Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C10. Flood: wet tails, A2211.1.

.43.47.50.-.52. (.55.) .62.65.66.

During a flood, some birds or animals escape on a mountain, in a tree, in a boat, or by clinging to the sky; their tails or other parts of their bodies remain in the water and as a result acquire their current color or shape. Wed. A2211.7 ("In a flood, birds cling to the sky; their tails take on their current color")

The coast is the Plateau. Upper chehalis [a pheasant flees a flood on a tree on a high mountain; there is a mark on its tail from the water]: Adamson 1934:3; cowlitz [during a flood, a pheasant soars to the highest tree on the mountain but water left a mark on its tail]: Wilson 1998:16.

Southeast USA. Tunic [the leader's two daughters push corn in a mortar; the stupa is in a hole in the floor, from there water begins to pour, the edge of the roof is covered with ice; the old woman tells you to make a boat; those in the boat they dance, become half-human half-fish; water rises to the sky; the woodpecker clings to the sky, its tail and wings are wet, take on their current appearance]: Haas 1950, No. 5:63; Swanton 1911 [woodpecker and dove ]: 323; chitimacha [during the flood, two people escape in a clay vessel; the woodpecker clings to the sky, the end of the tail remains in muddy water, changes color; when the water begins to fall, it is sent to search for land, returns without finding it; the dove brings a grain of sand; it is placed on water, land grows out of it]: Swanton 1907:286 (=1911:357-358); biloxi [during a bird flood (in particular three types of woodpeckers) cling to the cloud, their tails remain in the water, become pointed]: Dorsey, Swanton 1912, No. 15:43-44; choctaw: Mould 2004:73-75 [(Cushman 1899:303-305); it's dark, bison , deer came to people's homes; then the sun rose in the north; messengers came running with the news of the impending flood; people began to make rafts, but bears gnawed the vine ropes, the rafts fell apart, people drowned; Penibki ("boat builder") built a solid boat, escaped in it with his family; eagles, hawks and similar birds clutched their claws into the sky; after the flood they returned to earth; a crow appeared, P. sent she looked for land, but she did not pay attention to it; a dove flew in with a leaf in its beak, slowly flew west so that P. could follow him; they sailed to the mountain], 75-76 [Swanton 1928b:2 [{something like that But in Cushman 1899:285-287, =Swanton 1931:205; birds clinging to the sky are woodpeckers and nuthatches - sapsackers, yellow hammers, woodpeckers}; people have ceased to comply with laws, obey leaders; while everyone was dancing, it rained, then the flood from the east flooded everything; sapsucker, red head, wood-knocker soar to the sky, but their tails have been soaked in water, since then they have lost some of their feathers there (notched and forked); from those woodpeckers (red heads) whose chicks have black heads fly high into the sky in September at night and their heads turn red there]; screams: Haas 1950, No. 5 [like a tunic; the tail is done disheveled]: 63; Swanton 1929, No. 37 [animals gathered in the ark; the opossum's tail hangs into the water and peels off]: 41; alabama, koasati [birds fly to the sky; swallow tail (?) is being forked]: Martin 1977:10.

