Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C11. Revenge of an offended father .

A magically powerful father destroys people (all or many) who have hurt or harmed his son.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Nonn of Panopolitan, second half of the 5th century AD, Acts of Dionysus, Song VI: Astreus predicts that Persephone will be kidnapped by the groom, but before that he combines with a secret spouse; Demeter hides P. in a cave in Sicily; Zeus enters her in the form of a snake; their son Zagreb allows him to sit on his throne and play with lightning; because of Hera's cunning, he is attacked by the titans: his transformations: child, old man, lion, horse, dragon, tiger; he dies in the form of a bull; he is cut to pieces with a knife; Zeus throws titans down to Tartar; world fire - even the seas burn; Zeus wants to wash off the ashes with water; during of the flood, the Nereids meet orades, animals with fish, with Pan Nereus; water rises to the sky; people would cease to exist if Poseidon hadn't cut a rock in Thessaly and the water did not go into a crevice; Helios dried everything, new people appeared]: Zakharova, Torshilov 2003:221-222.

NW Coast. Bellacula [The sun sends Techomnol and its three brothers to earth; brothers are killed; T. comes to the Sun, gives birth to his son Sqol ("wasp"); the Sun sends them back to earth; children laugh at S. as if he is ugly; he makes a chain of arrows, goes up to heaven, complains to his father; the sun tells him to go down his eyelashes and rays; wipes his face, drops of sweat fall on the house where the offenders live, he They catch fire; they jump into the water but the water boils; the sun wipes the face again, the fire stops; people have treated S. with respect ever since]: Boas 1898:69-70.

Plains. Blacklegs [a woman gives birth to a son from the Star, who turns into a mushroom; a child tears him to pieces aimlessly; celestials send a flood]: Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 1:19.

California. Pomo [Coyote creates people from bird feathers; they mock his two sons; the Coyote sets fire to the world from the East; the earth dies on fire, the Coyote and his sons rise to heaven on the web, or rope; when he returns, eats corpses, is thirsty; drinks, spews water, creating a lake, streams; see motif B7]: Barrett 1933, No. 15/2-3, 16/1-2, 17/1-2, 18/2-4, 19, 20:96-100, 109-111, 113-115, 118-121, 121- 122, 123-124.

The Great Southwest. Kiliva [Keméy Yuwílu killed only one mole; created sons, they killed many; people dug a hole out of envy, covered it with branches, invited the young men to sit down, killed them, fell asleep; a bird told their father about the incident; he took out the rabbit's giblets, threw it on four sides, storm clouds appeared, all people died in the storm; the animals hid from the flood in the sand]: Meigs 1939:67-68.

Western Amazon. Kandoshi [the boy threw fish poison into the water, dived, took out fish, let him bake, ate; angry children envied him, threw sand into his eyes; one person scolded children for bullying Son of God, washed the boy's eyes; he flew to heaven to his father, creating a genip tree (huito) and telling that man to climb it; the wind began, the flood; the man and wife climbed the tree, it kept growing, the rest drowned; the woman in the middle of the trunk became a nest of ants (comejen); the man ate fruits, threw the seeds down; first they fell into deep water, then into shallow water; he began to descend; the bone fell back into the deep water, but it was only a pond at the foot of the tree; the spirit directed the man to the newly burned area, in the same house; when he returned from fishing, a person sees fire in the hearth, a prepared masato drink; a man hid, saw a man, a woman and two daughters; a man grabbed a less beautiful one, and the girls' parents became parrots and flew away; they came again to help, The man's wife grabbed her sister, but she escaped; the parrots did not return again; the wife gave birth to many children, they came out of different places on her body - legs, head; separated to become people of different races]: Page 1975:1-8; kandoshi (myna): Figueroa 1661 in Dean 1994 [during the flood, only a man and a woman escaped from the Sapote tree, ate its fruits; when the waters came down, descended, gave birth to new people; others say that the tree grew to the sky, and the flood was a punishment; God, covered with ulcers, came to the people who were fishing and they threw it into the pit; one person pulled it out, for which God saved him; {more, probably , was about a man marrying a parrot girl}]: 39; (cf. waorani [moon's son lived on a sandy beach by the river; people decided to grab him; he found out, ran away; he continued to be chased, he went to heaven, where he stayed]: Matusovsky 2012:239).

