Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C16A. The offended pet owner.

An offended owner of animals or fish takes them away and food supplies. See H32A motif.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas.

Western Siberia. Yamal Nenets; Southern Selkups.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanai (Kur-Urmi) [well done entering the house where old Sangeni has iron hair; she would kill him, but the beauty summoned her to fight and is seriously wounded herself; the iron satka tells me to get it a three-legged one-eared golden hare and a nine-planted bear; well done catches, binds a hare; the bear almost killed him, but beautiful Khumsikani came down from the sky, defeated her; well done, brought a hare, a bear, his wife recovered; once sent her husband to fish, but he came back, started hitting her {it's not clear why}; she left, taking away all her food, all the poultry and the game; well done, he is starving to death, finds himself in the underworld; as if on earth, he lives with a local beauty; she makes a paper horse, turns it into a real one, he returns to earth to his two wives; his wife is taken away by Borolda Bonga; well done comes to him; there is a beauty, her jewelry is frogs and crayfish; he fights with B.; a bird from a tree throws him a golden box, an egg in it, B.'s life in it; well done breaks an egg; brought home a third wife]: Sunik 1958, No. 4:136-139; nivhi.

Subarctic. Taltan; tsetsot.

NW Coast. Tlingits; Haida (Masset); Tsimshian; Bellacula; Heiltsuk.