Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

B99. Termite nest..


person left on a tree turns into an insect nest.

Benga, Sikuani, Yanomam, Yanomami, Candoshi, Yagua, Macu, Setebo, Shipibo, Character, Paresi, Bororo, Kayapo (Pau d'Arco), Ramkokamecra, Cracho, Apinaye

Bantu-speaking Africa. Benga [husband and wife have one eye for two, they pass it on to each other; the husband climbs a tree for honey, sheds his honeycombs to his wife; they throw their eye to each other; a bird that flies takes it away; the husband turns into an ant's nest, the wife becomes a termite]: Nassau 1915, No. 9:35-36.

Llanos. Sicuani [Opossum's mother invites two girls to marry her son; in the morning, Opossum goes to the garden, the sisters run away; they come to Daledaleni's house; the old woman tells them to go on a bad path, but they they go well; D. catches up with them; in the house before dawn, he devours one of the sisters; the second, taking her skull, returns to the people; D. comes for her, he is fed pumpkin and pepper; from this he dies, turns into a nest of ants; a girl buries her sister's head; at a festival on the occasion, Opossum plays the flute; he was the first flutist]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 108:388-389.

Southern Venezuela. Yanomam [the husband went for honey, and his wife began her first period; when he climbed a tree, he cut himself with an ax, threw his insides down like honeycombs; Here's the lungs falling! Here are guts! Here's the liver! It turned into a nest of bees; the wife went to a menstrual hut, became a termite nest]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 308:544-545; yanomami [the wife has her first period; at this time the husband and his The younger sister goes for honey; when she climbs a tree, she does not shed her honeycombs, but her lungs, intestines, and liver; turns into a bee nest]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 309:545-546.

Western Amazon. Kandoshi [the boy threw fish poison into the water, dived, took out fish, let him bake, ate; angry children envied him, threw sand into his eyes; one person scolded children for bullying Son of God, washed the boy's eyes; he flew to heaven to his father, creating a genip tree (huito) and telling that man to climb it; the wind began, the flood; the man and wife climbed the tree, it kept growing, the rest drowned; the woman in the middle of the trunk became a nest of ants (comejen); the man ate fruits, threw the seeds down; first they fell into deep water, then into shallow water; he began to descend; the bone fell back into the deep water, but it was only a pond at the foot of the tree; the spirit directed the man to the newly burned area, in the same house; when he returned from fishing, a person sees fire in the hearth, a prepared masato drink; a man hid, saw a man, a woman and two daughters; a man grabbed a less beautiful one, and the girls' parents became parrots and flew away; they came again to help, The man's wife grabbed her sister, but she escaped; the parrots did not return again; the wife gave birth to many children, they came out of different places on her body - legs, head; separated to become people of different races]: Page 1975:1-8; yagua [see J4A motif; Orphan turns the basket into a person; tells the Basket to wash the meat in the river but not bend down, otherwise the sábalo fish will tear out his eye; so it happened; they caught a lot fish, but no eyes were found; because of this, it rained, the flood began; the Orphan planted a seed, a tree grew, raising the house; from the sky Orphan took manioc bread and ate; the crumbs fell on the Basket; the orphan said he eats his own crap, the Basket believed it, began to eat its own; to find out if the water has come down, the Orphan throws down the pods; the first falls into the water, turns into majás, he swims away; the second falls to the ground, turns into agouti, he runs away; Orphan descends, the basket is afraid, turns into a bee's nest; Orphan leaves some celestial cassava to the bees, indicates what the bees will eat]: Powlison 1993, № 12-14:92-95.

NW Amazon. Maku [the earth burned down; Idu Kamni (IK) mixed some earth with his saliva, created new inhabitants of the world; there was no night, the sun was moving across the sky from side to side; IK went with his brother to the leader crickets; everyone sleeps there; the chief gave a box, told him not to open it on the way; the elder brother opened the crickets, from there it became dark; the elder brother climbed the tree to wait for dawn; in the place where the younger one was sitting, sees a termite nest; the elder goes down, dawns, both return home, have a party; moving the box around the house, regulate the day; then day and night replace each other; IC's mother ordered cut down a huge Ye tree (mimeosacea, up to 50 m high, bitter pods); cut down for two years; when cut down, the flood began; the IR people escaped in the boat, it rose to the sky, their heads rested on it; water slept, rivers remained; their channels - where Ye fell, branches - tributaries; IR put leaves and branches in piles, rapids appeared]: Silverwood-Cope 1972, No. 1:212-217.