Montagna - Jurua. Urarina [people almost kill a fisherman boy by burying him in the mud, his father sends a flood; people flee the flood on the Erythrina elei tree; during the long night they throw fruits down to find out whether the water has slept; the man sends down to explore first one son, who turns into a heron, then the second, who turns into a Caracara plantus bird, then descends himself; finds a hut in it cooked food; he hides in a hole, sees a boat descending from the sky; at the stern sits his "our goddess" dressed in a tapa, and her maid on her nose, she did not know how to make bast matter; she shouts that another one is intended for him, but he does not let her in; she {in the text is "he", but clearly talking about this woman} consistently tells a snake (pit viper, Bothrops piuctus), a spider, a giant ant ( Isula, Myrmca saevissima, the bite is very painful) bite him, but he does not let him out; so there are still people who do not even know how to make bast matter; and the intended wife flew away like a bird; they are not copulated, but only hugged; to make a child, the wife rolled a ball of cotton; when the husband returned from hunting, the cotton baby was already coming to meet him and calling him; the husband waited and saw his wife makes children; she said she wanted children to appear without suffering; if you do not abstain from having sex for 10 months after giving birth, the baby will get sick; but her husband got along with her, the baby fell ill, died; var. (p.39): the child asks me to write everything, the father is furious to cut him in half, he turns into a cricket]: Dean 1994:25-28; shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987 [a boy comes, shoots fish with a bow, they they become big; people are envious, they bury a boy with his property on the river bank; a man with his wife and two children finds him, tears him off; he causes a flood, tells the man to climb the genip tree; the rest of the people die; the wife turns into a nest of termites; the sun hides; the man and his children grope for food prepared for them in the dark; the man throws down the fruit, on the sixth day the fruit falls on land, not water; a man goes down, his children turn into huancay birds; a man finds food cooked in the house; waits for two women who have come in a boat; grabs a maid sitting on his nose; The daughter of the sun sitting aft swims away, marries a Spaniard; a shipibo-conibo are the descendants of a maid]: 347-349; Roe 1982, No. 1 [as in Gebhaert-Sayer; after the flood, a person does not know where the beer vessel comes from; hides, sees two women coming in the boat; before the boat appears, a parrot arrives and flies away; grabs a maid, not a noble one]: 49-50; netsebo [a person suppresses a fish with poison; sees her an unfamiliar boy picks him up; he says that his father sent him; a man buries the boy on the shore in clay; another man finds him, saves him; he tells him to climb a tall genipa, on which many fruits - his father will punish people with darkness and a flood; a person warns others, they do not believe him, arrange a holiday; rain floods the earth with a flood; when he climbs a tree, a man with his wife and children see how others turn into palm trees (palmera), tuquituquis birds; survivors find a vessel of food on a tree; a person throws fruits down to see if the water has descended; as the water level drops, the last fruit falls into the mud, dawns; the man's son turns into a huancahui bird, flies away; the wife is afraid to get off, turns into a nest of termites; the man goes down, wanders in search of people, every time returning to the tree, he finds a vessel with a drink next to it; hides in a hole, sees a boat coming from the upper reaches of the river, in which one woman aft, the other on the bow; the first to descend is the man she grabs her; she says that his father Inca sent him the one at the stern; tells various poisonous insects to bite him, but he does not let her go; this is how the maid remained with the man; two days later she gave birth a boy, three more a girl, they grew up right away; the third time the husband spies, so the child dies; the wife says people will now die]: Bardales Rodriguez 1979:42-47.

Southern Amazon. Bororo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 29 [Meríri Poro did not go fishing with everyone; people give his son a fish called his mother's genitals; in revenge for the insult, MP comes to the river , but finds only a water spirit there, wounds him with an arrow; the river overflows, MP (var.: another character) escapes to the mountain, makes a fire, throws hot stones into the water, the flood ends; MP marries deer, their descendants from generation to generation look more and more like humans, are repopulating the country], 30 [Jokurugwa shot the spirit that stole fish from its top; he caused a flood; J. warned people, but to him They did not believe it, he escaped alone on the mountain; J. heated the stones, threw them into the water, the flood ended; J. married a deer, their descendants settled the country]: 71-73, 73-74.

Chaco. Ayoreo [boys beat a son living among humans with thunder, his father and other thunder send a flood]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 26, 27:51-52, 56-57.

The Southern Cone. The Yagans [the young Hawk (Milvago chimango) is rejected by the girl, she and the rest of the people at the camp laugh at him; they bring him sausages not with guanaco blood, but with their own, extracted from his nose; from he withers of this food; two women told Hawk what he was fed; he asks them to paint it, returns to his parents' camp; makes fires on the way; the mother at first does not believe that her son is finally returned; his shaman father dreams of a dead whale; pieces of whale meat eaten rush to the carcass, dragging people with him; people stick to the whale, it comes to life and swims into the sea; people turn into parasites on whale skin; only two women who felt sorry for the shaman's son are left on the shore]: Wilbert 1977, No. 54:159-162.