chest with beads, and rewound his wings and throat with stripes carved from that cape]: Palmer 1946:20-24.