Montagna - Jurua. Setebo [a man suppresses a fish with poison; sees an unfamiliar boy picking it up; he says that his father sent him; a man buries a boy on the shore in clay; another person finds him saves; he tells him to climb a tall genipa, which has many fruits - his father will punish people with darkness and a flood; a person warns others, they do not believe him, arrange a holiday; rain floods the ground by the flood; after climbing a tree, a man with his wife and children see others turn into palm trees (palmera), tuquituquis birds; survivors find a vessel with food supplies on the tree; a person throws fruits down find out if the water has descended; as the water level drops, the last fruit falls into the mud, dawns; the man's son turns into a huancahui bird, flies away; the wife is afraid to get off, turns into a nest termites; a man goes down, wanders in search of people, every time he returns to a tree, finds a vessel with a drink next to him; hides in a hole, sees a boat coming from the upper reaches of the river, with one woman in it at the stern, the other on the nose; the one on the nose comes down first, the man grabs her; she says that his father Inca sent him the one on the stern; tells various poisonous insects to bite him, but he does not let him out her; this is how the maid stayed with the man; two days later she gave birth to a boy, three days later a girl, they grew up immediately; the third time the husband spies, so the child dies; the wife says that now people they will die]: Bardales Rodriguez 1979:42-47; shipibo [a boy comes, shoots fish with a bow, they become big; people are jealous, they bury the boy with his property on the river bank; a man with his wife and two children finds it, tears it off; he causes a flood, tells a man to climb a genip tree; the rest of the people die; the wife turns into a nest of termites; the sun hides; the man and his children grope for the food prepared for them in the dark; a man throws down the fruit, on the sixth day the fruit falls to the ground instead of into the water; a man descends, his children become huancay birds; man finds food cooked in the house; waits for two women who have come in a boat; grabs a maid sitting on her nose; the daughter of the sun sitting aft swims away, marries a Spaniard; shipibo-conibo are descendants maids]: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987, No. 1:347-349.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Characterbet [it was two suns and it was too hot; two birds cut off one head, hung it on a tree; the head turned into bees and honey]: Calífano 1995, no. 7:184.

Southern Amazon. Paresi [after falling out with the rest of the men while playing ball, the Zumizoré and Zonewa brothers left the village; each left two sons, raised by their grandmother Alawrir; brought by them the meat disappears somewhere; the brothers find a dwarf hidden in the basket who wants to eat them; they try to kill him, he dies only in the anthill of the hottest ants; A. pretends to be upset about the loss spindle; at night she revived a dwarf or made a new one; the brothers hear A. talking to herself about their dead parents; they force her to confess that Jaguar and Jaguariha ate all the men in the village, and the Eagle all women; Jaguariha opened her mouth, people entered it; brothers train archery, you need reeds to make arrowpoles, Otyueré owns it; A. taught you to take it from an battleship first a new knife; they took it while the battleship was lying with his wife; the blind old woman Yualoreroawsé took the knife away; they made her sighted, rewarded her with a knife, dazzled her again; O. and his cunhado (wife's brother or sister's husband) Alalaymaré smeared the branches with glue to catch bats; the brothers turn into bats, consistently cut off O.'s limbs, throw them down from the tree, scream that they are falling branch, second, etc.; O.'s body turns into a nest of honey bees; his head clings to A.'s shoulder, who became a forest spirit with two heads (whoever hears him howling will die); brothers killed Eagle with arrows; brothers they turn into hummingbirds, cut Jaguarihu from the inside with a knife, go out; the male Jaguar has two stone clubs in his house, the brothers swapped the dangerous and the ordinary; the same, two spears; hid in the Jaguar's house; on the way to he was greeted with various animals (alma-de-gato, Canis jubatus, Euchroma gigantea {something with antennas, flying is an insect?} , Anolis punctatus, Hemidactyluc mabonia lizard); everyone asks where they are going; when answered that killing Jaguar, they join, hide in the house; The lizard stains the fire sticks with a mass peca fruits; Canis jubatus has left his bowel movements; brothers put the rat head and tail of the caiman on the threshold; the Jaguar, seeing each of the hidden or left objects, traces, perceives them as a sign of his death; brothers giggle, Jaguar grabs a club, but it is not fatal, his brothers kill him; Europeans arose from ash and coal and various groups of Indians do not paresi (listed which of which burnt objects); the brothers shot at the sky tree, climbed a chain of arrows (or a thread lowered, at A.'s request, from a heavenly tree); all animals also wanted to climb; Canis jubatus and Dusicyon those climbed, but the thread broke or the Europeans cut off the chain of arrows; the two fell; in the sky, A. and the brothers play ball with the head of the jaguariha, the tail of the caiman, the head of a rat (A. gave them to brothers with by yourself); red sunset is the blood of the jaguariha's head]: Pereira 1986, No. 8:149-169; bororo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 36 [at night, the paternal grandmother blows the winds into the face of her sleeping grandson; a friend explains why he is losing weight; he stabs an arrow in her ass; in the morning, the daughter-in-law wants to leave the baby's mother-in-law, but cannot wake up; hurrying to fish with poison leaves the child at the fork in the tree; he cries; the perfume pierces with his sharp sticks, blood flows down the trunk, leaving grooves; the child becomes a nest of termites; the mother in despair devours all the fish, including spoiled ones; regurgitating it, spews out various diseases; They cut off her head, threw her into the lake, but the diseases remain], 37 [instead of sleeping in a man's house, the young man sleeps in his family; his grandmother blows the winds in his face, he is losing weight; suspects the truth; stabs her an arrow in the ass; tells the battleships to dig a hole here, bury it; covers the grave with a mat; hurrying to fish, her daughter-in-law calls her in vain to leave the child with her; leaves him in a tree turns into a nest of termites; devours fish, regurgitates diseases; her two brothers cut off her legs and head, throw them into the lake]: 81-83, 84-86.