The Great Southwest. Havasupai [people live underground; one of the two brothers planted a vine near the pond, it grew in a spiral; people climbed one turn in a day, after a long time they came to the ground; one girl slept with all men, but no one married her; turned into a tobacco plant; when they smoked, she became a woman again, laughed, left; women noticed scars on her head; she jumped in the pond became a frog, the water began to rise; the elder brother created the moon, calling it the sun; the younger sent the real sun to the sky; the sky was low, the sun was moving too fast; the younger brother He pushed the sky sixth; by this time the water in the lower world had risen, poured to the ground; people had placed a girl, water, food, birds, animals in an empty log; the rest of the people drowned; the woodpecker clung to the sky, the water soaked his tail; the water came down, the log fell to the ground at the waterfalls in Little Colorado; the girl put her vagina in the sun, then splashed at the waterfall, gave birth to a daughter (var: she became pregnant by a woodpecker); told her to do what she did, her daughter gave birth to a boy; he grew up; arrow reeds grew behind the crushing rocks; the young man managed to slip through, take the reeds, slip back; smeared his clothes with blood, the eagle carried him to into his nest; he killed 8 big eagles, 4 eagles; blew, the rock became sand, he went down, bringing feathers for arrows; his father gave him a horse; cut it, put lightning in his son; said that he was water and sun; Father showed him the world; the young man went east, his grandmother went west]: Smithson, Euler 1994:36-39; Western Apaches: Goddard 1918 (San Carlos) [woodpecker, turkey clinging to the sky]: 29; Russel 1898 [ the first ancestors rise from the lower world; the turkey is sent by a scout; the ground is covered with water; the turkey's tail gets wet; the drops on its wings give them a rainbow color]: 254; chiricahua [the sea has flooded the earth; A turkey escapes a high mountain; the tip of its tail stays in the water, turns white]: Opler 1942:2; Navajo [people rise from the underworld, climbing inside a large reed; Turkey climbs last, from the foam of the flood, the tip of his tail turned white]: Goddard 1933:130; Klah 1960:4; Stephens 1930:101-102; Hopi: Judson 1994 (Valpy) [Baholyhonga is angry with an evil old man, turns the world upside down; water floods the earth; the serpent god tells people to walk on a narrow strip of clay; the evil ones slip into the water, the virtuous reach the dry ground; the old people are covered with turkey skins; the turkey is soaked its tail, now white; and old people use turkey feathers in rituals]: 92-93; Wallis 1936, No. 2 [a horned serpent turned the ground upside down, caused a flood; a turkey sits (on the roof of the house?) with their tail lowered into the water]: 19; tiva (Picuris) [during the flood, all birds and animals gather to the mountain; the tips of the turkey tails turn white with foam; foam causes white spots in the color of various animals and birds]: Harrington 1928:371; 1989:62-63; Tewa (San Juan) [woman gives birth by going to collect piñons; boy is raised by coyotes and foxes; he predicts a flood; believers flee to the mountains; water soaked the tails of turkeys, they are now white]: Parsons 1926, No. 32:106-108; oriental keres (Sia) [the first ancestors rise from the flood to the upper world; The turkey is behind everyone, the foam reaches the tips of its feathers , they are still marked]: Stevenson 1894:36; mojave: Bourke 1889 [the valley was under water; the woodpecker lived on the mountain for ten days; the water soaked its tail, now it is stained; it was dark, all the earth is covered with water; Mustam-ho carried the Mojave Indians until the waters came down; animals were like people; M. reached the mouth of Colorado, the water retreated into the ocean]: 179; 1972 [Ammaya is a male sky; Amata is land- woman; they all spawned - Matavilya, Mastambo, people, plants; it was overseas in the dark land of Pi'in (not etymologized or mentioned elsewhere); Matavilla was the first; reached ours countries, turning 4 times, followed by all people; Matavilla was young, Mastambo was a boy, the Frog was a girl; getting out of the house in the dark out of need, Matavilla accidentally touched his vulva with his hand daughters; she followed him and swallowed his bowel movements; after that he fell ill and died, telling Mastambo to make the sun, moon and stars; if Matavilla hadn't died, people would also live forever; his body put it on the funeral fire, but there was no fire; the blue-green Fly got fire when she rubbed her legs with her paws; Coyote saw the fire, ran up, threw himself into the ash; Mastambo wanted to hide it, but the wind, hail, the rain only exposed the bones; it led the people; the water poured, the flood, the woodpecker's tail got wet; Mastambo sdedad so that the water came down; ordered to build a house by digging pillars; shouted, it was light, the sun appeared and moon]: 5-10; pima: Olmos Aguilera 2005 [in the darkness, Djivut Maka (Earth Shaman) picked up a ball of clay from the bottom, threw it up, stood on it, began to sing, the lump grew, covered most of the water, the current one remained the ocean; the earth was swaying, DM told the spider to braid it around the edges with a web, the earth was established; created two pimas and two Apaches, they spoke different languages, he resettled the Apaches, now those enemies; son of DM Siö hö picked up a baby he liked in the village, left it under the bush; when he returned to this place, water was pouring from there, a flood began; the woodpecker clung to the sky with its beak, its tail was soaked; people fled to the mountains, turned into stones; Woodpecker, Coyote, DM and S. began to make new people out of clay; Coyote made one-legged, DM threw them into the sea; DM people could do everything, S. sent diseases out of envy; people asked To kill the vulture; he made the water in the pond where S. bathed boiling, S. died; Vulture said that he would be reborn in four years; after four years S. came to his father, who began to reproach him for his attitude towards people; S. went underground, promising to send a new flood; he is yet to come]: 187-190; Russel 1908 [various birds cling to the sky; the woodpecker's tail is getting tough]: 211; Shaw 1968 [ various birds cling to the sky; their tails become disheveled]: 2-3; papago: Neff 1912 (or pima) [The creator, our sister, decided to destroy the earth by the flood; she herself sat in a vessel made made of wood latex; the fox found out, sat in an empty tree trunk, but did not know how to seal the hole; she showed him; the blue bird, the red bird and the little bird clung to the sky; the sister's oars swam to the east, the Fox deck to the south; the water wet the tails of the birds; after the flood, the Fox said that he was the first to come out, the birds said they were; the sister kept silent; the fox and sister began to sculpt people; the fox made halves with one with an eye, with one hand, etc.; the sister said that these people should be placed overseas into another world; she revived her own people; the Indians ironically call the Fox "brother"]: 52-53.