Eastern Brazil. Crash [(Schultz 1950:93-112); people lived near a tree that supported the sky; the boy was carried by a harpy eagle to a nest on a rock, fed to the chicks; nightgoats flew at night and cut off people heads; people put a ladder to the tree, went up to a hole in the sky, went to heaven, threw away the stairs; the old man, his wife and two grandchildren accidentally stayed on the ground; A-Krey's elder brother could the younger Kengunã did not know how to turn into animals; the grandfather made a platform for his grandchildren in the water, they lay in the water to become strong, to take revenge on the birds for the death of their father; the brothers killed a huge emu, scattered feathers, they have become current birds; the same with a large partridge (my grandfather does not believe that the brothers will be able to approach monsters unnoticed); the grandfather took shelter under a rock where the birds lived; jumped out, then hid in hiding, teasing the eagle; he was exhausted, K. killed him; A. also wanted to try it, but cut off his head with a nightjar; K. put it on the fork in the tree, his head became a swarm of bees; K. went look for another tribe; saw emu, koati, monkeys, tapir burn grass, trees to extract larvae, fruits; K. himself from the kraho tribe, i.e. Paki (kraho - paka); met a girl from the Koati tribe, became her husband; he is a good hunter, everyone is happy]: Wilbert 1978, No. 170:424-446; Apinaye: Wilbert 1978, No. 172 [Akréti and his brother kill two monstrous birds; travels; sees a girl bathing, gets married; asks to get honey from the hollow of a fallen tree; her hand gets stuck, he offers to expand the hole, but instead kills his wife with an ax, roasts meat, brings it to relatives; her brother finds out his sister's meat, finds his head killed in the forest; he is pushed into the hot coals of the fire, his ash turns into a nest of earth termites], 37 [(Nimuendaju 1939:183); large snakes have paved the Tocantins riverbeds and Araguayi, small ones, smaller riverbeds; rain flooded the ground with a flood; people climbed trees; when the water came down, they could not get down, turned into nests of bees and termites; others climbed to the top of Serra Negra ; a man and a woman cooked three huge pumpkins, took cassava shoots, yams, seeds of other plants with them, covered the holes with wax; when the water slept, cleared the area; people who descended from Serra A black man, did not have cultivated plants; the boy killed a parrot with corn grains in his goiter; people went to where the parrot came from, found a plot of man and woman, waited for the harvest]: 172, 453-454; ramkokamekra [Kokodyótómre's daughter and daughter's husband ate Hakti's giant harpy eagle; Kokodyótómre and his wife raise grandchildren Akréi and Kenkunã; they build a hut by the river, live there, they become strong; they take shelter by the approaching tree on which X.'s nest; then they show him and then hide in the hut, exhausting H., kill with a club; the Nightjar lives in the cave, cutting people off with his beak heads; he killed A.; Kenkunã left his brother's head at a fork in a tree where bees nest; looking for departed people, asks birds; Nandu says they passed a year ago, series - that two or three days ago ; Kenkunã finds people; Kokodyótómre and his wife roamed the savannah; by the mountain, the husband went to the right, told his wife to go left; when they separated, they both turned into anteaters; Kokodyótómre was killed hunters; wife waited, cried and left alone]: Wilbert 1978, No. 175:461-463; kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 39 (kuben-cran-kegn) [Metraux 1960:34 (=Dreyfus 1963:193); people left the village, one person what He forgot and came back; by the river he saw naked men sitting on their long hair floating on the surface of the water; they were spirits; a man shot at one, the spirit settled down, screamed, the water began to rise; the man ran to the village, the water behind him; he hid the child in a mortar; people climbed the mountains and rocks; one young man climbed the harvester palm; after 10 days the water began to flow, the young man decided to wait for the ground will dry up; but the trunk is tall, he can't get off, he became a monkey; another young man held on to a tree trunk, became a bee; a child in a mortar turned into a toad; those who survived the flood returned to the villages]: 122; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 14 (pau d'Arco) [sister Bebo's son noticed that others were stealing crops from his garden; replaced the sprout leaves of a small palm tree with xexéu (Belonopterus cayenensis) feathers; it rained, only where the sorcerer himself was left dry; people climbed trees, turned into monkeys and bee nests; others escaped on the mountains; finally, another shaman found and extracted feathers, rain and flood have ceased]: 44-45.