NW Mexico. Tarahumara [the gods sent a flood of boiling water; everyone gathered at the top of a cylindrical mountain; the donkey ran just as the mountain was just beginning to grow to the sky, so half of its tail was scalded; now its tail is short]: Merrill 2002:341.

Mesoamerica Lacandons [Our Father told his son-in-law Ah k'in Chob to make a ship, man and woman from every line; rain, darkness; boats became crocodiles; the howler monkey was in the ark, but the testicles in the water turned white; after six years the water slept, ten years later it became dry; but the earth was soft; the gods sent fire, everything burned down; the Momotidae bird's tail burned; life was revived; people were immortal] : Boremanse 1986:57-58.

(Wed. The Northern Andes. Cimila [the rain flooded the earth, the sun and moon drowned; the husband made a stone house underground; the wife was tired of waiting, opened a hole in the roof, everyone almost drowned; the husband turned his wife into an owl; she screams at night, does not see the sun; a giant mountain tree (totumo) has grown on the top of the mountain; karau and possum have escaped there; it has hung on its tail for years, its tail has become naked; everything has come from them animals; when the waters slept, people lit a fire, everything caught fire, people died from the fire; then people began to live again]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1945, No. 5:6-8).

NW Amazon. Ufaina [four Imarikakana brothers want to kill an old sloth picking fruit from a tree; the youngest, Imárika Kayafikí, hit, but the old man grabbed the sun's rays and rose to the sky and overshadowed the sun; it rained (this is the old man's urine), flooded the ground with a flood; the brothers escaped on the tree fungus, turned into caterpillars to feed on rotten wood; the tree grew to the sky, the water rose, flooded the world; when the fruit fell into the water, it began to boil; IC cut the old man in two; one half became a "water sloth" (apparently a manatee), the other became woody; the sun shone again; where sunrise, brothers they cut through the runoff with clubs, the sea appeared; they began to conjure to cool the water; Opossum tried it, but scalded the tail, it became naked; the Lagothrix lagotricha monkey scalded, white stripes remained on muzzle and neck; the howler monkey swam, turned red; brothers send Vultures, they eat corpses, Dove brings land]: Hildebrand 1975, Nr. XI-XXVII: 345-359; letuama [boiling water floods ground; four Ayas brothers climb a tree, send a Pigeon, a Possum, a Howler Monkey to find out if the water is high; they scald their tails; the pigeon's tail turns white, the opossum's tail turns naked; the dove brought the land, the brothers scattered it, the soil reappeared; they came down from the tree, it turned into a mountain; they came to their aunt, she keeps rainwater in a large vessel; they cut down several giant ones trees; Apaporis with tributaries was cultivated from one, Kaqueta from the other, etc.; branches and leaves turned into fish]: Palma 1984:71-72; macuna [The sloth soaked wajü fruit in the poison basket ( Micandra spruceana); four Ayawa brothers, led by Ayawa bükü (elder), sailed to the basket on an oil trail (poison is in oil); when the oil stopped oozing, the brothers turned into fish, became eat fruit; the Sloth's daughter told her father that the basket was empty; he replied that they were gods who created the world and came to destroy them; there was one fish in the basket (this is Brother Bokanea; when cutting a tree with water inside he remained in heaven; the brothers introduced the seed into the fruit, let Romi-Kuma eat, she gave birth to B. again); The Sloth did not order it to be eaten, but the children baked it and ate it; the fish inspired her not to break her bones; grasshopper ( grillo, it was A. himself) began to pick up bones; the gods revived B.; The sloth went for fruit, telling his daughter to poison the gods with manioc poison; the brother, she sang about it; the brothers heard, learned everything; asked Sloth's daughter where her father was, to find out from him, where to get bird feathers for hats; B. gave Sloth's children a cake with manioc poison, they died; they came to a tree from the top of which Sloth threw the fruit directly into the basket; the brothers closed the basket, the fruits began to fall to the ground, the Sloth had to go down; the elder A. wanted him to cry to the ground, but B. thought they would kill him anyway; the Sloth became go back; the brothers threw fruits that turned into ant nests, but the Sloth climbed upstairs, grabbed the rays of the Sun, it became dark; he began to write, the world began to pour boiling water; brothers first hid from boiling water under tree mushrooms, then became worms in mushrooms; the tree grew above the flood; the brothers told the monkey to taste the water, the water was hot, the monkey's hand remained white; the pauchil lowered the end of the tail into the water, it is now white; the flowers on the tree were women, they grew up, they had children, they blew gas on some fruits, now they stink; brothers unsuccessfully throw fruits at Sloth, only the elder A. hit his hand, now the sloths have only two fingers; the other ones hit the tail, fall into the water, become a different kind of sloth, he appears if someone dies; the body becomes the current sloths; dawn]: Å rhem et al. 2004:458-462.

The Central Andes. Uarochiri, dep. Lima [the male llama does not want to eat, tells the owner that in five days the ocean will flood the ground, tells him to go to Mount Vilka Koto; all the animals have gathered there; the water has soaked the fox's tail, and since then it has turned black; five days later, the waters came down]: Salomon, Urioste 1991, ch. 3:31-32.

Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita: García Tomas 1994 (3) [two brothers fleeing the flood in the Zapote tree; they were with the passuchil and montete birds; their tails and wings touched the swam on the water froth and turned white; the monkey drank water, its snout also turned white; see motif E9]: 32; Ochoa Siguas 1992 [everyone died during the flood; Konpanama climbed the sapote tree; he took fruit in the dark, but he was unripe; the next time the fruit was half-baked; K. began to throw fruits to see if the water had come down; finally, the fruit fell to the ground; at that time, the powhil and then the other birds sang; it dawned; it turned out that the tail paujila tapada por la mitad; therefore, it is said that his tail is a sign of the flood; (then it turns out that we are talking about two brothers); when they return from hunting, someone is cooking and weaving in the house; the youngest came back and found two women, spoke to them; they turn into parrots, fly away; the eldest tells the youngest to open the vessel; from there a spider jumps on the youngest's testicles, the penis turns into a vagina; the eldest marries this woman]: 165-167; kachinahua [during a flood, a monkey escapes on the top of a tree, turns into a monkey; a white bezel around the muzzle and white wool on his hands are traces of foam]: D'Ans 1975:94-95.